TER General Board

I think you are the shit! e.
hbyist+truth=;( 1157 reads


NewEnglandGangsta3369 reads

This is a question for the escorts who routinely resort to severely airbrushed photos that look about 10-20 pounds and 3 to 5 TER appearance scores different from their actual appearance.  Exactly what goes on in your mind the moment client enters the door?  Do you expect that he be a blind moron who can't tell the difference between a photoshop job and a OTHFB?

Do you think it's considered false advertisement or do you really think the airbrush is you?  If the client writes a truthful review or walks out on you and your feelings were butthurt because you couldn't take the truth, does he deserve to be blacklisted or threatened simply because he told to the truth to his fellow mongers?  Should he be a mute moron too on top of expecting him to be a blind moron?  

Lets be honest, we all like to look good. I like to look good and present myself at my best. I'm ok with a few glamor shots and airbrushes as long as it's still an accurate representation. It's only natural that a girl wants to look good.  However, the point I'm trying to make is that THERE ARE DEGREES

My guess is that you won't get a lot of ladies to reply to this, given the way that it's worded!  More than a little insulting...

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
This is a question for the escorts who routinely resort to severely airbrushed photos that look about 10-20 pounds and 3 to 5 TER appearance scores different from their actual appearance.  Exactly what goes on in your mind the moment client enters the door?  Do you expect that he be a blind moron who can't tell the difference between a photoshop job and a OTHFB?  
 Do you think it's considered false advertisement or do you really think the airbrush is you?  If the client writes a truthful review or walks out on you and your feelings were butthurt because you couldn't take the truth, does he deserve to be blacklisted or threatened simply because he told to the truth to his fellow mongers?  Should he be a mute moron too on top of expecting him to be a blind moron?  
 Lets be honest, we all like to look good. I like to look good and present myself at my best. I'm ok with a few glamor shots and airbrushes as long as it's still an accurate representation. It's only natural that a girl wants to look good.  However, the point I'm trying to make is that THERE ARE DEGREES.    

Your delivery is mildly insulting, but you meant it to be.

I am NOT a proponent of over "shopping" images so that some one who does not have the body they feel they want or should have, gets one via PShop. And I genuinely feel for the guys who show up expecting to see what they saw on a website.

Solution, politely tell the lady that there must be some mistake as the woman you had an appointment with does not appear to be the same one in the images you saw, thank her and walk away.

And what does OTHFB mean? I am guessing it is an insult but won't rip your balls off until I get the meaning.

Some tricks like yourself love to insult under the guise of saying something, hell I occasionally like to jab at tricks too, so I get it. Just don't cry like a little bitch when a hooker insults your fat ass. Now have a nice day.

GaGambler1738 reads

I coined the term Over The Hill Fat Broad Club a few years ago. It referred to some of the old fat broads who were constantly whining about shit here on the boards.

In retrospect, I guess an OTHFAC (Over The Hill Fat Asshole Club) might not be a bad addition. lol I would volunteer to be the founding member, but while I am no spring chicken, and I am definitely an Asshole, alas I am far from fat. So I guess we will need to look for another founding member. Maybe JCA will volunteer? lol

The Compulsive Whoremongering Alcoholic Tica-Fucking Pigs Club.

Maybe pics of OTHFA-holes and we vote.

JK (kinda)

Steph xoxo

NewEnglandGangsta1253 reads

I often wondered why there's so much "ng" sound in their vocabulary?  
Such as "wong, ching, tung, ling".  

Do they really name their kids after dropping a coin down the stairs? chen chao. LO

GaGambler1095 reads

with a guy from New England??? Give me a fucking break. lmao I think they have actually removed the letter from the fucking schoolbooks up there. rofl

Wicked Funny, Mr Wu sends his regards Cocksucka

And as far as I'm concerned, you won't be OTH for a few months, right? At least by TTOTH standards.

GaGambler1462 reads

Maybe I can get an extension for my lack of maturity? lol

Posted By: GaGambler
Maybe I can get an extension for my lack of maturity? lol

That should make him happy at least, coming from me, of all people.

GaGambler might drug your drink. He suggests doing things like that.


I read it on the board!

edited* I apologize to GaGambler, it was Nick who suggested that.

-- Modified on 7/11/2014 3:39:23 PM

that your bitter derision is directed at just about everyone, right? The guys for being "blind, dumb morons" and the gals for being "airbrush queens".  

Let's see, is there anyone who you might think infallible and honest? Oh yes, IT IS YOU!!! How moronic of me for not realizing that. Egocentric much?

The point I am trying to make is that THERE ARE DEGREES.

Here's for you:

Sometimes I forget that pointing out the obvious needs to be done here from time to time lol. How silly of me.

