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I want it back
book_guy 14 Reviews 4309 reads

If I had a choice, I'd have my foreskin back, thank you, no unscientific ritual mutilation for me. But I'm not too torn up about it, having never experienced life WITH one. Only fallout is that I can't comfortably wear mesh-lined bathing suits without something under the mesh (thus defeating the purpose of having a lining) because it scratches / itches / hurts.

I have heard some real luvvy-duvvy types claim there's a link between (a) capacity for empathy with what it "feels like" to be female, and (b) possessing an intact foreskin, but I find that hogwash. Then again, I feel literally zero connection between physically pleasurable intimate sensations (sex) and emotional bonding (love), but wish I could relate those two notions more. It seems so disconnected to fuck someone and be unable to care about her.

I wouldn't cut any child of mine. Despicable brutal outmoded practice, perpetuated by Victorians to preserve puritanical notions about masturbation.

-- Modified on 6/8/2004 7:46:49 PM

On usenet, I've seen some posts about this subject: male circumcision, and whether it's a barbaric mutilation or not. One of the posts cited how many miles of nerve fibers are removed, and how the penis is made to function differently, and then went on to say that uncircumcised males are more orgasmic... and so on...

Time to ask the experts about this:

Who performs better, circumcised or uncircumcised men?  Which group seems to enjoy sex more?  Is it really that different?

What percentage of the male population would you estimate is circumcised/uncircumcised?

BTW, I'm circumcised.  I realize that if the answer is that the un-c perform better, there's nothing the rest of us guys can do.    
If it goes the other way, the un-c have only slightly better (?) options.  


and I MUCH prefer circumcised as taste, feel and smell are much more noticably different in uncircumcised.

ilovecut3466 reads

I love cut. uncircumsized penis's are a turn off for me. Most of my clients are circumsized, but there are a few that sneak in, that are not. I get very antsy regarding bbbj's on uncircumsized for reasons of the bad smell, they drip very bad, and the look of the penis.

Let Me Enlighten You4579 reads

If a hairy guy has a smelly ass, is it because he's hairy, or because he has bad hygiene?  Doh! It's the same with cut or not
cut.  Did you guys finish high school?  If you did, did you pay attention in health education class?  Jeez...

ilovecut3174 reads

the smelly, drippy to drip, in shape of a dog's look a-like, un -circumsized penis LOL OHmiGADS!  Just give me the Mushroom head any day. YUMMY! :)

-- Modified on 6/8/2004 4:40:36 PM

MistressM2794 reads

and as far as a doglike penis, well, God (or nature) has seen fit to give all mammals foreskins. We keep cutting them off but voila when male babies are born there is that pesky thing again! I think it probably has a purpose, so I figure why mess with it.

ilovecut4837 reads

Also, I often talk with other fellow provider friends of mine, and they all either noted the "drippity drip" or the smell and or both in some cases. Like I said earlier, give me the Mushroom head anytime!! Yummy! :)

... the role of the foreskin isn't more for scent than enjoyment.  In which case, since the human olfactory is so poor, and the scent is out of style, it's the sex organ's version of an apendix.


-- Modified on 6/8/2004 9:27:13 PM

I see your point, and I will defend your right to love it cut. But you've seem to be a bit biased and that is your right. Take this chocolate roll in the uncut version and while you won't taste strawberrys, you won't be offended in the least because clean is clean. It's about taking care and doing your biz daily and in between if thats what it takes.

stick to boys with names that are arabic or easter European Jewsih and you'll do just fine....

Sully Al-Hama  Schtupawitz...

ilovecut3287 reads

and majority of them are cut ;)

-- Modified on 6/8/2004 1:52:51 PM

Men who have not been circumsized must take more care to wash and clean with soap and water is all. As one of the ones who did not take the knife, I was taught from an early age about the urgencies of such matters. Now, I think the added skin makes me a little larger than most and ladies who like it bareback (fewer these days), seem to get an extra "umphm" from my stroke. So I been told.

SirPrize2887 reads

They may be able to tell you what they like, but that is about all. I doubt that they can determine who enjoys sex more, and IMHO, it is determined by individual, not circumcision status.

