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I think that's better than hiding it or not asking for test result. Since she advertises it,
As.Good.as.It.Gets 399 reads

I can easily avoid her if I feel unsafe or play it safe (cbj, no daty, etc) if I still want to see her. It's far better (for me) then if she's hiding it because I wouldn't have a choice and I could accidentally dine on a creampie. She's also making an effort to protect herself so it's not as crazy as some LA K-girls who offer BBFS without asking for test result.

Edit. It's even crazier for those who seek them out without K-girls showing their test result.

-- Modified on 4/22/2017 11:44:00 AM

She will do BB with a current clean test
Help me get my brain around this

And/or remanufactured or photoshopped to say something other than what it originally said.  If its digital, its even easier.   Anyone making a test showing the criteria is just being stupid.  Either you're up for the risk or you're not.  You can't have it both ways, especially if trusting someone you just met not to scam you with a false report.  

lIlIlI342 reads

Paper can be forged, but something like Talent Testing Service authentication cannot. And TTS uses the nucleic acid HIV test as opposed to the rapid antibody test (along with testing for Hep B/C, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and trichomonas).

The long window for antibody testing and the photoshop risk are the two most common arguments I see against BBFS test sharing. If both parties have a recent TTS test, both of those factors are mitigated

GaGambler453 reads

Try wrapping your brain around that one.

I am hardly naïve enough to pretend that bare back sex doesn't occur in P4P, but for a hooker to be advertising it right out in the open just makes lil Gambler shrivel up and do it's "turtle time" imitation.

Can you just imagine the math? A hooker fucking several different guys a day bareback, and the guys she is seeing obviously not being the most sexually responsible guys out there, multiplied by all the women they have been fucking, and it's like playing Russian Roulette with at least five of the chambers full.

Her reviews read covers used but I would not believe that for a minute
She is from my region and when I read her "little" tumbler link I was shocked

icebear352 reads

It is very common in the industry and maybe more so abroad than in the US (where I have never hobbied). I would never advise anyone to anything they aren't comfortable with, but the Russian Roulette analogy is laughable.

Just look up the research about HIV risk in normal vaginal sex (on the CDC website for instance). It just isn't very high, similarly there just aren't that many people that have HIV (outiside the gay community, mostly because anal sex is a lot more risky).  

The chance of catching chlamydia or the clap are fairly high if you do BBFS, but for now these can be cured with a single dose of antibiotics. If you are in a relationship, still a big deal, otherwise not much more than a small nuisance.

I know girls that have two dozen BB clients a day, for years, and are clean. Some of them take profilactic antibiotics to stop the two mentioned infections and they will get a quick check up every month or so. Have never heard about anyone getting HIV here (did know a girls elsewhere that did more extreme things and a lot of BB anal).

Again, do what you like and be safe if that's what makes you comfortable. But the whole  BBFS = russian roulette is really out of proportion.

GaGambler349 reads

So in a twenty four hour day, you know girls who fuck 24 guys a day, all bareback, for YEARS and are  "clean"  

Sorry, but you are fucking delusional.

I guaranfuckingtee you, you don't know anyone who fucks "two dozen" different guys a day, BB or otherwise. There simply isn't enough time in the day for anyone to be fucking "24 different guys a day, for YEARS"  Please put the fucking crack pipe down and come back when you aren't on fucking drugs.

icebear271 reads

He, I'm not talking about any type of escort services or places like thailand where you pick up girls to take back to your hotel.

This is in a club setting. Girls walk around naked the whole day, clients wear nothing but a towel (in other words, it can take less than 10 seconds to be fucking if you want to). The club is typically open from 10 am till midnight and the normal time for a session is under 25 minutes (1 hour is possible but rare, longer is not allowed). I can assure you some girls are very popular and have the next client waiting on "their couch" while they are servicing the previous client. These girls can complain about things being slow if they have only 15 clients in a day. Not all girls of course, but in each of these clubs you have a couple that are in this situation.

I should qualify the statement that these girls will mostly work 6 days a week (some 7 days, others only 5) and a few times a year they'll go home for a month or two weeks.

