TER General Board

If I can help a friend
vantheman666 10 Reviews 528 reads

I have never been asked for advice, but it certainly wouldn't turn me off.  I can talk about anything and everything with providers, it's one of the reasons I like this hobby so much.  On a side note, one poster mentioned he doesn't see any providers that look like his daughters.  Now imagine that I set a date with a provider who blurs her photos, and when I get there, I find that her face looks like my daughter's...now THAT would freak the shit out of me.

BlondeRoots1724 reads

A question for the fine gentlemen of TER:

So, I have two favorite clients right now and I asked both of them recently for some real life advice (mainstream career, money, etc)  

Both guys later asked me, in different ways, if I see them as a father figure.  One guy even said that he is really attracted to me as a woman but thinks Im only attracted to him as a father figure.  Which I guess is kinda true since he's 30 years older and very successful and smart.  

Sooooo.... Is it a turn off when a younger escort asks you for life advice?  Is that like a boner killer or??

I usually see ladies that are younger than me and on occasion they may ask me for an opinion on an item or my perspective of something.  In a way I find it flattering that they would ask.

However call me Daddy and yep, that's an instant boner killer.

Recently there's been a lot of "Daddy" calling in porn, it is very distracting, especially if the girl is pouring it on.  

I don't have children, but if I did I'd sure not want to have sex with my daughter.

It scared the shit out of me lol! I was like "What the---- ok I'll deal with it, but I don't like it" type feeling.

Once he popped he was back to treating me like an adult. I guess I don't do well with someone transforming me into a child while we're having sex. Freaks me out a bit lol. I like "two consenting adults".

So yeah no one ever has to worry about me calling them "daddy". LOL Though I like guys a decade or two older than me.

Yeah, years ago (as a civvie), I was seeing a man who was maybe 20 years older.  The first time we were together, he started using baby talk!!! No kidding!!! I faked sick, or probably not so much faking, and got out of bed.  

Later I notice him talking to his dogs that way, asking his plants if they want water in that voice, mentioning something about an accident he was working on in that voice.  He was a really stern man generally and I think that may have just been his "gentle" tone, so I did try a couple more times, but just could...NOT.  Omg I'm almost gagging right now  thinking about if I wood wike a widdle kiss on...  Blech!

to it hahaha.  

So it's all relative. It's just when I have to start acting that I'm like "Damn - I wish I could have not had to act and I could have enjoyed it."

Because I do actually walk into dates treating it like a date - most of the times it's awesome. Just back in the beginning it got a little awkward, because they'd just flip a switch and become a different person. I thought it was fun as hell to see, just not really my thing.

The man in charge, the patriarch.  As a child, didn't you hear Daddy sneak off with Mommy?  And they called eaxh other that, right?

The counterpart would be mommy, my girl (used for adult women in the South), or... I've had an Englishman respond with, "Well I think Daddy needs Mummy to..." and I just melllllted.

Everything is exaggerated in porn, but it really isn't ever referring to incest. (Well, sometimes it is but that's a whole separate kink, not just saying Daddy)

When someone tells me that, I tend to take that as a personal challenge.  I patiently wait until the next time we're together, turn the Southern accent up to an 11 ;)  add a little purrrrr and use it in the third person...

"Oooooohhhhhh... That was such a baaad daddy..."

I've softened exactly zero "boners" with that line.

That may depend on the age difference between you and the other person.

Without divulging to much, let's just say that my current two favorites are both of young, college aged ladies and their combined ages are shy of mine.  So yea, using that one word  in any context will most certainly kill the mood instantaneously.

If the age difference is 25 years or so, I usually will toss it into a more casual conversation to gauge their reaction.

But I think your point is more about their age than the difference.  If they actually still DO call their father "Daddy" and aren't old enough to (reasonably) have preschoolers of their own, that could be ick.

I'm flattered if someone asks for input or advice.  Just ask me after playtime, not in the middle of things.  :)

I feel flattered, and it makes me feel closer to her. If anything, it probably enhances the experience by giving the relationship more depth.

