TER General Board

I would say that I've encountered the same issue in reviews, perception is different for everyone
miamidolls See Agency Profile 1192 reads

A 10 for someone may be a 6 for someone else, specially if the person writing the review prefers certain body type but decided to experiment and see someone completely outside of his regular choice (tall vs. petite, curvy vs. super skinny)  

It is just a matter of chemistry, interaction among tons of other variables come into play for ratings, but I would say if the pictures are accurate, she delivers as promised, she is professional, provides an enthusiastic, warm and exciting experience, she should not get a biased rating when chemistry was not present (how do you rate/fake chemistry anyway, you can be with Miranda Kerr and she may not appeal to you so much even when she is a 10 in looks for some). I think TER should re do the ratings because sometimes like you said, the write up and details are wonderful but the scores are low (and it may be because the reviewer scores really low).


-- Modified on 7/14/2014 3:51:49 PM

Hey, fellow hobbyists--

I am one of those guys who reads every review regarding a given provider so that I can get an overall impression and note consistencies and aberrations.  For example, if one guy gives low scores because he had a not-so-great time, but 10 other hobbyists give good marks, then I usually assume that there was a reason for the one bad time and discount that review somewhat.  I may even ask the provider about it if that seems appropriate.  

However, in reading many, many reviews, I have found that some guys will give relatively low scores (6s, 7s and 8s)--but the write-up indicates that they guy had a good time and says complimentary things about the provider.  That is simply not fair--whichever way it should have been done!  It is not fair to the provider if everything really was good, as it lowers her average scores (and there IS something of a competition amongst the providers to get the best scores).  On the other hand, writing the experience up as good when it really WAS a 6 or 7, is unfair to the rest of us hobbyists, as we are doing our homework in order not to have any surprises during the appointment.

I know that not every provider is a 9 or 10.  In fact, I wanted to give one woman a 10 and TER wouldn't let me do it because she didn't offer a couple of specific services.  But, I think we should all be aware that any score lower than 8 belongs with at least a lukewarm review, if not a negative one.  And, if the experience was good overall--even if there was something about looks, attitude or service that was a bit off-putting, I suggest writing her down to an 8--but no lower.  

Let me put it in another context--one that we're all familiar with:

If she's a "C" experience, then tell us in writing that she is just average and use those 5s, 6s and 7s.

If she's a "B" experience, she deserves at least an 8.

If she's an "A" experience, then that's what the 9s and 10s are all about.

For anyone who is less than a "C" experience, PLEASE tell us why it was bad and use those lower numbers!

The person who said "The worst I ever had was wonderful" was an idiot!  We know that there really are a variety of experiences to be had out there--and we review providers both to warn other hobbyists and--we hope--to encourage a provider either to keep up the good work or improve her game.

What say ye all?

A 10 for someone may be a 6 for someone else, specially if the person writing the review prefers certain body type but decided to experiment and see someone completely outside of his regular choice (tall vs. petite, curvy vs. super skinny)  

It is just a matter of chemistry, interaction among tons of other variables come into play for ratings, but I would say if the pictures are accurate, she delivers as promised, she is professional, provides an enthusiastic, warm and exciting experience, she should not get a biased rating when chemistry was not present (how do you rate/fake chemistry anyway, you can be with Miranda Kerr and she may not appeal to you so much even when she is a 10 in looks for some). I think TER should re do the ratings because sometimes like you said, the write up and details are wonderful but the scores are low (and it may be because the reviewer scores really low).


-- Modified on 7/14/2014 3:51:49 PM

When reading reviews, I carefully read the nuances of the lowest reviews, then click on the reviewer's name and see if he usually gives lower numbers than most. If not, I expect to read his disappointment. Maybe he thought her incall was dumpy, and the others didn't mind that. That happens to something that's important to me, too, so I'd let that influence my decision.

Btw, I don't think 8 is a damning score, either category. Referring to the paragraph quoted below.

"However, in reading many, many reviews, I have found that some guys will give relatively low scores (6s, 7s and 8s)--but the write-up indicates that they guy had a good time and says complimentary things about the provider.  That is simply not fair--whichever way it should have been done!  It is not fair to the provider if everything really was good, as it lowers her average scores (and there IS something of a competition amongst the providers to get the best scores).  On the other hand, writing the experience up as good when it really WAS a 6 or 7, is unfair to the rest of us hobbyists, as we are doing our homework in order not to have any surprises during the appointment."

