TER General Board

If I could take my tongue out of my cheek,
Skinny_Minnie:-) 2576 reads
1 / 42

Pardon the alias.

Ok.  So there's a big elephant in the room that we all know, but no one wants to talk about:  The fact that there is some "rounding up" of scores in the hobby.  

In the real world, I believe that I am a 8.5-9.1 in appearance.  But in the hobby, my average appearance score is closer to 10.  

So my question is, how can a girl turn into a REAL WORLD 10?  Or can she?  Is the "10" just an optical allusion?  For example, simply wearing a pretty pink or red dress with heels and my hair down and wavy can boost me .5 to 1 points in the real world, whereas if I'm wearing a tshirt and sweatpants with a baseball cap, my looks can plummet as many as 3 points.

Is a real world 10 a rare creature born of great genes, or is any 8 with the right styling a "10 diamond in the rough"?


-- Modified on 8/20/2014 8:53:43 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1223 reads
2 / 42

I certainly don't want it but it does seem to be the way certain hookers get their scores up. Of course, there are other ways, like blackmail.

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 1433 reads
3 / 42


I think tens are an illusion LOL

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1080 reads
4 / 42

I don't go around saying....she is 7 or she is 9 or she is 10...or what have you.. I have been a big opponent of the scoring system. It introduces unnecessary drama in the mongering world. Its a real shame that we can't submit reviews just based plainly on the verbiage and not the numerical system.  

Other than the outliers of those who are really really ugly, probably due to some defect they are born with, we all have our 10s that we are attracted to...

The 10 on TER is not optical illusion, its most likely manipulation...  You're welcome !!!

-- Modified on 8/20/2014 9:47:21 PM

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 962 reads
5 / 42

I suggest you give all you have to the poor--except one tow bag full of clothes--and travel the world seeking the true meaning of life. The sunshine, fresh air, and simple food will make you beautiful beyond your dreams. You will become adept at bringing comfort and happiness to others in exchange for your day-to-day survival. And you will emerge when you least expect it as a real rabbit. Et, I mean as a 10/10. You'll emerge as a 1/10. Only wiser than all the other 10/10's who just booked a shoot with Aldo.

Posted By: Skinny_Minnie:-)
Pardon the alias.  
 Ok.  So there's a big elephant in the room that we all know, but no one wants to talk about:  The fact that there is some "rounding up" of scores in the hobby.    
 In the real world, I believe that I am a 8.5-9.16 in appearance depending on my hair, makeup, and outfit.  But in the hobby, my average appearance score is closer to 10.    
 So my question is, how can a girl turn into a REAL WORLD 10?  Or can she?  Are there any TRUE 10s in the world?  Is the "10" just an optical allusion?  For example, simply wearing a pretty pink or red dress with heels and my hair down and wavy can boost me .5 to 1 points in the real world, whereas if I'm wearing a tshirt and sweatpants with a baseball cap, my looks can plummet as many as 3 or 4 points.  
 Is a real world 10 a rare creature born of great genes, or is any 8 with the right styling just a "10 diamond in the rough"?  

-- Modified on 8/20/2014 7:32:36 PM

Skinny_Minnie:-) 1513 reads
6 / 42

No one is barebacking or blackmailing everyone.  Lol

CorbinCandor 1122 reads
7 / 42

..unconditionally, through thick or thin, good or bad, right or wrong…ooops! That sounds like marriage….but in hobbying, I don’t think marriage is part of the equation lol! So I may have a hard time getting past 9.

Blowing Chunks 1174 reads
8 / 42

I strongly think that most perfect tens actually come from 8 or 9 looking girls who bring out the best in themselves and are perceived by guys who think of them as perfect tens.  A bit of "beholder"  and "avsolute"  both at play to some varying extent.  

Imo, There are no true 10s  if you strip away make ups,  clothings, and other stuff.  Going from 9 to a 10 has so many factors and most guy have differing opinions.  

While most guys may agree on who's a plain looking 4 or 5 versus who's an attractive 7 or 8, the gap between 8 or 9 to a 10,  I tend to think of these gaps as the "eye of the beholder zone".  

