TER General Board

I whipped him into shape. Lol! E
mrfisher 108 Reviews 1093 reads
1 / 57

What country was that anyways?

As for your rules, I have never considered them really.  I've hobbied in Canada a few times, and once in the UK.

 Hobbying broads is what I do.  8o)

My rules are to never see anyone that is crazier than I am, and to never over spend.

The first is nearly impossible to break, the latter I break with frightening regularity.

How the hell did she manage to open the hotel safe anyways?

(Note to self, use traveler's checks in that part of the world.)

Oh, and I don't drink any more, but I don't  drink any less either.  8o)

GaGambler 861 reads
2 / 57

First off, my rule about drinking is no more than two bottles, unless of course the lady in question has been drinking right along with me. Secondly, I spend about a third of my time out of the US, and most likely do at least half of my whore mongering.

No offense, but those are some VERY, VERY stupid rules IMHO.

and yes, I still have BOTH of my kidneys, AND my liver, although they are so shot I doubt anyone would be desperate enough to want them. lmao

GaGambler 890 reads
3 / 57

Last Thanksgiving Day, I ran up about a $700 tab in Costa Rica without having a single bite to eat. It was me and two ticas, I would guess between the three of us we drank about three bottles of tequila and a couple of bottles of vodka, plus some assorted other shots at the bar that I am probably better off not remembering. lol

The only really dumb thing that I see that you did that night was leaving your safe open with your watch for her to steal, and the cash of couse. Credit cards can easily be replaced, I don't lose a moment of sleep over them. I do try to lock my Rolex in my room safe if I am having an overnight guest that I don't trust, and where it comes to a $30,000 watch, that means "everybody" lol

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 3160 reads
4 / 57

lived to tell about it?

Besides the normal stuff – no junkies, always use a cover, stick to attractive women who look clean, hopefully somebody who can articulate a thought or two - I have two basic rules that I have never broken:  (1) never hobby abroad; and (2) never drink more than two drinks.    As for the first rule, I know that I have missed some great opportunities, but I don’t want to get into a situation where I don’t know the lay of the land and really screw-up.

Well, I broke both rules and I lived to tell about it but only because I ran into the right lady.   I was in a bar in Southeast Asia with a business partner and his mistress.   Actually, it was already the second bar of the evening and I was already a goner.  I could not help myself; I had to flirt with this really attractive lady who started playing pool after we arrived to the pool tables.   My business partner, who lives in Asia, immediately said to me, “you know, she is a pro, right?”    I replied that I had that inkling.   Anyway, there was a lot of dancing, a lot more drinking and then the four of us headed out to what was the third bar of the night for me (without dinner or lunch, I might add.)

At some point my buddy leaves with his lady friend and before I know it,  I am with my lady friend in my hotel room.   It is now a few hours later, the sun is beginning to come up and my lady friend gets up from bed, she gets dressed and the last thing I remember saying is “please meet me at 8 pm tomorrow night, I would really like to see you again.”      As I am walking to the bathroom, I realize the hotel safe is wide open.   Yes, your guess is right!  I had $1,650 in cash before I left the room, now I only had $150.    However, the corporate credit cards are still there, my iPhone is still on the nightstand and my favorite watch, a really expensive number given to me by my wife for Christmas 2001 is also still sitting on the nightstand.

My immediate reaction was anger, not about the money, but about the situation I had exposed myself to.   The second thought I had was one of endearment for the lady.   She could have taken the credit cards, she could have taken the watch, she could have taken the iPhone, but she did not.  Not only did she not take those things, I still had $150.   The third thought was one of panic, “OMG, I hope we did not do anything risky”  but a quick look next to the bed and then the bathroom confirmed that proper precautions had been used multiple times.

