TER General Board

I really tried not being an asshole poster to this girl as I think you would attest. Lol
JackDunphy 1092 reads

Was hoping she wasn't going to go down that tired and worn out "racist" nonsense b/c I only like "half white" black girls. Reminds me of "white Hispanic" but that is a discussion for a different day and different board.

I really wonder if people like her realize what harm they do by using the R word irresponsibly. You and I both know racism is a fact in 2014 America. Getting better with each passing decade, but we still have a ways to go.  

But making fake and bogus racist charges only hurts the cause. People tend to not take it seriously then when there is a serious case of racism. Maybe this girl is uneducated, stupid, hateful and uninformed. IDK as I don't know her.

I hope for her sake, she is just young and uninformed. I would hate to think she goes through her everyday life playing the race card at the drop of a hat like she did in this thread. Because like you implied, if she is right, we would ALL be racists.

Should a caucasian+____ mix consider himself in the minority category? I'm a Vin Diesel-type mutt in the sense that people have a hard time pinpointing my ethnicity, yet I'm definitely not white (for the record, I look nothing like Vin Diesel).  

In civvie life, I have a blast with the "guess my ethnicity" game, but in this realm I've passed on a few "caucasian only" women, only to connect with them later down the line when they said "I wasn't referring to you," or "you're white enough." One girl was really just trying to avoid immigrants from certain regions due to previous bad experiences.

GaGambler1388 reads

I am a mutt as well, in my case a Sicilian Chinese mutt, I always go with Asian as that is the dominant "look" that I have. Most people recognize that I am Asian and "something" but no one hardly ever guesses anywhere near correct on my actual mixture.

I think I would actually find the statement "Oh you are not one of those people I was talking about" a bit offensive to tell the truth, but that's just me and it would depend on exactly what she was trying to convey when saying it as to how much offense, if any that I would take.

...and it was a mix of straight up racism and prejudice based on a bad experience.  But she was hot and I was ready to fuck, so fuck we did (or in the horrible parlance of TER, I let the little head do the thinking)!

GaGambler1259 reads

but yes, I can relate. lol

wrps071180 reads

It is good to see this discussed. Watch the ads and see if some the words change to be more friendly. I saw a review of myself on another board (providers board, provider let me look). I laughed what the provider thought my race was. You are correct the race that you get labeled as is the dominate one that comes out as color.  

I saw one ad where the ladies did not want to see black guys with dreads. She was very specific in what she dis liked. I have noticed some ads are now saying "will see guys that are respectful".

I heard the ladies are crazy about you because you have that cute face, lol.

I've never tried to deceive a woman into seeing me. And from my end, there's also a self-respect issue with not trying to pass for something I'm not.  

With one of these ladies, she solicited me after I had seen a friend of hers. I'd never considered contacting her since her website said "caucasian only," but the invite piqued my curiosity. She was the hot, (young), prejudiced one. The other two were with an agency (now defunct). I was conversing with one of the no-preference agency ladies and when the topic came up she said that those other ladies would absolutely see me!

I respect a provider's desire to avoid a bad experience, but as the population becomes more blended, more nuance may be required in how providers parse their potential suitors. Just some food for thought.

wrps07935 reads

Some will use the not use the word "Absolutely"  in front of no AA. I think that might be the distinction on them being flexible. My hobby buddy took a chance one time with a no aa and it turned out to be good. The provider disclosed that she was not interested in ghetto guys.  The session turned to be out good.

The provider you mentioned did she have that Absolutely keyword in front of "no AA" ?

All of the providers I mentioned used the specific label "caucasian only." Since I got the green light, I was curious as to how flexible they're preferences truly were. One was wary of immigrant men who have a low opinion of sex workers, one was no-AA/Indians with good refs/mostly ok with other ethnicities, one was just not attracted to guys she didn't perceive as white.

A recent shot of GaG, taken in his native Sicily

I'm also part Adam and part Eve supposedly. I think it's more accurate that we all partly evolved from Lucy the ape...  

If you go back far enough, part chimp part ape part Lucy. We might even be connected to dinosaurs too? I'm not so sure about slugs and lightning bolts and amoeba and amino acids but if evolution is right we just might be linked to amoeba and lightening bolts too.  Same as for carbon,  hydrogen,  oxygen,  nitrogen. We're all pretty much related to these fundamentallements.  

