TER General Board

IF he had already left the donation on the dresser
justherelooking 4284 reads
1 / 116

A client said that to me... 5 words that literally stopped me in my tracks. I should be paying him. Now why would I do that?

I have been seeing this client for a couple of years, so I don't ask for my money at the beginning of the session as I do with the majority of my clients. As we're wrapping up, and he's getting ready to head out of the door.... I stand waiting for my money, and he holds out his open hand. I ask if he'd like a candy cane ( I was sucking one), he shakes his head no. So I ask, what would you like? His response.... my payment (lol). I didn't laugh. He continues, "I think you should be paying me, you seemed pretty pleased over there". I stop, he laughs again,then fumbles in his pocket and retrieves my money.

Of course I texted him after he left to let him know I wouldn't be seeing him again. He apologizes, but mentions that he was only joking, but that he believed I was getting as much pleasure out of our encounters as he does, and if I'd like that pleasure again in the future, I should let him know, winking face.

I was shocked. Of course it seems like I'm incredibly pleasured from our encounters, I'm paid 350$ an hour to be his very horny, very satisfied, girlfriend. But  why would I pay a portly, 45+ year old man for sex, even if the sex was incredible. I could have free sex with a fit, attractive man my own age.


2236707 3 Reviews 1558 reads
2 / 116

Sounds like the guy was just being a bit dry in his humor, and of course had some ego there. Come on, this business involves illusions.  You should be proud of the great illusion that you had created for him. Please enjoy this week!  Best wishes, D

Panthera12 1647 reads
3 / 116

He was clever to dump you that way. He may be still be laughing.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1271 reads
4 / 116

then he could be truly kidding with you.. I don't see any harm in little bit of joking as long as he is really not expecting you to pay him..

-- Modified on 12/22/2014 7:01:22 PM

Arovet 62 Reviews 1359 reads
5 / 116

This is the guy that fucks it up for the rest of us by making you guys worry about how much you can enjoy yourselves. What a monumental douchenozzle.

justherelooking 1542 reads
6 / 116

I agree, I think he was a bit too caught in the illusion... and perhaps his ego did get the better of him. I imagine he was expecting a more favorable response from me. Oh well... and Happy ChrisKwanUkkah :-)

-- Modified on 12/22/2014 4:10:30 PM

adrianamonet See my TER Reviews 1269 reads
8 / 116

Both of you have been seeing each other for a few years -- which means that you like each other well enough to continue to do so and hopefully have built up a cheeky report. Was the joke in poor taste? Perhaps. But surely his intentions weren't to offend you. I get where you are coming from though. Its the tiredest of tired jokes a client could make LOL.

Arovet 62 Reviews 1408 reads
9 / 116

are best left untold, as should anything be that might make a provider uncomfortable. It's a very vulnerable place you guys put yourselves, and even if we've seen you many times we don't really KNOW you, and that's as it should be. Yes there are exceptions, blah blah blah but 99/100 it's a transactional relationship and there are boundaries to respect and niceties to be observed. I enjoy joking around with providers but I don't ask them why they provide, I don't ask if it was "good for them, too" or what their parents think about what they do, and I damn sure don't joke about the envelope.

justherelooking 1330 reads
10 / 116

That was my feeling... perhaps my "displays of pleasure" should be toned down if they are giving clients the impression that the value of sex with them, is greater to me, than the value of their money.

1705218 10 Reviews 1292 reads
11 / 116
Arovet 62 Reviews 1205 reads
12 / 116

You have every right to enjoy your work, just weed out the delusional clients. I like my job better at some times than others and I like some of my clients better than others, but I don't pay my employer when I have meetings with my favorite clients!

inicky46 61 Reviews 1424 reads
13 / 116

The guy is clearly a douche satchel.

Dr Who revived 1232 reads
14 / 116

Even though he thought you were close to his age...but you fooled him I guess?

I guess he was expecting a more favorable response from you....like maybe "thanks"?

I doubt he had any illusion once the door opened up.  Now take some new pics and stop the photoshopping.  Or at a minimum get someone who knows that "man hands" and "turtle neck" are dead giveaways.

Hey...you can still write that review and earn 2 VIP days.  I'm sure it'll be a nice review.
Posted By: justherelooking
I agree, I think he was a bit too caught in the illusion... and perhaps his ego did get the better of him. I imagine he was expecting a more favorable response from me. Oh well... and Happy ChrisKwanUkkah :-)

-- Modified on 12/22/2014 4:10:30 PM

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1484 reads
15 / 116

I've had a couple providers tell me they are in love with me.  
  Some guys would be offended a provider was crossing the line . I had no doubt  they were only playing a game.
  I knew they were joking, no harm no foul.  

You seem to be  bragging about dumping a paying customer you've had  for a couple years.
 I see no logic in that.

One of the first signs of mental illness is a lack of recognizing humor, especially sarcasm or  
 sarcastic humor .
   One of the common traits of many successful businesses, their customer is always right, law firms and attorneys excluded .

 In closing I will remind you, before you can say what happened to the time, you will be a 45 + woman.  
  Whether you become portly or not is up to you, depending how  much time you spend sitting on your ass, waiting for your phone to ring.

Posted By: justherelooking
A client said that to me... 5 words that literally stopped me in my tracks. I should be paying him. Now why would I do that?  
 I have been seeing this client for a couple of years, so I don't ask for my money at the beginning of the session as I do with the majority of my clients. As we're wrapping up, and he's getting ready to head out of the door.... I stand waiting for my money, and he holds out his open hand. I ask if he'd like a candy cane ( I was sucking one), he shakes his head no. So I ask, what would you like? His response.... my payment (lol). I didn't laugh. He continues, "I think you should be paying me, you seemed pretty pleased over there". I stop, he laughs again,then fumbles in his pocket and retrieves my money.  
 Of course I texted him after he left to let him know I wouldn't be seeing him again. He apologizes, but mentions that he was only joking, but that he believed I was getting as much pleasure out of our encounters as he does, and if I'd like that pleasure again in the future, I should let him know, winking face.  
 I was shocked. Of course it seems like I'm incredibly pleasured from our encounters, I'm paid 350$ an hour to be his very horny, very satisfied, girlfriend. But  why would I pay a portly, 45+ year old man for sex, even if the sex was incredible. I could have free sex with a fit, attractive man my own age.  

Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 1207 reads
16 / 116

take a FOOKIN' Joke.

Like the following:  (anyone else have hooker jokes please post - these are all recycled racist jokes)

*  What does a Hooker and an ice hockey player have in common?  
...They both change their pads after 3 periods.

*  A Provider and a Black guy are riding in car . . who's driving?  
A cop!  

* Why are Providers like sperm? ...Only 1 in a Million actually works  

*  What happened to the Provider who had an abortion?...Crime Stoppers sent her a check for $500!

