TER General Board

I think it helps greatly...
nothrofboston 24 Reviews 404 reads

I'm assuming you mean discussion board posts rather than posting reviews. But I'll touch on both because together they give a more holistic look into my personality and my preferences.

Since I always have had the utmost respect for providers, I find my postings endear(?) me rather than make me unattractive. I like to believe there is a common thread between my board postings and my infrequent reviews. Don't think the ladies don't read them.  

In all my years, I've only been rejected once after I was screened and had set an appointment to meet a traveling lady when she came to Boston. She politely reversed saying she didn't think we were a good fit after all. I offered to try to allay any of her doubts but she declined
with a few specific reasons that I could respect. I'm sure that was best for both of us.  

Some posts back and forth can also evolve into PMs. Some, I've had just a few communications with and some, many many many. That would support my contention that Posting helps if you're consistent  

I've developed great rapport with several ladies here whom I'd see in a heartbeat if our location issues are resolved. A few of these fine ladies are HIGH on my bucket list. And I'll make every effort to make it happen as long as it's financially viable.  

So like IRL, you reap what you sow. Soooo ... you can be respectful without being a suck up or a shill. I think most ladies respect that and I've gotten several unsolicited PMs from gals that want to have  a more private/intimate discussion, and I've initiated several myself.  

So yes, I believe posting helps. If you're not a jerk. And I really haven't come across too many jerks on the board, male or female.

-- Modified on 1/25/2017 9:21:31 AM

I'm OK with what I post and who I am online. I share my handle along with my verification info when I book. You might say I'm an "open book".  

However, many guys change handles regularly, post only under alias, etc.  

One time (in 5 years in our little world) I was turned down simply because I was a "poster" and posted ANYTHING.  

So guys, gals... is being a poster a help or hindrance? Does constant handle-changing or posting under alias mitigate any hindrance?

Would love to hear everyone's opinion on these questions!

GaGambler559 reads

Has it ever happened and the woman did NOT tell me? I would be amazed if it hadn't.

I have been using the same handle on multiple boards for getting close to fifteen years without ever trying to hide my identity. My take on the subject is that any woman who doesn't like GaGambler, most likely won't like the "real" me either as I am pretty much a "what you see is what you get" kind of guy.

I might be an asshole, ok skip the "might be", but I am not a cowardly or hypocritical asshole. I am what I am and so far at least, I have had little problem finding women willing to take my money despite my big mouth here on the boards.

GaGambler588 reads

Do you have any idea how much stocking that would require? lol

souls_harbor568 reads

Why would a provider not see you?  By your admission (or unverifiable boast) you've spent like $3 million on escorts during your career.  To them you're like a malfunctioning ATM machine that randomly spits out $100 bills.  I bet they hang around and give you OTC.  It's like playing the slot machines.

...it hindered you once in 5 years. Not a problem. As for me, it was never a problem either.

If you are a somewhat intelligent person that treats the ladies here like real people and not holes to be filled, I know it can help. I have had a lady deliberately arrange a layover to mert me.

On the other hand if your answer asshat, a complete suckup or brag about undesirable acts it most certainly can hurt you. Hell one lady (likely more) put me on her DNS list because of a few stances I taken on the hobby.

So it goes both ways.

That is right, it depends on what you say.

Being a poster make screening easy.  But if you post about looking for BBFS or a discount for being a poster, there will not be many takers.

that some guys who have came off as not too nice here on the GB and their regional board I have met and were very nice guys.I remember saying to one guy "wow....you are nothing like your board presence...he said that over half of the stuff he says he doesn't even believe he just says stuff here to get people all rawled up(okay sure I misspelled that).
If a guy has a presence here or the other boards I like to read some of the posts but the only time I have declined to see a ter member was a guy who was a drama llama on the boards.I don't want or need drama so I declined perhaps he was like the other guy I mentioned above but I did not want to take that chance.
Just my .02

NoYellowEnvelope586 reads

Sure, a guy who acts like an asshat on the boards, abusing and bullying others anonymously, might not give you any trouble in person.  But IMO someone who acts that way under cover of a handle or alias is capable of the same or worse in the light of day.  And I know of cases where a bully on the boards has behaved himself with providers... at least the first time. Some of these guys even got white listed.  Later, they showed their true colors... abuse, threats, outings etc.