Knowing the girl well and liking who she is can change my views about her and perceive her to be a notch more attractive.  She can seem magically prettier in my eyes if I really like her even when she isn't perfectly my type.  

Other factors may play a role too, the amount of time spent and invested in each other, getting used to her scent,  etc. .  

What she's wearing plays a big role too,  a good make up can really bring out the gorgeous in a girl but technically this is still artificial and not the REAL her. Still it shows what she can be with the help of cosmetics.  

I'm sure some guys find you a real world 10 even though you might think you're a 9.

Charlie Tweeder 97 Reviews 1191 reads
9 / 42

professional make up artist, really good hair stylist, the right outfit and lighting, can sometimes turn a 7 into a 10 even. Of course photoshopping doesn't hurt.

Look at Cameron Diaz without make up and then look at her photoshoots for magazines.

If you truly look at a 10 at someone who is perfect without any flaws, outside of a few super modles, those people are very very few and far betweed in real life.

Blowing Chunks 913 reads
10 / 42
inicky46 61 Reviews 1096 reads
12 / 42

I could use it to lick you somewhere, if you'd like. LOL!

Skinny_Minnie:-) 1034 reads
13 / 42

Except for the photoshopping comment.  I was asking about if an 8 girl can BECOME a real world 10.  So, I agree with you about lighting and styling.  This is why girls buy so many clothes!  The fitting room lighting in a lot of stores is *really* good!

JohnyComeAlready 696 reads
14 / 42

That's where I think the high scores come from. Some on here talk like they bag tens all day. Then I see the same folks chasing around anything but, a ten. I don't say nothing about it.

xyz23 45 Reviews 1111 reads
15 / 42

...she isn't a 10. A 10 is without all that. I don't think an 8 (again without the help) can be a 10. I like when woman wear little or no make-up. Yes, a woman can look better with make-up but that's not her it's the make-up.

Charlie Tweeder 97 Reviews 1222 reads
16 / 42

Having been apart of the hobby and this world for many years, I have been able to meet alot of very beautiful women. There are many ladies that I have met who would be considered "real world" 10s to my vanilla friends.

That beeing said, I would agree with you that appearance scores are slightly inflated here. I am a bit guilty of doing it myself.

Charlie Tweeder 97 Reviews 867 reads
17 / 42

I don't know that I have many if any women with very little make up and a very natural look that I would say were 10's. 9's sure, but to say that they are perfect 10's without make up and hair done up and hard thing to do.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 1227 reads
18 / 42

And to add to that, there is nothing wrong with an 8 (really hot) or even a 7 (attractive)!

89Springer 943 reads
19 / 42

Providers in general are better looking than the female population as a whole, but it's obviously a much smaller population. So, a guy who's scoring you is probably not comparing you to the general population, but to all other providers.

Hit some clubs in a major city in a Saturday night, and you'll likely see a few women in your league (although maybe not with such perfect bodies). The scoring becomes more difficult because there's more competition among women with your looks or maybe better.

In the "real" world, as has been said, a true 10 needs to be made up by a stylist, etc. For me, the only true 10 is Sophia Loren. In some of her peasant roles, though, she doesn't look like a 10. It's the clothes, hair and makeup that give that last .5 to 1.

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 854 reads
20 / 42

if you see them without their makeup things change a lot..I think the look ratings also are based on body, attitude and performance.  Someone once said "If it's a once in a lifetime experience, how can I give more than one." I now grade lower

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1026 reads
21 / 42

to suck and fuck....    seeing her from this perspective does produce an optical illusion for some,  resulting in a bit of generosity....

in general I would say that if you are comparing providers to real world beautiful women, in *most but certainly not all* cases I would be deducting 2 - 3 points based on the reviews I've seen.....

I also think that people have strongly different preferences -  mine run toward someone who is a size 0/2  - slender but toned, while many of my fellow mongers seem to think that a girl who is a size 8-12 is perfect....      