-- Modified on 7/11/2014 9:47:18 AM

NewEnglandGangsta1668 reads

I will say this though,  a little bit of air brushing is fine really. It isn't too different from applying make up.  

The point I was making is that there are degrees.  If we walk into an in call and the girl looks 20 pounds heavier, has skin that looks like it can make a better handbag than leather, has tattoos beyond recognition...  Well, it isn't what we signed up for.  Truth in advertising is what we seek

You don't know the half of it!  Stick around, bro.

If a guy walks in and is surprised to see that I'm heavily inked, that's on him. I put big disclaimers about that everywhere, so if someone is too lazy to read my shit, well...sorry.  

*I should mention, however, that TER guys tend to be pretty good about actually reading our ads/websites.  

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
I will say this though,  a little bit of air brushing is fine really. It isn't too different from applying make up.  
 The point I was making is that there are degrees.  If we walk into an in call and the girl looks 20 pounds heavier, has skin that looks like it can make a better handbag than leather, has tattoos beyond recognition...  Well, it isn't what we signed up for.  Truth in advertising is what we seek.  

'concealing' one's identity for pure safety reasons vs. 'masking' someone's flaws, was a given. I should've clarified. I have no doubt if you walked into a lobby, I'd know who you were at the drop of a dime, inked up or not.  I'd be like...hey gorgeous and know it was you right off the bat. I have been told from a block away, the gent knew immediately it was me, (kinda scary) but that's how it should be when we are 'hiding' ourselves up to the point of 'revealing' ourselves. I have to believe it's a good feeling for all involved when one is happy with what they have purchased LOL at the end of the day, especially when anyone here can exceed those expectations.  

Anyhow, concealing vs masking are two different things in the airbrush world of companionship, at least to me. And some simply take it the extreme. How or why is beyond me. Most women are more beautiful naturally to begin with. Why mess with mother nature is my question. Be happy with what god gave you. We're all imperfect creatures and there is NO such thing as perfection, not even in this world of 'make believe' perfection............not even close, so why pretend to be.

...and as long as you say "hey gorgeous," we're cool. :D

I don't like the 'slang' used in this world like some 'other' people lol. Not my style lady. But you should know that by now (no matter how much they all hate me ;)

I can't think of anyone.  It's not remotely worth the effort.

-- Modified on 7/12/2014 7:15:16 AM

GaGambler1192 reads

Why would we hate you when you bring so much entertainment into our lives?

NewEnglandGangsta1329 reads

You seem to have no problem speaking your mind. :)

Airbrushing out inks for privacy reasons is a perfectly valid reason.  I've seen your site and the disclaimers are pretty hard to miss. We'd have to be functionally blind to miss that. LMAO

but I'm sure 'they'll' all inform you (unless they have already) what a terrible, crazy witch I am and my honest ways. They don't like controversial, honest, apparent ugly, old, fat, bsc, drunk, med taking bitches on this board (or so I'm told hahahahha).

Like the time you came back with a fake handle, Roger, pretending to be a guy and shilling for yourself?

hahahahahaha....well most of the time yes and some of the time no ;). But hell, NONE of you are ANY of the time, so why should anyone else be? ......in all honesty of course.  

-- Modified on 7/12/2014 1:51:00 PM

That is the only logical reason I can think of for the tone of your post.

For me, it's a fine line because a lady with professionally edited photos like myself doesn't want a situation of a client who feels like you seem to feel.


NewEnglandGangsta1062 reads

It wasn't directed to *all* providers who airbrush. A tasteful glamor shot is fine and brings out the girls potentials when done properly. We know that.  

It was directed to those who really abuse it and look a bit too different. No offense intended to legitimate ladies. I should've been more clear.

But then we do create our own luck.

Every one of the providers I've seen through TER has looked like her photos, and in fact a few have looked better than their photos

You have proven yourself a worthy recipient. BTW, a big thank you to GaG for the addition of that.

NewEnglandGangsta1528 reads

Did you completely miss the part where I said a little airbrushing is fine with me as long as it is still accurate? It was clearly directed to the those who go too far and look too different from her photos.  

Sorry if I sounded like I'm insulting legitimate providers.  Not my intention at all.

You keep asking stupid back handed attack questions about providers, one after another and you can’t understand the hostility

Hostility, well you did open the door so I figured you were at the very least an equal opportunity type trick . So I saw OTHFBC and thought that you might like a free membership to the OTHFAC.  

I did read your post very carefully and decided the way I replied fit the bill.  

BTW did you read my first post? I added the second when I got the meaning of OTHFBC. I agreed with you.  

