TER General Board

I will not see a girl in a motel.
JakeFromStateFarm 641 reads

It's too easy for LE in an unmarked car to see the traffic from her room and bust both of you.  You should be able to tell by the name of her place whether its a chain hotel or a motel.  A booker once told me the girl I wanted to see was in a motel and I told him "sorry, I don't frequent motels." He said he understood and was just trying to save money.  Bad answer.

Someone asked a similar questions in the FAQ section and it got me thinking.  As a hobbyist, would you visit a lady if you knew before getting to her location that she was hosting in a motel?  Would it be rude to ask the lady before you book if she is hosting in a hotel or motel?  As a provider, would you visit a client if you knew before the meeting that he or she were hosting in a motel?  How would you respond if the client asked you if you were hosting in a hotel or motel?  I ask this question because I have visited a few ladies in motels and It always make me uncomfortable when their office is in a motel.

JakeFromStateFarm642 reads

It's too easy for LE in an unmarked car to see the traffic from her room and bust both of you.  You should be able to tell by the name of her place whether its a chain hotel or a motel.  A booker once told me the girl I wanted to see was in a motel and I told him "sorry, I don't frequent motels." He said he understood and was just trying to save money.  Bad answer.

wrps07575 reads

If they find out prostitution is going on they will first tell the provider to leave the room and never come back. Refusal to leave they call the police. Also a lot of stings are done at motels. For giggles observe the activity from a distance or drive by one once in a while. You might see some guys getting busted from a sting(s).

Same is true of hotels too. Marriott hotel is especially bad here in Utah. I will not see a working girl in a Marriott unless I know her very well. I have known them to use houses as well. Only protection from LE is screening and knowing your rights should the unfortunate happen.

LE sets sting in motels, true but they do so in hotels as well. Marriott hotels in Salt Lake are well known for comping them rooms as a tax write off for example. Screening is the only real protection from LE. If LE is watching the room from the outside well they can't prove shit if you shut up and calmly excersized your rights. And they can just as easily observe a hotel room. Nearly all hotels are loaded with cameras and have zero issues with cops watching the screens providing free security.

That said feel free to ask them if it bothers you. Better yet offer to pay for the room yourself. It is your dime after all.

But I have seen a regular who've I seen at her place but due to some circumstances had to work out of a motel for a time...But I hate motels and I remember not having a great time with her...I just felt creepy. And the Motel was in a seedy part of Hollywood so that may have explained it.

You don't want to be that dude that get the dreaded SNOB label.😀  Am I right!

No way, there's no such thing.  

Posted By: lessdoitagain
You don't want to be that dude that get the dreaded SNOB label.😀  Am I right!
-- Modified on 8/6/2016 12:54:26 AM

I've been called worse by bigger and better...anyway,I'm not a backpage kinda guy.

GaGambler415 reads

Doesn't that description fit ALL of Hollywood? Hollywood Hills and West Hollywood don't count of course.

and yes, I don't know if I am "bigger", but I've certainly called you worse. lol

For obvious reasons...And I know you ain't "Bigger" and your worse is smaller than a pimple on your ass.

GaGambler379 reads

Perhaps you do hang out in West Hollywood, for the obvious reasons of course, and acting tough on the internet is your way of compensating. Not that there is anything wrong with the West Hollywood crowd, just saying...

Hotel/Motel? If I go see a hooker in either setting I have already done my research and know she is legit. To those that say LE can watch me go to a room and leave (i.e. traffic) I say there is nothing against the law about that. As long as you do research... random incall in a hotel/motel is pretty damn safe.

Lets face she don't know which car is mine. i call after I out of the car hard to run a ditch and run out because there may be guys who come back at all hours cops don't want to pay a year least.

I'm not there for the hotel/motel room, as long as it's clean/comfortable I'm happy.

If she's at a $40 minimum for a quick visit, then you're going to get a different scene than a higher minimum.

I ask men to have a 3.5 star hotel or above, so when I walk in, I will fit in. However, a while back I did have a few show up at a 4.5-5 star hotel not dressed appropriately for the occasion, and that was not really embarrassing for me, but I could tell they were very uncomfortable, and felt out of place.

Not a good feeling - I most definitely don't like to feel out of place when walking into a hotel.

