TER General Board

I think he liked everything spelled out…
Hpygolky 205 Reviews 51 reads

Like instead of BBBJ, he’d like to see Bare Back Blow Job or DFK as Deep French Kissing…BWDIK….🤣🤣🤣😂😂

Is there any change for the gents and ladies who are searching for companions on P41?
Is it easier now or you do not see any changes to the site besides a more modern layout?

I did notice my okays declined and my favorites increased.  IIRC they showed you as an ok but inactive.. kinda odd.   There are some people back in my favorites that have been inactive forquite a while.  Don't know if they are back for real or it's just a data glitch with the new interface.  It will probably take a while to sort things out.

was inactive?If so I am very active on P411. Perhaps it is a glitch

My okays aren't in order and updates are displayed as if they are okays. Most of the ladies who have given me okays show as having inactive accounts on the okay list.  

PMs are not showing as new and it's not clear when you have new ones. I dislike this new format very much. The old site made sense to me where you could see everything you needed on the home page. This seems much more difficult to get around in.

That is now gone and I have an active ok from you.  Several of the (former) providers in my favorites have also disappeared. I'm pretty sure they are cleaning up data glitches/issues like these that occurred in the transition.

Am no longer on it and dropped it about a year after they allowed you as a provider to state using the acronyms as to what services you offerer.
  To me at least had expectations of what  the provider would provide and if session went well -OH Well who knows/
Was great to use this site as many do for comparing p411 and other providers/
Another change instituted by government to make lawyers a lost of money and not stopping any abuse .

Maybe I’m the moron here, apologies if so. But, what?

Are you saying you like or don’t like the providers listing their services?

And where does the gubmint come in?

Like instead of BBBJ, he’d like to see Bare Back Blow Job or DFK as Deep French Kissing…BWDIK….🤣🤣🤣😂😂

That makes sense now. TY.  Some might say I’m an idiot because I wasn’t making the connection but IDGAF.  

AAR, I don’t always like change either so I kinda get it.  


I think he might have meant to say "not state" services. P411 doesn't have the option to allow providers to list explicit services (bbbj, daty, etc) under the "other details" section on their profiles.

-- Modified on 12/2/2023 12:12:15 PM

You are correct .  
To me the vague services now allowed on P411 decreased the value of the site. Assume was lawyer driven.
No problem on my end if they would use the acronyms as in the past as now you had the provider stating what was offered. They spelled things out clearly  enough.  That also made for a check on reviewers here when they a said this and that but could at least be assured X was on the menu if you were polite and clean.
.I dropped p411 about 6 months to a year after that change.

-- Modified on 12/2/2023 1:59:13 PM

RespectfulRobert47 reads

Just a more modern layout, like you said. I see no substantive change, unless I am missing something.

I can see the changes and like them.

woodchip49 reads

While the old layout was stale it got the job done but was not mobile device friendly.  The new one has some bugs, a bit harder to navigate, pictures should be larger.  The biggest issue I see is it seems to have lost the function to set a default search area. Currently at each login it displays all cities/all states.  

I think the old one was fine on a mobile device.  

It would have been nice if they did what was mentioned a few years ago - put out a P411 app. That probably got dropped after Gina dropped out of the picture.

I don't find it easy to navigate at all.


Ditto that. Old version was much easier to navigate on mobile device.

Agree; change for change sake an probably a website developed talking them into it.

I found it to be easier to navigate and a more cleaner look. My inbox however is glitching and won’t load any messages.. which I hope gets fixed soon cuz that’s how clients reach out to me for appointments requests.

Does it seem like the details (word bubbles) expanded again?   I seem to recall the selection of allowed words shrank at one point.

Well, when I search for "Wausau, WI" I am still the only one listed, so no change there!!  LOL

Steve_Trevor57 reads

I think the old site was easier to navigate on a mobile device. If this is “more modern”, I’ll stick with “oldie but goodie”.

TheVoiceOfReason52 reads

The new site is terrible.  My okays magically declined and aren't in any order.  There used to be stars next to ladies that you have seen 5+ times.  PMs are not all there.  Also, as someone mentioned it would be nice if they would have the girls list the services that the provide vs. occasionally including links to reviews.

What does the Subscribe button do at the bottom of each provider's listing?
Also the top page shows whether the provider is online or offline.  Is this useful information for something?

Steve_Trevor48 reads

If you click on it, you can see the explanation of what it’s for: “When you subscribe to a companion, we will send you a notification each time she posts a new Ad on the P411 Available Now board, to a maximum of 1 notification per 3 hours.” It’s a carry-over feature from the old site. I never use it, though.  

I suppose knowing that a provider is online would be useful if you want to send her a PM through P411 for a session in the very near future and want to increase the odds of a quick response. Another feature that’s not important to me, because I always make appointments at least a day in advance, and usually a week or more out.

The way browsers work, I don't think sites that indicate "online" and "offline" status are very accurate.  I know sites like Seeking maintain "online" status for like 24-48 hours after any activity.  I suspect they just start a timer at any activity and consider that person online, even if they finished and closed their browser a while ago.

Steve_Trevor47 reads

logged in, not just online. The question is, does the login persist after closing a browser (yes, for Safari at least), and for how long? It also depends on if the user has the option for automatic log off after 20 minutes of inactivity turned on or off.

she actually is online on the site. After 30min P411 automatically logs us off if the provider is not active on the site.
It does not keep you log-in for hours later like other sites.

