TER General Board

I think a Providers Board is a great idea (eom)regular_smile
Carissa See my TER Reviews 5344 reads


I think it would be great to have a Providers Board, so we can try to keep each other, as safe as possible. We need to look after our Sisters in the business.

A lot of things that go on are never posted on the boards. I would like to be able to back channel the ladies of an unsafe person, but it is almost impossible to let everyone know, without putting it on a public board. You never know, if this person could be reading the boards and know what is going on.

I had a situation with a guy, but had been back channeled about the problem. If, I wouldn't have known about it, I could have  fallen into his trap. This guy was able to pass screening with many ladies and robbed them once he got in. I was given a description of him and I was aware and on guard, when he walked in. Without, this information, I may have been another one of his victims.

I believe we may be able to stop some things from happening, if we all stick together. I think it would be great to have our own board where we can back channel each other for safety reasons.

We need the knowledge and power to be able to fight back and try to prevent the bad things from happening to us Ladies. It broke my heart to read about these Ladies. I think it would be nice to have a board in their memory.

Lets try to do what we can to keep our Sister Providers Safe! We can make a difference. If we could save one Lady, from a bad experience it would be worth it

What you think about this idea, Ladies? Your input would be greatly appreciated.

Hugs, to all my Sisters!


Id like a ladies board too.

Some guys out there are dangerous!  Some do it just to harrass or control the ladies.  If it's not fear for your lives, it's fear that they would out you in your real life.  

I know of one in L.A. that has done that.  He is active in the boards at TER and in chat and comes in under several alias'.  He comes across as being a nice guy at first, so it is very difficult to gauge or screen.  A ladies board will certainly help.

While I am sympathetic to your concerns, I do not think that a provider board would work without some form of screening to insure that only ladies can gain access to the board.  And even with such a restriction in place, there is no certainty that some providers that operate on the fringe of this business will not consistently defeat the purpose of the board.
    The issue of protection for ladies who are doing legitimate work in this business is a difficult one simply because of the legal issues that surround this business.  One unfortunate situation is that ladies cannot have police investigate a crime against them without having to admit that they are engaged in what much of society considers a crime. This fact gives the parasites that prey on providers the opening that they need to commit everything from physical abuse, to robbery and murder.
     A effort that may be more effective than a provider only board is providers or public agencies educating providers on ways that they can reduce the risk that they face in conducting their business.  Corporations have become effective in giving their female employees security tips that need to be used when travelling.  While a lady that is providing has somewhat different security risks, thechniques such as maintaining soberness, being aware of the movement of people around her and always analyzing escape routes from any enclosure or situation are common techniques that can be utilized by all women.

that ladies don't report crimes, because they are providers. I helped put a dangerous client behind bars. He was robbing and beating the ladies. I knew, I had to try to stop this guy from hurting anyone else! I'm not ashamed to come out if, it will help her.

Believe me, Vice can be on our side, They know, we are not a bigger threat than a murderer. I'm much more afraid of a sicko than LE!  

But, I do agree, the board would have to be for Providers only, or why even have one.

-- Modified on 11/28/2004 11:11:04 AM

I do not see where the disagreement is.  I did not avocate that a lady should avoid contacting the police if she need to.  And I am fully aware that there are a lot of vice police who will treat any complaint with the care that it deserves.  But there are vice officers and communities that will not give an escort a fair hearing on a complaint because of the work that she does.  Murder is a gross act that everyone should react to and attempt to prevent, I did not suggest that police agencies do not do this for people that provide.

So secret that only a handful of providers know about them, in fact.  (See NetMichelle's post above, a DNS list on other boards.)  A guy just complained on this board just six weeks ago that he had been somehow unjustly "blacklisted."  Several providers posted that such things did exist.  

I love your idea sweetie; I really do.  But the thing that's really wrong with it is that it puts you at more legal risk.  I, in no way want to discourage it, but a providers' only forum/website is really easy to construe as promoting/supporting prostitution, or conspiracy to commit it.  You need advice/council from a sympathetic lawyer at least, and perhaps more help than that.  I have a name of one.  Please PM me.    

Also a website might be more than needed.  Perhaps a discussion group on Yahoo?  (Of course, Yahoo has that bad habit of purging all the salicious discussion groups every few months.)  Otherwise, I wish you and your sisters in the craft good luck.


-- Modified on 11/28/2004 1:40:13 AM

Backchannel me and I'll give you info on a ladies board for providers only!!!!

Staff4159 reads

We had one, just took it down when one of our competitors went to jail.  Keep posting, I would like to see everyone's opinions.