I'm not just repeating what girls tell me , if I'm in that club for 4/5 hours, I see girls that have more than 10 clients in that time. I cannot be positive it is all BB, but in these places it is standard and they'll ask you if you want it outright as you get started. When it comes up, girls say almost everyone wants BB. Sometimes you see a girl coming back in the main lounge to ask if anyone has a rubber, they don't even have any on them.

I'm picturing girls walking around dripping cum everywhere. That's a lot of loads and ya know ... gravity.

... what do you think about guys who write reviews that don't make it clear a cover was used?  I saw another one of these today, and while it didn't outright say BBFS, that's how it read.

If I were the provider, I'd be royally pissed off by that sloppiness.  It takes a couple of seconds to add mention of a cover. SO DO IT!

(Then there's the asshats that write about BBFS when it didn't happen... but there's a separate place in hell for them.)

I forgot to mention it once in a review,  and right away got a PM asking if the provider offered BBFS (she is reputable,  so told him no,  and told him he was nuts)

I saw a girl post one of her reviews on twitter and it was VERY clearly BBFS. The guy talked about her bare pussy on his cock for multiple paragraphs. People were all commenting how hot it was and I'm like CAN YOU GUYS NOT READ?! It's very concerning.

Run, run, run. Damn. There are places that encourage this. It is more common in the hobby than some think. I play ir safe and will continue to do so. An ad like that does not interest me.

buth thinking about it, i often receive offers from guys who wanna pay extra to do it... So you know that you need to block this number and send him to the black list!

and young. Sometimes the young ones haven't fully developed parts of the  brain that control risk taking. Please note I said "Sometimes". :)

Look I know this does go on here sometimes but I'm wondering if she really understands fully WTF she's really doing. It seems she's done porn and even with the strict testing of porn actors/actresses, there has been some that ended up HIV+ because of the incubation period.


Steph :-/

-- Modified on 4/21/2017 2:27:11 PM

There is a girl in vegas that advertises creampies...........makes me want to vomit!!!!

Posted By: Sexy Carolina
She will do BB with a current clean test  
 Help me get my brain around this

That advertises creampies. I went one day to check it out. It was a bakery. Totally misleading, IMO.

wrps07319 reads

bbfs la beauties. BBfs is very common in the LA area.

-- Modified on 4/22/2017 10:08:45 AM

alwaysluvingit383 reads

That tumblr is for her porn actress career. Look her up and you will see the vids on p0rnhub. So that bb question is in reference to doing scenes not escorting. None of her escort ads advertise that. I think you guys are mixing one thing with another. It's still not any safer but just saying it's not an ad for a bb escort experience. It's for doing movie scenes.

Don't try to change the subject with the truth!! Can't you tell we don't care about those kind of details? She's done porn for Christsake!!! OK ... who brought the nails? ... So we can get on with the cruxification.

There is one man's name that if I see it in her reviews I reconsider what I want to do. Don't miss understand me. That type of physical relationship is wonderful, and the only thing that I would rather do is keep breathing.  

Just to make it plain. I will not see ladies that see men that brag about the BBFS they get.

The safe way protects others.

wrps07330 reads

Providers should get tested once a month and hobbyists every 3 months. If someone offers bbfs or wants it avoid them.

icebear317 reads

Really? The authorities (health clinics) here in the Netherlands tell me I should get tested once a year. And I have over hundred different sexual partners a year (almost all of them providers).  

I believe they advise providers to be tested once every 3 months. And since this is legal here, the sexual health clinic actually provides free testing for working girls. Remember that many of these girls see many more clients than escorts.

Don't engage Chickenlittle. The sky will never fall if he starts talking AND we'll miss the latest public service warning about Johns getting busted, or abducted and probed anally by little green men with handcuffs.

Sounds reasonable. I get tested about every 4-5 weeks.

When people are under the influence of drugs,they don't think straight.These providers that offer bbfs are most likely on drugs.Any sane sober person wouldn't do that to themselves

It was relatively easy to find her based off the info you gave which is kind of a red flag in and out of itself.

I went to the Tumblr in question and this it what it says:
Q:"Do you enjoy bareback?"
A:"Yes I do with clean test results of course"

Sorry but this can mean any number of things.  Does she mean she enjoys bareback in her personal life?  Is she referring to her porn career? You kind of jumped to conclusions and decided to gossip about her.

