TER General Board

If a man asks which wine he should bring...
FloraFaun See my TER Reviews 758 reads

I tell him I prefer Perrier. Certainly, Im sure, there are 1 or 2 providers out there who hate their job and choose alcohol to go thru it, but i think its rare. Its as Octavia said, we are business women. We are also nymphomaniacs, but not drunkards. Its not safe for us to be drunk in an appointment. If something goes wrong, being drunk would make us unable to react accordingly, we also care too much about getting good reviews, we dont want reviews saying we were puking during doggie...
For me, Its possible that if I go for more than a week without sex, I may need a drink, but even then I opt for a soymilk and whey protein powder overdose (if you're going to overindulge, you should at least get some nicely toned muscles from it...)

-- Modified on 8/26/2007 12:23:17 AM

Warren BT3953 reads

It's quite common for a provider to consume alcohol during a session, for various reasons;sometimes just for fun or to lower the lady's inhibitions for sex with(basically) strangers....
The question is do providers consider the long term health effects of consuming large amounts of alcohol on a daily basis. Your opinions please?

If you have to drink in order to be able to enjoy being a proviver or get your self up for the session that is not a good sign in my opinion....you would not go to any other job hopefully having to drink beforehand or during ....having a glass of wine now and then can be nice but every day drinking is going to become a long tern problem for anyone.....Victoria

Frankly, none of the many womaen I've been with drank nor showed signs of drinking. And I would never repeat with one that did.

It's rare that I see a provider who drinks or has been drinking during or before our session. I've seen a lady or two for dinner and shared a glass of wine or two but that's about it. I really don't see it as prevalent, at least not at the level that I hobby at.
As for the second part of your question, do you think anyone who drinks too much is thinking about the long-term consequences?

I don't consume more than perhaps a small glass of wine with a gentleman or lady.  

For two reasons.

One, I need to have all of my faculties about me.

Two, I will be driving home afterwards.

..this summer I've had generally one or two dates per day with some days off, of course. I have brought a bottle of wine on two occasions- once to surprise a regular who was always bringing things for me, and once because I had one sitting around and probably wouldn't have drank it by myself, so I brought it as a nice touch to a first time date. Generally speaking, if the gentleman brings wine we will share a glass or two, and it's very enjoyable, but I never feel that I need the alcohol or that something is missing on the (majority of) occasions that it is not part of the encounter.. Most of the drinking occurs over dinner dates anyways, I've found. I have had a horrible experience with a gent getting drunk on an overnight and I had to drive his car, to tell the other side of the story, and am very careful to be upfront with gents about my policy on drinking (for both of us while we are together) if I am doing a date that may involve heavy alcohol consumption, like a strip club or a longer-term encounter. I think that any gal who has to drink to perform shouldn't be doing this job, and likely won't be very successful, although I guess I can see how lowering inhibitions could be helpful to a  girl just starting out, in the long term it won't do her any good, health-wise and career-wise. Furthermore, those lowered inhibitions could lead to taking risks or missing red flags that she would otherwise have noticed right away. I never have more than two glasses with a regular, and rarely more than one with a new client, and I will not drink anything unless I have watched them open the bottle and checked my own glass. Just my .02


-- Modified on 8/25/2007 12:22:55 PM

Again you demonstrate that you are wise beyond your years.  Well said my dear.

I don't know many other providers but the small number I do know/have met don't have alcohol problems.

But I know for sure cocaine abuse is rife amongst providers (in the UK but maybe not in the US).

Gooey Facial681 reads

they tend to blow off their other appointments, and party with me all day. I'm not kidding. They're less inhibited, and the sex is wilder, and better. I've done plenty of blow with girls too, but alas, it doesn't treat my cock well.

Warren BT1145 reads

A cursory look at provider's profiles on www.escorts.com shows that quite a few young providers (18-25)admit that "a joint is OK".Can't tell if it's marijuana or something more potent,but it seems that the problem is not confined to the UK.I don't know the extent of this problem or that of alcohol consumption, but IMO the response of a small sample of TER ladies is'nt representative of the larger provider population, especially those in the younger age bracket! just my 2 cents....

But the demographic here among providers seems to be older and wiser than the ladies you are talking about. Also, quite frankly, my preference in ladies is older than what you are talking about here. It doesn't appear that you have any firm numbers to share (I would imagine there really isn't any research on this)and are just going on your observations.
Gotta be honest here. Who Cares? I'm not my brother's, or my provider's keeper. I see the type of lady I like to see-intelligent, level headed and beautiful. The ones with problems can go after someone else's money.

if it is a set up and you are in a room with a lady, Your charges will be a felony instead of a misdemeanor.

Don't mix drugs and the business! Cops love finding both, easy felony charge, for them.

Be Smart and Safe,

during my time with them.