So I'm not quite sure how far back we are supposed to go before we decide on our real ethnicity.  ROFLMAO

-- Modified on 8/28/2014 3:03:30 PM

I have this problem as well.  Except Im AA+____ Which can get dicey when providers state that they dont see AA's B/C technically Im not totally AA, and had I not said that few people would guess it.  I understand why providers dont see AA's especially the smaller ones.  Its obvious.  Also because most AA's not all, so dont start flaming, but alot want to "tear it up" which if you're booking a 60 min appt sounds like a nightmare for some providers.  That being said Im definitely not in that boat, and I think the best way to combat this is to just get your name out there to the providers that you're a good guy and safe to be around.  Some ladies just dont see black guys, nothing to do about that they just dont prefer it, but others that say no AA's under 35 40 etc I think might be persuaded if you have some good references for being a good customer.  One of the few advantages of not being a 6 foot giant weighing over 200 lbs.

GaGambler1324 reads

"What would Hitler say?" lol

Let's face it, Obama is not known as "half white" and does anyone remember how badly the Koreans treated Hines Ward until he got famous?

The truth of the matter is, most people with "racial preferences" where it comes to clients aren't really going to care that much if you are a "half breed" they are going to look at your "dominant" race and judge you accordingly.

I am rather interested to hear what women with NBA policies have to say on the subject, it might be rather interesting, or at least revealing. lol

So this may be unrelated,  but, I'm a mix of three distinctly different ethnicities (mom is Dominican and Ethiopian, dad is Polish Jew). However,  I identify as Black and,  given the choice,  will typically just say that instead of mixed, regardless of how "exotic" I'm told I look.  

. I notice on dating sites,  men who specify they only want white/Hispanis/Asian (the obvious way of saying everyone but Black chicks), or the ones bold/racist enough to outright say they aren't attracted to Black women love to view my profile and a lot will eventually message me,  saying that "compliment" of "you're not like the other ones." I find that kind of racism particularly insidious but,  I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you're not the "wrong" kind of Black to them (I think we all know what that means), very few will turn you down.

JackDunphy1098 reads

You did place the word "bold" in there too, so you may have been saying "some are bold, while others are racist." Just trying to understand you here.  

One can be not attracted to black women and still not be a racist in your view, right JB?

(I am not attracted to AA men  etc.) she steps in front of a firing squad. Because in reality she might only be attracted to a very small % of her client base so attraction might have very little to do with it. She just might not want to deal with an AA guy because of a past bad experience or she is not a fan of how they treat women from her perspective, or any number of reasons, and racism could be one of them.

In the dating world, if she says she is not attracted to AA then it is more accepted as an attraction deal and not met with the same cries of racism. Even if she is a die hard racist, she can get away with using a lack of attraction as the reason

JackDunphy1157 reads

I wasn't asking her about what a providers policy was re: AA men, I was specifically asking her about her comments she about men that post that they DONT see AA WOMEN, not the other way around HT.

One could read her comment that she was saying it was racist for men to say "they weren't attracted to black girls" which I would say is ridiculous.

I was giving her the benefit of the doubt, so I asked her to clarify.  

Go back and read my dear and borrow HotImplants bifocals if you must. lol

-- Modified on 8/28/2014 4:39:32 PM

I did read that again and thought it was off track...however I left it as I did have somewhat of a point...if not on point..;)

A preference (or attraction or lack of same) does not equate to a prejudice.  I happen to prefer white brunettes with athletic bodies, who are at least 5'5" tall or more.  Does that make me prejudiced against blondes or redheads?  I see them both, too, depending on specifics.  But I also see AA gals and Asians, just not as much.
Will someone please look up the definition of "prejudice?" I'm too lazy.  But look at the damn word.  It means to pre judge. And not about looks.

Yes,  saying you are not attracted to any member of a single race is racist.  What is that lack of attraction based on?  There is no one feature or characteristic,  physical or otherwise,  that every single member of any race has in common.  So,  your lack of attraction is based on stereotypes of what you think every member of that race is/looks like.  That's racist.  I don't see why people don't understand this.  