*  Why do Hobbyists go to Provider garage sales?...To get their stuff back

RT (Ridgetucky Tremendous

naughtinikki See my TER Reviews 1310 reads
17 / 116

I think it makes guys feel better to joke a little bit about the payment side. I laugh politely and let it go. They know the deal. I am more of an easygoing person though...most of my clients know I have a boyfriend but know I enjoy spending time with them. Would I spend time with them OTC, most of my clients no, maybe somebody that's a regular I'll grab a coffee or a bite with, but that's about where I'm comfortable drawing the line. Our clients know they are never going to be 1800dialadick but it's nice to let their ego feel good. My response might have been "yeah i did have fun, but u know it's not free to look this good, stay here, travel to this location" something like that.

Good luck on your future dates!!

justherelooking 1187 reads
18 / 116
justherelooking 1141 reads
20 / 116

I think that's a really good response Nikki, and if I weren't generally turned off by his attitude at that moment, I may have been able to think of something quirky to say. Honestly, losing him as a client in no huge deal, although I've been seeing him for a couple of years, he only stays for an hour and his impact on my income is pretty minimal.

Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 1246 reads
21 / 116

Maybe you are in the wrong fucking line of work.  

A "regular" client made a joke about you having fun and you took SOOOOO much offense that you decided to not keep him as a client (i.e., HIM PAYING YOU)

Get the fuck outta here.  After paying you what I assume to be a few thousand dollars at least.  The guy is entitled to make a harmless fucking joke about you having fun!!!!!

Now if he said something intensely personal then fine kick his ass to the curb.  But I find it funny (well more like IRONIC) that a sex worker can't take a sex joke.  The irony is just thick:(

I have been in prospect meetings where some white guys have damn near turned RED knowing that I was going to be their investment banker.  You think I am letting that shit get in the way of earning of living.  Not a fucking chance in hell.  I chose this line of work and so did you choose to be a Provider.  

Better get used to it honey every livelihood has workplace hazards.  

Get the $$$ and get gone.


Dr Who revived 1490 reads
22 / 116

That's why you needed to post that story...in detail  LOL

There's a reason you are who you are...and as I posted above, maybe you can still fool a couple of dudes with your pics.

Funny...I suspect that john spends more on coffee a month than he ever did on you.  And yet YOU had to make a production out of nothing.

While he is on to the next gal  ;)

I'm surprised you haven't admitted to doing quarter and half-hours as well.
Posted By: justherelooking
I think that's a really good response Nikki, and if I weren't generally turned off by his attitude at that moment, I may have been able to think of something quirky to say. Honestly, losing him as a client in no huge deal, although I've been seeing him for a couple of years, he only stays for an hour and his impact on my income is pretty minimal.

Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 1330 reads
23 / 116

I just can't believe that fucked up post.  This chick is earning a living by guys paying her.  Guy makes one fucking little harmless joke.  And it probably was not a joke.  Shit sex is fun and she was probably having fun.

Then this hooker gets so upset she decides not see him again.  

I can't believe this shit!!!!!!  Then she goes on to say that being 45 and portly is some kind of negative trait.  Well we all can't work 2 fucking hours a day and go the gym for 4 hours.  

Some of us have to sit behind a desk (not helpful for maintaining your weight).  And yes everyone will eventually become 45.  I guess in hooker school they give you a magical pill that stops time.  That's why some hookers never seem to be older than 27.  Amazing how time stops for them.  I can name at least 10 Providers that have been 27 for the last 5 years.  

Then they are all sooooooooooooooooooooo fucking educated and wordly based upon their ads.  Wow, makes you wonder why they aren't the President or something.

I gotta stop this shit is making me mad as fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

justherelooking 1147 reads
24 / 116

I think, perhaps, when there is a client that is not particularly arousing or pleasing sexually, we may amp up the sexual expressions to distract both them and ourselves from the reality of our genuine lack of arousal. At least that is the case with me and this client. I've never had a client say that to me before, although it is possible that some have thought it lol. Maybe I'll be better prepared the next time, and I'll have a quick, pleasant response, assuming I'm interested in seeing them again.

justherelooking 1391 reads
25 / 116

That's a really great analogy.

It would be like me expecting the McDonald's checkout lady to pay me, because she seems to be enjoying taking my order lol

harborview 10 Reviews 1190 reads
26 / 116

exclaim "If you do that again, I'll have to pay you!"  I didn't put it in a review.  I paid her same as always.  As we are long time companions, I leave the correct donation on her dresser where my clothes were...  discussng donations is classless.  
Say NO to hand off at the door!  Really tacky!  
BTW, Recently I saw the same remark in a review (same gal)...

VOO-doo 1137 reads
27 / 116

In this work, there are two ideas about assholes, or asshats. #1: 'take his money and laugh all the way to the bank' and #2 'Why should I deal with a human being who doesn't fully respect my time, body, and profession'?  

We have a choice. We can tell the ass****s and their money to f*** off. Sometimes the effect on our wallets is very minimal.  

I've noticed that the women who choose option #1 (laugh all the way to the bank) are much more successful than I am. However, they are more the BSC type. (I realize that is a huge generality, and it is based solely on my own somewhat limited observations. I'm sure there are exceptions, I've just personally never met one)

I myself used to embrace #1 when I was new. It was about money, money, money. Now I'm all about #2. #1 was OK when I was young, dumb, and didn't fully understand the emotional implications of subjecting myself to INTIMATE time with the men who didn't have respect for me or the transaction...not only stroking their egos (which comes with any job) but also making myself VULNERABLE to them, physically, emotionally, etc.  

When you're treated in a way that rankles, there's really not much you can do after the fact. That gave me a sense of powerlessness and was actually be quite damaging, for a while (until I took back more power by becoming more selective). It's something I try to protect myself from now. Hence my embrace of philosophy #2.  

Anyway, his offhand (but inconsiderate and cavalier) comment really doesn't entail much harm in itself, and I personally wouldn't cut him loose over that (it's really common)...but, constantly dealing with a client with a self-entitled attitude over time might grate. It's part of the job, to be sure. But we can decide to what extent we want to expose ourselves to that type of thing, so it's tempting for a girl to say 'ENOUGH!' if she gets so aggravated over time she doesn't think she can emotionally face being INTIMATE and VULNERABLE with said client again.

Some would say that's the right attitude, some would say it's the wrong attitude. Some, like you, would say that it's a part of any job. I'm not making any judgments here, I'm just saying that there is a clear emotional price, because we actually have to fuck these guys. Would your attitude be the same if you had to fuck your scornful, small-minded clients? What about if you had to do it over a period of years (that changes things! It's easy to do it once, or for just a little while).  

Think about it

Dr Who revived 1342 reads
28 / 116

As the actual truth would have been revealed.