I am who I am and never feel out of place anywhere I go.

GaGambler258 reads

Maybe it was years of dining in the fanciest of casino restaurants, running up tabs of several grand while dressed in shorts, but I NEVER feel out of place by being in a "fancy" place underdressed.

Do these guys honestly feel that other people, people like the hotel employees are looking down at them because of how they are dressed? Hotel employees are paid to take care of customers needs, NOT judge them according to how they dress.

I have noticed when a guy was used to a $200 girl, booking a five star might have been a little "over the top". I mean, if I booked one for him, the next guy coming in might feel a little uncomfortable walking into a motel 6.

But yeah - I've had a couple back in the day who were really freaked out by it. Unfortunately, I did not book them again because I felt bad for them. LOL.

In New York City, I walked into some five star with a suit case, jeans, and gym shoes. I was visiting a friend to pick up some chocolates from her - she was at the salon in the hotel. I swear to God, a man grabbed his chest, jumped back, and gasped at me because I wasn't "dressed for the occasion". Ever since then, the way I felt was pretty shitty, so I have been mindful of that. lol!

I do have to add, in Rockford, IL - it's almost impossible to get a hotel that is above a 3 star. (Poor Rockford) So there, it's just expected that all types will come in and out.

Posted By: GaGambler
Maybe it was years of dining in the fanciest of casino restaurants, running up tabs of several grand while dressed in shorts, but I NEVER feel out of place by being in a "fancy" place underdressed.  
 Do these guys honestly feel that other people, people like the hotel employees are looking down at them because of how they are dressed? Hotel employees are paid to take care of customers needs, NOT judge them according to how they dress.

GaGambler377 reads

What I can relate to was a New Years Eve party some many years ago where virtually everyone was in formal wear, or at least coat and tie and the guy who invited me to the party was dressed in jeans and a windbreaker. Of course he had something like a ten million dollar line of credit at the casino and rather than looking down on him, everyone from the Casino VPs on down were at our table kissing his ass.

Dressing for the occasion is for people trying to "climb socially" people who have already made it, don't give two shits. Unless they came from "old money" which is a nice way of saying they had no part of earning it and really, who gives even a single fuck what those people think?

Any guy who would look or talk to you in that matter deserves a "what the fuck is it to you?" in return, not for you to be stressing about it years later. NEVER give such petty people even the slightest power over you, it's what they thrive on.

In fact if I offend such petty people it makes my day. I don't give what small minded folks think a moments time other to laugh at them. And just for the record I avoid places with a dress code. Who wants to hang out with a bunch of stuffy people anyway?

But that guy was so animated. He was this tall skinny old dude in knickers and one of those golf hats. It was so dramatic, I was like wtf? Is he having a heart attack? lol! That gasp.. lol.

I remember some of the people who claimed to be of "high society" wore really nice clothes, had a certain way of acting and moving, acted rich toward the rich, and rude toward the seemingly poor. It was bullshit.

Before you realize what it's like to have a one-up on people of "I don't need you, but if you're cool, I'd love to grab drinks." It exposes all that other bullshit. You're right.

I've met a few of those guys like the casino guys. They were just like - fuck it. I'm just going to go... then the opposite. Where they have enough to present rich in public, play the part, but they can't even buy a couch for their homes. Always bragging about money, money, money.

I specifically remember this dude dressed casual with I think four stacks of $100 chips that were probably 3 grand per stack, just sitting there playing black jack. I kept staring, I probably looked broke lmao

Posted By: GaGambler
What I can relate to was a New Years Eve party some many years ago where virtually everyone was in formal wear, or at least coat and tie and the guy who invited me to the party was dressed in jeans and a windbreaker. Of course he had something like a ten million dollar line of credit at the casino and rather than looking down on him, everyone from the Casino VPs on down were at our table kissing his ass.  
 Dressing for the occasion is for people trying to "climb socially" people who have already made it, don't give two shits. Unless they came from "old money" which is a nice way of saying they had no part of earning it and really, who gives even a single fuck what those people think?  
 Any guy who would look or talk to you in that matter deserves a "what the fuck is it to you?" in return, not for you to be stressing about it years later. NEVER give such petty people even the slightest power over you, it's what they thrive on.
-- Modified on 8/6/2016 8:44:38 PM

regardless, I am comfortable with ME so fuck anybody who thinks they can look down their nose at me.

