TER General Board

Idk. Are you sticking your nose where it doesn't belong again Charlie Brown?!!! Lol. Em
BlaqueWonder See my TER Reviews 1401 reads
1 / 51

Just curious.. Has there ever been an instance when a provider and a hobbyist actually fell in love with each other due to their countless encounters and pursued a relationship outside of the hobby?

JackDunphy 705 reads
2 / 51

It's alright sweetie. You aren't the first, and won't be the last.

GaGambler 686 reads
3 / 51

Don't listen to him or that GaGambler guy who claims to have dated lots of hookers, they are just pulling your leg. We all know that hookers are not real people with real lives. As a matter of fact I have it on good authority that they simply hang upside down in the closet like bats in between calls.

I think it was London Raine who told me that, and we all know that LR NEVER lies, right? lol

JoelGoodsen 413 reads
6 / 51

If both people are open to it, then absolutely.  I'm currently enjoying a real nice, totally undefined nonexclusive relationship, and I believe our friend Mr. Fisher like scoed, has tied the knot with a provider.    

-- Modified on 7/3/2015 6:43:28 PM

-- Modified on 7/3/2015 6:49:13 PM

BlaqueWonder See my TER Reviews 819 reads
7 / 51

Lol..oh no..not me..lol. I was just curious if thats ever happened before..that would make a great "how we met" story๐Ÿ˜

mojojo 1 Reviews 649 reads
8 / 51

Over the years I've lost four atfs to provider hobbyist marriages. One was girl girl. Thank you Supreme Court. Sometimes it takes, and sometimes it crashes and burns horribly. I won't go into my opinion of such an undertaking, but there was a recent marriage in the hobby. The (provider) bride's family sat in one section, the (hobbyist) groom's in another. Since the bride and groom were heavily involved in the hobby's mixer/gathering scene, there was a section for friends of the hobby. I can't help but think of the conversations at that wedding. "Oh, those are the guys who've had the bride." "And those are all the ladies who've provided for the groom." Talk about wedding crashers. Must have been quite an event.

GaGambler 153 reads
9 / 51

I am sure that will work out much, much better than the last two. lol

GaGambler 631 reads
11 / 51

the two of them are still "Facebook family" and yes, I told her how we met, I was one of her first client right after she turned 18, and one other thing she is almost exactly 30 years younger than me.

Oh, did I mention? I have a VERY open minded mother. lol

Senator.Blutarsky 203 reads
12 / 51

This guy is looking for his next wife... Why don't you give him a chance?

GaGambler 116 reads
15 / 51
1705218 10 Reviews 456 reads
16 / 51

But not to me. One of the best providers in my city fell in love with a client who was married but he left his wife and got a divorce and now lives with the provider. He calls all the shots and made her cut her client list in half. She really loves him. and I hope it works out for her, she was my friend.

Bob.Sugar 114 reads
17 / 51

I'd bet that would be a riot too.

Posted By: GaGambler
I am sure that will work out much, much better than the last two. lol

mrfisher 108 Reviews 522 reads
18 / 51
TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 562 reads
19 / 51

One. (London told me this)
Never trust a man who knows how to fuck hookers...
It makes it way too easy for him to cheat on you.
Two. Never trust a man who knows how to fuck hookers..
It makes it way too easy for him to cheat on you.

JackDunphy 533 reads
20 / 51

Never trust a hooker that can't take more than a 6" schlong in her cooch...
It makes it all too obvious she has been vaginally scarred by fkin black dudes. :D

inicky46 61 Reviews 184 reads
21 / 51

And I'll admit it's not all on Minnie.  I do believe her when she says she's bad at LTRs.  But so am I, having had two wives shot out from under me (it's just an expression, Minnie).
So, no.  No more relationships for me.  I've been single again for nearly five years and couldn't be happier.
Also, GaG, what would you know about LTRs anyway? Since I've known you I don't think you've been with the same girl three days straight.  Of course that's three days longer than me.

rob8675309 6 Reviews 336 reads
22 / 51

In fact, it's happening to me right now. We've been non-hobby dating for about 6 months now, and I love her dearly!~~~~Rob

inicky46 61 Reviews 158 reads
23 / 51

We all hope you are happy together.  It's a new world.