Fast-forward to 8 pm that night and I sat at the hotel lobby, hoping that this lady would return.   Finally, at 8:45, I headed out to dinner thinking that I would never see her again.  My thought was that I completely overpaid, that the lady was probably happy to have made about 10 nights worth of fees in one night, but all in all, I was glad that I had lived through it without any real damage.   The next night, I returned from a business dinner at about 9:00 pm and the receptionist tells me that a friend had been waiting for me and had left me her phone number.    I get up to my room, I call her she scolds me, “where were you? I was waiting for you.”    Well, it turns out that I was wrong, in my drunken stupor, when I asked her to return tomorrow, she correctly interpreted it as the next day because it was already 5 am when I made the request.  
Anyway, 30 minutes later she is back in my room and after a little fooling around I asked her if she wanted to go out dancing again.   She replied affirmatively, but before we left, I made it clear that there would be no more money because a withdrawal would raise red flags back home - I even joked that she would be paying me from now on.   Her exact reply was:  “honey, I am not here for more money, this is not work, I am here because you touched my heart.”      After we went dancing, we returned to the room and as we started to undress each other, she said “stop, get dressed again.”   She made a phone call and before I know it we are in a part of town that a tourist would never see and we pull up to a restaurant.    She orders food and the owner of the restaurant, a friend for 20 years, pulls up a chair and we start doing shots.   A few minutes later, her daughter, her son and her son-in-law arrived to join us, she wanted me to meet her family.   We ended the night at a Karaoke bar with the family and her friend.    

Fortunately, my last full day there I did not have any meetings.   The end result was that we spent the following 40 hours together save for a break of an hour and a half when she went back home to change.    Upon her return, she brought me a bag, she had bought me a pair of shorts and a Polo shirt – I guess that for our last night together, she did not want to see me out and about, struggling with the heat (yes, I am a Florida guy who can’t handle heat and humidity, go figure).

At about 4:30 am that last day, we could not sleep and she said “you are worried because you are leaving,  I am worried because you are leaving, we are not going to sleep, they are coming to pick you up in 2 hours, let’s shower and go out for coffee.”    That is exactly what we did, we sat for an hour talking at a table on the sidewalk about three doors down from the hotel.   She explained to me how she got into the business, the husband beat the shit out of her when she was pregnant with her second child and she left him to raise the kids on her own.   She also explained to me that she did not want a husband or a boyfriend, because her business was way too lucrative (she tours Australia part of the year and apparently makes a killing).   She then mentioned that during my next trip, she did not want me staying at a hotel and that she would also like to take me away from the city for a couple of days to spend on her boat.  

I finally got up and left to wait for my friend’s husband in the lobby of the hotel.   As we pulled away, I could not believe the time I had shared with this lady and I wondered whether she felt the same way, and as I glanced back down the street, convinced that she had already left, I saw her still sitting at the table with her head in her hands sobbing.  

That brings me to the other rule that I broke, I engage in P4P because the clear boundaries make me feel secure that I will not get entangled even when I am attracted to someone.    Well, this is obviously one time I completely fudged that one up, but I had a little help.    One thing I can say for sure is that being a mangina is not so bad, good things happen to manginas.  

Now, about that money,  I don’t care if she helped herself to it or  not, but upon further review, I have a stinking suspicion that I had such a great time that first night that I gave it to her

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1266 reads
5 / 57

How much does $1,650 go for over there?

cocktail-party 909 reads
6 / 57

Pretty far, depending on the country and how upwardly mobile she intends to be. If we're talking Thailand/Cambodia/Vietnam/etc., then that could last her a couple months easy living like a local.

GaGambler 1007 reads
7 / 57

but since what you described is something I do several times a month, I hardly qualify as someone with "any sense" lol

I do this so often and in so many countries I often wake up not knowing what country I am in, or who I am going to find in the bed next to me. A little over a year ago I did that in Panama, woke up without a clue as to where I was, or that I even had an "overnight guest until I noticed a body lying next to me as I was gathering my wits. I pulled by the covers fearing what I might find underneath only to find myself very pleasantly surprised to find this hot little Paisa curling herself up next to me, so pleasantly surprised I kept her with me for another 24 hours. lol

GaGambler 761 reads
8 / 57

You had a great time and were only out a little cash. I say you were a winner. A REAL mangina would have gotten her name and address and started sending her money every month. So you aren't anywhere near as bad as you fear.

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 796 reads
9 / 57

I know, it was really stupid, that is why my first reaction was one of anger at myself followed by RELIEF.    Shit, I have to have been the one to open the safe.  Remember, I had no lunch, no dinner and by the time I got back to the hotel I had had 6 scotches and half a bottle of vodka by myself - that is what I remember, there may have been more.    

Country?  Vietnam.

Dr Who revived 836 reads
10 / 57

of the "I've fallen" thread?

Or was there a different point to his OP that I missed?

What happened to his buddy?  Will that come in part deux?

Is Andrew coming back?

I googled Bahamia...if that's her I get why she's posting the threads on guys bailing.

