TER General Board

I want a sex change from a one dick man to a two dick man. eomteeth_smile
mtdewking2015 759 reads


ILoveToFuck1913 reads

Is there any such thing as "sex change operation" or should it be called "sex disguise operation"? A person who wants sex reassignment surgery thinks that he/she is changing his/her sex.  But in reality, the surgery only disguise the sex, not change it. Sex "cannot" be changed, at least not with today's medical technology. So would a TS be disappointed if he/she realized that his/her sex did not change but just disguised from the sex reassignment surgery?

Please refrain from asking any more questions until November 17.
Thank you for playing.

-- Modified on 1/24/2015 4:17:22 PM

...No one knew she was "disguised," as you put it.

You have probably fucked a TS and didn't know it.  Think about that, McNulty!

ILoveToFuck899 reads

If you take any cell from this TS person and put it under a medical lab microscope, it will still show you this person is a male even though he may look like a female.  A true sex change operation would turn every male cell of this person's body into a female cell.  That did not happen and so this person is still a dude. Male cells cannot turn into female cells, at least not with today's medical technology. Can it be done in the future? Who knows?  If it could be done, then and only then the operation would be a true sex change. But until that happens, if it does happen, the surgery is a sex disguise operation - not a sex change operation.  Whether I have fucked a TS or not, it is irrelevant to this conversation. Just realize that if you were having sex with this TS person, you are fucking a dude and not a chick.

plus, you're being an insensitive clod. I can't even imagine the struggles of someone born into a gender they don't identify with, and if that person surgically changes gender to match who he or she really is who gives a fuck what cells look like under a microscope? This conversation shouldn't even be a conversation.

ILoveToFuck937 reads

I do NOT make the rules; science makes the rules.  I am just a messenger for science. If you have any complaints, take it up with science, not me.

So you don' t know every ts story and how real or fake she/he is

ILoveToFuck1042 reads

If you go back to your high school biology, "xx" is female. "xxy" and "xxxy" are both males.  The former is called Klinefelter syndrome.  The latter is just called xxxy syndrome.  As long as there is a "y" chromosome, it is a "male".  Sex reassignment surgery cannot change that so no matter what sex change operation you get, you are still the same sex as when you were born at the cellular level. Hemaphrodites have both sex organs which is really irrelevant of what we are discussing.

ILoveToFuck778 reads

And you obviously do not fucking understand. Show what I wrote to a medical doctor or a biologist; either of these two people may educate you a bit and get your head out of the sand.

No- YOU need an education about both the physical and psychologic aspects of gender reassignment.

ILoveToFuck545 reads

Why don't you speak to a medical doctor or biologist to confirm or refute what I'm saying?  Are you afraid that you are going to be told wrong?

Why not go ask a transgendered person what THEY think? Who the fuck cares about the cellular level? They are living the life that they were meant to - in the opposite sex body which now matches the brain. They'd laugh in your face with this "cellular"  bullshit. Legally, physically, emotionally, and every other way imaginable they are now the other gender. If you can't accept that, then that's too bad for you. Those that have undergone gender reassignment surgery have changed sexes on all levels. Period.

ILoveToFuck765 reads

Hmmm you are a TS aren't you?  Or that you have an SO that is a TS ?   BTW, what so good is a sex change when after the operation, you are the same sex biologically (cellular level again) as before the operation.

LOL no I'm not a TS but you sure sound like a bitter TS that now regrets that she had her dick whacked off.

What you know about this topic would fit up a gnats ass. Good luck wallowing in your ignorance. You're too stupid to continue bothering with. See ya! NOT!

If you--who you are, the way you see the world, the assumptions you have about yourself, your goals and values all just as they are--woke up tomorrow and discovered that overnight you had been transplanted into a woman's body, wouldn't you seek out a doctor who could restore you to being a male? That's what I see as the reason people need sex change procedures. Except for them the mix happened in their mothers' wombs before they were born.

ILoveToFuck807 reads

Even if what you said is true, the surgery still cannot change the sexual makeup at the cellular level. Surgery or no surgery, you are still the same sex from birth to death at the cellular level.

The term is "gender reassignment surgery".  It is defined in terms of plastic surgery; certainly no genetic changes are implied.  While it is obviously a lot more involved and subject to more complications - it is not different from a functional perspective from rhinoplasty (nose job).  Sort of like how a 22 LR is similar to a 50 BMG.

Question 1 - No - there is no such thing as a sex change operation.
Question 2 - No - There is a perfectly good name for the procedure.
Question 3 - No - Because gender reassignment, not sex change is the point of the operation

love the trolling for outrage. Well done.

As for your science arguments... well, the term "epic fail" comes to mind. I'll grant you are good with the semantics for connotative effect, but to claim that is "science"? Human beings are a bit more complex than a single-cell definition can provide for. I suspect you know this, but it sure wouldn't support the reductionist science semantics of outrage you were going for.

Maybe "Physical gender alignment" is a decent alternative term... aligning the physical orientation with the sexual orientation. Homeostasis at a system versus cellular level.  

Maybe it doesn't really matter what we call it at all if the only point is to judge and attempt to denigrate others with semantics.  

Of course, some may need to do that to entertain themselves or to perhaps feel better about their own insecurities and cowardice in being unable to pursue their own desires? Is an inhibitory effect defined at the cellular level? ;)

After reading the other responses here, it seems your thesis has been peer-reviewed and rather harshly denied. The "scientific process" at work!  :

Posted By: ILoveToFuck
Is there any such thing as "sex change operation" or should it be called "sex disguise operation"? A person who wants sex reassignment surgery thinks that he/she is changing his/her sex.  But in reality, the surgery only disguise the sex, not change it. Sex "cannot" be changed, at least not with today's medical technology. So would a TS be disappointed if he/she realized that his/her sex did not change but just disguised from the sex reassignment surgery?

Or change a tassel into a cob No of course not however I have seen kernels up by the tassel If you have that you can cut the tassel and eat the kernels. True there only 5 kernels and would stop the DNA from spreading but you will get it more like female But still won't be a true cob.

dakine18528 reads

Clog the boards with your stupid drivel?
Get a life.

Sexual reassignment surgery sounds like getting your penis removed and having reattached to your nose belongs.

ILoveToFuck816 reads

How about having you penis removed, place it vertically on a chair so you could sit on it ?

If one feels that they are this or that gender, then I say they are.

Whether another would also conclude that however is another story.

I tried to have sex with a post-op TS once, but even though my mind was accepting, but body was not.

I just didn't work.

ILoveToFuck774 reads

I'm not surprised that it did not work.  What you took as a woman was still actually a man.  If a male soldier steps on a land mine and have his cock blown off,  that does not instantly make him a female.  That soldier is still a male but with his penis missing in the explosion.

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