-- Staff

Okay, in that case, I think it's a good idea.

I think the women need a place where they can freely share info that they feel is important with each other that they don't want clients to know about.

Public forums like these are a great place to communicate, but there are things that providers want/need to discuss that don't involve us, nor should they.

I would assume that the sharing of info would be alot more if they had one central place they could easily do it.

CarlaBrazil5228 reads

The providers board would be a wonderful thing.

There are always people to watch out for, it would be great if we could just look in one place.  I always check all the boards of areas I plan on visiting, but it would be best if all of the REAL "head's up" were in one place.

I recently spoke to a provider who is on both TBD and TER.  She mentioned that she often uses the provider only board on TBD.  I am not a member and was surprised that there was one.  To me, it sounded like a great idea.

The E Ticket4134 reads

Let's imagine there is a LADIES ONLY board.

How will that be ensured? Will membership now require ID to prove one is a female?  Right now to get VIP membership proof of ID is not required.

Also that sets things up like this.

All the other boards are gender neutral. IOW both sexes can participate. A board is added where only LADIES can participate. Does that now mean a MENsS only board is alos required to be fair?

just curious


bjsniffles4674 reads

just as there is a newbie and ISO board... why not a provider board..

not private.. not provider only.. not girl only..

public like the rest.. moderated like the rest.. just titled as to encourage ladies to speak up without using the other boards that are there for the hobbyist.  

it would be good to have a provider board also 'cause we can get advice and tips and tricks... a buncha chicks talking about perfume and panty lines and pricks..

there is no reason for strict privacy restrictions or secrets 'cause just like on the boards now.. names and phone numbers and emails have to be backchanneled.. but at least with that type of board.. girls would know where to look for things that concern them... and have a place to alert others to unusual risks...

thats what i think would be cool anyways..

I agree with you Kelly.  These days, a lady can't be too safe.  We need to stick together in order to keep this industry and ourselves safe from thieves, LE, and dangerous clients.  I really hope TER finds a way to help us with it.  Stay safe,  Roxanne

should have a "client only" board.

Just as the ladies have concerns about publicly posting information about clients, as a client I have issues posting about providers.

One of the trends I've noticed is that if something negative is posted about a "popular" provider, too many guys jump to her "defense".

I wonder if that defense would be as strident if the posting was in a forum that the guys knew was not accessable to the ladies.

We have the ability to backchannel via TER mail, and I would suppose that any "restricted" board wuld require membership-which provides access to TER mail. I also know that the so-called "private" boards are NOT private. If a provider has a good relationship with a client, she'll release "provider only" info about that client (I know first hand that this has happened elsewhere). And, there was an East Coast review site that was not supposed to allow providers to see the reviews, yet the providers got access to the board. There is no guarantee of privacy in a forum format (and damn little in email as well).

I also know a couple highly regarded TER providers who would blacklist me because of my views and other disagreements we have had, although we have never met (and never will).

2sense4315 reads

I have to agree that the idea of a "ladies-only" section is a terrible idea, certainly bad enough that I would resign from this board if it went into effect.

Given our previous posting histories, anything that unites me with JBIRDCA and the Spectator must surely be without merit.

sxytllblnd4887 reads

I think that would be a wonderful idea. We need somewhere that we can go and discuss things among ourselves...hope we get it...

-- Modified on 11/30/2004 7:00:18 AM

I have heard form a number of independent ladies that there is a provider only (back channel) board both nationally and some local ones.

On the other side of the fence their are also a number of Hobbyist only boards.  Some good and some very bad(abuse thier power from numbers).

Bottom line the board should serve a purpose for safe informative discussion.

i think its a great idea. we need a support system


I was surprised to the fact that there currently isn't a Ladies only board.  

Having a Ladies only Board is a great idea.  I am positive that it will be useful and helpful for all the ladies in the industry.

MissAjay3947 reads

I am , and have always been "All For The Idea"
I think we ladies need a private place to chat and share info!


you can find an impartial and professional lady to mod for it.

A Spectator5347 reads

to give them TER handles as part of screening.  This inevitably will be abused as a way to get back at clients who post less than excellent review scores.  I believe that is one of the reasons why the other boards reviews are not as trustworthy as this ones.

A Spectator3959 reads

do we really need to have ladies' gossips about clients stored in electronic media on a daily basis?

Since clients can't use aliases in their dealings with ladies, the only way a lady can discuss things about clients is by putting down sufficient info (looks, ages, first names, occupations, partial phone numbers) to identify their clients.  A lady's board is definitely is NOT in the interest of clients.