Your story has more holes in it than swiss cheese.

I can probably tell you how that story really went down...but I don't want to incur your wrath  LOL

You might go on a discussion board and rant about how mean some people are on the internet!
Posted By: justherelooking
That's a really great analogy.  
 It would be like me expecting the McDonald's checkout lady to pay me, because she seems to be enjoying taking my order lol

inicky46 61 Reviews 1219 reads
29 / 116

Sometimes they Supersize me for the price of regular-sized fries.  I rule.

justherelooking 1242 reads
30 / 116

I think I wouldn't have been as bothered by him saying it in the heat of the moment... goodness, I've said a lot of interesting things during sex lol, with clients, and in my personal life.  
But I think him holding out his hand, and seemingly holding my donation hostage amped up my irritation with him for that comment. I think if he'd already paid, and made a similar comment, I would have been less affected.
I do think I should just request the donation up front for all clients... certainly reduces the awkwardness.

-- Modified on 12/22/2014 6:42:50 PM

Dr Who revived 1544 reads
31 / 116

And only NOW has come to realize he's a douche...I doubt he just became one overnight.

I doubt the veracity of the OP as stated...far too many pertinent details are missing to consider it credible (although I am sure it is her reality).

However, as I've suggested, the OP is a gal who is very low end and had a john who was at the higher end of her johns...as in one hour gigs.  And he "disappointed" her by making a comment about her payments.  I get that she already has little to no self-esteem...and that one comment was indeed her tipping point.

However to suggest it was all on "him" is immature.  So either the OP is a kid (as in your example) or an OTH gal that's at the end of her hooking career.

In either case it would seem that she take stock in continuing on in this world.  If she sticks around she might invest in some thicker skin.  Although if she is of the older ilk...that might be a poor investment.
Posted By: VOO-doo
In this work, there are two ideas about assholes, or asshats. #1: 'take his money and laugh all the way to the bank' and #2 'Why should I deal with a human being who doesn't fully respect my time, body, and profession'?  
 We have a choice. We can tell the ass****s and their money to f*** off. Sometimes the effect on our wallets is very minimal.  
 I've noticed that the women who choose option #1 (laugh all the way to the bank) are much more successful than I am. However, they are more the BSC type. (I realize that is a huge generality, and it is based solely on my own somewhat limited observations. I'm sure there are exceptions, I've just personally never met one)  
 I myself used to embrace #1 when I was new. It was about money, money, money. Now I'm all about #2. #1 was OK when I was young, dumb, and didn't fully understand the emotional implications of subjecting myself to INTIMATE time with the men who didn't have respect for me or the transaction...not only stroking their egos (which comes with any job) but also making myself VULNERABLE to them, physically, emotionally, etc.  
 When you're treated in a way that rankles, there's really not much you can do after the fact. That gave me a sense of powerlessness and was actually be quite damaging, for a while (until I took back more power by becoming more selective). It's something I try to protect myself from now. Hence my embrace of philosophy #2.  
 Anyway, his offhand (but inconsiderate and cavalier) comment really doesn't entail much harm in itself, and I personally wouldn't cut him loose over that (it's really common)...but, constantly dealing with a client with a self-entitled attitude over time might grate. It's part of the job, to be sure. But we can decide to what extent we want to expose ourselves to that type of thing, so it's tempting for a girl to say 'ENOUGH!' if she gets so aggravated over time she doesn't think she can emotionally face being INTIMATE and VULNERABLE with said client again.  
 Some would say that's the right attitude, some would say it's the wrong attitude. Some, like you, would say that it's a part of any job. I'm not making any judgments here, I'm just saying that there is a clear emotional price, because we actually have to fuck these guys. Would your attitude be the same if you had to fuck your scornful, small-minded clients? What about if you had to do it over a period of years (that changes things! It's easy to do it once, or for just a little while).  
 Think about it.  

Dr Who revived 1281 reads
32 / 116

Read how to play this game.  Ask questions over there.

Then read more.

And when you have read some more...and can answer all the basics...you might be ready to be a pro.

As of now...you're not!

The only awkwardness here is on you.  
Posted By: justherelooking
I think I wouldn't have been as bothered by him saying it in the heat of the moment... goodness, I've said a lot of interesting things during sex lol, with clients, and in my personal life.  
 But I think him holding out his hand, and seemingly holding my donation hostage amped up my irritation with him for that comment. I think if he'd already paid, and made a similar comment, I would have been less affected.  
 I do think I should just request the donation up front for all clients... certainly reduces the awkwardness.  

-- Modified on 12/22/2014 6:42:50 PM

VOO-doo 1139 reads
33 / 116

It does take a certain kind of guy to even think that, let alone say it out loud. So it could be the last in a long string of offenses on his part? Who knows.  

Wherever she is in her journey, I can't name too many girls who'd cut a client loose over ONE little comment so common and harmless as that. I can't even begin to count how many times I've heard that same thing...and as I said above, I always hear it from guys who have the LEAST reason to say it

ktp123 78 Reviews 1596 reads
34 / 116

He just has a shitty sense of humor and thought it would be comfortable sharing it with you. I would have told him not to do it again instead of dropping him though. You just lost a ton of revenue with an emotional decision.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1056 reads
35 / 116

It would be hilarious and worth twice your cheap donation, watching you try to get back on, after falling off your high horse.  
  I have a great  idea ... A Miss hot pants like you should ask for the donation before you meet your  John.
  That way you won't look like a bimbo in bright lights, trying to remember your next line, when he's joking around why you should be paying him.  

Posted By: justherelooking
I think I wouldn't have been as bothered by him saying it in the heat of the moment... goodness, I've said a lot of interesting things during sex lol, with clients, and in my personal life.  
 But I think him holding out his hand, and seemingly holding my donation hostage amped up my irritation with him for that comment. I think if he'd already paid, and made a similar comment, I would have been less affected.  
 I do think I should just request the donation up front for all clients... certainly reduces the awkwardness.  
-- Modified on 12/22/2014 9:55:19 PM

ilarasantos See my TER Reviews 1232 reads
36 / 116

Vent! Its alright. I would not take it too serious.

Otaktay 1131 reads
37 / 116

I've had providers say it to me. I have one that I have been seeing for months, not years, and she's said it to me multiple times. Mostly because I do long dates and take her out, treat her well, etc. Last weekend she said it to me again after a particularly fun night we had together. I knew she was joking, and I don't take it serious. I'll be honest I said it to her once after a night of fun we had together. It was a joke. My expectation is that we're having fun.  We both had a laugh about it. Nothing serious. I mean, honestly if I lost my job and couldn't pay to see her anymore I know there would be no more fun time together.  

I guess I would see it differently if it was a first time client.