One drank far in excess of what they should and it did affect our time somewhat.  Fortunately, she is now enrolled in AA and last time I checked on her she was doing OK.

The other two held their liquor very well and I did not perceive any problem.  They both said that the drinking made them feel more open and relaxed and from all appearances it did just that and only that.

I myself am only a one drink kind of guy, so I have a glass of wine with dinner and that's pretty much it or I'm done for the night.

I guess I have a different take on this subject.  For 1 hr dates I never have alcohol available and on 2 hr dates I'll always have wine available.  How it evolves is always different.  I have had girls politely decline, and I have had girls imbibe in a glass or two during the 2 hrs.  Never had I had a girl abuse alcohol in my presence.  This thread may change my view on the subject in the future and ask the girl for her views on the subject in advance of the date.

I had to stop, the alternative pretty much REALLY sucked. Thank God, I discovered that I'll do things stone cold sober that some women won't do no matter HOW drunk they get, so what do I need liquid courage for??


It is a sad reality though, that all too often alcoholism and addiction are intertwined with the less savory aspects of this profession. My heart truly goes out to any lady who enters this trade not out of choice, but rather to support a habit.

There but for the grace of God go I...

right on! iv been providing for 3 yrs, the last half I spent completly sober. I think the profession allowed me to drink as much as i wanted, there for i discovered i was simply an alcoholic early on(21yrs old). Now that iM sober I am more confident in what i do each day. and Im better at it too.

Congrats on your sobriety, fiona!  There is a lot of alcoholism in my family, and it's always great to hear when someone is doing so well in their recovery.

-- Modified on 8/26/2007 6:21:21 AM

-- Modified on 8/26/2007 11:33:54 AM

I just read this that's why I am so late. But a hearty congratulations. I know how hard it is to shake an addiction. Tobacco was mine. If I were to smoke just one cigarette I would be back to 2 packs a day pretty quickly.
Once again congrats Sin*.

I don't believe that its really common for providers to consume alcohol during an appointment.  This is a generalization.

For example, I often have a.m. appts, if I consume anything, its coffee.  I may have 1 glass of wine during an appointment, but again, not always.  I often have water or diet soda.  I am not a heavy drinker nor do I drink routinely.

I think its the same in any walk of life.  There are people who still enjoy the 2 martini business lunch.  While others occasionally imbibe and others abstain.

So, as it relates to your question, my comment is that this question implies that most providers drink often and heavily.. and I honestly do not find that to be the case. Like everything, it varies from person-to-person!

Nah,, I don't buy into that at all.  More than half are business women running a business.  If your boss gets drunk b4 walking into his office chances are that business falls apart.  Same thing, but there will always be those with distorted thoughts!

If a provider or a male business owner does there are proven facts all over the place stating the damage it brings!

I tell him I prefer Perrier. Certainly, Im sure, there are 1 or 2 providers out there who hate their job and choose alcohol to go thru it, but i think its rare. Its as Octavia said, we are business women. We are also nymphomaniacs, but not drunkards. Its not safe for us to be drunk in an appointment. If something goes wrong, being drunk would make us unable to react accordingly, we also care too much about getting good reviews, we dont want reviews saying we were puking during doggie...
For me, Its possible that if I go for more than a week without sex, I may need a drink, but even then I opt for a soymilk and whey protein powder overdose (if you're going to overindulge, you should at least get some nicely toned muscles from it...)

-- Modified on 8/26/2007 12:23:17 AM

Some of whom are very serious about wanting to stay alert during a session.

Though I know it has to happen somewhere in the hobby, I don't know how you could say it's common.  I don't know what kind of sample you're drawing that conclusions.

. . . how often do rehabbed providers lapse due to their client's use of drugs or vice-versa? I heard a story about a guy snorting coke during an overnight with a lady who had rehabbed from the drug. It sounded-- uneasy.

I've only brought wine to 2hr dates with a provider I see. I make it available, but it really doesn't matter if we drink any or not.  I wouldn't want to get drunk during the session, and I wouldn't want the provider to get drunk, either.  I find it's nice when we're chatting a little bit during the session to enjoy a glass of wine, but I'm not a big drinker so I'm fine without any.

Tandberg1000 reads

On my first overnight, which was with my ATF, I bought a bottle of Gran Marnier.  Before I new it, she finished it off in about 20 minutes. While DATY was kind of fun, she basically past out for the rest of the night.

Not all ladies drink during sessions. Some drink in excess, some don't drink at all.

I am not a big drinker period but if a guest brought a bottle of wine or would like to have a glass of something I offered during our session, I would definitely have a glass as well, maybe 2 at most, but that is it.

In my opinion, it just isn't acceptable to be intoxicated during a session...and that goes for BOTH parties involved. The ladies that tend to stick around and have good reputations know this and know how to say enough is enough.

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