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Idoubt the endercy drinks would help.
Dr. joe 32 Reviews 147 reads

The key information you give is not that you fall asleep when having sex (or instead of) but that you have trouble maintaining an erection.  I would take to your doc about viagra/cialis/etc.

unsure691209 reads

I am 57 and starting to find that "I'm not as good as I once was................." My erections are not as hard as they once were and go soft fairly easily without constant contact. My hobbying is all done on business trips, either real or created to facilitate the hobby. I have almost always traveled the day of or day before a meeting, I am generally not well rested a the time of a date. I also never seem to sleep well when away from home, partially from the anticipation of the hobby date. I now sometimes take one or two Tylenol PM to help me sleep. Is that likely to be affecting my ability to preform?  Would an energy drink, Monster, Red Bull, etc be a help or hindrance to my performance? I am in good health,  with great blood pressure(without medication) I do take a cholesterol medication. I would appreciate any input regarding these issues. I have also posted this on the Erotic Highway for input from the Love Goddess.

I'm older than you.  I work out religiously and always looking for that "extra."   Well, I drank one of those little 4 ounce red thingies.  

Holy shit!  I worked out for one hour, went home, washed and waxed the car, straightend up the garage, rode my bike to the 7-11 (4 miles)just to have something to do.

Then I had a hell of a headache.  

No more for me!

Didn't notice any specific interaction with my willie as I couldn't sit still long enough to even consider sex.    

I can tell you that the Tylenol PM are no-no's for sex.  The anti-histamines will soften up your Mr. Goodbar.

At that age, you risk a heart attack drinking an energy drink.

If you want that little extra, then what you should do is do cardio workouts. If you're not currently doing that, then when you begin make sure you start off slow and work things up over several days, even weeks.

when you can easily walk for an hour and a half a day, then you'll have plenty of that something extra. It'll be all the energy you'll ever need.

When doing this, make sure you consume a decent amount of protein, vitamin E, and vitamin B12. Baked chicken is your best bet. If vegetarian use vitamin suppliments and whey.

A simple formula can tell you how much protein you should be consuming. Just to make the numbers simple, say you weigh 100 pounds, then consume 75 grams of protein. It's basically 75% of your weight in pounds (when exercising like this). If you do weight training, and exercise for 2 hours a day, up it to 100% of your weight in grams.

You'll also will have more spunk if you do sit ups or any kind of abs exercises. 100 sit ups a day will get you most of the way there. If you're not currently doing situps or other ab exercises, work up to it. 15 situp one day. wait a day. 30 situps the next. wait a day. 45 situps the next. You get the idea.

If you're not currently exercising, then yes you will be quite sore at first. But once you build up some muscle mass it doesn't hurt very much at all. In an odd way, it can be rather pleasant.

Tylenol PM is an antihistamine sedative. Sedatives do not generally enhance sexual performance. Antihistamines can specifically interfere with your ability to get an erection. Try warm milk :-)

There is no specific evidence linking energy drinks to heart attacks. Anecdotally, the abuse of energy drinks is believed to be harmful. 5 hour energy and a couple of the other "1 shot" energy drinks claim to be better for you than Red Bull et al because they have no sugar and less caffiene. The scientific studies that I have read sort of agree, but also generally say that there's no conclusive evidence that the energy shot is any better than a couple of peanut-butter crackers and 4 ounces of orange juice (energy and vitamin-wise).

I use 5 hour energy occasionally for a variety of reasons, I never abuse it, and I find it works very well for me. When I was 25, NOTHING distracted me from sex and I was hard pretty much 24/7 - being "tired" had no effect on my sex life. These days, when I am tired, I tend to lose my focus and even my interest at times - 5 hour energy keeps me "interested". I wouldn't exactly say that it 'enhances' my performance, but it does help me to focus and remain energetic if I happen to be tired when the opportunity arises.

substances that will only hurt your chances of getting an erection.  Caffeine is a stimulant, and a fairly good vasoconstrictor.  The LAST thing you need is someting that is going to make the arteries to your "rod" smaller!!!  They also increase blood pressure, and with many will cause the shakes, and sweating.  Then comes the crash!

Many feel the need at that age to get help.  Check with you doc first, then ansk for a trial of viagra or Cialis.  but Not "RedBull" LOL

If you are having trouble sleeping then you should go to the doctor and get a prescription for that first.

Also tell the doctor about your libido.

There is nothing you can tell a doctor that will shock them so don't be ashamed and leave important details out.

I used to have trouble sleeping.  I tried all sorts of natural remedies.

Then I literally became exhausted with trying to sleep on my own.

I finally went to the doctor and was given a prescription and I feel much better than I did a few year ago.

Not sleeping can also affect your thought process.  It is bad as being drunk.

The key information you give is not that you fall asleep when having sex (or instead of) but that you have trouble maintaining an erection.  I would take to your doc about viagra/cialis/etc.

I have a Korean cutie that I've been seeing for about 12 years and she keeps me stocked up with red ginseng and green tea.

I make a tea out of the two and have a cup every day.  It seems to be keeping me in shape, and I'm also 57.

The stuff tastes awful by the way, but I put a shot of chocolate syrup in it and then it's not bad at all.

You'll have to find it at either an Asian market or on line.

Also, it is good to break off use for a month or so about once each year.  It keeps your body from becoming inured to ginseng's advantages.

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