TER General Board

I think it's pretty simple...
nom_de_plume 441 reads

If the provider is ready at the agreed start time, the clock starts at that time. If I'm late and it's not the provider's fault (eg if provider's fault might be she gave me wrong directions, didn't send me the room number in time), that's time I don't get unless the provider chooses to extend the time.  

And if she's not ready at the agreed time, the clock starts when she is.

In your case, it seems you ran late because you chose to take a call in the lobby. That's on you.

maxdogooder1678 reads

I made an app with an agency in-call at 2pm. I arrived at the hotel at 1:43pm and waited in the parking till 1:53pm and text for rm #. The message I got back was 7 more minutes. I then got a text back at 1:56pm with the rm #. I got held up in the hotel lobby with a phone call ( work call ). I went up and the girl did not open the door till 2:10pm. I literally knocked on the door 3 times before she open.... I hate, hate standing in the hallway waiting for the girl to open ( is like everyone knows why you are there )

I often see that providers ask us not to be early or overstay our time. I am wondering when is the best time to text & ask for rm #? 10 mins before? 5 mins before? at 2pm? When does the session officially start? when you walk through the door or at 2pm?  

I once had a provider that would text me 5mins before the app every-time with the room # and a message " I am ready for you now". And when I got to the room, the door is slightly ajar and she is standing behind it. Really thoughtful and put me in the mood right away.......

I remember more about this detail then the actual session....LOL

I have a tendency to arrive early for play dates, especially if I am unfamiliar with the area and the parking. I will wait until 5 minutes before our scheduled start time to email or text her that I have arrived, and 9 times out of 10 she'll radio back that she's running late and that she needs just a few more minutes to get ready. That usually means I'm waiting for at least 15 minutes before she calls me up. The clock starts when I cross her threshold.

Epsilon_Eridani619 reads

... there have been times where the provider will say, I'm sorry, but our scheduled 1 hour session ends in 45 minutes.

Huh? What?

One occasion I had arrived 10 minutes early, I texted her. She responds with a 'I will text you back with a room number in a few minutes.' Ok, I am thinking, why not give me the room number during that text and ask me to wait? Anways...

I wait... wait some more... then finally 20 minutes goes by, now it's 10 after the hour... she texts me the room number.  
Of course, it's a 5 story hotel and her room is on the 5th floor.  
That's a good 5-7 minute trip up with all of those people on the elevator!

Finally, I arrive at her room exactly 15 minutes past the hour... then after I walk inside, not barely 30 seconds into the session, she informs me that it will be a 45 minute session. I politely asked her why when she postponed me for almost 30 minutes. Her response? "You arrived early and I was not expecting you to arrive until the exact time."  

Really? An excellent way to bomb the whole session, lady!!  

Why didn't she go ahead and text me the room number and tell me to arrive exactly on time?  

Needless to say, I never saw her again and never bothered to give her a review even though she requested one.  

Lowpaw... what is the best way to handle something like this when it's no fault of mine that the session started late due to the provider's lack of brain cells?  

Posted By: lopaw
Re: I assume that the session begins when I walk in the door. I have a tendency to arrive early for play dates, especially if I am unfamiliar with the area and the parking. I will wait until 5 minutes before our scheduled start time to email or text her that I have arrived, and 9 times out of 10 she'll radio back that she's running late and that she needs just a few more minutes to get ready. That usually means I'm waiting for at least 15 minutes before she calls me up. The clock starts when I cross her threshold.

Wow....with a muttonhead like her, there really isn't a favorable way to handle it. She's already irrational with that bizarre interpretation about the time. Remember - you can't have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent. I guess you could have offered her a donation equivalent of 45 minutes worth, but who knows how she would have reacted - would have probably created a shitstorm that you wouldn't want any part of.  
I would do exactly what you did - shake my head, have the session, cut my losses and fuggedaboudit.

Epsilon_Eridani364 reads

thanks for your insight.  

I know that you are a mix of provider/hobbyist, that's why I trust your feedback on this.

Posted By: lopaw
Re: I do make the same assumption, but... Wow....with a muttonhead like her, there really isn't a favorable way to handle it. She's already irrational with that bizarre interpretation about the time. Remember - you can't have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent. I guess you could have offered her a donation equivalent of 45 minutes worth, but who knows how she would have reacted - would have probably created a shitstorm that you wouldn't want any part of.  
 I would do exactly what you did - shake my head, have the session, cut my losses and fuggedaboudit.

Epsilon_Eridani438 reads

yes, dear, I still trust you!!  

Posted By: lopaw
Re: I'm not a provider. Just a horny hobbyist like you all.... Still trust me?  

I think the time starts when you enter the room. I don't rush anyone out if they are going over by 5 min or so. That's also why I space out my appointments appropriately.  
HOWEVER! I used to give out the room number right when a client arrives, but I have found that some do not let me know when they are here and have come up 15 min early, while I am getting ready, etc. It is nice to know when I am expecting you darling hehe. But communication is key. Your time should not have been shortened because of this. If you were standing outside chain smoking on the other hand, teehee, then that's a different story.