GaGambler 116 reads
24 / 51

I may not have made it three days with the same girl, but I have gone two days with the same girl several times since you've known me and that is 47 hours longer than you have gone since I've known you, so neener neener. lol

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 401 reads
25 / 51

No wonder you have to pay for sex!
I realized. I don't. I only have to be cordial.  
Unlike the feelings I have toward you right now.
You make me mad. You make it worse... Whatever it is.

I like to see our escorts as the pinnacle of the sexual experience

ucguass 18 Reviews 369 reads
26 / 51

never trust a hooker.

scoed 8 Reviews 557 reads
27 / 51

I was never my wife's client. LOL..... I still paid for it just not on a per time bases. Men always pay, one way or anther.  

But to answer her question, yes it happens that a client and hobbyist fall for each other and on even a rarer occasions it doesn't end badly.  I can (but won't) name a few people that met as a client/provider in the hobby and have a current LTR where the guy no longer pays directly. It happens. Just that it is rare and it isn't my story to tell as I was never my wife's client. I was her friend for close to a year before we became a thing and I got to see what her clients got to see close to the start.

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 324 reads
28 / 51

I trust age, and experience. I respect it.
Simple as that.

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 446 reads
29 / 51

I hope you guys have that too.
Unless your parents are dead:.. Then sorry?

I hate to go all psychoanalysis on you...
But? WTF?

JadeTai See my TER Reviews 587 reads
30 / 51

I was just reading about a relationship like this on "Dear Tits & Sass..." this morning.  It sounds like it isn't destined for relationship success, but perhaps something like that could work out under different (more secure) circumstances.  

Check the link below.

TheBBWolf 2 Reviews 624 reads
32 / 51

Back when I was married and she was shooting porn and escorting.  Of course it started off fun, but soon she became very jealous and possessive and it ended badly.  

Can it work?  Maybe, but it's not easy.

inicky46 61 Reviews 119 reads
33 / 51

Be sure to bow from the waist when greeting me.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 144 reads
34 / 51

Imagine that. Shocking I say.

-- Modified on 7/4/2015 11:26:31 AM

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 363 reads
35 / 51

Did you ever find my whitelists?

JohnyComeAlready 411 reads
36 / 51

I often get the feeling that ladies lose  more and more respect for me after each visit.  Not because I try to get discounts, or repeatedly ask them out to dinner OTC. I think they lose respect simply because I pay to spend time with them. I've even considered buying gifts, to see if that helps.

What women could possibly fall in love with the man who spends money to be with her?

hbyist+truth=;( 367 reads
37 / 51

I love him like my favorite uncle....says it all.

GaGambler 501 reads
38 / 51

So I guess this is a huge improvement. lol

GaGambler 452 reads
39 / 51

She really needs to do both of them a favor and cut him loose.

There is zero doubt that he will be better off without her, and unless he wins the lottery, she will always be wanting more. While she still has a "few years left" she better get her money maker out there and either find an actual rich guy to "settle" for, or to feather her own nest before she becomes one of the OTHFBC who spend their days here on TER either whining about how bad their johns are, or answering every single ISO post that goes up. It is a bit sad watching a once beautiful hooker trying to "Hang on" when it's evident that she is not only well past her prime, but that her heart is just not in it any more, but she has nothing else she can do. I won't mention any names, but there are a bunch of them on our many TER boards.

Bob.Sugar 109 reads
40 / 51

All that matters is when someone is "caught" in that lie, they own up to it.

Most still don't.  They just create more lies  ;)
Posted By: dadadadada
men lie. If men didn't lie, I'd be golden. I am quite the catch ya know ;)  
 Oh wait, no, you don't know. But that's ok lol.

Bob.Sugar 589 reads
41 / 51

Don't name names....some, actually most can't handle the truth here.

And I like when they post...makes for a fun day usually.
Posted By: GaGambler
She really needs to do both of them a favor and cut him loose.  
 There is zero doubt that he will be better off without her, and unless he wins the lottery, she will always be wanting more. While she still has a "few years left" she better get her money maker out there and either find an actual rich guy to "settle" for, or to feather her own nest before she becomes one of the OTHFBC who spend their days here on TER either whining about how bad their johns are, or answering every single ISO post that goes up. It is a bit sad watching a once beautiful hooker trying to "Hang on" when it's evident that she is not only well past her prime, but that her heart is just not in it any more, but she has nothing else she can do. I won't mention any names, but there are a bunch of them on our many TER boards.