Arovet 62 Reviews 1186 reads
38 / 116

but this is one of those occasions. The gentleman had not paid her yet and trotted out this gem, that's a dick move that forces an awkward discussion about money, what a buzz kill. Should a client of yours with a particularly clean balance sheet and meticulous records pay you for the privilege of enjoying the satisfaction of working with a pristine set of books?

justherelooking 1253 reads
39 / 116

I don't understand why any client would joke about my paying them, when they have yet to pay me lol. Terrible timing, to say the very least. Hopefully, he'll be a bit more tactful with the other ladies.

mojojo 1 Reviews 1382 reads
40 / 116

It's the age old issue of what's socially acceptable, or proper etiquette in any given situation. For example, it's okay for me to call my brother a jerk, but if you do, thems fightin' words. In this instance, it's okay for the lady to say it, meant to be nothing more than a great compliment. It's never okay for a gentleman to say it, even in jest. Thus, the fightin' words of JTL.  

But there's something underlying I'm seeing here. We all know the majority of ladies fake it. Nevertheless, it's the ladies who convince me that I'm the world's greatest lover who become my atfs. Is it real? Is it fake? Is it partial? Doesn't matter as long as I'm totally convinced. Therefore JTL, fit or portly, you must be some kind of incredible lover.

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 1438 reads
41 / 116

Just sayin' to a Lady;)
Anyway I'm not even gay and I can fend off the wimpies no prob

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 1304 reads
42 / 116

And make a really gross ice cream cone..
You oinkyothrefuckers

GaGambler 1217 reads
43 / 116

but just from the tone of the OP, i am willing to bet he will have an easier time finding another hooker to stroke his ego than she will replacing the lost income stream.

some people in service industries take shit WAAAYYY too seriously. Most hookers would just let shit like this slide right off of their backs, and take it as sign that they did their job VERY, VERY well.

Yes, the guy was an idiot and a tool, but that's what she is getting paid $350 hour to put up with. Do you have any idea what lawyers and other professionals have to put up with to command $350 hr?

Dr Who revived 1400 reads
44 / 116

But in any business getting paid should be a top priority.  In most cases the customer pays without exception.  On those occasions when a customer doesn't want to pay,  it's incumbent on the gal to demand payment.  This is a business..treat it S such.  

I've had a few folks over the years "joke" about my paying them for their unsolicited advice after I've completed an engagement.  My reply is simple...pay my bill now!

If some asswipe was sincere in thinking my work product is free...they quickly know unconditionally that isn't the case.

As I told the OP...learn how to play this game.  It's on her to spend the time to educate herself.
Posted By: thehumanist
but this is one of those occasions. The gentleman had not paid her yet and trotted out this gem, that's a dick move that forces an awkward discussion about money, what a buzz kill. Should a client of yours with a particularly clean balance sheet and meticulous records pay you for the privilege of enjoying the satisfaction of working with a pristine set of books?

Arovet 62 Reviews 1200 reads
45 / 116

Where we differ, I think, is that you are looking at it through a generic "business" lens, and while that is certainly true it is also an illegal transaction where the service provider lacks the legal resources you have to extract payment, heightening the provider's sensitivity to such "jokes." Bottom line for me is that the client was either being a dick on purpose or because he's clueless. Should OP have kicked him to the curb? Can't say, wasn't there and don't know their dynamic, maybe she overreacted or maybe he was barely tolerable and this was the icing on the cake...either way the joke was lame and ill considered, that was my only point.

orallyfixated 1051 reads
46 / 116

The OP and her defenders are taking themselves way too seriously.  Did you really need to vent over something as inconsequential as this?  You got paid, didn't you?  So lighten up, it's a joke.  
If you can fake having a good time and good sex with the guy, then surely you can fake taking a joke from the guy.  
But to pass up the income you're getting from the guy is just plain dumb. Unless, of course, youre so rich you don't need it. In which case, you wouldn't need to be peddling your ass either.  

As an aside, if I were a hooker I would definitely pay RT.  You're the shit, bro.

-- Modified on 12/22/2014 11:35:43 PM

-- Modified on 12/22/2014 11:37:08 PM

hardknocks6 37 Reviews 1279 reads
47 / 116

If you see him three times a year, that $1000-$1500 depending on your rate.  That 1% or more of a six-figure income for three hours a year!!!!  Think it through a bit!  That's a big loss for any business person

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 1216 reads
48 / 116

It is the fact that the comment is made when she has not received the money.    She is vulnerable and put in a place in which she thinks she may need to ask for her money which is terrible under any circumstances, but particularly bad in a post-coital setting.   That may warrant coitus interruptus in the future.

As to the comment itself, what is wrong with letting a guy have fun thinking he did a good job?  I read on a daily basis about the "fantasy," shit, let the guy have his fantasy.   No, I would not say something like that, but I do happen to be a guy who loves to make people laugh and smile, and oh boy, does that come with risks, sometimes I will say a complete dud that makes me wish that the earth would open up and swallow me on the spot.

As others have said, we also don't have the complete context of the moment or the overall historical context.   Having acknowledged that the John may not have been suave and that he put the OP in an awkward and vulnerable position, I think it is an overreaction to let him go for that one incident alone.    He may be portly and 45, but apparently that did not bother the OP as she assisted him in separating him from his benjamins for years.   Then again, she was there and if it bothered her so much, it is her body, her time and her prerrogative to send him packing.

Arovet 62 Reviews 1344 reads
50 / 116

assuming op accurately describes events, the client made this "joke" while withholding payment. Same joke made after payment, still lame but I'll bet she wouldn't have given it a second thought.

-- Modified on 12/22/2014 10:42:23 PM

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 1157 reads
51 / 116
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 946 reads
52 / 116

Guess he's thinking you're not acting and believing his own bullshit. Mental masturbation. You're smart to not see him. He sounds like a tool. Guys like that give us other clients a bad name. It's supposed to be fun, but some guys forget that they are not 27 anymore and start to believe the act. I take every thing I'm told in a P4P session with a grain of salt, otherwise, I might say something just as stupid.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 1227 reads
53 / 116

...her low self-esteem may have something to do with this.
Otherwise, why so pissed at a simple joke? (unless that "joke" involved a moment or two of actual fear that he wouldn't pay - in which case he would be a complete asshole deserving of all scorn).

RokkKrinn 1170 reads
54 / 116

There's a provider whom I see very often and for extended multi-day dates.

'bout six months ago, she threw me for a loop by asking a question from out of left field:  "So are you going to leave your wife?"

I was so surprised by the question, the obvious smart comeback didn't occur to me until several days later:  "Why are you asking?  If I did leave her, would you stop charging me?"

Wow, I would have loved to have had that line ready at the time.  Can't imagine what she would have said to that...