On the flip side, someone who's the perfect gentleman (or gentlewoman, lopaw!) here could be in reality a sociopath. But I think the odds are far less for that vs. a bully here acting like one in person.

He was more irritating to people with the constant posting certainly not abusive.
If a guy posted abusive stuff or acting as if he has an issue with women I would not see him.
I'm just sharing my experience.I don't want to see anyone abusive of course who would but there's a big difference between someone who is a bully/abusive.Compared to someone who posts alot of silly questions or the same things over and over on the boards.

AnonymousHo516 reads

There are bullies on this board who I'd NEVER book an appointment with. And there are the sweethearts who I'd love to meet.

My thought about an alias - I don't mind someone using an alias (obviously) as long as the alias isn't an aliASS.

GaGambler634 reads

I have been called both a bully and a sweetheart by the very same woman in the very same thread. lol

As for alias posters, not aliases are equal. There are people who only use an alias to say things to others they are too chickenshit to say under their "real" fake name, and then there are others who use the very same alias for years and have a thousand posts or more under that alias.

Personally, I haven't even had an alias since the days of multiple aliases oh so many years ago.

AnonymousHo437 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
I have been called both a bully and a sweetheart by the very same woman in the very same thread. lol  
 As for alias posters, not aliases are equal. There are people who only use an alias to say things to others they are too chickenshit to say under their "real" fake name, and then there are others who use the very same alias for years and have a thousand posts or more under that alias.  
 Personally, I haven't even had an alias since the days of multiple aliases oh so many years ago.

GaGambler459 reads

I am accused of being a "bully" all the time, just because I have a low tolerance for stupidity and a tendency to "tell it like it is" I don't consider myself a bully, but the uber sensitive types around here would tend to disagree with me. Either way, I don't lose any sleep over it.

AnonymousHo509 reads

I don't consider you to be a bully. Calling you a sweetheart, might be pushing it though. ;) lol

Posted By: GaGambler
I am accused of being a "bully" all the time, just because I have a low tolerance for stupidity and a tendency to "tell it like it is" I don't consider myself a bully, but the uber sensitive types around here would tend to disagree with me. Either way, I don't lose any sleep over it.


I kid because a love,

Anyhoo, yes, more than a few gals have reached out to me because she thought I was shining wit.

(Or was that whining shit?)

On the other hand, I know a few guys who might do better to not write as often.  As Mark Twain once put it:  There are some people for whom the saying "be yourself" is bad advice.

On the person. There are a few I would actually like to hang out with beyond the Hobby, Gambler being one.

There are a few I would NEVER see. I bounce on a few local boards on here and have seen some guys who ... yeah.

I have seen some posters where I wouldn't hesitate to see them (MrFisher being one).

There's guys who wanted to book with me and I already knew that likely we wouldn't hit it off as well as I'd like or I am not their type. I just tell them that and why. Doesn't make them a bad person by any means.

There are aliases that I'd love to see and others I wouldn't.

My partaking in other city boards is purely because mine is dead and sometimes I enjoy the outlet... Some of those cities I really should go tour as I enjoy the vast majority of the posters and for some odd reason, they like me lol.

If anything, some of the guys who post on the P&P probably get told to buzz off a little more than the ones who post on the Newbie board (as an example).

Same could be said of some Providers. I am sure some guys don't bother booking because of how she comes across. Hence why some use aliases when they want to really speak their mind. There has been a few gals over the years that I would not take a reference from. That would be the BSC ones.