Bears are only 7 1/2 point dogs....really?  Don't the oddsmakers realize that they're in Green Bay?
Posted By: GaGambler
First off, my rule about drinking is no more than two bottles, unless of course the lady in question has been drinking right along with me. Secondly, I spend about a third of my time out of the US, and most likely do at least half of my whore mongering.  

No offense, but those are some VERY, VERY stupid rules IMHO.

and yes, I still have BOTH of my kidneys, AND my liver, although they are so shot I doubt anyone would be desperate enough to want them. lmao

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 1329 reads
11 / 57

Well, the standard rate for a high end girl, which she was, is about 2,000,000 dong.    She made out with 15 times that amount. Lol!   However, I got three wonderful nights and one day for the price of two 90 minute sessions in the U.S.    

What I can't believe is that my buddy left me in that state, but then again, he was anxious to get to his hotel to take care of his business.    The best part of it is that when I got to the office the next morning, the girls at the office said "we are moving all of your meetings to the afternoon and late afternoon, please go back to the hotel and sleep it off."  :)

GaGambler 821 reads
12 / 57

You would marry her, and bring her and her entire family back to the US where should could get a green card, then divorce you and take you for everything you have.

See how much worse it could have been? lmao

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 784 reads
13 / 57

I knew you would pop by to let me know that my rules are stupid.   However, what I did clearly shows that they are probably good rules for me, specially on the drinking front.    I mean, what kind of idiot opens the hotel safe and then leaves it open?   I could not have been any more foolish if I tried.      I do think I have to re-consider the rule about playing abroad though

Panthera12 818 reads
14 / 57

She was probably crying because her second chance at another $1500 went down the drain and she regretted not taking your watch and credit cards. Poor girl.  
She got you hook, line and sinker. You even fell for the "abuse" line, one of the oldest in the gold digger handbook.

If you go out on that boat next visit, stay close to shore and don't take much cash with you. You can swim can't you?

GaGambler 795 reads
15 / 57

First off, I actually like the OP, plus he can take a little good natured ribbing. UDon't OTOH, well I don't even have to go down that road, we all know how all of us feel about him.

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 753 reads
16 / 57

Posted By: Panthera12
She was probably crying because her second chance at another $1500 went down the drain and she regretted not taking your watch and credit cards. Poor girl.  
 She got you hook, line and sinker. You even fell for the "abuse" line, one of the oldest in the gold digger handbook.  
 If you go out on that boat next visit, stay close to shore and don't take much cash with you. You can swim can't you?    
That is funny about the crying, that occurred to me too!  Yes, if there is a next time, I will have little cash on me and a life preserver,

GaGambler 861 reads
17 / 57

I know full well that if you thought he was the least bit like UDO, you wouldn't have a single positive thing to say about him.

I wonder how our walking petri dish is doing? You know Andreww reminds me quite a bit of UDO, maybe Andreww is UDO reincarnated?

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 742 reads
18 / 57

Hey, I am an amateur, what can I say?   On the watch, that would have been the real killer, not my most expensive Rolex but a lot of sentimental value attached to it because my wife gave it to me.

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 1120 reads
19 / 57

If you want a point to it, it is that each of us knows our limits and it is not a good idea to push them.   The drinking may not have been much by GaG's standards and other people's standards but I know that my judgment goes out the window pretty fast if I combine women and drinking.  

As for falling for her, shit yes, I like her, regardless of whether she was acting or not.   Her summary was:  "you make me laugh, we have a good time together, we look good together and we fuck really good."   What's there not to like?    If I see her again, great, if I don't, great, it will be a nice memory of something I would not have normally done.

Dr Who revived 939 reads
20 / 57

It seemed to combine a number of topics....

The old "I've fallen" story

The "she really must like me..we're good together"  (Although for 1,500 USD in Vietnam of course you're good together)

The "My limits are what they are" story

It was a nice story...filled a number of qualifications as well.

So...what happened to your buddy?
Posted By: lbll
If you want a point to it, it is that each of us knows our limits and it is not a good idea to push them.   The drinking may not have been much by GaG's standards and other people's standards but I know that my judgment goes out the window pretty fast if I combine women and drinking.    
 As for falling for her, shit yes, I like her, regardless of whether she was acting or not.   Her summary was:  "you make me laugh, we have a good time together, we look good together and we fuck really good."   What's there not to like?    If I see her again, great, if I don't, great, it will be a nice memory of something I would not have normally done.

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 957 reads
21 / 57

Oh shit, that reminds me, I should cancel that wire transfer. Lol!    