Going further,  those men that think it's a compliment to tell me I'm not like other Black girls or "one of the good ones" are unbelievably racist.  Because they have a negative opinion and image of Black people,  and the fact that I'm educated,  that I read,  that I'm creative or listen to different music somehow makes me better than those other black people.  They're implying not only that I'm a rarity (which is untrue), but also that because I'm "less" black for not being a certain way,  I'm more palatable and,  as some ignorant people love to say "pretty much a white girl. "

Posted By: JackDunphy
You did place the word "bold" in there too, so you may have been saying "some are bold, while others are racist." Just trying to understand you here.  
 One can be not attracted to black women and still not be a racist in your view, right JB?
-- Modified on 8/28/2014 1:48:04 PM

JackDunphy1296 reads

I am not attracted to very "African" looking black women. Very dark, larger nose, kinky hair is not attractive to me.  

That being said, Haley Berry is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. So, it really does depend on how one phrases the question and how one answers. Semantics makes a difference, no?

If asked, if I was attracted to black women, I generally view in my mind a more African looking girl, I don't immediately think of Haley Berry. So my answer many times is "no." Sometimes I forget the disclaimer about Ms. Berry types. If I did, and I was talking to you at that moment, you might walk away thinking I was racist.

But I have also said here I am not attracted to very pale, red headed white women. Some guys here see the Wendy's girl and say "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." I look at her and say "meh."

Attraction is a very hard thing to explain as to why and how it happens. Some things, like who we love, is out of our control.  

I dont think it makes sense to label people as racist without knowing a helluva lot more about them than just their sexual racial preferences.

cashorcredit1263 reads

I thought halle berry was black unless you meant lighter skinned black woman.

and Halle Berry has none of those physical traits. FYI her mother is full blooded Swedish. She is beautiful PERIOD to me, always has been.

For me it not about the color. I've met Zoe Piers personally and she's beautiful to me. She's African and her voice slays me.

cashorcredit901 reads

I always thought she was black thanks for the info

Posted By: MatureGFE
and Halle Berry has none of those physical traits. FYI her mother is full blooded Swedish. She is beautiful PERIOD to me, always has been.

For me it not about the color. I've met Zoe Piers personally and she's beautiful to me. She's African and her voice slays me.

-- Modified on 8/29/2014 3:48:45 AM

She is Black.  Swedish is not a race.  Just because her mother is Swedish/white doesn't mean she isn't Black.  Her father is African American.

cashorcredit1365 reads

Whatever she is she's a hot babe I'd like to bang lol

Berry was born Maria Halle Berry, though her name was legally changed to Halle Maria Berry at the age of five.[4] Berry's parents selected her middle name from Halle's Department Store, which was then a local landmark in her birthplace of Cleveland, Ohio.[5] Her mother, Judith Ann (née Hawkins),[6] who is caucasian, and has English and German ancestry, was a psychiatric nurse.[7] Her father, Jerome Jesse Berry, was an African American hospital attendant in the same psychiatric ward where her mother worked; he later became a bus driver.[5][8] Berry's maternal grandmother, Nellie Dicken, was born in the United Kingdom (Sawley, Derbyshire, England), while her maternal grandfather, Earl Ellsworth Hawkins, was born in Ohio.[9] Berry's parents divorced when she was four years old; she and her older sister, Heidi Berry-Henderson,[10] were raised exclusively by her mother.[5] Berry has said in published reports that she has been estranged from her father since her childhood,[5][11] noting in 1992, "I haven't heard from him since [he left]. Maybe he's not alive."[10]

My bad, her mother is of European descent Dutch, Irish, and German. Her mother has blond hair. There are plenty of pics online of Halle and her mother.

-- Modified on 8/29/2014 9:44:52 AM

The fact that you imagine a specific type of woman when someone says "Black woman" is exactly what I'm saying is racist.  You're not attracted to dark skin or wide noses,  fine,  but,  neither I, nor Halle, nor millions of black women possess those features,  so why generalize us?  I'm not attracted to blondes or blue eyes but I would never say I'm just not attracted to white people,  because white people come in all forms and diverse looks.  

That's why it's racist.  You're denying our diversity and individuality and boiling us down to one look. Adding an exception for Ms. Berry (who is half white,  so,  the only black women you like have to be closer to white?  You see no problem with that?) doesn't make anything better.    