As far as I go, I like just being myself. I know of at least two guys who have been asses on the Boards who really weren't like that off the Boards. I appreciated their jackass humor and was willing to give them a chance.

I know there is quite a few guys who contact me because of my posts and book.  

Now if I know a guy (or girl) shares far too much on the boards, I might say no.  

Something you didn't ask, but I want to chime in on: I have told plenty no because they post on USA. I just have nothing positive to say about that place.

Posted By: mrfisher
 I kid because a love,  
 Anyhoo, yes, more than a few gals have reached out to me because she thought I was shining wit.  
 (Or was that whining shit?)  
 On the other hand, I know a few guys who might do better to not write as often.  As Mark Twain once put it:  There are some people for whom the saying "be yourself" is bad advice.

...especially  when my posting here helps some providers find me, read my reviews, and then decide that we'd be a good fit, so they reach out. :)



-- Modified on 1/24/2017 3:59:31 PM

Helped more than hurt.
I also use my TER handle as my p411 handle and Twitter name.  Open book right?  I am a pretty open person and have always expressed what I want from providers.  A good time.  

If you post interesting thoughts...inciteful ideas...and kind suggestions, then I do believe that it helps you.

If you troll as the noun/verb means so much, most providers would find that distasteful and would not want to be the star of a perceived negative experience.

So I suppose it can go both ways depending on you

Absolutely no effect on my getting appointments because I never disclose my handle to providers or agency bookers. If my ref's aren't good enough, I just pass and move on.  There's no one I want to see bad enough to give up my TER anonymity.

Black sheep among the herd, and a high profile one at that, it's hard to be anonymous.  Anonymity is a tall order for you, my friend, because you're not a "typical" hobbyist.  

Watch . . . Some new guy that doesn't know you is going to ask why you're not typical.  Lol

I don't ever recall a provider mentioning anything about my posting. I would say I post pretty minimal. On the other hand I become very interested by some providers posts that are consistent with my views or interests. On some occasions leading to what is usually a great session.

I'm assuming you mean discussion board posts rather than posting reviews. But I'll touch on both because together they give a more holistic look into my personality and my preferences.

Since I always have had the utmost respect for providers, I find my postings endear(?) me rather than make me unattractive. I like to believe there is a common thread between my board postings and my infrequent reviews. Don't think the ladies don't read them.  

In all my years, I've only been rejected once after I was screened and had set an appointment to meet a traveling lady when she came to Boston. She politely reversed saying she didn't think we were a good fit after all. I offered to try to allay any of her doubts but she declined
with a few specific reasons that I could respect. I'm sure that was best for both of us.  

Some posts back and forth can also evolve into PMs. Some, I've had just a few communications with and some, many many many. That would support my contention that Posting helps if you're consistent  

I've developed great rapport with several ladies here whom I'd see in a heartbeat if our location issues are resolved. A few of these fine ladies are HIGH on my bucket list. And I'll make every effort to make it happen as long as it's financially viable.  

So like IRL, you reap what you sow. Soooo ... you can be respectful without being a suck up or a shill. I think most ladies respect that and I've gotten several unsolicited PMs from gals that want to have  a more private/intimate discussion, and I've initiated several myself.  

So yes, I believe posting helps. If you're not a jerk. And I really haven't come across too many jerks on the board, male or female.

-- Modified on 1/25/2017 9:21:31 AM

... it definitely helped. I had at least one provider, who would become a favorite, reply to one of my comments with "So when are you going to book with me??"

These days, the Old Cavalier hasn't yet built a reputation either online or in person, so I doubt it's making a difference one way or another now.

Since providers use TER as part of their screening, I would think that ones posting history/behavior on the boards would make a difference on her perception of a hobbyist.

Even some hobbyists take into account the posting behavior of providers that may interest them.  I know some may not even see a provider, if she is a drama queen on the board.  So, I would think some providers evaluate us hobbyists in a similar manner.

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