I just walk in in my "death's head" bandana, earrings, and all the other stuff that makes me look like an outlaw biker...and go about my business.

If a gal had clients in and out all day on multiple occasions, then yes that sends up red flags, but working different places for a "one off" even if repeated once a month, it shouldnt matter to LE because there is no pattern.  I would be more concerned going to an incall where someone lives.  Her neighbors will take notice over time over a stream of different cars/men.  In the case of a city, her doorman would notice at the very least!

JakeFromStateFarm396 reads

Volume at a motel is easy to detect from an unmarked car in the parking lot.  Volume at a hotel room is much less easy to detect.

People walking in and out of a room isn't against the law, they would have to witness a transaction.  Watching from a parking lot may get them off but it won't get you busted.

Bad things like what?  Do you have any first hand experience?  Have you been accosted by a cop as you left a motel?  
Have you seen a cop staking out a motel?    

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Why take the risk?

JakeFromStateFarm421 reads

But, hey, it's all about your comfort level, so be my guest.  I've had it drummed into me from Day One here to avoid motels.  That said, I've been to a few but never with a first timer.  Only with gals I knew well and with whom I was the first of the day.

If you think using a hotel somehow lessens your risk you're kidding yourself, but, as you say, it's all about your comfort level

GaGambler475 reads

I agree that LE can't do shit to you "outside" of the room unless you are a moron, BUT motels are often the site of LE stings and you aren't walking away from a sting.

LE only has so many resources and they go for low hanging fruit. It's a LOT cheaper to set up shop in a cheap motel, run a couple of BP ads as chum and wait to see how many bites they get.

I don't like staying in shit holes, so for that reason alone I won't book a Motel Six type of place, I don't like getting arrested so for that reason I won't go to that kind of place to see  a woman I've never booked with before.

I've also never mainlined heroin, but I know it's bad for you.

So room costs are not a factor. The also use seized houses for stings. LE rarely needs to pay to run a sting. Hotel/motel doesn't matter to LE. What matters is how LE friendly a particular hotel/motel is. I have a friend who used to work vice in SLC. And they ran ads in more than BP too.

GaGambler462 reads

As has been mentioned here many times before, motels are just set up so well to run stings that it is the "venue of choice" for many LE agencies.

Also when I say "costs" I will concede that hotels are only slightly safer than motels and that static incalls are more "costly" and less likely to be used by LE.

Of course motels don't have an exclusive on LE stings, but when trying to "reduce" your risks, crossing motels off your list, right along with un reviewed BP hookers is a good way to "reduce" your risk, not eliminate it.

Lastly, the other reason that motels get such a bad rap is that LE tends to go for the "low hanging fruit" and getting fifty guys to bite on a $100 BP ad hosted at the local "no tell motel" is easier than getting fifty guys to bite on a $400 hour "upscale provider" at the Marriott.  That said, I can think of a LOT of Marriott hotels that hookers avoid in some places pretty damn diverse, both SLC and downtown Atlanta are a couple that come to mind.

So maybe we should say "no motels OR Marriotts" without a very good review history. lol

-- Modified on 8/6/2016 12:09:26 PM

Everything else is much like the "LE check" good for nothing. Avoiding unreviewed ladies is always wise to reduce risk, BP or otherwise. Avoiding known LE friendly places is wise too. My friend like hotels over motels because of better and more cameras. They normally have most of the camera's set up meaning they only had to run some microphones and cameras in the room.

GaGambler403 reads

but I will concede you have a point.

SLC is not like many other markets in the US, it's a thousand times worse than most, but some things are universal. My point does remain that cheap motels do offer LE the most bang for their buck as they can get literally dozens of guys/girls to bite at the lower price point in a single day. and by "price point" I mean that of the hooker, not the hotel. The lower the asking price, the more volume you are going to do, and it's not believable that a hooker operating out of a five star hotel is going to be offering $100 BNG specials.

Aside from that, I fully agree with your points. If you want to be as safe as humanly possible, stick with well reviewed women and control the environment by only scheduling outcalls. Outcalls stings, while they do happen, are a rarity as LE hates to put their female officers into an environment where they do not control the room.