Attraction to certain features is socialized. I wish people would stop acting like you're born attracted to certain looks the same way you're norm attracted to a certain sex.  Sex is biological.  Race is a social construct.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
I am not attracted to very "African" looking black women. Very dark, larger nose, kinky hair is not attractive to me.  
 That being said, Haley Berry is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. So, it really does depend on how one phrases the question and how one answers. Semantics makes a difference, no?  
 If asked, if I was attracted to black women, I generally view in my mind a more African looking girl, I don't immediately think of Haley Berry. So my answer many times is "no." Sometimes I forget the disclaimer about Ms. Berry types. If I did, and I was talking to you at that moment, you might walk away thinking I was racist.  
 But I have also said here I am not attracted to very pale, red headed white women. Some guys here see the Wendy's girl and say "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." I look at her and say "meh."  
 Attraction is a very hard thing to explain as to why and how it happens. Some things, like who we love, is out of our control.  
 I dont think it makes sense to label people as racist without knowing a helluva lot more about them than just their sexual racial preferences.
-- Modified on 8/28/2014 4:32:59 PM

JackDunphy1200 reads

You are very confused. Something that may be "racial" isn't necessarily "racist" and is in fact rarely so, imo. People confuse those terms all the time, as you are doing now. To me racist speaks to superiority, which is totally different than attraction. I can't tell you why tan white women through light skin AA women attract me. I really have no idea. I do know I am not attracted to the polar extremes of race, I.e. Very dark OR very white, pale skin.

Would it be "racist" of me if I didn't like white pale skin only? Of course not. That would be insane. If I said I don't like dark, African looking women BECAUSE they are scummy due to their blackness, THAT would be racist.

I don't look down on African women at all. I don't think I am superior to them in ANY way. Yes, I will admit I may stereotype at times but i don't believe that is racism. If someone said, quick, what do you think of when I say the word "Irish", one of the first things that would pop into my head was "drunks." Lol. Now do the stereotypes work for EVERY person? Of course not. It is a human failing that I believe we all have, but racism, that's evil, pure and simple and something quite different than stereotyping.

You seem so sure attraction is not biological. I am much less certain. Do we view things as beautiful or not from our childhood? Sure, that may play a part. But is it also possible we are hard wired to be attracted to a certain size, color, shape of a woman? I think we are. I can't prove it and neither can you.

And no, I make no apologies for being attracted to Ms. Berry and I certainly don't care she is half white. She is pleasant to my eye. Period. I don't see any problem with it nor do I give it any thought, outside of a forum such as this.

-- Modified on 8/29/2014 1:01:14 AM

No,  it wouldn't be racist to say you don't like pale skin.  Thats a specific trait that plenty of people of different races possess.  

The reason you don't like a certain race doesn't matter,  you're still stereotyping and judging an entire diverse race.  That's the textbook definition of racism.  Just because it involves your dick and where you want to put it doesn't make it any less racist.  

Attraction is fluid.  I never liked red haired women until my last girlfriend.  I never liked chubby men until my first real boyfriend.  Attraction changes all the time and it is socially informed. Why do your ideals align so closely with society's? Society has dictated that light skinned women are the only acceptable ones for years,  with only a few dark skinned women ever gaining any notoriety for their beauty. Compare how many Halles and Zoe Saldanas you see in magazines and movies vs. Lupita N'yongos and Alek Weks. You don't have to think critically about what shapes your attraction but don't try to tell me that there's nothing wrong with stereotyping every member of a race negatively just because you "imagine" them to look a certain way. If you told me to imagine a white man,  I'd imagine a fat Republican with a combover. But I'm not going to base my opinion of every white man on earth on my inaccurate mental image.  

Look,  it's okay to be racist.  I don't see why a  hooker on a fuck board calling your "preference" as she sees it makes you so defensive but maybe you should examine why it does.  I don't care if you don't like dark skin and wide noses,  once again,  I look nothing like that and,  truthfully,  neither do any of the black women in my family.  Your lack of attraction to those features affects me in the least possible way.  But it's taking those two traits and using them as an excuse to say "no,  I'm just not attracted to the millions of different black women on earth because they MIGHT have those features" that's really,  you know,  fucked up.  