It might be a problem if it was a bit too fraught. For example, if she was obviously working out difficult issues from her childhood or adolescence. However, so far, it has just been what you describe.

BlondeRoots553 reads

Ok good to know.  I think both of my clients I asked advice from have actual feelings for me and that's why they don't want me to think of them as wise old men.

Thank goodness they're old enough to know to just listen, say I'm smart, and get their dick sucked. LOL. I had a 70 year old guy who would come to see me, and if I yack yacked too much, he would get on his knees and put his dick in my face. LOL

I have a few friends I ask advice to, but they are quick to offer it, and actually are pretty sound in the advice. Especially business advice and how to deal with people. heheh. Then there are people who think I'll listen just because they're older, (none of my current buddies, btw,) and give me the most off advice I've ever heard. But I just smile and nod and tell them they're smart.

I guess it depends on how old you are. If you're a young 20-something, I would think a lot of guys get off on that father figure stuff. My problem is, I pull out the pointer finger and say, "Now don't you let any of these girls ruin you by taking all of your money. You're a softie - be careful." lol

I have no idea where that comes from..  

Every now and then (ok always) I will give a piece of advice that kinda' freaks the shit out of some guys, but they keep coming back. Probably because they leave thinking "WTF was that?" LOL!

-- Modified on 9/10/2015 9:32:20 PM

Well, it had to be either a father figure, or a mommy figure. Personally, I don't like either. I'm simply looking for someone who loves sex too. But there is a lady who yells 'Daddy' in the heat of passion. Obviously, a huge turn off for me. But since she wildly slams her arms against the walls when she cums, that qualifies as sex loving, so I can get past all the 'Daddies'.

Sweetie, did you realize 97.9% of my OTC comes from giving younger hookers like yourself business/money advice?

The other 2.1% comes from them wanting to discuss crystals and Ouija boards

all my ladies love their Daddy..

It wouldn't be a boner killer unless she actually looked like a daughter of mine - which is pretty unlikely because my favorite type is very different from my own kids.

For me, seeing escorts is in part about wanting to be a more care-free version of myself, at least for an hour or two.  I really just want to have fun and escape from real life concerns.  Don't think I act very "fatherly" when BCD, and I have not yet had any off-the-clock time with an escort.  

And feel free to call me Papi - that kinda works for me

GaGambler570 reads

the "for" is not that important.

I happen to love hearing "Oh Papi, Oh Papi"  "Daddy" never did much for me in that regard.

Posted By: GaGambler
the "for" is not that important.  
 I happen to love hearing "Oh Papi, Oh Papi"  "Daddy" never did much for me in that regard.

but I suppose I could put my mind in the gutter for a while and live the dream

What the heck does he expect? He should be lucky you are attracted at all...lol

Well I guess some women  like that old relic look.

GaGambler561 reads

and they had almost a dozen kids together, stayed together until he died and she never remarried all the way to her death many years later.

I myself have been involved with a woman almost exactly thirty years younger than me as a "real" GF. I guess some  guys hold their age better than others.

and aren't you the shallow one, you sound almost as shallow as the guys. Not quite as shallow as me, but a lot more shallow than the BSU crowd.

And why not? I keep in great shape so I am not about to slum it with some fat guy or some relic. Seriously, I can't get remotely turned on if I do not have the visuals.

I don't think you're shallow at all GaGambler.  But then you don't come across as judgmental to this reader either.  I don't like that hbyst poster, as he/she seems to honestly have issues with the P4P world and the real world.  Being shallow has nothing to do with how people interact.  Most people are interested in what they are, but most don't judge what others do as boisterously (and negatively) as a poster like hbyst.

I have observed different types of boards over the years.  And there's always that one who stands out as someone that may be on the news one day, and not in a good way.  

When a poster has to tell other anonymous posters how hot, fit, young they are, I generally dismiss that as phluff.  And someone who is generally an internet troll seeking affirmative attention.

