TER General Board

If they are successful providers then it is axiomatic that they understand the male species....
luv.lee8t6 See my TER Reviews 1430 reads
1 / 12

Ladies......do u ever feel like being a provider has given you the opportunity to better understand the male species? I'm sure I'm not the only one.
If the male species were a college course I think I would've earned my associates by now.
Does this hinder u when it comes to dating?
Or does it help u?
Do u find yourself being more critical or understanding

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 422 reads
2 / 12

I wish you ladies would stop poking, prodding, ogling (or is it oogling), and studying us men like we are pieces of meat -  we have feelings too, you know.  I know I'm tired of being treated like a human sybian - just expected to hand out female orgasms left and right purely for the enjoyment of our ladies.  It's exhausting and degrading (but mainly exhausting).

Ladies, please stop and think about our feelings as men.  We are human beings too.  We aren't your study objects, human sybians, or 24/7 sex machines.  Many of us have great personalities, too.  Well a few of us anyway.  Ok, forget our personalities - some of us have some very interesting hobbies (besides THE HOBBY obviously).

We men are so tired of being treated just as sex objects - right guys?

lordchesterfield 2 Reviews 367 reads
3 / 12

If you've been a provider for any length of time and only have your associates degree, you are doing something wrong. You probably haven't been doing your homework.

Hu11 40 Reviews 386 reads
4 / 12

You weren't graduated if you are woman and haven't learned that yet.

Vivianna Love See my TER Reviews 421 reads
5 / 12

its like me saying my degree in  Psychology isn't good.  
Practice makes a lot of difference.  Even a degree in something doesn't teach you much... Unless, you have a passion, or you have been doing it for so long it becomes second nature for you.  

Understanding the males?  
First thing, were here to  
reproduce, multiply, propagate, breed.  
then we must understand how our brain works.  

Here you go:
In our world.  To know someone is to take the time to get to know them.  
We all make assumptions,  without knowing a person background or history, the place they were in and the choices they had.  This is what builds our character.

As far as dating... we date, we learn what we like,  what we don't and move on...Until your blessed to cross paths with your soul mate...  
Once a person loves them selves they have a healthy brain to love another.  

"You'll never know the sweet, until you tasted the soul"

"You'll never know what you had until its gone"  


mrfisher 108 Reviews 340 reads
6 / 12

Not that there is all that much to understand.  We are pretty simple in terms of our wiring.

Oh that it would be that my long association with women would have afforded me some glimpse of understand of the female half.  I fear that most anything I would have learned is wrong, and the best I can ever hope for is to learn how wrong most of what I know is.

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bdb6 24 Reviews 341 reads
7 / 12

And as Oscar Wilde once said, "Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood."

-- Modified on 4/12/2015 4:32:20 PM

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-- Modified on 4/12/2015 4:36:43 PM

luv.lee8t6 See my TER Reviews 312 reads
8 / 12

Whoa......why so serious....sensitive...and literal?
Lighten up!!!
All I'm saying is I have a better understanding of men!!!

Maybe I should reword it.........
I didn't come into this hobby to understand men. I didn't give much thought to it. Maybe I should say people and it will sound better. I have a better understanding of people. But in the hobby I'm dealing with men.....so I said men.
I'm usually a reserved person. Not the type to go to happy hour and carry a conversation with a stranger.
The hobby, inadvertently pushed me more out of my shell.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 341 reads
9 / 12

Is there really that much to understand? Women seem easy enough to figure out.

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 334 reads
11 / 12

I thought I was being outsnarked there for a minute.  Then I realized you didn't get my joke - sorry about that.

Serious, sensitive, and literal?  - you must have me confused with someone else.

Anyway, please carry on - you were saying how you have a better understanding of men...

Posted By: luv.lee8t6
Whoa......why so serious....sensitive...and literal?  
 Lighten up!!!  
 All I'm saying is I have a better understanding of men!!!  
 Maybe I should reword it.........  
 I didn't come into this hobby to understand men. I didn't give much thought to it. Maybe I should say people and it will sound better. I have a better understanding of people. But in the hobby I'm dealing with men.....so I said men.  
 I'm usually a reserved person. Not the type to go to happy hour and carry a conversation with a stranger.  
 The hobby, inadvertently pushed me more out of my shell.

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