Disagree all you want,  I'm not the first person on earth to say this nor am I the smartest.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
You are very confused. Something that may be "racial" isn't necessarily "racist" and is in fact rarely so, imo. People confuse those terms all the time, as you are doing now. To me racist speaks to superiority, which is totally different than attraction. I can't tell you why tan white women through light skin AA women attract me. I really have no idea. I do know I am not attracted to the polar extremes of race, I.e. Very dark OR very white, pale skin.  
 Would it be "racist" of me if I didn't like white pale skin only? Of course not. That would be insane. If I said I don't like dark, African looking women BECAUSE they are scummy due to their blackness, THAT would be racist.  
 I don't look down on African women at all. I don't think I am superior to them in ANY way. Yes, I will admit I may stereotype at times but i don't believe that is racism. If someone said, quick, what do you think of when I say the word "Irish", one of the first things that would pop into my head was "drunks." Lol. Now do the stereotypes work for EVERY person? Of course not. It is a human failing that I believe we all have, but racism, that's evil, pure and simple and something quite different than stereotyping.  
 You seem so sure attraction is not biological. I am much less certain. Do we view things as beautiful or not from our childhood? Sure, that may play a part. But is it also possible we are hard wired to be attracted to a certain size, color, shape of a woman? I think we are. I can't prove it and neither can you.  
 And no, I make no apologies for being attracted to Ms. Berry and I certainly don't care she is half white. She is pleasant to my eye. Period. I don't see any problem with it nor do I give it any thought, outside of a forum such as this.

-- Modified on 8/29/2014 1:01:14 AM

JackDunphy1183 reads

Casually throwing around the word "racist" and accusing me of that when you have never met me is the height of ignorance, arrogance and hate. You don't know shit about me. You read something in some hysterical racist book or mag or you watch too much PMSNBC to come to your disgusting conclusions about "racism."

I tried to give you a thought provoking and heartfelt response and you just want to play the race card. My how very Sharpton of you. lol

And your lack of self confidence is just as stunning as your stupid racist charges. Why you felt the need to say "you aren't the first person on earth to say this" shows a lack of conviction in your opinion.  

I don't give a fk how many people here agree with me. I am attracted to what I am attracted to and I certainly don't feel a need to continue a convo like this with such a prejudicial no nothing little girl who runs around screaming "racist" like the hooker who cried wolf.

-- Modified on 8/29/2014 11:42:35 AM

GaGambler945 reads

because I DEFINITELY have some preferences, at least in "general" terms. That's the thing about making general statements. lol

In order I prefer skin color to be yellow, brown, white, and then black. Does that mean that I like all Asians above all Blacks? Of course not, it's just that "in general" I prefer the stereotypical slender, petite, delicate featured Asian woman over the stereotypical "other women"

In specific, I like what I like and over the last month or so I have been with Black, White, Asian, and Latina women alike, and I enjoyed my time with virtually every one of them. What is a bit ironic is that one of the women who was most "my type" ie petite, with delicate features was a black chica from the DR. So, so much for generalities I suppose.

That said, I stand by my earlier statement, when speaking generally, I prefer Asians over all, followed by Latinas, Whites, and Black women IN THAT ORDER, if that makes me a racist, so be it. I doubt that the little Dominicana I was with will agree though, she was so hot, I went back for seconds, and if I run into her again, which is quite likely, I am pretty certain I will go for thirds as well. lol

JackDunphy1093 reads

Was hoping she wasn't going to go down that tired and worn out "racist" nonsense b/c I only like "half white" black girls. Reminds me of "white Hispanic" but that is a discussion for a different day and different board.

I really wonder if people like her realize what harm they do by using the R word irresponsibly. You and I both know racism is a fact in 2014 America. Getting better with each passing decade, but we still have a ways to go.  

But making fake and bogus racist charges only hurts the cause. People tend to not take it seriously then when there is a serious case of racism. Maybe this girl is uneducated, stupid, hateful and uninformed. IDK as I don't know her.

I hope for her sake, she is just young and uninformed. I would hate to think she goes through her everyday life playing the race card at the drop of a hat like she did in this thread. Because like you implied, if she is right, we would ALL be racists.

GaGambler1135 reads

There is more than enough real racism to get worked up about, and trust me, I can get worked up with the best of them when it's deserved, like CiscoDog's racist crack to Curly, which was NOT made in jest, or any of a dozen "Jew bashing" posts made on P&R lately.