BlondeRoots672 reads

Just short term though.  I wouldn't want to settle down with a guy way older though because he's be knocking on heavens door before our kids finishing high school

GaGambler775 reads

Besides of course the fact that I am a shallow pig who loves young hard bodies.

Whenever I am dating an "age appropriate" woman they always seem to get serious and start making plans for the "future". I know damn well when seeing a woman thirty years younger than me that we have no "future" and we can simply enjoy the present.

I have no desire to settle down with anybody, and by dating only women that are completely age "inappropriate" I know that is rarely a risk.

I happen to like being called daddy.  Or papi.  I think it's hot.  It's never been an incestuous thing - it's more of a power exchange thing.

And I'm cool if a girl asks me for advice.  It's actually a nice something something that ties in well with the whole GFE fantasy.  And I ask them for advice too.  Especially with what is new and cool.  I have my new smartphone exactly because a lovely and very tech savvy favorite of mine showed me hers.  And I'm listening to some really good, new music that I might not have known about for the very same reason.

Because some of us "distinguished gentlemen" can become a bit out of touch.  Shocker.  LOL.

I have never been asked for advice, but it certainly wouldn't turn me off.  I can talk about anything and everything with providers, it's one of the reasons I like this hobby so much.  On a side note, one poster mentioned he doesn't see any providers that look like his daughters.  Now imagine that I set a date with a provider who blurs her photos, and when I get there, I find that her face looks like my daughter's...now THAT would freak the shit out of me.

Beyond the physical attraction the mental aspects are just as special. To me it means there is a total connection. I give my opinion and she can do what she wants with that info

If a father figure relates to any fine young providers that have daddy issues - that's exacadactly what this OG is looking for.  lol.

Young people should be spending more time getting advice from those of us that know WTF we're talking about.  That should just be common sense.  I always feel confirmed and honored when a young person seeks the benefit of my world experience.

VOO-doo742 reads

And I have no desire to do so, ever again. (By age-appropriate, I mean that we were in the same decade...although, we were on opposite ends of it. Me at the beginning, he at the end.)

I find older men much more patient and fascinating. I don't really yearn for someone young and hot, so much as a person whose company I will never tire of. I could find that with a younger guy, I suppose, but something - maybe it is this hobby - has caused me to prefer the company of men of a generation or two (or three) ahead. That's how it's been with most friendships and relationships I've struck up with guys, ever since...ever. At first the age difference was 4-5 years, now it's 20-25, lol.  

I've found all of my partners (IRL) physically attractive, although a few of them might not be what might be considered conventionally 'hot'. But for me, deep attraction is a multifaceted phenomenon. While I might casually notice that a guy at the gym is cute, he doesn't matter. A person isn't truly attractive, or hot, to me until he matters...even if he is an Abercrombie & Fitch model. If I'm not deeply drawn to the person on multiple levels, then...meh.

PussyLipGloss543 reads

My fav says the same thing. She's just below 30 but will only date men 45 and up (or so), and none who were never married, but would date a married man (bizarre). Has zero interest in her male cohorts, cute/young/hot guys. Which I sorta don't get, but am nonjudgmental about.  

I've dated and married above my age and did so for these traits: maturity and balance. That did not address a need, however: sexual passion. Not the age, just the women I was drawn to. Now? After years in this world? 30-35, roughly. Almost as a rule. Sexual peak, know their bodies and desires and are forward about that, but also lightly seasoned in the world, not overdone, hopeful and driven, solid, engaged, focused. It's a golden age range (IMHO), and these women are exceedingly "eligible" as a group, so much more interesting than those under 28 or so. Women in their 40s, while my peers, are often healing from the bruising of men who married them, or all those who did not. It's a dicey age range. So, the Sweet Spot has all my non-hobby attention.  

Thus, I appreciate your focus on "men of a certain age".

Corny as it sounds: There's someone for nearly everyone. And not just one, either.

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