TER General Board

I wish I had one of those back in the 80's...
Senator.Blutarsky 487 reads

...when I used to travel to PR for work.  The guys always insisted on going to this one bar after work and the gals were relentless trying to get us upstairs. The thing was I was married at the time, so I had no interest, not to mention these gals were not the best looking and were older than me.

Do you notice in the civvie dating world a correlation between how attractive a woman is and her willingness to be sexually available.  I also wonder in the hobby world, do you notice a relationship between a provider's attractiveness and how much she is willing to do sexually?

I ask this question, because it seems like my more plain, heavier friends constantly want to get laid and seem to be more willing.  My more attractive girlfriends seem to be a lot pickier and not as willing to "put out" so to speak.  Is this just a coincidence in my circle of people I know

GaGambler780 reads

I think attractive women are hit on for sex so much that they are literally forced to put out an air of unavailability, but I don't think that carries over into whether or not they are a "freak between the sheets" once between them. Or at least that's been my experience over the years.

As for your less attractive friends, I doubt they are any freakier than your more attractive friends. It's just that in order to attract men they feel they have to put out the vibe of being available.

I know  that in my civvie life, I am pretty open to the sexual advances of any attractive women under forty, but when I am in Costa Rica for example and I am the "hunted" not the "hunter" I put out a completely different vibe to hopefully ward off women I am not interested in. It's a very different feeling to be the "prey" and one that most men will never relate to.

He got a little too well known in Thailand and thought the shirt would help ward away the solicitations.

Senator.Blutarsky488 reads

...when I used to travel to PR for work.  The guys always insisted on going to this one bar after work and the gals were relentless trying to get us upstairs. The thing was I was married at the time, so I had no interest, not to mention these gals were not the best looking and were older than me.

HanselG1167 reads

With both providers or in the dating world, I think overall that is pretty accurate. I think it is probably more so in the dating world. With providers, there is already a certain level of commitment. Then, I feel like due to a lot of society's views, you get a larger pool of those suffering inner conflict and turmoil surrounding what they do.  Depending on what they enjoy about the profession, or their motives and reasoning for being in the profession, their attractiveness might not be relevant.  

For instance, one more pathological and self-destructive woman I knew was pretty much down to do as much as she could, but she was probably a more sex negative sort and used her job in a more nympho-maniacal coping method, similar to cutting, or substance abuse (she was a fan of all three). She was pretty attractive though, with make up.  

In all cases, I guess you would want to start with the intrinsic motive they are trying fulfill, and if it comes for a more internal or external validation. If it is external, well, it is a competitive market. If you are less attractive than woman A, but you're completely down to bury your tongue into my attractively hairy posterior, while having a two-liter pepsi bottle shoved up your vageen...well, maybe you're not as pretty but you have certainly perked my interest.

Just my thoughts from the ones I have known

cashorcredit624 reads

When I started out, I was banging average and heavy broads, one broad even injured me during CG. Those chicks were very easy to lay

Now I'm off the market, to what I would call an attractive broad, it took me a month and lots of money impressing her to finally get laid. Took a lot of time and effort.  She's not the kinkiest so I seek providers from time to time.

Very attractive providers are conservative sexually, you can't do this, don't touch me here or there, as where average looking providers are very widely open sexually.  

It's not just your circle what you speak is the truth hot_brie.

-- Modified on 1/19/2015 10:26:21 AM

in my school. And all of us had boyfriends and me and my best friend from kindergarten, we looked 19 when we were 15 and we d change into sluttier clothes after leaving her parents beach house on cap in summer. We would wear too much make up big slutty hoops earings and we loved meeting boys, I hate to say we were slutty? I mean we were havin fun!

but um no not for me my girlfriends were all blonde irish quincy girls with super nice bodies, and we all also loved boys,  

there werent many blousers getting any dick where i grew up , no offense, the pretty girls got all the boys.

cashorcredit514 reads

I happen to like slutty lol.  

I wasn't banging hot chicks during my teen years, so I can't say whether they were slutty or not, I was banging average looking broads, until I entered a different tax bracket.  

However I do agree with you though, in the civvie world usually the hotter and prettier the more slutty and freakier they are not so much in the hobby world, way too many rules.

So take this for what it's worth, but at least for me attractiveness was not linked to sexual availability.  The hottest woman I ever dated was also the most sexually open.   At the same time some less physically attractive but probably more inwardly attractive women I dated were not so much into sex.  