This kind of uber sensitive, we are not only all equal but exactly the same bullshit, gives real racists cover by allowing them to point out how thin skinned people of color are, and how there really is NO racism today, which we all know is bullshit, and racism is color blind. you want to see racism, just see a handsome black dude bringing his "uptown white bitch" back to the hood and watch the sistas go fucking nuts. Or what happens when a "good Chinese girl" marries one of those evil "white ghosts" and has her entire family disown her for years. Oh yeah, that's my mother I am talking about, and that's a true story BTW. Yeah, I have seen enough REAL racism to last me several lifetimes, I have no patience for race baiters of any color.

Why are people more offended when the idea that they do racist things is pointed out than by actual racism?  

I'm very convicted in my opinion.  I don't know if you noticed,  but there's potential clients who have the ability to make or break my business here and I'm sticking to my guns because race and racial issues are something I'm passionate about, to the point that I minored in it in college, to the point that if disagreement with my opinion on it discourages you or anyone from seeing me,  I won't miss you/them.

  I'm not calling you a bad person,  doing racist things isn't a condemnation.  Just evaluate why you feel the way you feel.  Encouraging people to think critically is not the problem with society.  I think lumping everybody together based on skintone would be the bigger issue but that's fine if you're offended.  Hopefully you see past that and reflect on what I'm saying from an objective standpoint and don't just write it off because I'm "young." Like I said,  people far smarter than I am have studied and spoken on these matters.  I recommend the work of Ms. Angela Davis or bell hooks if you don't believe me,  or just feel like opening your mind a little bit.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
Casually throwing around the word "racist" and accusing me of that when you have never met me is the height of ignorance, arrogance and hate. You don't know shit about me. You read something in some hysterical racist book or mag or you watch too much PMSNBC to come to your disgusting conclusions about "racism."  
 I tried to give you a thought provoking and heartfelt response and you just want to play the race card. My how very Sharpton of you. lol  
 And your lack of self confidence is just as stunning as your stupid racist charges. Why you felt the need to say "you aren't the first person on earth to say this" shows a lack of conviction in your opinion.  
 I don't give a fk how many people here agree with me. I am attracted to what I am attracted to and I certainly don't feel a need to continue a convo like this with such a prejudicial no nothing little girl who runs around screaming "racist" like the hooker who cried wolf.

-- Modified on 8/29/2014 11:42:35 AM

Feelings are personal. You can shout RACIST and RACISM from the tallest mountain top and nothing is going to change.  

Experience thing is two way street.

I am not attracted to black girls or asian girls, not because they are black or asian but because physically they dont appeal to me.

What physical trait does every single Black woman share with every Black woman?  

Are you saying you don't find Adriana Lima or Nicole Richie or Rashida Jones beautiful?  They're black,  too. Same for Asian women.  Vanessa Hudgens, Naomi Campbell and Nicole Scherzinger are all of Asian descent.  Do they all look exactly alike and are therefore unattractive to you?  Once again,  that stereotyping is R A C I S T.  

Posted By: yellowfever1250
I am not attracted to black girls or asian girls, not because they are black or asian but because physically they dont appeal to me.

I simply am not attracted to black and asian women, just the way my brain is wired. I still treat them like any other women, only difference is that i wouldnt want to fuck them or date them.  

Posted By: JosephineBelle
What physical trait does every single Black woman share with every Black woman?    
 Are you saying you don't find Adriana Lima or Nicole Richie or Rashida Jones beautiful?  They're black,  too. Same for Asian women.  Vanessa Hudgens, Naomi Campbell and Nicole Scherzinger are all of Asian descent.  Do they all look exactly alike and are therefore unattractive to you?  Once again,  that stereotyping is R A C I S T.  
Posted By: yellowfever1250
I am not attracted to black girls or asian girls, not because they are black or asian but because physically they dont appeal to me.

ROGM1107 reads

Posted By: yellowfever1250
I am not attracted to black girls or asian girls, not because they are black or asian but because physically they dont appeal to me.
I don't like Asian girls either. Of course most would disagree with me.

GaGambler1130 reads

Yes, I can see EXACTLY how you would be offended if/when someone were to tell you "you are pretty hot for a black girl" I mean WTF???!!! That would be akin to someone telling me "you aren't that repulsive for an Asian dude"

That said, I will admit that I have my biases where it comest to the ethnicities of the women I see/fuck, but saying someone is "not like the others" or "one of the good ones" is incredibly racist, not to mention offensive.