I see a lot of Asian providers who are young slender and toned - and who are very pretty....   I probably rate them a 9 on average....   without the hair and makeup and in a different setting, who knows?    

or perhaps the better question is - who *wants* to know?

but to your last question,  in real life I have known a number of models with recognizable names...    and I can say that without benefit of hair styling makeup artistry wardrobe styling professional lighting etc   - in other words in real life -   most of them loose a couple of points as well.....

WeirdHobbyist 947 reads
22 / 42

To what I take to be your primary question, I am not sure there's much you could do with styling, makeup, etc. to make yourself into a real world 10 for me if you're naturally an 8.  Obviously I can't know how much makeup some of people I'd rate real world 10s were wearing when I saw them, but I have trouble believing the gap between what I'd consider a real world 10 and a TER or "hobby" 10 would be closed by makeup.  

For the record, my standard for a real world 10 is not "movie star" hot, it's more like one of the hottest chicks at a nice club or very upscale bar on a Saturday night or top 1-5% or so of women.  

However, my experience as a still relatively new  hobbyist has been that I have seen several ladies who are rated as 8.5 or 9+ in appearance on this site with performance scores to match.  Almost all the ladies have been wonderful people and I had an amazing time with them, so all deserved high performance scores in my mind.  On the other hand, almost none of the women I have seen would have gotten appearance scores from me (if I were grading to my real world scale) that were above their average hotness scores from other hobbyists.

What does that mean?  I'm not sure.  For whatever it's worth, the bodies of the provider's I've seen are real world 8+ material, it's been more about facial features keeping them down (providers totally understandably often blur out their faces, but I can't screen for faces I find attractive because of it).

As another comment few providers I've seen are as hot in my mind as the hotter strippers in the nicer clubs in major cities (NY, LA, Vegas, etc.) in the US.  There are obvious reasons why that might be, but it's worth mentioning.

My final point is that the hotness scale gap for me seems to get bigger with age, so perhaps I am simply more attracted to younger providers than the average TER reviewer (I get the sense I am a decade or two younger than the average hobbyist so that is a real possibility).

Any other theories or comments (thanks for sticking with me if you did)?

tl;dr: hobby hotness scale is inflated.  Not sure why.

WeirdHobbyist 1272 reads
23 / 42

in general I would say that if you are comparing providers to real world beautiful women, in *most but certainly not all* cases I would be deducting 2 - 3 points based on the reviews I've seen.....
I also think that people have strongly different preferences -  mine run toward someone who is a size 0/2  - slender but toned, while many of my fellow mongers seem to think that a girl who is a size 8-12 is perfect....      
I see a lot of Asian providers who are young slender and toned - and who are very pretty....   I probably rate them a 9 on average....   without the hair and makeup and in a different setting, who knows?      
Totally agree with much of this.

Skinny_Minnie:-) 977 reads
25 / 42
Skinny_Minnie:-) 1125 reads
26 / 42

Such as most providers are not as hot as strippers you've seen.  So I think the context and environment that you see a woman in makes her more or less attractive.  Strippers wear glittery outfits and grind on your lap so they're super sexy/hot, providers are hotter than real world women because they suck and fck, and regular girls walking down the street are not as hot because maybe they're just wearing jeans and a blouse or pushing strollers, not flaunting their sex appeal.  So the context and clothes, etc take away from or add to a woman's appearance score.

YouDumbAss 1033 reads
28 / 42
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 914 reads
30 / 42

You'd want to fit some consensus of what the people appraising you consider quality, and then develop your image to conform to that. It isn't really a fictional notice, it's what looks attract the most men. Think of it more as a game. They're playing already, so they might as well play to win...unless they just like to play.

Blowing Chunks 979 reads
31 / 42
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1052 reads
32 / 42

esides some score whiners!

inicky46 61 Reviews 875 reads
33 / 42

And seemingly, is looking for trouble.  As far as that goes our little piñata has, at least, come to the right place.
I guess he also thinks I'm into blackmail, too.

-- Modified on 8/21/2014 7:25:17 AM

inicky46 61 Reviews 806 reads
34 / 42
Epsilon_Eridani 773 reads
35 / 42

are subjective.

meaning that if I were to see you and based my scoring on what I believe is to be correct, then you don't believe my scoring to "fit in" with your inflated perception of yourself.  

are you going to go bat shit crazy on me for not posting a score that meets your vanity?