Posted By: GaGambler
You had a great time and were only out a little cash. I say you were a winner. A REAL mangina would have gotten her name and address and started sending her money every month. So you aren't anywhere near as bad as you fear.

Panthera12 893 reads
22 / 57

At least this guy is a good sport, lol. We just need to make sure he hangs out with the right crowd around here.

inicky46 61 Reviews 751 reads
23 / 57

I've seen him wearing that Rolex on the street at night in San Jose and Jaco and told him he was nuts.  When I went down there I left my Rolex home and bought a cheap but decent watch for less than $200, though I"m sure down there someone would still steal it.
And I learned my lesson about keeping my cash in the safe my first night in SJ when a Tica stole a few hundred from me.
Most Ticas are honest, but if you tempt them by leaving money in plain sight some of them just can't help themselves from helping themselves to it.

-- Modified on 11/4/2014 5:54:23 PM

Panthera12 650 reads
24 / 57

bringing back a wife, etc. That's why UDO and his bride popped into my head not because of anything the OP said.

skarphedin 594 reads
25 / 57
MrTwister 3 Reviews 788 reads
26 / 57


Was in a foreign country, got drunk, almost got trick rolled but she left me $150 (prolly didn't see it), and the next time I saw her she said she liked me alot. I think she's my ATF. The end.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 789 reads
28 / 57

and poor Neddy got hammered on one wine spritzer, and woke up with a Vegas wife.

Yup, that would be the ultimate nightmare.  Hell, you can always buy a new kidney if you have to.

GaGambler 808 reads
29 / 57

yeah I know that's no big surprise, but what was hilarious was a buddy of mine at work told everyone that I had gotten drunk and got myself married that weekend. I showed up for work on Tuesday and found to my surprise a bunch of wedding gifts from my coworkers. (the gullible ones at least)  Getting drunk in Vegas is one thing, getting married while drunk there is quite another.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 905 reads
30 / 57

In Jaco they have chain link fences around the grocery stores so they dont get raided and I'm sure you've seen the guards carrying shotguns at the electronics stores in SJ.

we brought back 4 ticas to our place in los suenos and 1 lifted a wallet from one of my mates. he didn't realize it till the next day.. try tracking down a tica you picked up at beetle bar!

OTOH, one of my mates left a $2,000 camera on the beach we surfed in Marbella. We went back the next morning to see if we could find it and it was gone. No surprise there. The surprise was when a couple young locals chased us down to return the camera they found the night before.

They did take a couple of funnier than shit selfies with the camera but that's all they took.

skarphedin 793 reads
32 / 57
inicky46 61 Reviews 909 reads
33 / 57

Sure, there's petty theft but most of the stores are not fenced in.  There's a big presence of heavily-armed national police and it feels pretty safe.

Panthera12 910 reads
34 / 57

Just don't forget where you got it from. I need it back by tomorrow.

GaGambler 836 reads
36 / 57

The Beatle Bar hasn't been "the place" in Jaco for several years now. Not since the owner started getting delusions of grandeur and the Co Cal took over as "the place" in Playa de Jaco.

CubaGoodingJRsMama 839 reads
37 / 57

Read up on the Asia board on TER. She's looking for a LT Sugar Daddy. Quite often they will bring in part of the family like she did.

As long as you had fun and know the deal it's all good. BTW, did you give her your contact number? Email? Someway to keep in touch with you? If so you'll be hearing from her again!

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 1004 reads
38 / 57

My buddy has lived in Asia for the past 22 years and it was his Vietnam office I was visiting.  Before we went out that night, he went by the office I was borrowing and he asked me when my first meeting would be the next morning and I told him 10 am.   He said, "tell the girls to move it, you will not make it back in time."    He knew exactly where he was taking me and what would end up happening to me.    The next morning he was laughing his ass off at me.   Of course, I did not fess up as to how much it cost me, I had to keep a bit of dignity.   He also does not know I spent the next two days with her, he would probably make fun of me for repeating.

ChiTownHeaux 827 reads
39 / 57
HarryWotton 11 Reviews 915 reads
40 / 57

I like the summary.  Honestly, I posted because I thought it was entertaining and I actually expected to get completely ripped by everybody.  I mean, for goodness' sake, when I saw the $150 my thought was "how sweet, she left me something."   What an absolutely fucked up reaction!  and yes, she saw it, all the money had been rolled together and the $150 ended up right there on the front, on top of my passport, which I was also very relieved to see.