Guys, I would recommend you keep this in mind when seeing "exotic" women. Do you really want to offend anyone that is about to be that close to your junk??? lmao

cashorcredit1199 reads

I would assumed "mixed blacks" such as Vin Diesel, Tiger Woods, Derek Jeter and yourself would not be seen by a provider with a Caucasian only policy.  I would guess and assume that Caucasian only means just that.  

Again I can't speak for woman with that policy, but I highly doubt that your question about mixed blacks will get answered.

-- Modified on 8/28/2014 9:12:53 AM

But I just saw that Brad and Angelina got married in France. I'd always admired both of them as actors and as human beings, but now that they're married I think they're the Pitts!

Sorry. Couldn't help myself. Just had to do that.

a dick is a dick is a dick..

I am more interested in what it is attached to. If a penis slid in my door without a "dick" attached to it, yeah I would see it. It's the "dicks" I prefer not see no matter what the ethnicity is. I will say that some ethnicities are not known for the respectful treatment of women. I prefer to avoid those if I can

seeing any provider who has "racial preferences."
Most that are listed, that I have seen, discriminate towards AA (the majority, not ALL, but most.)

Why would you deal with someone when that distinction or clarification should have to be even made?

I can just hear someone trying to say, "I'm only half black, thankyou very much."
Um, if it were myself in those shoes, I would just pass up that whole song & dance.
There's always other fishes in this sea!

My Side of the mix:
 I don't see black or white, only green.
What does a providers "preferences" have to do with her business? Sorry, that's a lame excuse if ever I heard one. It is simply discrimination. (But hookers doing so, is not illegal, just in poor taste, imo, bad for business, at least from what I have read on multiple forums.)
Even if I was not turned on by a man who "is the darkest shade of African" (example)
there's no way I could be less turned on by a "fat, balding, over-weight, old white guy." (example)
I don't discriminate from what I PERSONALLY would prefer or not, it's just business.
(This is where I am glad I don't have to force an erection, that I'm female, and I can always apply lube... lol)
If the screening passes, the behavior pre-book passes, once I get there, the hygiene & health inspection pass, I will be glad I brought that lube! I don't discriminate.
I do however discriminate against ghetto/ratchet behavior.

I don't need that mess, YO.

Posted By: cocktail-party
Should a caucasian+____ mix consider himself in the minority category? I'm a Vin Diesel-type mutt in the sense that people have a hard time pinpointing my ethnicity, yet I'm definitely not white (for the record, I look nothing like Vin Diesel).  
 In civvie life, I have a blast with the "guess my ethnicity" game, but in this realm I've passed on a few "caucasian only" women, only to connect with them later down the line when they said "I wasn't referring to you," or "you're white enough." One girl was really just trying to avoid immigrants from certain regions due to previous bad experiences.

Also GND, Soccer Mom, MILF, and Classy sexy woman at the cocktail party.

I'm also 100 percent Eastern European with a Chicago accent. (I.e. American lol.)

Handle what exactly. And are we talking people or dogs here. Good lord. If it's people...people are people. It's a Non-issue if you ask me. Last time I checked it was 2014, not 1914. People in general still need to WTFU.  

FYI, if you describe yourself as a dog, people will treat you like a dog. The same goes for ethnicity. Those who 'see' color are only color 'blind'. Most people don't care if you're a blend of anything. Stand proud and be proud of who you really are and nothing and no one else matters, in this world or the real one.

-- Modified on 8/28/2014 9:32:23 PM

President Wilson asked me to tell you he would like to take you for a walk.  But only if you don't poop on the White House lawn.

But rather how he is seen by the hooker community. And its a fact that people of color do experience some rejection due to the race..

I read it a bit differently (don't I always). The gentleman in question is still subjecting himself to how he 'sees' and views himself in the description of his own being. If he didn't view himself in the certain way he described (in this community or not) I highly doubt anyone else would see him that way as well, is my point. Let's see, how shall I put this..............gently.


Breaking news...no one on the planet is 'white'. Everyone is a 'minority' to some degree whether they want to believe it or not. God forbid. There is no such thing as white but what society has deemed white. Are you white? I'm not white. I have beautiful, naturally tan skin going on right now and I am a blend of many different cultures. Gee, I guess I won't see white men then, that would make me prejudice. Good lord.