Back_In_Black 1280 reads
55 / 116

happy holidays to you and yours , the story here is if one lives long enough they see and hear everything and this is just another post that should enlightened the men .  honestly she probably couldn't even get it for free ..

have a good week ..
Posted By: Ridgetucky
I just can't believe that fucked up post.  This chick is earning a living by guys paying her.  Guy makes one fucking little harmless joke.  And it probably was not a joke.  Shit sex is fun and she was probably having fun.  
 Then this hooker gets so upset she decides not see him again.    
 I can't believe this shit!!!!!!  Then she goes on to say that being 45 and portly is some kind of negative trait.  Well we all can't work 2 fucking hours a day and go the gym for 4 hours.    
 Some of us have to sit behind a desk (not helpful for maintaining your weight).  And yes everyone will eventually become 45.  I guess in hooker school they give you a magical pill that stops time.  That's why some hookers never seem to be older than 27.  Amazing how time stops for them.  I can name at least 10 Providers that have been 27 for the last 5 years.    
 Then they are all sooooooooooooooooooooo fucking educated and wordly based upon their ads.  Wow, makes you wonder why they aren't the President or something.  
 I gotta stop this shit is making me mad as fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Timbow 1159 reads
56 / 116
Arovet 62 Reviews 1394 reads
57 / 116
Back_In_Black 1180 reads
58 / 116

have a good one rt ..

Posted By: Ridgetucky
take a FOOKIN' Joke.  
 Like the following:  (anyone else have hooker jokes please post - these are all recycled racist jokes)  
 *  What does a Hooker and an ice hockey player have in common?  
 ...They both change their pads after 3 periods.  
 *  A Provider and a Black guy are riding in car . . who's driving?  
 A cop!    
 * Why are Providers like sperm? ...Only 1 in a Million actually works  
 *  What happened to the Provider who had an abortion?...Crime Stoppers sent her a check for $500!  
 *  Why do Hobbyists go to Provider garage sales?...To get their stuff back  
 RT (Ridgetucky Tremendous)  

OCSummer See my TER Reviews 1096 reads
59 / 116

It sounds like you are doing an amazing job! But, he was testing your boundaries!!

He might be more in like than you are and a better response might have been "I adore you and  being able to see you cheaper than alimony"

Now all that you can do is to save your regular and save face so here is how that goes so memorize these words or better yet cut, copy and paste them...........

" I over reacted because I was PM'ing and your humor caught me off guard. I apologize for jumping to the conclusion that you wanted more than I could provide you........You scared me!......I'm sorry!!" I enjoy your company and hope that we can move past this"

Did you get all of that?............ok, good. Now figure out how you are going to let this guy down easy because he is in love with you and has stalker written all over him.

X's Summer of the Chicken Ranch

ROGM 1488 reads
61 / 116

Posted By: justherelooking
A client said that to me... 5 words that literally stopped me in my tracks. I should be paying him. Now why would I do that?  
 I have been seeing this client for a couple of years, so I don't ask for my money at the beginning of the session as I do with the majority of my clients. As we're wrapping up, and he's getting ready to head out of the door.... I stand waiting for my money, and he holds out his open hand. I ask if he'd like a candy cane ( I was sucking one), he shakes his head no. So I ask, what would you like? His response.... my payment (lol). I didn't laugh. He continues, "I think you should be paying me, you seemed pretty pleased over there". I stop, he laughs again,then fumbles in his pocket and retrieves my money.  
 Of course I texted him after he left to let him know I wouldn't be seeing him again. He apologizes, but mentions that he was only joking, but that he believed I was getting as much pleasure out of our encounters as he does, and if I'd like that pleasure again in the future, I should let him know, winking face.  
 I was shocked. Of course it seems like I'm incredibly pleasured from our encounters, I'm paid 350$ an hour to be his very horny, very satisfied, girlfriend. But  why would I pay a portly, 45+ year old man for sex, even if the sex was incredible. I could have free sex with a fit, attractive man my own age.  
Joke or not that was totally uncalled for him to say that to you. I like to joke around with the Provider I'm seeing. I would never say that to her. I'm so dam lucky to even have met my current Provider. Dump him and never see him again. He's a total Moron.

jeandeaux 1153 reads
62 / 116

As a service provider in a field often equated with prostitution (i.e., attorneys), I would not find a "joke" made by a client before I have been paid that implied I hadn't earned my fee in the slightest bit funny. Afterwards, on the other hand . . .


The Madam opened the brothel door to see a frail, elderly gentleman. "Can I help you?" the madam asked."I want Natalie," the old man replied."Sir, Natalie is one of our most expensive ladies, perhaps someone else...""No, I must see Natalie." Just then Natalie appeared and announced to the old man that she charges $1,000 per visit. Without blinking, the man reached into his pocket and handed her ten $100 bills. The two went up to a room for an hour, whereupon the man calmly left.

The next night he appeared again demanding to see Natalie. Natalie explained that no one had ever come back two nights in a row and that there were no discounts...it was still $1,000 a visit. Again the old man took out the money, the two went up to the room and an hour later, he left.

When he showed up the third consecutive night, no one could believe it. Again he handed Natalie the money and up to the room they went. At the end of the hour Natalie questioned the old man: "No one has ever used my services three nights in a row. Where are you from?" The old man replied, "I'm from Philadelphia." "Really?" replied Natalie. "I have family who lives there.""Yes, I know," said the old man. "Your father died, and I'm your sister's attorney. She asked me to give this $3,000 to you."

mtdewking2015 1273 reads
64 / 116

Posted By: justherelooking
A client said that to me... 5 words that literally stopped me in my tracks. I should be paying him. Now why would I do that?  
 I have been seeing this client for a couple of years, so I don't ask for my money at the beginning of the session as I do with the majority of my clients. As we're wrapping up, and he's getting ready to head out of the door.... I stand waiting for my money, and he holds out his open hand. I ask if he'd like a candy cane ( I was sucking one), he shakes his head no. So I ask, what would you like? His response.... my payment (lol). I didn't laugh. He continues, "I think you should be paying me, you seemed pretty pleased over there". I stop, he laughs again,then fumbles in his pocket and retrieves my money.  
 Of course I texted him after he left to let him know I wouldn't be seeing him again. He apologizes, but mentions that he was only joking, but that he believed I was getting as much pleasure out of our encounters as he does, and if I'd like that pleasure again in the future, I should let him know, winking face.  
 I was shocked. Of course it seems like I'm incredibly pleasured from our encounters, I'm paid 350$ an hour to be his very horny, very satisfied, girlfriend. But  why would I pay a portly, 45+ year old man for sex, even if the sex was incredible. I could have free sex with a fit, attractive man my own age.  

mtdewking2015 1192 reads
65 / 116
rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 1083 reads
66 / 116

But this is how I see it too.  The OP can do whatever she wants, but if that's the worst thing that a 2 year customer has ever done... I mean, what the fuck.   If I was this guy and saw this as her reaction and then having her post it here, I would stay as far away from her as possible after giving her two years worth of my hard earned money and just a hunch but I am guessing there were some BSC things he could have posted about her behavior over the years should he have been so inclined.    