GaGambler455 reads

It's your own damn fault for staying and going through with the session. After all, she told you in advance, thirty seconds after you walked in the door according to you. There was nothing to prevent you from simply saying "with an attitude like yours, let's just forget the whole thing" and then just turn around and walk out the door. That's what I would have done if I had received such a rude greeting.

Senator.Blutarsky601 reads

...especially, if this is the most memorable thing from a session with a hot female. Don't get me wrong, promptness is appreciated, but any indiscretions are quickly forgotten in my case once the clothes come off. Just sayin'

hat seems inexcusable and could affect both your and her safety.  She should not have texted the room number to you unless she was fully ready.

About five minutes before is when I announce my arrival

AFICIONADO13574 reads

Of course I would have not stood in the hallway that long maybe 5 minutes depending on cameras and how active the halls was. I would have been out the door and consider the appointment canceled.  

Time starts when you walk into the door unless the client is the one late then that is on him  and up to the provider if she will/can extend

JoelGoodsen403 reads

And it would have been a godsend apparently if it was.  To have someone give you a timecheck upon entering is bad enough.  The circumstances are worse with waiting in the hall.  Screw it.  I have had a provider screw around with the time when I got there.  Claiming they never got my texts and keeping waiting 20 minutes until the miraculously got the text saying I was leaving but none of the others. I was thinking they were trying to shorten the session as it was just before checkout time.   I guess that's why god invented the phrase 'one and done'

maxdogooder431 reads

What about some thoughts and advise from the ladies???

GaGambler596 reads

Dont take work calls when on your way, or when with a provider.

I was completely on your side, until you mention that YOU got hung up in the lobby because of a work call that you took. Sorry,but everything else is on you from that point. and for the record, does five minutes here or there REALLY make that big a difference to you?

Posted By: maxdogooder
What about some thoughts and advise from the ladies???


Also, seriously do not hang in the parking lot or the lobby!!! You pull up and park when she gives the room number and you go straight to it. Don't call attention to self.

It is crazy that anyone has to knock on door more than once to be let in. If she had any sense, she won't tell you thee room number til she is fully ready. I won't give that out til ready because you know how many guys will come 20-30 mins early? Quite a few. I don't overally care if a guy is late within reason.

As far as when the clock starts that is on her.... but my personal practice is when you walk through the door. Of course I don't do back to back appts either.

I once had a regular show up 35 mins early, even after I told him I would still be eating and needed time to get ready in the meantime. He didn't even warn me he'd be far too early, he decided to tell me this as he was in the parking lot. I told him I needed 5 mins and then it would be fine, as I like to be fresh right before (no matter if I took a shower an hour ago).... he got pissy and demanding and left. He has since apologized but he is on my DNS list after that. At least warn me ahead of time, not a difficult thing. I am quite accommodating if I know ahead of time.  

Regardless of your oops with the work phone call, she should have been ready on time or told you ahead of time she was running late.

Posted By: GaGambler
Dont take work calls when on your way, or when with a provider.  

 I was completely on your side, until you mention that YOU got hung up in the lobby because of a work call that you took. Sorry,but everything else is on you from that point. and for the record, does five minutes here or there REALLY make that big a difference to you?  

Posted By: maxdogooder
What about some thoughts and advise from the ladies???

I strongly agree...  It's not discreet to sit in a parking lot talking on the phone & reading your newspaper.  I have been approached by Hotel Security & eyeballed by Police Patrols (I mentioned the Police & the lady told me that Mgt had requested incresed patrols to stop breakins of guest cars.)  
This is why, after getting the lay of the land, I withdraw to the corner coffee shop.  Around here they are near most suburban hotels...  often within sight ofthe location & certainly no more than 5 minutes away.  People are expected to sit inside or in their cars there...  so I'm just another guy with coffee & a muffin at the drive up.    

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
Also, seriously do not hang in the parking lot or the lobby!!! You pull up and park when she gives the room number and you go straight to it. Don't call attention to self.  

mike574441 reads

Once payment is made and the party actually starts like showtime,clothes come off
the clock should start once everything else is out of the way.
however i have been cut short on numerous times
the girls are the BOSS in the timeclock division,now when your back at work,would it not be nice if the timeclock there was that

You want the clock to start when naked and actually doing stuff?

nom_de_plume442 reads

If the provider is ready at the agreed start time, the clock starts at that time. If I'm late and it's not the provider's fault (eg if provider's fault might be she gave me wrong directions, didn't send me the room number in time), that's time I don't get unless the provider chooses to extend the time.  

And if she's not ready at the agreed time, the clock starts when she is.

In your case, it seems you ran late because you chose to take a call in the lobby. That's on you.

VOO-doo490 reads

Agency providers are often new to the business. They might be younger, and irresponsible. They might also be overworked.  