I think back then it was more a question of where they came down on the the issue of "is sex a good thing or a bad thing"?  I'm not sure that's such a loaded question now as it was then.  The ones who thought it was good were on the pill and sex was very open.  The one's who didn't were not on the pill and to be honest, at least in my corner of the world, and at least until AIDS hit the fan, I'm not sure anyone used condoms so sex wasn't gonna happen quite so easily.    

I'm sure things are different now, but then in my little circle it was more 'should I or shouldn't I have sex?', as opposed to 'will I or won't I have sex with you?'.  And those who felt they should because sex was fun were probably more party oriented, physically hotter girls than those who clung to the notion that it wasn't ok.    

In the hobby I'm pretty low maintenance so women of all appearance ratings have been just fine at providing me with what I need and at least for the agreed upon time seemed anxious to do it.  

-- Modified on 1/19/2015 6:37:05 PM

Seeing it from the male side, I am aware that there are "unattractive" women who would be sexually available with minimal coaxing, of course, but I though I might pick up on the signals, I don't pursue the women. In other words, the flirting turns quickly to joking or cutting the fool and ends up with keeping it friendly.

But on the larger scale, there are an awful lot of women, IMO, who do not always seem all that gorgeous who COULD be quite beautiful if they so chose. How they dress and do their hair would easily transform them, of course, but also when they want to get laid or even just have a little fun and romance something seems to change in the dynamics of their everyday activities. I'm not talking about swinging their hips or batting their eyes, although that too sometimes, but something less overt, and much more difficult to put into words. Just lingering at the end of a greeting an extra couple of seconds, and a certain radiance and alertness that isn't always there. Either this makes them more attractive than how they'd usually be seen, or it makes me pay a little extra attention to how they look so I see them as sexually desirable.

What I find often happens, is that the most attractive women in a meat-market saloon do a Helen Keller so as not to encourage the whole pack to descend, but are no less open to listening to a pickup line than the Plain Janes at the bar. I don't know how they're playing it, but just because they're up for adventure, they still want to be discreet.

When women aren't looking for a sexual partner, they dress for the weather and storm around minding their business and simply don't want to bother with the other mode.

When I'm selecting a provider, I'm not drawn to the flashing the camera pics as much as to the tamer poses. The less explicit the text, the more alluring they are to me, more a bit of mystery maybe. That's providers, mind, and they don't have to spell out anything. With a laywoman the same balance works in just how the present themselves socially.

So no, I find that the women who make themselves beautiful are the ones that are most up for it, and the ones who don't bother with their looks aren't really interested at the moment. The REAL monkey in this is that some not very attractive women are so surprised that anyone would sniff THEIR butt that they are easily seduced.

How they are in bed has nothing at all with how they look, and not all the knockouts really care that much about what a man looks like beyond being well groomed and basically a happy person. Maybe they see good looks as an arbitrary illusion.

The ladies I've seen in civie life have, with very few exceptions, been pretty vanilla between the sheets, regardless of how pretty they are. As far as hobby life is concerned, my experience has been the exact opposite of what the other posters stated. The prettier the lady, the more freaky she is. At least that's been my experience. My theory is that their above average beauty gives them the self confidence to really let loose. The more average looking ladies I've been with were more timid and reserved. They just kinda followed my lead, muddling through, instead of taking the bull by the horns, so to speak! They seemed shy about telling me what they wanted and how they wanted it. The prettier ladies I've been with seemed to have no problem with this, thus we had a better time together, as she was willing to share with me what pushes her buttons. ~~~~Rob

Please correct me if I am wrong.

The first question concerns the civvie world and correlates attractiveness to basically how easy they are. I find that to be mostly true. Attractive women will hold out for a better looking guy, because they can, where as many, not all, of those that are plain looking or heavier are more willing to settle for what they can get.

The second question concerns how hot a provider is in relation to what she is willing to do sexually for money. I think that just depends on the individual. I think their are plenty of freaks at every price range. Quit frankly for me if it comes down to simple math vs. pleasure. If X model material hooker wants $500/hr. and everything is on the menu, but Y girl next door hooker only wants $200/hr. and everything is on the menu. Y will win every time assuming she lives up to my expectations. 2 for 1. Sometimes I will find one that falls somewhere in the middle price wise but is smoking hot and I will treat myself. Sorry I digress.

Or all of the bullshit you have to endure to keep fucking her.


I sometimes wonder what the reality of my perceptions of things, because sometimes I let it dictate how I take what people say to me or act or deal with people on some pre-conceived notion which is not a good idea.

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