To be honest, I think what the op said about the way he looks is not a real step up in class from what he said to her.   As others have suggested, time marches on for everyone and when those of us have lived pretty high on the mountain top of youth just remember there's only one direction to go and the higher the mountain the further the trip down.  If you don't like the comment, great - your right.  But when you are going to get personal about how someone looks you should probably look at your mother and your grandmother and get ready because you're gonna look like that a lot longer than you look like this -- Merry Christmas.
Posted By: Dr Who revived
And only NOW has come to realize he's a douche...I doubt he just became one overnight.  
 I doubt the veracity of the OP as stated...far too many pertinent details are missing to consider it credible (although I am sure it is her reality).  
 However, as I've suggested, the OP is a gal who is very low end and had a john who was at the higher end of her johns...as in one hour gigs.  And he "disappointed" her by making a comment about her payments.  I get that she already has little to no self-esteem...and that one comment was indeed her tipping point.  
 However to suggest it was all on "him" is immature.  So either the OP is a kid (as in your example) or an OTH gal that's at the end of her hooking career.  
 In either case it would seem that she take stock in continuing on in this world.  If she sticks around she might invest in some thicker skin.  Although if she is of the older ilk...that might be a poor investment.  

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 1244 reads
67 / 116

Apparently there would be a post here about you if you said it

Posted By: RokkKrinn
There's a provider whom I see very often and for extended multi-day dates.

'bout six months ago, she threw me for a loop by asking a question from out of left field:  "So are you going to leave your wife?"

I was so surprised by the question, the obvious smart comeback didn't occur to me until several days later:  "Why are you asking?  If I did leave her, would you stop charging me?"

Wow, I would have loved to have had that line ready at the time.  Can't imagine what she would have said to that...

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1364 reads
68 / 116

"Never joke about money."

And this thread reflects the wisdom of that statement.

JoelGoodsen 1221 reads
69 / 116

where else can you get so many smart, successful business people on both sides of the gender line to give free business advice :)  

-- Modified on 12/23/2014 7:09:51 AM

Lea_ThePrivAsst See my TER Reviews 1333 reads
70 / 116

If they are seeking a GFE we're SUPPOSED to provide an enthusiastic meeting.  Sometimes in that fantasy world, the client feels like a king and might think he's the best thing since sliced bread.  When they make the "you should be paying me" comment, my response is something to keep things in context without bursting the illusion bubble - like "how does that help me buy groceries?"  If the conversation doesn't drop or recurs in another meeting, then it's time to consider terminating the relationship.  I put effort in every client meeting.  Comments like that make me feel that my time and efforts are no longer respected and means our arrangement has taken a turn.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1265 reads
71 / 116
naughtinikki See my TER Reviews 1395 reads
72 / 116
Leon3798 52 Reviews 1067 reads
73 / 116

the guy is a complete douche.  As others have said before if you've been seeing him for a long time then he may feel comfortable enough to let his guard down a little with you.  Take it as a compliment that he actually feels this way about you, thats what you're going for right?  I would say if its something that re-occurs then maybe consider dropping him, but if its a one off then why endanger not getting his business anymore?

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1209 reads
74 / 116

He Didn't believe me, and I kind of laughed it off like "Awww fuck" lol.

I was kind of joking, but there was some truth to it at the moment.

The guy on the other hand, with you, maybe he wanted a verbal compliment instead of just showing, he may want his ego stroked with words. That may have been him fishing for compliments. Perhaps he partially meant it (in a sense that he's making a suggestion that he's working harder than you.)

At least these are questions that go through my mind if someone that say s it to me.  

If he was going to walk out the door without paying, well, then it's a problem. (After two years I would give him the benefit of the doubt and wait for a couple offenses)

But only you know. Maybe he gives you the hereby Jeebies, or says rude things in such a way that you can't offer any blame anywhere, who knows.

I'm sure there's much more to the situation than this little conversation. I can't see someone giving up a two year regular abruptly like that, out of nowhere,

I do agree, though. If they want us to kick ass at giving them a fantasy, don't make it harder for us with the money part. That's just setting us up for failure. Discreetly placing envelope is a great way to help us deliver the fantasy of GFE.

-- Modified on 12/23/2014 7:07:55 AM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1337 reads
75 / 116

'Break the news' that it's still about money.

I like the way my friend says it, "oh, you naughty boy, you promised to take care of me. You know I get wet when you give me what you promised." Lol.

It is awkward to have to ask for the money. It is more awkward when he feels awkward, but really, if it's that hard for his ego to P4P, he shouldn't P4P either.

There's only so much we can do to make it 'feel' like a fantasy, but the guy's gotta give us some slack on the money part. They know the deal. If they want the fantasy, they shouldn't make up situations where we may fuck up the fantasy. (Meaning trying to not pay.) He's really doing himself a disservice by trying to pull one on us. Sometimes I think they purposefully make it awkward so we actually cave and say "It's ok this time". Not gonna happen.

repercussionsindeed 1328 reads
76 / 116

Either you have no sense of humor, or you were ready to fire him and this is just a useful pretext. Was it funny? No. Do you hear more stupid things regularly in this business? Of course, you do. There are a lot of socially awkward and clueless guys in this world, as well as a decent number of nasty shits.

I have heard variations of this "joke" from more ladies than I can remember. I do not recall any of them saying it caused them to fire the guy, though they all thought it was a stupid joke. It is. My favorite is the one about the guy who stiffed a lady for her money, then called her back a few weeks later to see if she wanted to meet again because he knew she had a great time. WTF, indeed.

But it is also a natural enough reaction if you do a good job. He was caught up in the fantasy - hell, it was at least a compliment, and possibly (probably?) even an exploration, a joking way to see if maybe there was some interest beyond P4P. Which is probably the real reason you fired him.  

You had been seeing him a long time, maybe he was paying an old, low, rate, business is good and he was getting on your nerves. You either had to have a long talk with him to change things up (no fun there), or lose him (much easier). He made a dumb joke, so you used it as a pretext to lose him. Good on you. Next time, if you want to keep seeing the guy, you might consider this retort - "Sure, that sounds good, but I have some conditions. You need to lose 30 pounds and 10 years before our next date, then we can talk, okay?" Trust me, he would never make that joke again, might even never see you again.

I like to make stupid, pointed jokes, too, btw. And my current favorite, who I have been seeing for over 2 years, gives just as good as she gets. My two favorites, by which I mean the two that stung the most and did not seem funny at all, were these.