6= nice
8=really hot

6=nice time
7=hot time
8=went the exta mile

What the hell are wrong with those. Some guys take the words next to the numbers seriously. Others seem to have multiple lifetimes (since 10 is supposed to be "once in a lifetime")

I totally disagree with you that A score lower than an 8 should be reserved for a lukewarm or negative review.

Why can't someone have a nice time with a nice looking girl and have good things to say about her, and a desire to repeat?

GaGambler1176 reads

It's guys like him who have bought into the bullshit that a 6-7-8 is a low score, and that giving out scores like that are an "insult" to the provider.

The is not the Olympic gymnastics where you can score a 9.95, it's a one to ten scale, where you cheapen the high scores by giving them out like candy.

I agree, what the hell is wrong with a "hot time" with an "attractive" provider? If you give a score like that to one of the review manipulating divas that dominate the "Top" lists of TER, you are inviting a boat load of hate mail not to mention extortion attempts. What the fuck is wrong with some of you guys?

I don't think 8 is a low score, and I know what the descriptions say for each number.  But, I can tell you that a 6 or 7 is regarded by the providers as a low score and is not likely to make them warm and fuzzy if you're planning a return visit.  If there has been "score inflation," and I'm sure there has, the result is that expectations have also been increased.  Getting back to more realistic reviewing now is difficult, as we won't all toe that line.  The result, then, is that the numbers are regarded by the providers as I indicated before in my grade comparison.

A little contradiction here.

Current post:

Posted By: Anallingus
I don't think 8 is a low score,
OP, a few hours ago:
Posted By: Anallingus
However, in reading many, many reviews, I have found that some guys will give relatively low scores (6s, 7s and 8s)

noagenosage1218 reads

You can have that nice time, but you probably have to give her an 8 or 9 by today's grade inflation standards.  Ten years ago the same person might have received a 7 or 8.  Now if you give a hot woman an 8 she's probably ready to bust your balls and kick you out the door.  But I've never known a K girl to complain -- of course, if you evaluate her unjustly, you'll never see her again.

...and unfortunately reviews are not rational.  I have given some of my favorites a 7 or 8 on looks and and an 8 or 9 on performance.  Inflated scores are all too prevalent on TER.

Same here.

I'm new to this game, and I gave my provider a 7 on looks and a 9 on performance (Thinking back, I could have easily given her an 8 on looks, but then again, I'm thinking that 7 is above average and complimentary)

The problem I have with 9 or 10's regarding looks is I haven't been with enough women/providers to compare and contrast; therefore, how can I even justify a 10-One In a Million? (just saying)

Those scores are low
It is said over and over again
A 7 is a failing grade

GaGambler1111 reads

and providers are not, or at least should not be in charge of what is or is not a failing grade. Which is yet another thing that is broken about the system.

Many providers look at a nine as a failing grade, or at least they bitch about nines as it knocks them down on those stupid "top" lists which are also so much of the problem with the review system here.

I have some low scores  
read the reviews of those reviewers..
not all reviewers are credible lol

While generally a fbsm lady will only give a HJ finish, some offer more. There was a fbsm lady a few years ago who was consistantly getting 9s in performance. She did not offer FS, but she did kiss with tongue and bbbj. Technically she actually qualified for 10s even without sex, by TER rules, because she was also really bi.

Some do certain kinky things like COF even, but not FS.

Others will do BD/SM also, but not BJs, etc.

It does make the scoring kind of complicated when the number range is based on the activity, and not necessarily the quality of the activity.

TalkToTrees1119 reads

... does that mean she's a total failure?

I don't think so. It's all in the mind of the beholder.  

The beholders are us hobbyists who do the reviews based on our own subjective thinking. Usually... that involves the little head, not the big one.

I've scored a few providers 6/9, her looks may be good, but not "model" type, but not fugly. However, her performance, she knocks it out of the ballpark! If you averaged that score out... she's "only" a 7.5... does that mean she's a bad provider? Nope!  

However, I have scored a few who were at 9/6, physically a knockout, but performance-wise... she went through the motions... did the "bare minimums" of the job. Again, the average score is "only" a 7.5... does that mean she's a bad provider? Nope!  

Now, you may be wondering, out of those 2 scenarios, which one would I repeat with? The first one.  

It all goes back to being subjective.

