TER General Board

I see you have bought into the gals marketing. LOL
JackDunphy 575 reads

Those "retirement ads" you are seeing are merely a ploy to bank some quick cash.

Softer johns can't pass up when "their" girl is going bye bye and they book a session that they might not otherwise. And those softer, stepford johns tell the boards "hurry guys, you HAVE to see BallLickingBetty before she retires!" even increasing her already huge haul.

Hookers never really retire, hence all those "fresh out of retirement and rested to rock your world" ads. I am sure you have seen them as well.

And why should they? With all the 50+ y.o. hookers unable to fix their profile still stuck at "39", they have all the business they need.  

So they say. Why would they lie?

I think this is an oft overlooked opportunity that many escorts can turn to upon retirement.  I see many retirement ads and have wondered...just where are these ladies going to?

Now...there is just a place.

Fellas...we are seeking investors to assist some short term financing issues.  The BOD has authorized me to pay you with bitcoins on your investments.  Rates vary but a FICO score over 550 is encouraged.

But wait...there's more.  There are currently openings for project managers.  The successful candidates should have experience in setting up group activities.  They will also be proficient in time management.  And on the oft chance that a newer resident is having issues with completely detaching herself from the business, you will need to screen johns for her...AND make sure his ass is clean (sorry..this is critical).

At this time only one home is in operation.  Kindly inquire as to the location.

This is a great breaking opportunity for those of you who always wondered where and what they do when they retire.

One caveat is that you cannot discuss on any Inet boards what is really going on at the home.  Leaking is clearly frowned upon...and will NOT be tolerated!!

Does this mean there's a two call system before they can find out where it is?

Posted By: Dr Who revived
At this time only one home is in operation.  Kindly inquire as to the location.

Discretion is paramount!

This is a great opportunity for investors...as well as those interested in creating this wonderful opportunity for retirees.

We are working with the Dept of Human Services to get our accreditation as well.  

You're OK with bitcoins...right?

Posted By: Joe Christmas
Does this mean there's a two call system before they can find out where it is?  
Posted By: Dr Who revived
At this time only one home is in operation.  Kindly inquire as to the location.

Or will an email or text application be ok? And do they ever learn the real name of the home?

They have suggested that no method is being rejected.

Transparency is the key they believe.

As you can see below the BOD is encouraging referrals from gals who can bring a friend as well.

Posted By: Joe Christmas
Or will an email or text application be ok? And do they ever learn the real name of the home?

JackDunphy576 reads

Those "retirement ads" you are seeing are merely a ploy to bank some quick cash.

Softer johns can't pass up when "their" girl is going bye bye and they book a session that they might not otherwise. And those softer, stepford johns tell the boards "hurry guys, you HAVE to see BallLickingBetty before she retires!" even increasing her already huge haul.

Hookers never really retire, hence all those "fresh out of retirement and rested to rock your world" ads. I am sure you have seen them as well.

And why should they? With all the 50+ y.o. hookers unable to fix their profile still stuck at "39", they have all the business they need.  

So they say. Why would they lie?

But that is why we are currently seeking individuals to help those ladies who have made that announcement.  Part of their responsibility will be to follow when gals claim to never advertise, and make sure they aren't sneaking ads on BP while using multiple names.

It's a 12 step program for some gals.

Are you interested in the position?

Posted By: JackDunphy
Those "retirement ads" you are seeing are merely a ploy to bank some quick cash.  
 Softer johns can't pass up when "their" girl is going bye bye and they book a session that they might not otherwise. And those softer, stepford johns tell the boards "hurry guys, you HAVE to see BallLickingBetty before she retires!" even increasing her already huge haul.  
 Hookers never really retire, hence all those "fresh out of retirement and rested to rock your world" ads. I am sure you have seen them as well.  
 And why should they? With all the 50+ y.o. hookers unable to fix their profile still stuck at "39", they have all the business they need.  
 So they say. Why would they lie?

JackDunphy656 reads

And I have to wonder what hooker in her BSC state of mind would ever post on BP if they were using multiple personas? Wouldn't someone catch that? Or maybe someone already has?

But back to the open position...I am open to everything except for the ass wiping. Many here think I am ass wipe, but that's another matter altogether.

Can we possibly discuss this over dinner?  

Do you know any hookers who can cook?

I'd prefer to board the geezers guys and gals that are collecting SSI. The money is guaranteed.

There is currently an opening for cleaning the stalls.  I apologize that your application for janitor has been rejected.

maintenance supervisor, accounts payable, minibus operator, end of life counselor, sales.

I'm multifaceted in the property management field.

I' also have my CPR certification, and I have AED training.

However right now the only position that is being filled is a motivational coach.

Sorry...but we'll keep your resume on file.

Did I mention I'm working on my pharm-tech license, and I know a guy who owns an independent shop. I'm out of shape, but I can pop in a PX90 DVD and press the play button. I can also manage the loss prevention department.  


Her tits weigh more than those weights

Everyone knows that everything in life is negotiable.

Frankly the BOD encourages negotiation.  We are in negotiations right now with a placement service.  

We are expecting to have a fully stocked gym for our residents.  I hope they take full advantage of the amenities

I wouldn't require any salary, just 3 squares a day and a small corner to toss a bed roll and a few personal items.

I can cook, clean, give back-rubs, etc.

I'll play music very softly and promise to take quick showers too.

The BOD has approved your application for pool supervisor.  We apologize that it's presently located in the far east wing of the facility and seems to be inundated with ladies from the Carolina's.  Those women also are excellent cooks too.  That should cover your needs.

With your generous donation the BOD has agreed to name the East wing to the "mrfisher I'll massage your scalp" wing.

As one of the original investors, I told you at the original meeting we shouldn't use Bait and Switch photos to entice new investors and volunteers. I was adamant that we must be honest in our marketing. If you continue to post these pics of hot young ladies in your marketing campaign, I may be forced to withdraw my investment and resign from the board of directors. In fairness to potential clients, investors, job applicants, and volunteers I am also posting a real photo of a representative sample of our clients. As the person responsible for varifying client applications and eligibility, I have many of these photos to sort through. To protect the eyes of the innocent, I have also decided to post the photo in a seperate reply so folks can open it at their own risk.

Warning to all potential parties: Dr Who tends to exaggerate. Please disregard the photos he has posted in this thread, and see below. Additional warning: Have your eye bleach ready.

Corrine (not her real name as we respect our retirees) is an excellent cook.

She's also very wine savvy...knowing the nuance is very important.

We've asked mrfisher to read a nice book to her while staff shaves her.  By she likes the natural look.

Posted By: Joe Christmas
btw, does she know how to cook?

JackDunphy566 reads

Boiled pet rabbit.  

What is the wine pairing for that?

No worries. She'll know. ;)

MrRate501 reads

Corrine might wonder if the gym fee is included or an 'add on?' I heard she has 10 or so pounds of muscle to add this year. Please help.

-- Modified on 1/18/2015 3:40:49 PM

Stickythong489 reads

Drop off a WK with a $100 in some color envelope. Hissing and claws engaged.

The ladies way outnumber the men. My dad was in one and when he was 85 he was complaining about having to stop all the ladies wanting to get fucked. Amazing.

Sadly most don't any money and kill them self with pain killers. Patch are the drug of choice. I had rip out carpet from where there died

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