I respectfully disagree. She obviously included that link for a reason and IMO if she has it on her profile, it's for promotional purposes for her potential clients on TER.

Steph xoxo

And we see providers post videos of themselves having BBFS with boyfriends or as porn stars on Twitter all the time....I feel like the Q and A portion was misunderstood.  I could say I would really love to do an MFM on a blog or on Twitter but does that mean I'm fair game for any client who wants that?

Does this mean we won't have a big fire? But I brought hotdogs!!

This was a relatively easy post to find on my own, mind you. But in case anyone is wondering: I DONT do bb and never have with clients, that's about porn only. There is something called talenttesting and it's a test that can't be faked so in PORN it's completely safe. Thanks to anyone that defended me/didn't jump to conclusions on this thread, I appreciate it. Just wanted to clarify for all. :)  
In the future, if you have any issues with me, I ask that you kindly speak to me. Thank you!

You can clearly tell that I was extremely cautious with the industry. I started out with CBJ even. You can read that in my first review ever. Also, I just started in this part of the industry at the end of December, that post was made well before Christmas. It was referring to my porn. In regards to a porn test being "faked," I ask you to check out talenttestingservice.com. They have a code you would never be able to fake. There is so much more I can say to elaborate on this, but I'll I'm going to say is I may be young, but I'm certainly not stupid. You are what is wrong with the industry, we should be lifting others up, not bringing them down. I don't understand why you would trash talk someone else. We need to stick together in this industry. I appreciate all my fellow sex workers, and would do anything to help them. You, I will not help. Sex work is sex work. Why would you act like porn is so different from what you are doing? That's just absurd.  
With that, I say, have a nice day and I hope you would consider closing down this thread.

As.Good.as.It.Gets400 reads

I can easily avoid her if I feel unsafe or play it safe (cbj, no daty, etc) if I still want to see her. It's far better (for me) then if she's hiding it because I wouldn't have a choice and I could accidentally dine on a creampie. She's also making an effort to protect herself so it's not as crazy as some LA K-girls who offer BBFS without asking for test result.

Edit. It's even crazier for those who seek them out without K-girls showing their test result.

-- Modified on 4/22/2017 11:44:00 AM

scarier is that many guys are willing to take that chance...

It sounds to me like a lot of these providers are pissed off, because someone upped the ante.  Most of these girls started doing bbbjs way back knowing that a lot of other providers wouldn't.  Unsafe sex is unsafe sex.  They cut other provider's throats to get more business for themselves, so why are they so pissed off that someone else is doing the same thing.  Not getting enough business offering bbbjs, offer bbfs.  Don't hate the player.  Hate the game.  It's a game.  Whoever offers to do the most wins the client.  I hardly feel bad for anyone especially since the providers who do everything covered have lost a lot of business due to girls offering bbbjs.  They have to go out and find other ways to make money.  I guess they will have to do the same.  Life's a bitch.  Isn't it?  Karma gets us all.

GoogleWasMyIdea312 reads

I have three problems with this thread...

It assumes there is something inherently wrong with BBFS. So long as all parties are adults and no one is being coerced, I don't see why it's wrong. Yes, it's very risky and most people don't want the risk, but that's a personal decision. Base jumping, equestrian cross country jumping, bull riding and cave diving are all really dangerous, most people would never ever do them, but they aren't wrong, they're personal choices.  

It punishes advertising BBFS, assuming it was advertised (and I don't know it was). It seems to me that's the exact opposite of what we should be doing. I spent most of my life in a country where most (I'm guessing more than half) of escorts do BBFS and they usually mark themselves clearly in their ads/ads from the houses where they work. You want that, you know where to go. You want to avoid it, you (frequently) can. Makes much more sense.

It's hypercritical. A large chunk of middle-range and higher escorts in this country do BBFS under the radar, at least with regulars. I can't prove it, but based don what I've heard and seen I'd guess half to a quarter. A squeaky clean and super highly rated lady I've been seeing  for a few years explicitly offered it to me the other week. I passed and she kind of thanked me ("I really respect your self control") but she was very ready to do it as a thank you. And I don't for an instant think I'm her only long term regular would have earned this kind of VIP reward.  


ATLDAWG289 reads


That would be a huge turn off, and a complete non-starter.  Wouldn't get past that to read anything else.

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