I had more fun than I could ever have for $1,500 in the U.S.   I actually got the WFE experience for a few days - I neglected to mention she folded my dirty underwear and packed my bag for me.  If I made her month, good for her, she made me feel taken care off and she deserved it.

ChiTownHeaux 673 reads
41 / 57
inicky46 61 Reviews 888 reads
42 / 57

If you want to see a small number of fat, old, ugly Ticas.
The good news is it's a short walk from the Canciones.  The bad news is there's no one at the Beetle Bar you'd want to bring back there.

ChiTownHeaux 970 reads
43 / 57

From the review he seemed just as if not more smitten with you than this Asian heaux.  
I am totally kidding your too classy to pull some shit like that!  
As much fun and respect he has for his lady friend she really did hustle him.  
This is common in these parts of the world. Meeting her fam is nothing special they are all in on it. They all depend on her heaux funds to live so they play along. If he did exchange info with her she will be emailing/writing/calling him....of course to see how he is doing! Not really only for more money. Guys need to realize that although, they obtain true "deals" outside the U.S. there is a lot more risk as these ladies are hardly ever working independently.  
Stay safe gentlemen.  

Ps. Thanks for sharing.  


Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 549 reads
44 / 57

JK lbll, but more drinks would be nice for the fun. Problem here is, I could get in serious trouble for stealing $20. Lol. Ain't gonna happen.

Too funny

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 988 reads
45 / 57

Now, now, don't get any ideas.   Seriously, you already know you can have my money, it is a question of getting me to wherever you are :)

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
JK lbll, but more drinks would be nice for the fun. Problem here is, I could get in serious trouble for stealing $20. Lol. Ain't gonna happen.  
 Too funny

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 828 reads
46 / 57

You are right, it is a great point, one of the reasons why I don't hobby abroad despite the fact that I know that I am missing out on some "great deals,"  the dynamics are different.

As for Courtney, she is the total package, brains, soul and looks - guilty as charged on that one!    Anybody from Chicago or visiting Chicago should definitely contact Courtney.   OK, now I have become a shill on top of it all :)

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 727 reads
47 / 57

That is fucking great, now I have family and kids to put through school!   No, I did not give her my contact information but I do have hers, I would definitely see her again.    All kidding aside, as stupid as I felt, I had a great time.      

Shit, I spent $650 for 90 minutes here in FL the night before and the whole session my thought was "am I done yet?   could she just please just leave?"   Total ditz and the photos of her on the website have to have been from 10 years ago.

skarphedin 796 reads
48 / 57
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 763 reads
49 / 57

the road from SJ hadn't been built yet.

GaGambler 802 reads
50 / 57

Not only am I as well known as any monger here with hundreds of reviews, but I even moderated this very board for a few years. So reviews, while admittedly they are the life blood of this site, they are not the only way to gain credibility.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1087 reads
51 / 57

What happened?  The new road means SJ to Jaco takes only 90 minutes.  Now all the top girls from the Del Rey can drive down for the evening and go back to SJ for the night.
Also, the Beetle Bar started charging the girls, the Cocal saw an opportunity and made the most of it.  Now all the best girls flock to the pool bar of the Cocal and it's a great scene.  The Cocal is smart enough to treat them right because their rooms are always booked solid with whoremongers

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 906 reads
52 / 57

My impression is that you guys will not exchange information with someone who does not contribute to the community by writing reviews and I am completely down with that, I understand it.

I really don't like to write reviews for a couple of reasons that I will not go into.  Yes, I wrote one but that has to do with the fact that she is a great person and provider and I felt I would be a shit for not writing one.    
Posted By: skarphedin

-- Modified on 11/5/2014 10:12:09 AM

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 918 reads
53 / 57

But, that's just two people having a good time together. I hope you have more good times. Forget about rules. Especially those you impose on yourself.

skarphedin 912 reads
54 / 57

I can usually find someone to give me the lowdown.

-- Modified on 11/5/2014 11:28:01 AM

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 1010 reads
55 / 57

No, there is nothing to be sorry about, I had a great time after the panic the five minute panic the first night of "what I have I done?"    I just thought the whole experience was interesting because even though I got schooled several different ways, I knew I was being schooled and I still enjoyed it.   Worse yet, I would do it again, but at a discounted fee :)

Posted By: WickedBrut
But, that's just two people having a good time together. I hope you have more good times. Forget about rules. Especially those you impose on yourself.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 735 reads
57 / 57
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