My son was moving to a place near her, and she said, "Great! Maybe I can fuck him now, instead of you!" And the best of all, after a small "wardrobe malfunction,," was "Don't worry honey. After I talk to the lawyer about the paternity suit, I am sure it will all be okay."

Did I laugh? No way. Do I worry about making stupid jokes to her? No. Some of them are dumb, some have a real bite, and I would not have it any other way.

Loosen up. And let's make sure we do not meet.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1058 reads
78 / 116

Much too much is being made of this.  They had gotten, perhaps, too familiar.  He bought into the fantasy after her last, skillfully faked O.  He said something dumb but harmless.  Hardly a reason to cut him off at the knees unless there was something else going on.
End of story.
If others have said the same thing above, sorry.  I can't possibly read through this entire thread.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1252 reads
79 / 116

You are who you hang out with.  

In a profession where I'm not licking his balls, I may think a little differently about who I take business from.

Looks wise, fat, old, whatever. Just be nice, and pay. Crack all the jokes you want, I can handle that. Just make sure you pay lol.

-- Modified on 12/23/2014 8:24:19 AM

GaGambler 1222 reads
82 / 116

That was actually on point, not stupid, and even a bit funny.

but I don't think BSC Taylor would every admit that some guy didn't think she was worth paying, she is much too deluded about her own self importance to ever make a post that would not put her in the light that all of her clients worshipped her.

GaGambler 1247 reads
83 / 116

I have already invoiced the OP. lol

justherelooking 1169 reads
84 / 116

I think he'd gotten to comfortable with me over the years,  perhaps considered us "lovers", instead of provider and client. I think after two years, and my great acting skills,  he honestly believed that I was so into him, that I cherished the sex more than I did the money lol. Sometimes, the fantasy and the reality get blurred... it's unfortunate when it happens, makes things quite uncomfortable

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 1386 reads
85 / 116

when it comes to business. most of us don't like those kind of jokes. Just saying.

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
then he could be truly kidding with you.. I don't see any harm in little bit of joking as long as he is really not expecting you to pay him..

-- Modified on 12/22/2014 7:01:22 PM

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 1255 reads
86 / 116

he would have said it as he held the money in his hand. Because otherwise even if he was legitimately joking, there was no way she could have known that was just a playful comment.  

I really think he was testing the waters to see if he could get away with a freebie. Its just not cool to make jokes like that. Specially when you let the guy hand you your tribute AFTER the session. Its just not cool.

Epsilon_Eridani 1229 reads
87 / 116

Taylor Steele's posts that she used to do in this forum.

Posted By: justherelooking
A client said that to me... 5 words that literally stopped me in my tracks. I should be paying him. Now why would I do that?  
 I have been seeing this client for a couple of years, so I don't ask for my money at the beginning of the session as I do with the majority of my clients. As we're wrapping up, and he's getting ready to head out of the door.... I stand waiting for my money, and he holds out his open hand. I ask if he'd like a candy cane ( I was sucking one), he shakes his head no. So I ask, what would you like? His response.... my payment (lol). I didn't laugh. He continues, "I think you should be paying me, you seemed pretty pleased over there". I stop, he laughs again,then fumbles in his pocket and retrieves my money.  
 Of course I texted him after he left to let him know I wouldn't be seeing him again. He apologizes, but mentions that he was only joking, but that he believed I was getting as much pleasure out of our encounters as he does, and if I'd like that pleasure again in the future, I should let him know, winking face.  
 I was shocked. Of course it seems like I'm incredibly pleasured from our encounters, I'm paid 350$ an hour to be his very horny, very satisfied, girlfriend. But  why would I pay a portly, 45+ year old man for sex, even if the sex was incredible. I could have free sex with a fit, attractive man my own age.  

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 1367 reads
88 / 116

I think in this business regulars have a cycle. Where the passion between a provider and a client wears off. One has to keep that passion alive if you wanna stretch the cycle of a regular. But in the end, they will both get comfortable because, in a way; it will turn into some sort of relationship beyond the provider-client relationship. And that will lead to annoying jokes or going over the allocated time of a session... eventually ending in an inevitable departure of either party involved.  

I think while she may have overreacted. The guy should have had the money in hand as he made the joke. And she probably had seen him for too long and it was time to end their interactions.

Chauncey Gardner 1229 reads
89 / 116

What?  And after I gave them 3-4 orgasms every session just by walking into the room? And please don't tell me they were being untruthful when they complimented my always rock hard massive cock. Next you'll be telling me my employees don't really think my jokes are funny and laugh only because I sign their paychecks.  O miserable day that should find me undone by flattery.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 1280 reads
90 / 116
SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 1147 reads
93 / 116

Your feelings were hurt when they shouldn't have been. Yes, you get $350/ hr and part of that payment is not only for rent of your mouth and pussy, it's to put up with dumb comments, jokes, and whatever emotional BS they want to get off their chest. And you are to make the guys feel like the king of the world, for that hour. So why were your real feelings in it? Re-evaluate your real self when you are performing GFE, maybe take a break, and get over it. To cut off a "regular" would be dumb. Guys talk. A LOT. His one hour may not impact you now, but it's coming!  

I would have asked him what he would have thought his hourly rate would be. Then I would give him my TER score for his performance and looks. He might have STFU and paid and tipped you once you brought him back to reality. LMAO!!!

justherelooking 1310 reads
95 / 116

I definitely felt insecure about him giving me the donation, he's someone I've been seeing for a while and trust(ed). But when I'm standing there at the end of the session,  I haven't been paid, and he's holding out his hand and commenting that I should pay him because I seemed so pleased,  that takes away my comfort and security.  
I absolutely think he was hoping for, "you're right, you sex god, keep the money"... and perhaps he was hoping that we'd become fwb, where the only exchange was one of pleasure. The fantasy may have lasted too long between he and I... hopefully he'll show more tact with the next provider, and give the donation up front lol

skarphedin 1519 reads
96 / 116

Given that you are posting under an alias, I think these are fair and reasonable questions...  

How many actual times have you seen this client?  

How many clients do you see a week?

What was the rate you were charging him?

Is that your current rate or a grandfathered rate?  

Has he ever made a joke about money before?  

Has he ever not payed you before?  

Prior to this, and in your opinion, what was the most disrespectful thing he had done?  

