TER General Board

I won't see anyone who screens.
FatVern 405 reads

I can pass any screening process with flying colors, but I won't play the game

RomanticWarrior1447 reads

Can someone help me get over this? I know its all for the best, but it still is hard giving your employment info over the phone. I guess it will be kept very safe, as this is an agency and I am sure they know what they are doing. Still, anyone have any jitters over this??    Thank you very much for your replies!!

My employer wiil not give any employment information out unkess the verifier has my SS #. Thats just not going to happen.

Posted By: RomanticWarrior
Can someone help me get over this? I know its all for the best, but it still is hard giving your employment info over the phone. I guess it will be kept very safe, as this is an agency and I am sure they know what they are doing. Still, anyone have any jitters over this??    Thank you very much for your replies!!

NoYellowEnvelope517 reads

There's no one you could call to verify employment. It's done through a web site, and as you said some kind of ID needs to be used with the verification site.  This almost cost me a home awhile back when the mortgage company decided they needed to re-verify my employment the day before closing and they had to talk with someone at the official HQ of my company... which was closed by the time I found out about the demand.  

Why not just call the person's office and ask to talk with them, you may ask?  That won't work for the many people, like me, who work in virtual offices i.e. our homes.  There's no one to call.  

I've never been required by any provider to provide employment info (I think P411 and solid references help there), and even if I wanted to do that I don't think it would be practical in my situation.  So I'd have to pass on that provider.

TheBastard456 reads

And what makes you say that? They are run by people and people make mistakes. Places get raided and then what, well LE has you info and can tie you to being a client.  

There are plenty of other indys and agencies who will verify you based on references. But it's your risk & reward so do your research and then do whatever you feel comfortable with

It's something to consider...Gina does verifications very discretely and professionally, and most decent agencies use her, or should...that way you only need to go through the process once...

Mr.M.Johnson586 reads

my last name or employment info.  If my WhiteListings aren't enough I will sometimes provide references from Providers.  If that ain't enough, I'll move on

if white lists and provided references aren't enough for a lady, she's no lady

..you are crazy if you do and have only yourself to blame.

Posted By: RomanticWarrior
Can someone help me get over this? I know its all for the best, but it still is hard giving your employment info over the phone. I guess it will be kept very safe, as this is an agency and I am sure they know what they are doing. Still, anyone have any jitters over this??    Thank you very much for your replies!!

FatVern406 reads

I can pass any screening process with flying colors, but I won't play the game

NoYellowEnvelope424 reads

I won't see any provider who DOESN'T screen. I need to know that she takes measures to protect herself, and her clients.  

It's no game.

FatVern319 reads

To think otherwise is a foolish endeavor.

FatVern376 reads

... don't sell your info to advertisers?

I'm sure they'd sell you or her out to the cops in no time.

It's a business, and any business's #1 concerned is making a profit, #2 is protecting it's own ass.

Soooo many ladies just beat your door down to see you!  You do realize that screening is the safety of ALL involved don't you?

FatVern338 reads

so I doubt anyone would refuse to see me, in that capacity.

Knowing who I am is somehow keeping me safe? Still can't find the logic in that one.


It's off to the drivethru for me, there's a big booty blond waiting!

JakeFromStateFarm309 reads

If she screens you, you know she's legit and probably not a rip-off.  Also, you know she's not a cop.

But it does reduce the odds of it being a rip off or LE. The biggest benifit is knowing the lady has some sort of brain and you don't worry as much about them. I know ladies that have had some extremely bad things happen to them that didn't screen and honestly running into LE is the least of it. Just pointing out that LE sometimes mimics legit provider behavior to get information on the scene. Yes they will cave and see you screened or not but sometimes they ask.  

Only posting this as to not mislead newbies. Everyone should screen everyone in this game. Period. There is no substitute for doing ones own homework and not relying on cheats like she screens. I know you know this but there are some newbies that don't.  

P.S. Why are you waiting time on fatvern? He will never get it.

-- Modified on 8/21/2016 11:33:30 AM

JakeFromStateFarm456 reads

There are ways to screen without your even knowing it. More to the point, why in the world would you try to avoid reasonable screening?  A girl has the right to make sure someone is not a cop or a complete idiot like FatVern.

FatVern313 reads

It's kind of hard to screen a person, if you don't know who they are.

JakeFromStateFarm444 reads

It doesn't matter if you don't give them a thing.

FatVern449 reads

You don'the know my methods of contanct.

They do not know who I am.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
It doesn't matter if you don't give them a thing.

JakeFromStateFarm211 reads

Here's the thing, Fatty, you are so clueless no one believes you have any idea what you're doing.

LOL..ridiculous....then you are putting yourself in more of a dangerous position

Had to hand over employment verification for the first escort I saw. I had no problem with it. Boss thought it was a reference check. I'm no longer at that job anymore so I don't even care if it is exposed anymore.

On a side note, I don't think I'd ever use an agency. I feel like it complicates things. You're taking a 2 party transaction (you and the escort) and making it a 3 party transaction (you, the escort, the agency).

FatVern398 reads

That's why I don't provide useless info anymore.  

How do you know you are not dealing with a third party?

If that is mandatory for a provider, we are not seeing each other. Too risky for me to have that info out there.

I myself never even to consider  to see any one who will provide me ONLY adult sites ok, white lists and recommendations from other providers.

That is all suggestive and not absolute attributes of the safety and pleasurable time with gentleman - never even able to tell if he is a gentleman at all.  

Yet from a gentleman point of view - I would say the following - if you are booking low hanging fruit  and those who are actively using Verify him, Safe office, and other Black lists - then your real life information may ended up there in blink of eye -  
in my experience one jealous competitor - woman who lost booking of her regular due  him booking with me - she just went on VH and posted all his info - as address , place of work and so on.  

Myself I never even use those sites.  
I was very surprised when my client contacted me and asked if I posted "review" on him .. I even was not abel to understand what he talks about ..

It all was solved well, he do not see any more true working mentality women who do use those sites.  

I would never release any private info to someone who goes by rules of this adult business for many years - you know - characters are built in vacuum of simple social isolation and twisted values for many here.

Seek true women. Available women. Discreet women and safe with whom you able to share and your address, and your work, and you real name along with deposit.

My clientele is safe with me and enjoying the benefits of true intimacy along with well balanced communication and in bedroom and on social events.  

Short answer  would be - share if you see that you lady is a lady
and never share with those who lives lives by twisted rules of cyber -reality of sex worker with heavy reliance of internet created johns data bases - you name them - i even do not know.

I do expect many females now would post  me that I am "back stabbing" "sisters"

I am independent woman  and standing apart on my own ground managing my life with wisdom of real life  
That is always win / win station for both parties

be safe

[email protected]

Why wouldn't it be safe to give that info over the phone? More then likely we are sitting at the computer and already know where you live, your DOB, where you went to university, your siblings, parents, spouse, current employer...we already have that info..We are just waiting for you to confirm it. You can do that by having us call your office. If you have an extension and you pick up the phone then you are screened :)

If you have a nosy secretary then the office girls pretend to be your local dentist and if she must know then we tell her that we are confirming your dental appointment. Or various other scenarios.

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