I don't discuss someone else's vanity and twisted inflated egos. I leave that to Dr. Phil.
Posted By: Skinny_Minnie:-)
Pardon the alias.  
 Ok.  So there's a big elephant in the room that we all know, but no one wants to talk about:  The fact that there is some "rounding up" of scores in the hobby.    
 In the real world, I believe that I am a 8.5-9.1 in appearance.  But in the hobby, my average appearance score is closer to 10.    
 So my question is, how can a girl turn into a REAL WORLD 10?  Or can she?  Is the "10" just an optical allusion?  For example, simply wearing a pretty pink or red dress with heels and my hair down and wavy can boost me .5 to 1 points in the real world, whereas if I'm wearing a tshirt and sweatpants with a baseball cap, my looks can plummet as many as 3 points.  
 Is a real world 10 a rare creature born of great genes, or is any 8 with the right styling a "10 diamond in the rough"?  

-- Modified on 8/20/2014 8:53:43 PM

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 862 reads
36 / 42

insist they prefer "natural" women- who don't wear makeup. But honestly, in a room full of ladies, some with makeup and some without makeup, I guarantee you they'll be ogling the ones with makeup. Too funny!

yellowfever1250 10 Reviews 721 reads
37 / 42

9s or 10s are given out to the ones who are your "type."

You know the ones that just have something about them thats really appealing to you

Skinny_Minnie:-) 1214 reads
38 / 42

I think when guys hear the word "makeup" they get an image in their mind of Tammy Fay Baker.  Caked up face, rouge on their cheeks, blue eye shadow, black eyebrows, hot pink lipstick.  

They don't wear makeup so they don't understand exactly what it is.

I don't know about you Sarah, but if I didn't wear ANY makeup, people would look at me and think I was sick, or sad, or having a rough day.  Most women wear light makeup daily, just to walk the dog or grocery shop.  It's just something to make yourself publicly presentable like combing your hair or brushing your teeth.  

-- Modified on 8/21/2014 7:52:33 AM

cocktail-party 976 reads
39 / 42

Just take a look at all the celebrity before and after makeup pics. In this realm, performance will raise your appearance score. I've met some true physical 10's (by current western beauty standards), but I've also met others who were just cute/attractive on first glance, but turned into the most beautiful in the world by the end of the encounter.

Robert_BadenPowell 867 reads
40 / 42

... they're as subjective as anything can be.  As evidence, I offer all the TER profiles where the Appearance scores range from 5 or 6 to 10.  Some of that may be due to "grade inflation", but I think much of it is reviewers actually believing the lady was a 10... or 9, or 8... or a 5.

To me, true "10s" are rare.  I've only given one 10 for Appearance, and in my mind she is unquestionably a 10.  Beautiful face, eyes, smile; great hair; exquisite body in every respect; and exceptional taste in attire.  But more than that, her personality is a 10 also.  A lovely woman inside and out.  

I must admit that I take personality, intelligence, wit etc. into account when deciding on Appearance scores.  I don't do it consciously, but I can't help that a woman who stands out in those areas is more attractive to me than one who is gorgeous on the outside but deficient elsewhere.

Therefore, Minnie, don't be surprised that most of your clients give you 10s even though you believe you're in the 8.5-9.1 range.  They are probably considering non-visual factors.  Or it could be you're simply a tough grader.  ;)

xyz23 45 Reviews 925 reads
41 / 42

...with her is something else entirely. I will look for sure. I will spend time evaluating and don't forget (for me at least) personality is important. So I prefer little or no make-up. Doesn't mean I wouldn't spend time with a lady that used it. In the case of a provider I'd ask her to not wear it. My second wife used way to much. I asked her to not wear as much after we'd known each other for a while. (Divorced now but that's another story. No not over make-up.)  

I still say if a woman needs the clothes, make-up, hair style to be a 10 she isn't a 10.  


edited for spelling

-- Modified on 8/21/2014 6:52:14 PM

Blowing Chunks 658 reads
42 / 42
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