As for what percentage of the population is circumcised, do a google search or hang out in the gym locker room and make your own calculation.

For your first point, providers have witnessed a large sample of guys having sex, and I doubt that the guys are motivated to fake enjoyment for them.

For your second point, cut the tip off your finger and let it heal.  Do you think that your lack of sensation there would be determined by individual [status?], or by the fact that you've damaged/altered your finger, and the nerves in it?

I did do a google search.  I don't know how well statistics have been kept about this.  The facts given there are only as good as the source.  I wanted to hear from "eyewitnesses" As for hanging out in a locker room, I can't think of a more dangerous way to bore myself.  I'd much rather ask people who aren't bored by looking, and see providers instead.  :-) Conveniently, they happen to be the same group.

I'm checking out some rather extreme claims made about the how circumcision affects men.  One of these unsubstantiated claims was about sexual response.  I just wanted to know how trustworthy the rest of the claims might be.


Mathesar4022 reads

which unfortunately I do not have in front of me, circumcision may provide a male with as much as 70% protection against becoming infected with HIV. This is better than any of the vaccines currently under test and in the same league as the male latex condom (87% protection).

This hypothesis is currently under test in Africa by (if I remember correctly) WHO and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Somewhere around 12,000 males are being circumcised in an area of high HIV infection and will be tracked for several years to determine if their rate of infection is less than the general population. Thus, unfortunately, it will be several years before we know for certain whether or not this hypothesis is correct. Since the foreskin contains receptor cells for HIV which are removed with circumcision there is good reason for hope.


NOTE: I would assume that the protection provided by circumcism and a condom are additive and that a circumcised male wearing a latex condom is about 96% protected against HIV infection as compared to an uncircumcised male not using a condom.



-- Modified on 6/8/2004 3:31:23 PM

aliasonlyforthispost5806 reads

But I'm not a full service provider but I've given plenty of "happy endings" for the last six years or so.

My own son is uncut, I didn't see the need to shave pieces of skin from his genitals, I thought he was perfect the way he was. His father is uncut and the best lover I've ever had but of course this is anecdotal as I've had many more cut lovers than uncut.

On the downside, I notice the uncut guy is more likely to smell like urine since it gets tends to get trapped in the foreskin at the end of the day. I guess that would be a bigger deal if I gave blowjobs for a living, but I don't - so I don't care. Also if a guy has a tiny penis but with a lot of skin - I think he'd be better to lose the skin to maximize his skill in the sack.

On the upside, uncut rarely needs lubrication, they have a nice soft skin sleeve that is used for this purpose and the skin makes a nice gliding motion during sex that I find really pleasurable, plus no lube is needed and I notice I don't get sore at all. I also think it's kind of a good design - the penis is stored away when not in use - in it's own little skin sleeping bag, so to speak. Naked circumcised men always look like everything is hanging out - so vulnerable - and they always look like they are ready for business. I find the naked uncircumcised look to be much more relaxed and cozy looking. Or maybe, being a female, I'm just used to having my genitals tucked away all the time, right?

The soft wrinkly folds of the foreskin are very similar to the skin of the labia. And there is nothing more dangerous than being a woman as far as HIV, STDs, etc - since we are the receiving end for body fluids our risk is much higher. The foreskin makes this risk much more equal, and in my experience the uncut man's slightly higher risk of contracting HIV, UTIs and STDs make me feel that they are more understanding of a woman's body, her hygiene needs and her "female problems"

I prefer uncirc.

I go apeshit when I find one, and I will tease and please that fellow until the cows come home. It is rare, but it is like a pot of gold. I swear the sensation in my vagina of the foreskin as it slides back and forth under the condom is exquisite.  I love how it feels in my mouth. If I had a long term sex partner I would try and convince him to regrow his. It can be done, and I won't go into details here. It looks convincing and the sensation does come back.