My guess, is that she either 1) Wasn't paying attention to her phone or the door, and so didn't know to let you in, or 2) She was running around, flustered, trying to straighten the room and herself after the last guy left. In that situation, the 10 minutes you stood outside would have felt like 30 very rushed seconds to her

You say you texted at 1:53 and you were given room # at 1:56. And YOU got a work call that held you up until 2:10 and somehow she should extend? I see some agency ladies, and if I were texted at 1:56 for a 2:00 appointment I'd be happy, keep in mind that she's standing behind the door so that when you quietly knock she's ready to answer the door immediately
so that you don't have to stand in the hall. You took 10 minutes on your work call and do you expect her to stand behind the door for 10 minutes? I think that's unrealistic for you to expect. I assure you that I simply wouldn't have taken the call, there are two places that I can be that no one can reach me, when I'm golfing and when I'm getting pussy, to be clear when I pull into the parking lot for either.

In my humble opinion, you have nothing to be upset about, you took the call, you made her wait 14 minutes to be exact, it's on you to wait in the hall while she walks to the door and looks through the peep hole to check you out. Just sayin.

Only once git burned by 2 hotels, different branches of the same chain, within sight of each other & unclear instructions...  Like I said, I arrive probably 15 minutes early & then withdraw to the local coffee shop...  timing my return to the exact time.    
I expect the time to start at the appointed time...  elevator time is on me...  I expect her to be ready & any delay made good.  I may be kidding myself but if she burns me for her lateness, then I'll not be returning.  Simple as that.  (If lateness was MY FAULT, then it comes out of MY TIME.  Only fair)

I'm pretty relaxed person, but am one of those that will arrive 20 minutes early, to make sure I know where I'm going. I may spend my extra time "talking" on the phone or drive around and return. But I too feel that if the appointment is at 2 the provider should be ready at two. I appreciate providers that leave enough time between appointments to make up for "shit happens". Getting a text while driving to an appointment asking for a 30 minute delay does not do it for me, compound that with a (after waiting for that 30 minute delay), "can you give me a few more minutes, i want to make myself beautiful for you".

Although I am not one to get angry, I do get frustrated, and although I have never walked away, I can certainly see my angst go up, which makes little johnny go down.

I also like those providers that say that once they text room number then they are ready and in fact are REALLY ready. IE, at the door, or even better door slightly ajar. I too have had experiences about knocking several times, each one louder waiting for that door to open, and maybe hearing the flush of a toilet...  

OK, once the door across the hall opened, and I realized I was knocking on the wrong door, hope no one was in the room I was knocking on

timesrbetter633 reads

Went to see Nikki Irish, when she lived in Phoenix. I knocked on the door 1 MINUTE before our time and got an ear full asking why I was early.
  Session went down hill from there. no repeat

Epsilon_Eridani491 reads

I would have said... sorry, my watch was running one minute too fast!

she was being WAY too anal about that!  

why did she need that extra minute?  

Posted By: timesrbetter
Re: True story, I went to see Nikki Irish.... Went to see Nikki Irish, when she lived in Phoenix. I knocked on the door 1 MINUTE before our time and got an ear full asking why I was early.  
   Session went down hill from there. no repeat

but this is a lie.  

This person didn't show up ONE minute before our meeting, he showed up TEN minutes before our meeting.  

My watch has a blank face (Movado) so there's no way I would be able to tell if it were that close. He was VERY early.  

I also don't give an 'earful' of anything. I'm very polite, but stern when things like this happen as I hadn't been able to crate my dogs, put on music or my heels. I remember him very well as he is the only person that ever did that to me in Phoenix (or anywhere, really).

Any more than 10 minutes early, I will usually not consider because I could be putting the finishing touches on the food, room decor, putting heels on, etc. but 10 minutes early is fine with me, and I will happily provide the location at that time. Guys who are late locally, pretty much ok because it is never going to be an issue with someone being seen after him... he can be an hour late for all I care as long as he calls to let me know. My nanny is paid by the day, not the hour.

I've had ladies kick my ass out of there 30 minutes into a seemingly good one hour session, and I've also had ladies ask me to spend the night off the clock. I've been on both sides of the spectrum, and every where in between. The thing you have to do is quickly figure out where each lady stands on the spectrum, and adhere to that like the world depended on it. If she's strictly by the book, then play it that way. If she's generous with her time, you can relax in the shower.  

For a first session, I would not call even one minute early, but right on time. I would then shut my phone down, and hustle up to her room. Toward the end of the session I would be the first to say I need to get cleaned up. Body language is your key. If she says she'll start the shower for you, shower quickly, and leave. If she sits on you, and won't let you get up, well, she might want to chat a bit. Recently, a lady not only fixed lunch off the clock, but asked if she could have one more fake climax. You may have a certain fantasy, but it's the ladies who lead in this TER tango. Let them lead, and you'll be so happy.

I definitely appreciate someone who can communicate well. Text, call, email..whatever works for the lady.  It definitely helps.

I know some ladies that  like a 5 minute warning, others that prefer half an hour.  Also, i never go up until I get the final  "i'm ready message"

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