Why did you mention the candy-cane?

justherelooking 1108 reads
98 / 116

Renting my pussy and mouth are par for the course, listening to the corny jokes, laughing at the unfunny stories,  stroking ego and cock at the same time lol... all are fine with me, and I will do it for the entire time that they've paid for and smile and sing a tune if they like lol. But in this case, I'd already done the cock sucking, and pussy renting,  and I still hadn't been paid, that was my choice,  I trusted that I would be paid. But when the time is up, I'm no longer the fantasy girl, and joking with me about giving me my donation, when you may not even have my donation, is not funny to me.

harborview 10 Reviews 1152 reads
100 / 116

it would have been a joke.  At the door with the donation in his hand, no not funny.  Maybe he thought it was.   I'm a big believer in structuring the environment...  start by putting instructions on your web site about when & where to leave the gift.  As I said above, lacking instructions, I have the correct donation already separate & in a paper clip (to keep it together).  It comes out of my pocket before I undress & goes under my clothes & pocket stuff (easier to dress with empty pockets like I do at home).  When I re-dress, the donation is silently left behind...  not watched, not commented on.    
Goodbyes are a hug & a kiss for the road...  

I like the above suggestion (I'd never be quick enough to think it up but quipps for predictably fo-pas might be preplanned)  to reply "That doesn't buy my groceries" or "pay my student loans" or ??

magicsam 1228 reads
102 / 116

and fucking him so good that you actually seem to enjoy it! Seriously though, a lot of providers seem to really enjoy being paid to have orgasms while getting paid for it. I have actually made the same joke with providers. What a great profession.

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1421 reads
103 / 116

Of all the things a guy could say to offend us here...  

A sense of humor goes a LONG way for both your sanity and your business.

magicsam 1275 reads
104 / 116

Damn Charlie. Are you really as fine as your pictures? It would be my honor to pay you over and over again!

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1236 reads
105 / 116
SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 1161 reads
106 / 116

I would hate to say a lot of things to offend these sensual, sexy hobbyiest gentlemen that pad my pocket and help pay my bills, but babe, the basics are get the money up front! ALWAYS! No exceptions. So, he needs help on ettiquete, he should have left the donation out when he walked through the door and dropped his pants, and you my dear need help on what this is. GFE/ PSE bullshit aside, it's P4P. Meaning pay for play. NOT play then pay. And if he didn't pay you after you had fucked, then what would you have done? C'mon we've got to do better ladies! I am glad you accept some responsibility in the matter but SMH...  And trust, OMG girl please take a vacation and re-evaluate what is really going on, either you are fucking for fun and free or you are working and do you ever really trust your employer when you work? HR always screw up paychecks and cut you short on OT hours and double tax your bonus around the holidays, so if you are working THIS job for money, then make sure you get your money before you go to work!!

Dr Who revived 1063 reads
107 / 116

Really...the places you've actually worked went out of their way to make sure "they" screw up a paycheck?  Cut your hours short?

As for the taxation on a bonus...employers don't TAX your money...the Federal government does that.

If making sure you get your money upfront is a requisite for you...fine.  I wouldn't pay you...or any gal upfront.  And after years in P4P I've never shorted anyone.  And don't plan on starting now!

Maybe try and find some dudes that aren't seeking blow and go's?
Posted By: SexyJaye7
I would hate to say a lot of things to offend these sensual, sexy hobbyiest gentlemen that pad my pocket and help pay my bills, but babe, the basics are get the money up front! ALWAYS! No exceptions. So, he needs help on ettiquete, he should have left the donation out when he walked through the door and dropped his pants, and you my dear need help on what this is. GFE/ PSE bullshit aside, it's P4P. Meaning pay for play. NOT play then pay. And if he didn't pay you after you had fucked, then what would you have done? C'mon we've got to do better ladies! I am glad you accept some responsibility in the matter but SMH...  And trust, OMG girl please take a vacation and re-evaluate what is really going on, either you are fucking for fun and free or you are working and do you ever really trust your employer when you work? HR always screw up paychecks and cut you short on OT hours and double tax your bonus around the holidays, so if you are working THIS job for money, then make sure you get your money before you go to work!!!  

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 1399 reads
108 / 116

Excuse me if my example offended and you too at as a personally attack. Makes me feel so warm and fuzzy to know I am that ho that johns like you want to keep on our toes... Muchos gracias!

Bottom line for the OP and for you is, when lines get crossed shit gets fucked. To avoid being fucked, go back to the basics. That was my point. The end. I can tell you like to fuck things up and push limits. It's cool if that gets you off no problem, I like it rough sometimes too. But the OP was sensitive to the ways of assholes and now it's a trainwreck. Ok moving on...    

And FYI I have never been booked for a B&G in my life. My clients don't want that from me, they like me more than that. I choose to B&G guys I like for free. I know that messes up the P4P system, but sometimes civvie cum tastes a lot better... There is more to life than this...  

Happy HO-lidays, now go get laid!!! :)

Dr Who revived 1132 reads
109 / 116

I suspect you know that as well  ;)

Just thought that I might add some truth to your fictitious adaptation of the workplace.

No question some of the johns lose perspective...we've read that story a few times here.  I've had to try and pull "friends" of mine from that abyss...some succeeded while others had to fall deep to understand.

I doubt you know that I like to "fuck things up and push limits".  Just a reach on your part.  As I posted earlier I have been in P4P for a long time...and get why I am here..and why "she" is here.  Not looking for anything more than what I pay for.  

What you do in your personal life is of no importance to me.  You're an adult and don't need to justify who, why or what you do.  I don't have a need to explain myself to anyone in why I do what I do...neither do you.

Have a terrific Holiday as well.
Posted By: SexyJaye7
Excuse me if my example offended and you too at as a personally attack. Makes me feel so warm and fuzzy to know I am that ho that johns like you want to keep on our toes... Muchos gracias!  
 Bottom line for the OP and for you is, when lines get crossed shit gets fucked. To avoid being fucked, go back to the basics. That was my point. The end. I can tell you like to fuck things up and push limits. It's cool if that gets you off no problem, I like it rough sometimes too. But the OP was sensitive to the ways of assholes and now it's a trainwreck. Ok moving on...      
 And FYI I have never been booked for a B&G in my life. My clients don't want that from me, they like me more than that. I choose to B&G guys I like for free. I know that messes up the P4P system, but sometimes civvie cum tastes a lot better... There is more to life than this...  
 Happy HO-lidays, now go get laid!!! :)

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1105 reads
110 / 116

And yes I've heard that one a number of times and it's my JOB not to bit their heads off! Sometimes it ain't easy! ;-)

Steph xoxo

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 984 reads
111 / 116
Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 1329 reads
112 / 116
hbyist+truth=;( 1108 reads
113 / 116

"Oh great, you bought the act lock stock and barrel".....then added with a smile, "just kidding".

hbyist+truth=;( 1216 reads
114 / 116

I guess you could say that when a lady dumps a guy with some lame excuse she is laughing behind his back too.  

Really wish it didn't have to go down this way but the nature of this beast s so fragile, the egos I mean, that we all lie through our teeth to save face or hurting someones feelings.

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1163 reads
115 / 116
TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 1229 reads
116 / 116

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