TER General Board

I was beginning to think that you were better than that, this is a new low for you.
stilltryin25 16 Reviews 2325 reads

The issue is not about screening effectiveness, it is about whether guys shower before getting in bed with providers. I can think of many reasons why a hobbyist may be in a less than pristine hygienic condition when first meeting a provider, but a quick shower is always a good option. Unless he is seeing street walkers - but that is an entirely different world from the one we hobby in. So to reinforce the thread, take 10 to 15 minutes to wash your ass before hopping into bed with a lady, it is simple common sense and common curtesy.

ItsAlimentary5471 reads


 Is this too much information gentlemen? Maybe; But this is what two ATF's of mine have asked me to relay to the gentlemen of TER. It seems between the malodorous smell wafting up their nostrils during fellatio and the all to often skid marks left on their bed linens you guys need a serious tutorial on proper anal hygiene and preventive care. (Wet Wipes were mentioned as a great last minute preparation just prior to your/her arrival).
Being that a lady not properly scrubbed and perfumed in all areas would repulse a client and incur their righteous literary wrath in a review I think it only fair for reciprocity of respect especially when so many among you wish the most intimate of oral stimulation in that region. So now that you are getting it when you want, and how you want it; Try taking a little extra care to make it all that much more palatable for those providing it.


Squirtboodles3520 reads

Is get a hand held water massage. Allows excelent aim. However they do have a down side also for the providers who like fresh not grossen, If you geys get too frisky with it on the front end you may not need a provider.
Darn I love my hand held shower massage

ItsAlimentary3884 reads

These "Skanks" who don't know how to screen happen to be very highly rated and well practiced LA providers. Screening doesn't weed out successful professionals and businessmen who happen to be Luddites when it comes to specific hygiene practices.  


thanks for providing more information that gives your post context

OK they're not skanks. Please like me again.

The issue is not about screening effectiveness, it is about whether guys shower before getting in bed with providers. I can think of many reasons why a hobbyist may be in a less than pristine hygienic condition when first meeting a provider, but a quick shower is always a good option. Unless he is seeing street walkers - but that is an entirely different world from the one we hobby in. So to reinforce the thread, take 10 to 15 minutes to wash your ass before hopping into bed with a lady, it is simple common sense and common curtesy.

Then you are worse off than most everybody here, and probably should never see anybody..

It typically takes me 3-5 minutes to wash the important parts, unless the woman joins me, then of course it takes much longer... :)

Quick showers to hit the hot spots take less, but I still use 10-15 minutes and go over everything at least twice. The amount of time has nothing to do with ordor, it has everything to do with precision.

200 watt2361 reads

What do expect from a guy with handle like 40 watt? A bright answer?

AnotherNYCProvider2238 reads

a nice website and good reviews guarantee a nice smelling pussy?  hmmm,  I know my pussy smells like flowers (nice and fresh)  ;P  but dirt and proper hygiene dont discriminate with class and wealth. And it certainly is not something we can screen.  I can see it now:

"hello, oh yes you want to make an appt?  But first do you wash your ass, get your teeth cleaned, take daily showers and wear deoderant? You must do this daily and right before I see you for me to see you."

"ummm oh yes yes I do!" (thinking with his little head but thinking of course Im saying yes I want to GET FUCKED NOW! uhhh, teeth cleaned?


AnotherNYCProvider2677 reads

Sooo true!!! Thank you!  Nothing is worse than a wiff of shit coming from the guys ass when you are blowing him. EEWWWW!!   And its also so true that many high class professionals (while looking well groomed and nicely dressed) are so terrible at personal hygiene.  Also, get your teeth professionally cleaned every 6 months!  you wont believe how many people dont take care of their teeth...with plaque and tarter CAKED on (seemingly for years) leaving quite stinky breath that even a strong mint wont fix.  Remember, YMMV!!!

Babe4u2359 reads

then they can afford good dental care and a good washing up the kazoo lol

I have met many highly paid and successful people that stink, they appear not to understand how to clean themselves up. The list cuts across all races, genders and ethnic groups. Many people have gotten the body cleanliness down but have missed the dental hygiene.
On another topic. I as I am sure many other hobbyists on this board find you interesting (except for the uncontrollable shopping sprees, but I guess we cannot have everything :-))). Can you be PMed through the handle that you use? I ask the question because some PMs are sent but not received. Don't worry I am not a stalker, as Tina Turner sings, love (in a way :-))) has nothing to do with it.

junior4572041 reads

If you take a look at near the top of a post it says "Posted by junior457, 6/27/05 12:47:39 PM(or whatever time the post is made)
Well if you look right after the name junior457 there is a little envelope. That indicates if it is a primary handle or an alias. If there is no envelope there is no PM. So as you look at Babe4u there is not envelope so she cannot be PM'd.

See everyone I can give nice advice too!!!

Oh, f.y.i. if a person is using their primary handle but are not VIP it will let you send PM's but they cannot receive or retrieve them.

AnotherNYCProvider1795 reads

Ill never tell though! ha!  Though you have expressed interest in me whenever Ive posted under my own name and youve spoken of me online and expressed interest.  hehe.  Know me yet?

That aside...what is so bad about spending my hard earned money?  Which by the way, my spending is NOT uncontrollable.  So I spend like 2K every couple of months on fun stuff like shoes, woopie do.  You guys spend more than that for fucking.  Arent I allowed to have fun too?  (dont worry, Im not offended, I just find it funny this keeps coming up...Id still see you if you called me... guess who I am?)  ;)

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