GaGambler 331 reads
42 / 51

just scroll down the Photo Board pics each day. Again without naming names, there are a few women there that really should wear more clothes, not less. Time and gravity are not always kind to the OTHFBs

Bob.Sugar 517 reads
43 / 51

But I guess breaking the board up into sections was too much trouble.

I still recall some of your comments about having to look at all the ads that went up before the days of the photo board.  I am sorry!
Posted By: GaGambler
just scroll down the Photo Board pics each day. Again without naming names, there are a few women there that really should wear more clothes, not less. Time and gravity are not always kind to the OTHFBs

GaGambler 498 reads
44 / 51

I think that's what drove GJ over the edge and made him lose his mind, Can you imagine having to open and approve EVERY SINGLE ad on the Florida Board. It put a whole new meaning to the term "I was really scared"  

and to think we didn't even get hazard pay, plus we had to share the TER jet. I can't believe you were too selfish to let him hop on ride on your G5 every once in a while.

Bob.Sugar 523 reads
45 / 51

But the moran (sp) insisted I look at 3 days worth of "look at me" posts with him as part of the deal.

Needless to say...there was and will never be a deal.
Posted By: GaGambler
I think that's what drove GJ over the edge and made him lose his mind, Can you imagine having to open and approve EVERY SINGLE ad on the Florida Board. It put a whole new meaning to the term "I was really scared"  
 and to think we didn't even get hazard pay, plus we had to share the TER jet. I can't believe you were too selfish to let him hop on ride on your G5 every once in a while.

GaGambler 417 reads
46 / 51

The "look at me" posts are actually a lot easier to look at than the Ad posts complete with pics where you really have to "look at her" complete with an eyeful of her tits hanging down below her knees.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 114 reads
47 / 51

what a catch you are. You re,India us virtually daily. And of course I believe you.

HectorBlack 12 Reviews 304 reads
48 / 51
USGrantlover 220 Reviews 499 reads
49 / 51

You type 'em' then type a message. Just curious. Did you ever find them?

stfuDonny 468 reads
50 / 51

I am a provider who has been around long enough to know how fucking big a mess dating a "john" can be.  I cannot recall how many guys I've let down gently saying "I don't date clients, period. " until recently-ish, for over 10 years, I lived by this one constant rule...never shit where you eat...

...but this year, I met HIM.  25 years my senior and an experienced purchaser-of-poon himself, we connected instantly on a physical,  intellectual,  and emotional level. After our second encounter, as we sat on the same side of a booth in a Joe's crab shack...I told him that I couldn't take his money.  The look of relief he gave me, mixed with the warmest of affection as he threw an arm over my shoulder, reassured me that I was doing what was best for our situation. We went back to my place and made some muthafuckin' love like I've NEVER had before...

It still hasn't been long enough to know if it will last or if he'll get tired of my character flaws...but OMFG I love him, like a fat kid loves cake.  Physically, it is the best and the most intense I could have ever imagined, and now it is real.  We laugh about shit, we talk about our dreams for our own lives,  and we silently ponder how to make those things all work together somehow.  We share the same passion for a couple oddly specific hobbies, we are the same "sign," and nothing has ever felt so natural as falling asleep with his heartbeat as the last thing I hear for the day.  His voice makes everything wrong with my day, okay in the end.  I would be so beside myself if I fucked it up somehow...but thankfully, he brings out my much more desirable traits. I hope he needs me as much as I need him (fingers crossed!)  But...the future is not anyone's to know. I can always HOPE. No "norm" or "rule" can take that away from me, or anyone else who's been where I'm at now.

Life is full of surprises,and one size does NOT fit all.  Anything can transpire in this game of lust and gratification...in my case, I've met someone who I care for in a way I never thought I could care for another person :-

scb19 10 Reviews 316 reads
51 / 51

julia roberts did it once....but hey, he was loaded.

Posted By: BlaqueWonder
Just curious.. Has there ever been an instance when a provider and a hobbyist actually fell in love with each other due to their countless encounters and pursued a relationship outside of the hobby?

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