I have donated time and money to the organization below and I would comb its website for everything you need to know.

aliasonlyforthispost2832 reads

chose a long term sex partner who didn't have his cut off in the first place. Foreskin restoration is timeconsuming and I don't think it can be the same as having one since birth. The keratinization of the glans and desensitization has already taken place by that time. Chose a man who was born anywhere in Europe, an Aussie, or perhaps a Latin lover of some kind - Mexican, Brazilian, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Spanish -they are all likely to still have their foreskin intact.

Good to know it feels different inside. BTW, I am not circ'd!
On a related matter, are circumcised males able to hold out longer?

would love to be one of the study subjects (especially if you are the fluffer)! Ha ha Ha!

Uncut, Clean, Chocolate roll for rent. Reasonsable rates - Zero. Must love the foreskin and the mambo. Willing to send you over the top anyday. When are you coming to Chicago next?

Aphra4440 reads

In the UK where I live there is no practice of routine circumcision of male babies - it tends only to be done for religious or medical purposes, and I believe that this is also the case in Europe generally.  Not saying that people don't have it done, but it isn't routinely done like in the US.  So, far fewer men here are circumcised.

I'm paraphrasing, but I read a quote a while ago which compared the experience of circumcised sex for men to that of seeing in black and white rather than in colour - such is the loss of sensitivity.

There's quite a bit on the web on the subject of circumcision.  Although the following website is very anti the practice, the linked page gives some quite interesting comments and case histories, and the author/compiler does at least attempt to strike a minimum of balance:


For a clinical explanation about the mechanics, hows, whys and wherefors:


and the result of a comparison study:


All of which is undoubtedly far more that you wanted or needed to know!


If I had a choice, I'd have my foreskin back, thank you, no unscientific ritual mutilation for me. But I'm not too torn up about it, having never experienced life WITH one. Only fallout is that I can't comfortably wear mesh-lined bathing suits without something under the mesh (thus defeating the purpose of having a lining) because it scratches / itches / hurts.

I have heard some real luvvy-duvvy types claim there's a link between (a) capacity for empathy with what it "feels like" to be female, and (b) possessing an intact foreskin, but I find that hogwash. Then again, I feel literally zero connection between physically pleasurable intimate sensations (sex) and emotional bonding (love), but wish I could relate those two notions more. It seems so disconnected to fuck someone and be unable to care about her.

I wouldn't cut any child of mine. Despicable brutal outmoded practice, perpetuated by Victorians to preserve puritanical notions about masturbation.

-- Modified on 6/8/2004 7:46:49 PM

to answer your actual questions Zin, here's how I see it.
Percentage of cut, to uncut clients in my case seems to be about 60% cut to 40% uncut. I haven't done a scientific study or anything, but I have noticed a correlation between age and circumcision. It seems that more of the men I've seen over the age of 55 tend to be uncircumcized. Ages between 40 to 54 seem to be about 50/50. From 27 to 39 I'd say more are circumsized than not, and below 27, fewer are circumcized. As for foreign men, about 95% that I've seen are uncut.

Performance wise, on the whole, uncircumcized men appear to last longer during the act. Circumsized men seem to have a lot more rules about how they want their penis to be handled, I assume this is because it is more sensitive with the foreskin intact.
The smell, taste of uncircumsized to me isn't as good, and in my experience they tend to be funkier. Facing facts, I've met so many men that seem to be challenged to do a good job wiping their butts which is fairly straightforward, throw a few folds of skin in, and things can get pretty dicey.

I have also had quite a few uncircumcized men that have an issue where the head of the penis cannot actually get out of the foreskin when their penis is hard. The opening in the foreskin just isn't big enough. This can cause some discomfort for them, it can also cause their penis to not be able to straighten out all the way, which can make sex more difficult.

As for which group enjoys sex more, hello!!! We are talking about men here. :) I don't see a discernable difference in general enjoyment. The only way I can see to answer that question is to ask a few men who have been through circumcision as adults. They would be the ones to make the comparison. Any of you out there?

Just want to add, all the info in this message is based on my personal experience. If any of you feel that what I've said doesn't apply to you, you are probably right...I'm generalizing a bit for the purpose of Zin's question. It's not my intention to hurt anyone's feelings, really. Circumcized or not, it's really cleanliness that is the most important thing to me.
xxx Octavia

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