The Forest Waits

Posted By: Sexy Carolina
Re: The majority of ter providers that are posters here admit that those scores are low.
 It is said over and over again - A 7 is a failing grade

that a 10 suggested bb.....but, I'm sure that is not everyone's m.o.


Posted By: Anallingus
Hey, fellow hobbyists--  
 I am one of those guys who reads every review regarding a given provider so that I can get an overall impression and note consistencies and aberrations.  For example, if one guy gives low scores because he had a not-so-great time, but 10 other hobbyists give good marks, then I usually assume that there was a reason for the one bad time and discount that review somewhat.  I may even ask the provider about it if that seems appropriate.    
 However, in reading many, many reviews, I have found that some guys will give relatively low scores (6s, 7s and 8s)--but the write-up indicates that they guy had a good time and says complimentary things about the provider.  That is simply not fair--whichever way it should have been done!  It is not fair to the provider if everything really was good, as it lowers her average scores (and there IS something of a competition amongst the providers to get the best scores).  On the other hand, writing the experience up as good when it really WAS a 6 or 7, is unfair to the rest of us hobbyists, as we are doing our homework in order not to have any surprises during the appointment.  
 I know that not every provider is a 9 or 10.  In fact, I wanted to give one woman a 10 and TER wouldn't let me do it because she didn't offer a couple of specific services.  But, I think we should all be aware that any score lower than 8 belongs with at least a lukewarm review, if not a negative one.  And, if the experience was good overall--even if there was something about looks, attitude or service that was a bit off-putting, I suggest writing her down to an 8--but no lower.    
 Let me put it in another context--one that we're all familiar with:  
 If she's a "C" experience, then tell us in writing that she is just average and use those 5s, 6s and 7s.  
 If she's a "B" experience, she deserves at least an 8.  
 If she's an "A" experience, then that's what the 9s and 10s are all about.  
 For anyone who is less than a "C" experience, PLEASE tell us why it was bad and use those lower numbers!  
 The person who said "The worst I ever had was wonderful" was an idiot!  We know that there really are a variety of experiences to be had out there--and we review providers both to warn other hobbyists and--we hope--to encourage a provider either to keep up the good work or improve her game.  
 What say ye all?

I think the people who suggest that must be exaggerating. Or else they're saying that they want a rule that BBFS is necessary to warrant a 10.

I mean--

I am convinced that the risk increases greatly when not using a condom.
I don't want to play with a lady who has BBFS with her clients.
If I believed the rumor that any 10 denotes BBFS, I would probably avoid all women with such ratings.
So...I'd be back to settling for what I'm likely to run into at the bar midweek.

Somebody solve this for me

Fuck that! I keep my own condoms, lube, and wits about me because I am responsible for my own health. I don't care what paperwork she has; I'm getting my own tests and I'm putting on a condom before I visit those sugar walls

I believe it must include non traditional services such as facial, anal, doubles or something like that but im not sure as I haven't ever written a review lol.

That's a noble effort but it will never happen because there will never be consistency in clients in what they want, what they like or even why they are clients.

I've often found myself wishing there was more consistency in the review system and how the scoring is applied.  But this is always going to be a subjective undertaking.  All you can do is continue reading the rviews like you said you are doing, read between the lines and make you own judgement.

If I got my pop on, I certainly should be able to give her that unless there was clock watching or another problem..

Someone needs to do some sabermetrics programming and come up with a new, comprehensive, foolproof system for rating providers. It's sex amigo, what floats your boat may sink mine. Why would I care how you rate a provider? As if you and I will have the same experience? I learned that after the first two disappointments. Fuck the subjective analysis. Look at concrete data like photos (none of that Aldo Antonio Photoshop crap) the activities she offers, and the consideration she is requesting. Those are your best bets.

the most recent reviews of any lady I am considering spending time with.

If one of my clients gives me a 6 for thr experience and says he would repeat and he had a great time I do feel confused. It brings my average score down and makes me wonder what I could have done differently to get a higher score. But some guys just score lower than others. I've learned not to take it personally or read much into it.

As long as the average that shows up in the Search isn't in the pits, I bet not many guys decide not to click on your profile because they see your average isn't high enough.

Granted, some might check out a VERY high score who otherwise wouldn't think the woman his type, but, again, how often does that result in a booking?

I do consider a 6 or even a 7 as low, and an average of, say, 6.5 would make me wonder.

Or perhaps exceeding the mark by an  11 - One in a Billion, 12 – One in a Trillion, etc..

Hmmmm....Decisions, decisions.

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