+1 on the Marriott downtown Atlanta! That place is one reason I don't go to hotels in Atlanta period.  Some guys just don't know about that hotel and many ladies refuse to go there. I think it really depends on what hotel or motel and what city. They both make me nervous.  

souls_harbor525 reads

I'm thinking the same thing.  LE might see a stream of guys going in and out of a motel room, but that's not proof of anything.  Even if they somehow had telephoto views of money being handed, maybe lots of people owe her money.

Somebody has to witness the transaction in which money was offered for specific sex acts.  Since it is typically discreet, this is not going to happen very often.

Basically the motel is going to tell the provider to vamoose or have the police evict her.   Of course the police can always stop you and ask questions. But unless you are stupid enough to blurt out your guilt like they always did on Perry Mason, there's not much they can do to detain you.

Motel stings are usually where you show up to an undercover LE or provider who is cooperating

JakeFromStateFarm440 reads

If they want to bust you, they'll bust you, no matter what the circumstances.  Call me crazy but I like to minimize the odds.

souls_harbor304 reads

I think that's the gist of it -- probabilities and risk factors.  Studies pretty much demonstrate that most people worry about some risks that are small and ignore some risks that are large.  Everybody just has to live in their own comfort zone.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
If they want to bust you, they'll bust you, no matter what the circumstances.  Call me crazy but I like to minimize the odds.

Nearly all hotels have camera video monitoring rooms that not only make monitoring room traffic easy it conveniently records it. Most hotels do not mind LE viewing these cam feeds if suspected criminal activity is taking place. There is zero practical difference between a hotel and a motel. The real difference is in the management of the particular hotel/motel. Some actively work with LE like the Marriott's in SLC (both downtown and airport), and others don't. If LE has reason to monitor traffic of a room hotel or motel trust me they are monitoring it.

JakeFromStateFarm312 reads

While it may be true in your area that hall cameras are often used to monitor room traffic, that is absolutely NOT the case in NYC or most other large cities including Las Vegas.  In fact, I have NEVER heard of  a case in NYC where an independent girl (let alone a monger) was busted because of hall traffic observed on a hall monitor.  And I have been part of the NYC info-sharing community for many years.
So please think twice before calling bullshit on someone.  You could end up looking like a horse's ass.

I'd probably pass on a motel setting unless I absolutely knew that the gal was OK

I do not ever see someone if I know she is at a motel. When I am told the location and it turns out to be a motel, I say no thanks I never go to motels. I have asked straight up up front before also.

Quite Frankly, I think that hosting in a motel/hotel is smart to an extent(First is that you don't have to worry about whether or not the other person knows exactly what door to knock on for safety reasons of course). Would you feel more comfortable if the Provider knew your home address & stalked you or caused problems?  As far as I am am concern. Getting a room is a smart Idea.

So motels are more the 2 star places that cost 40-50 bucks a night, vs a 3.5-5 star, which can range from 150-500/night for a regular room.  

Posted By: Kitty76
    Quite Frankly, I think that hosting in a motel/hotel is smart to an extent(First is that you don't have to worry about whether or not the other person knows exactly what door to knock on for safety reasons of course). Would you feel more comfortable if the Provider knew your home address & stalked you or caused problems?  As far as I am am concern. Getting a room is a smart Idea.

When I said that I felt uncomfortable about pulling up to a motel, I was talking about motels that are dumps or shady.  I realize that all of these ladies have different budgets, I just don't want to conduct business in said environments.

That's the important addition to my reply above. I have feared a lot of danger at those places, and it turned from heaven to gangsta paradise at sunset. Yikes.

If I did have an aversion to motels, as it seems that some of you in here do, then I would have never met one of the most amazing providers that I've had the pleasure to see.

In fact, she apologized to me about the room within the first few moments, and I told her "I'm not here to see the room, I'm here to see you". But, to be clear, she has a lot of great reviews in here.

I would offer to get a nice hotel, but she said the raunchier the room, the raunchier she felt, and with her, raunchy equaled great sex, so while the place freaked me out a bit, I found that the benefits outweighed the disadvantages.

And saving a few bucks doesn't hurt either.

Gals can be, let's say, eccentric.

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