You see delivery does set a certain tone. For instance I could call you a jaded misogynistic loser trick or a guy who has had a not so good experience with over photo shopped ladies.  

Had you not been a dick the latter would have been my preference. However I am going with the former because I am a MHB and feel like it. ;)

-- Modified on 7/11/2014 3:51:37 PM

not have a filter and say whats on thier minds when they arrive and this is the case.............I think its way kinder and more polite for a man to say listen i am sorry you dont look like the lady in photos. I dont think this warrants and apology or that he should care he should just say it at the time it is happening is all.  
    To arrive and see its not the lady in picture, Use the fact that the little head works over big head then go though with it then do a bad review after. I remeber the days when clienst would drop hints and help you out before giving you a public hanging, I remeber my first gfe customer one of them was fibes. I was kinda an airhead or just a tom boy punk rocker with out a clue , he brought me a boz FULL of nice teddys thigh highs lingeraie, He never and still never had reviewed me, But i really apprciate that he came and just politely shioved thos box of lingerai at me and I then grasped it and wore the stuff.  
   Had he not told me then wrote in a review I answered door in sporty lounge wear and then had just a simple g string on under it no bra for the session.  
          Then i d number one never had the chance to correct the mistakes. But instead been insulted and hurt by seeing the review after the fact and felt anger, hurt, betrayal.  
                When some one smiles to your face and goes through the motions then shows or gives the corrections later after the fact. He never went and made fun me he just arrived with the nice stuff I d never even considered that i wasnt takin it seriously i was 21. I just wanted to be in a rock band no one has a book on how to become a provider. Its the nice guys that drop hints and teach us what they like, Before you know it you are good at what you do. I never read a book on prostate massage, I had nice clients request i do it to them at appts. I never knew about pegging, I had a request and guest instruct me how to perform it on him what he wanted to say, I then started trying it out more often and was kinda proud i knew a new kinda kinky off beaten path new activity to do.
               This comes up alot and there are plenty that specify they provide cell candids and or they specify not airbrushed photos like i do all over my web site . There is no excuse for a guy to give a bad review on this he should inform her this isnt acceptable and he is not participating in paying her as she isnt the photo. If enough guys leave and tell her this she will stop and use a new gallery of un airbrushed,  
 The reality is you can also clearly see airbrushing in photos as it makes the sharpness of the photo clearly blurred alot, Or if the pic is just blown out with too much lighting too bright you can tell its not accurate.
          I think saying your feelings at the time of the appt is the nicest approach and gives the lady in questiona chance to correct it. Or change. By going along for the ride and not speaking up then writing the bad review this just seperates us further, hurts people, and doesnt solve the problem and its achildish and unpleasant way to handle it for every one.  
                                       I had another guy mention geesh baby wipes? dont you have a warm face cloth? He never reviewed me yet and unsure if he does reviews but it was nice because I nver used another baby wipe again, Maybe if out of clean face clothes for some disorganized, kooky angel reason which well i am not perfect there are times I am not alwaays perfect and dont stay caught up with evry little thing in the universe. I am ok with that, Even if it really really irks other people i dont mind having flaws and being a tad distracted and maybe not the most organized person youve ever met.
             But it was ncie he mention to me I never even had thought a cold baby wipe is ghetto fabulous. I am so grateful when guys communicate at the session and give you the chance to correct it, or whatever instead of doing a bad review after.  
               Bad reviews are a total bummer. ...    I d say its in the guys here with this one, They should say sorry but absolutely not, I am out of here. ... Then not make fun her in the review, The lack of compassion, I just look at women and i see mothers, i see life force, life energy, healing, and i see abuse hurt pain and anything that may have led them to choosing this as a supplement to income, Its probly not a pretty story for many and i just think whatever she does i just dont dont see men making fun of  ANY of them, So thier pics are fake? well fine, i dont see makin fun of em or embarrasin em in a review as being part of the solution or anything thats going to create value for any one or solve the issue for that matter,  
           If they are gaining weight or in denial, Body image is a tugh thing for us as women and men will never understand it, I bet 80 percent women in modeling or adult biz have or do have bulimia anorexia nervosa, i KNOW I HAD ANOREXIA AND BULEMIA AS A TEEN I LOST MY HAIR AND WAS 86  lbs at 18 and my period stopped it got do bad, I still binge eat and then excercize compulsively and do a 3 day egg white fast to do a recovery action, My weight fluctuates so much i have to have new photos every month now. If a guy made fun me in a review it be even worse, The guys have to realize women need love and need to approached with compassion not mean reviews. Telll her at the time you meet her then go on your way, The two faced behavior is pathedic

a wonderful person. I can only hope that one day I have the pleasure of meeting you in person.

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