Already, there are fewer members who are willing to post honest reviews on some ladies just in case they will be blacklisted.  JMHO, too many members and too many ladies only view 9s or 10s as worthy enough scores.  There will be even less reviewers willing to stick their necks out for honest reviews.

If a lady's board gets established in this site, it could easily be abused and linked to a member's id.  Rumors will be spreaded and confidental info revealed as paybacks to less than satisfactory ratings.

There are already a number of sites existed that served a lady's need.  There is no need for TER to join them.

JMHO, one of the reasons why reviews of the other major competitor of TER are deemed not trustworthy is the fact that their lady's board plays a prominent role in that site.  In effect, that serves to stifle honest opinions.

Just my unpopular 2 cents.

Time to get off the sandbox and resume regular daily life.

E$CORT4084 reads

So  you are  saying  that  we  have  no  safety  issues,  and  we  should  not  be  able  to  rebuttal  a bad  or  fake  review. If  you are a  perfect  gentlemen  you  have  nothing to  fear. Yes I  would  like the  board,,  should  it  be  heavily  moderated, YES ,,YES,, YES.... We  want the  benefits  of  knowing  about the  men  who  rip  off  us  girls  just as  you  have..  We  want to know about the  guys that are  too  rough with the  girls. we  should also use  it  to  say  wonderful things about the  great  gentlemen we  encounter.

We deserve  the  same  protection  since we  risk  just as  much if  not  more  to  provide a good  time  for  our  clients. Give  us our way of  helping  new  providers  who  come  along and are  unsure  of  what to  do. let  us  protect them as  well.  

We need the board to help each other.

Vivica3118 reads

-- Modified on 11/30/2004 7:16:13 AM

AshleyDeVyne5287 reads

I think this is a great idea!

Cause I would really love to hear what some of the guys have to say without fear of retaliation.

Save your drama for mama, all I want is my Hoochie mama

 Men want to be men.  We want sex, we want to feel manly, we want to brag about it.  We can't go hunt big game, have concubines, nor conquer new lands.  Someone sets up a Man's place.  We want to bullshit about sex, women, and maybe naked pictures of women.  But then women come around, stick there nose in and pussy whip everything to the point of being useless.  Is "The Man Show" still on?  That explains (sorta) what we need in our lives.  I say moderate all women, and severly limit their posts to ads and funny comments.

Go get your own girly board, your own website and your own rules.

If we wanted the this kind of bitching, moaning, complaining, nagging, demands and harrassment, we would be good little husbands and stay with our wives.  We don't care about miss Orange County's bills, car insurance, health insurance, Child custody hearings, car note, IRA's, tax problems, etc.  

F--- it if I get moderated for this comment; this place has jumped the shark anyway.

Judy Attitudey3604 reads

GEEZ!What bug crawled up your ass and died?

happygirl4356 reads

I think a ladies only board would be great. There is murderers, serial rapists who prey on escorts, woman beaters, robbers, disrespectful men who have issues with women and will very easily get mad and scare you,  and potentially dangerous psychotic types out there.  A ladies board would be very useful in helping to protect and prevent.

You  definitely have my vote for a ladies board.

I found your website.
I lusted, but you retired.
Haven't been the same...

WhatTheHeck3892 reads

I really enjoy the candid participation of the ladies in these discussions, and also their exchanges with each other, on this board.  

If the General Board discussions degrade, TER becomes much less interesting for me.

I post on the General board and that will not change me from posting, if we get our own board. I'm sure a lot of Ladies, feel the same way that I do.

I don't think you'll lose anything. Alot of what would go on a women only board never comes to this one to begin with, so you're not taking away from here.

The kinds of things that are usually discussed in providers only section are innocuous, things to do with our own hygiene, etc.  Most guys wouldn't have much of an interest in these  things anyway.  A "female" section saves us getting jumped on by guys who don't want to hear about this stuff.

It has been my experience that there really is no such thing as "private" when it comes to message boards.  Someone always ends up telling someone.  So even though I do support the idea of such board I still will only post things I'd be willing to stand up for and behind in a public area of the board.  

If the forum is run by someone who is professional, sincere, and ethical I think it would be great.

I agree that a ladies board is a good idea. The things that would concern me most is that it be handled in such a way to assure only ladies have access, and that it not be required that ladies have to pay for vip membership to be able to be on it due to that would knock many ladies out of being able to post bad clients or locate them before it is too late.

I have been asking for this for awhile on the ATL board !!!
I VOTE YES....!!
tyvm, P.T.

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