Steve_Trevor55 reads

works like this, according to the web site. I think this is a change from the past. I remember a 60 minute timeout, and I don’t remember when it changed to 20 minutes:

“Keep-Alive keeps your session alive on P411. When you Sign Into P411, your session will end after 20 minutes of no activity. If Keep-Alive is On, your session will be auto renewed and will stay active until you Sign Out.”

If Keep-Alive is on, it WILL keep you logged in for hours… or maybe forever, it seems, until you log out. I’ve tested it and it appears that the session stays alive even if you close the browser.  

It’s possible the behavior is different for providers vs “admirers”, but I have no way to test that.

As with most all software/website upgrades, it will take a while to get used to.  Had to reset my front page search when opened.  Overall, I like the bigger picture option and I will get used to the rest.  They seem to have had their act together as far as estimating the down time.

I just created a new website & p411 is unable to help with banners at this time. My only issue so far.

I sent a PM to admin about the issues I have and Christa responded quickly and said they are aware that there are issues and there are still bugs to work out. She asked for patience. We'll see.

I didn't spend much time on the new site but I will take another look now. As is, I can't say I'm crazy about it. Being a former IT guy, it would seem as though they didn't do enough testing prior to production turnover. It would have been beneficial to run in parallel for a while but I realize that in a case like this that might have caused more confusion then it was worth.

Some of my issues seem to have been corrected already.  

After spending a bit of time on the new site just now I can say it's getting a bit easier to deal with than it was initially.

PorkPies101 reads

I let my P411 account expire and now it seems like myself, and talking to some providers I've seen via email as well, that if your account wasn't active at the time of the transition, it got wiped from the new system? I cannot get an answer using the contact option on how to renew my membership... :(

Steve_Trevor53 reads

for providers… almost always there was no photo shown for inactive providers who’ve OKed me on the old site. But on the new site, almost all of those inactive providers have photos displayed now when they didn’t on the old site. Not sure how they feel about that, but if I were a retired provider (as all of these inactive providers on my OK list are) I would want my photo there.

Can confirm there are photos associated with inactive okays.  I don't remember if this was the case before.  However, since they are associated with okay recipients, they are not quite "public."

Steve_Trevor51 reads

Normally when a provider went inactive/retired on P411, her photos disappeared also. That changed with the new site. But since these inactive providers have no access to P411, they can’t complain about the change even if they wanted to.

Also I noticed a typo on my post above—“I would want my photo there” was supposed to be “I wouldn’t want my photo there”.

Well, I have  number of okays from now inactive providers and they still show in my okay list WITH their pictures.

While being verified is good, to most providers you're only as good as your last, most recent okay. I've been on P411 since 2015, and have over 70 okays...it looks like 52 of them are no longer active. The new site is okay. I like the old usability but it seems like all the functions/features from the previous design are still there. It just takes some exploration to find where everything is now.

Last few days I've tried logging in I get a notice that they're down for maintenance.

I haven't experienced this and I just tried and it's up now.

PorkPies54 reads

Anyone else having search and notification issues with P411?

Sometimes when I click on the P411 link on the TER review I will get a P411 screen that just says "Unauthenticated".  If I go out and load the P411 record from P411 and then go back to TER and click on the P411 link it will load.   Not sure what the purpose of this is or if it is something they need to fix.

a few extra functions and features. All I really see is a different layout. I don't feel like it is a major difference. Of course, I cannot see it from the provider side.

I was hoping for literally any changes to improve the site's core function: screening and verification. It seems that P411 is accepted less and less for screening - I'd like to see that decline reversed. Instead, I see just a change in layout with no change in screening process or functionality.

So far is like it, looks more modern for sure.

brownjack72 reads

I don't mind the new format.  I liked the fact that the old format had so much functionality on one page.  But, that's not the direction that web design is headed.  So, I'll take it for what it is.

But, am I overlooking something?  I'm not able to locate any of my saved searches.

Customer Support says they are still working out some kinks and this is one of them. Seems like they jumped the gun going live when it's not feature complete with past functionality.  

I wish they had a "switch back to classic" option. The old format worked pretty well over the years.

...was in alphabetical order (like it was before) so that I can find what I'm looking for easier.

Not as useful as it was before

Why is it not as useful? Less postings now compared as before? Quite confusing on how to access avail now board.
Maybe some providers cannot find it with the new layout

I would still like to see a search field on both TER and P411 to identify those providers who request deposits.  Plenty of past comments would suggest there are a substantial number of "admirers" who will not see a provider who requests a deposit, so why not accommodate us by adding a search field?

if it's not broke, don't fix it. But these days, everyone wants something new and flashy. The old site worked just fine for me.

While at the beginning it had some quirks that they seem to have been addressing, it's beginning to grow on me.

As with anything new, it'll take a while to work out the bugs.

A sentiment -- and warning? -- I've heard many times before.
"If it ain't broke, don't break it. Or, if it is broke, don't break it worse. ...  "
(And many other posts to General and S&P.)

Posted By: eastside70
Re: I'm of the adage...
if it's not broke, don't fix it. But these days, everyone wants something new and flashy. The old site worked just fine for me.  
 While at the beginning it had some quirks that they seem to have been addressing, it's beginning to grow on me.  
 As with anything new, it'll take a while to work out the bugs.

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