TER General Board

I was thinking more like it was LE....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 373 reads

You'd think she would know that a majority of guys would act that way if a man answers her phone.

She should at least have told him that would most likely happen, but even then most guys would have said thanks, but no thanks at that point.

jeandeaux1913 reads

Fake name? Of course. Fake pics? To be expected. Fake reviews? Rarely. Fake provider? What do you think? Here's what happened...

Just before the holidays, I came across an ad on BP that caught my eye: cute redhead, new to the biz, and the price was right. Checked TER. No reviews. Googled six ways to Sunday. She had the same ad on a few other sites – no phone number, just an email address – all posted on the same day. I figured I'd give it a shot. TOFTT, as it were. I could always turn around and walk away.  
I emailed her about setting up an appointment and asked her for some recent photos. She responded immediately, and included photos and a phone number. We emailed back and forth and arranged a date and time to meet. She said she would email me the day before with the location. A few days later, I received her email, as promised, with the name of a nice hotel across town and another phone number to call when I got there.  

I arrived at the hotel at the appointed hour. When I called to get her room number, some guy with an accent I couldn't quite place answered the phone. I hung up. I thought maybe I dialed the wrong number. Or the lines got crossed. I tried again. Same guy answered, sounding annoyed. I apologized and hung up again. Then I called the first number she had given me. Endless ringing. I texted her. No response. I emailed. Ditto.  

I waited in vain at the hotel bar for about half an hour. Finally, I gave up and left. As I walked back across town, I kept half expecting and half hoping that she would call with some lame excuse for the delay, a contrite request to come on back, and a promise that she would make it up to me. But ... nothing.  
Reflecting on what happened, I'm pretty sure that I had been punked, especially since her ad has never reappeared anywhere. Why someone would go through an elaborate ruse simply to waste the time of someone else who they didn't even know is beyond me. Of course, I could be wrong. It might have been a case of cold feet. Has anyone else had an experience like this?

I have never heard of a hobbyist being punked like this, however, it has happened to provider me a couple of times. One man gave me a room number that does not exist in the particular hotel where he was "staying".

 I feel sorry, truly sorry, for people who have nothing better to do...

Although the presence of a pimp is plenty reason to abort mission... They're probably pissed that you skipped out on an appointment!

You'd think she would know that a majority of guys would act that way if a man answers her phone.

She should at least have told him that would most likely happen, but even then most guys would have said thanks, but no thanks at that point.

Skyfyre294 reads

Sounds like a girl who just wanted to get even with a guy (ex-BF?). She took out one-time ads in several sites to attract as many johns as possible then let them call and annoy the hell out of this dude. Maybe he cheated on her with prostitutes and she found out where he got them?

What I don't understand, if your on TER and you have access to all this wonderful information on a lot of great providers, why the hell fool with BP, not sensible .

jeandeaux371 reads

Your point is well-taken. However, a significant drawback of TER, at least for me, is that, even though there is all this wonderful information, I still have no idea whether or when a particular provider is actually available.  I suppose this isn't an issue for guys who schedule their assignations weeks or even days in advance, but I tend toward the impulsive in these matters. I want it when I want it. So my appointments are tend to be more sperm of the moment than planned ahead. This particular situation, in fact, was an exception for me in that regard, as was the fact that I had had no telephone contact with the provider.

Whatever it was, and whatever it was about, it probably had nothing to do with you. So, no, it is really unlikely this was about punking you. She does not give a shit about you, your reaction, etc.

Another guess is that she was going to see you but someone else showed up and would not go away, be it a BF, father or whatever. But whatever it was, keep in mind you are nothing and no one to her. Don't flatter yourself to think she cared enough to want to punk you.


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