I'll say it again. Wake up people.  

I get a dollar from each of you who thinks they are white and for how many times I said white in this post lol. I bet Nicky-poo-poo-on-the-white-house-lawn thinks he's whiter than white hahaha, Now that's funny LOL. I got a good chuckle at least.  
(can't wait to hear his defense on this one on how he's 'not' LOL, this outta be good)

-- Modified on 8/28/2014 10:29:31 PM

about a Jewish person thinking they are whiter than white? Nicky defense on why he doesn't think that???

I'm betting he's of Eastern European descent...you do know something about the history of European Jews don't you? And it didn't just  stop there, people in the US were and are still racist about Jewish people. You think the white supremisist  embrace Jewish people? Why is that?

You WAKE UP. So there's no love loss between you two but for heaven's sake at least try not to appear so ignorant.

I'm not here to debate the whole is it a race or religion thing but Jewish people have been persecuted and killed by people who believe they are  somehow inferior, or less than whites by white racist. And you come up with him than he's thinking he's whiter than white. And if he does so the hell what.

Damn just damn. And I'd write this to you if you said this crap to any Jewish person here.

Bone up on your German history. Call him old or something to get back at him, GEEZK.

...he did read his favorite comic strip during its original run.

Cause you just did.  

Just what in the hell are you talking about? Who the hell is Jewish????? And where did anything Jewish come out of any of my post??????? Now I'm completely lost. You people need to READ what is being written and not make shit up just because it's ME posting.  

My post was nothing more than a public statement on how racism is just ridiculous, here, there and everywhere. My post was nothing more than a silly response to his poke to me above about poodles and presidents...did I miss something?  


I think you and half of this posters here should get together, or maybe you already have. Hate much? Geezk. Talk about taking things out of context completely. My goodness. Make sure it's the post you're reading and not simply a personal attack on me, although we all know it's the latter. Good thing you're not alone there. I've posted twice here this evening with the same blatant intent from other posters. Simply amazes me.

It's pretty obvious I would never crack on someone's religion, race, creed, or anything, ever. Quite the opposite. Sorry you didn't see it that way. I thought this was supposed to be a board of non-seriousness. Ohhh, I forgot, that goes without saying except for when I post. Jesus. The way you people 'see' things is crazy to me honestly. While it's of no concern of mine the why or how that is, it only goes to show how there's 'one' unified mentality here. This place is like a f'n demented cult run by it's most prominent members. No thanks, I'm not into that kinda thing. Unreal (shaking head and rolling eyes).

Expand your minds beyond this horizon and you'd be amazed at what you all could and probably should 'see'.

-- Modified on 8/29/2014 5:40:44 AM

Now, seriously, children. If any of you think I'm giving out personal information on this board, or if any of you believe what I've said about myself is true, you are dumber than I thought.
It is all a smoke screen for the real me to sit behind.  It's so much fun to watch Minnie swing and miss.  And, gosh, now she's getting mad! Geezk! Oh, I mean, Oy Vay!

I'm kvelling!  Time to go to schul. Now don't be such a vontz.
Pretty hard to grow up in New York (do I really live there? Hmmmm....) without picking up some Jew Talk.
Now, don't get me started on those schwarztes!

you sure as shit knew he was Jewish. Why don't YOU expand the grey matter between your ears.

You stupidity in saying you're betting he'll say he's whiter than white was ignorant as hell and thoughtless.

I'd be careful with that. Not very attractive. Did he get you to say that too? Seems he's going around (lil cult like if you ask me) telling people the same thing lol.  

How in the fuck would I know he's Jewish??? Doesn't matter if he is or isn't, had nothing to do with that. Nice try though.

 I don't retain shit from this board, do you lol? I would highly recommend not doing so. He's the last thing I think about whence I finish posting lol .... a post. But shhhh, don't tell him that. He may get very, very upset. Oh wait, he has you to coddle him. Wait, then it's ok.

Good Lord. Lol :)

-- Modified on 8/29/2014 2:05:50 PM

How people get so bent outta shape about 'color' and all the sudden the board is supposed to be  a serious conversation, but mention 'non'color issues like our safety or womens  policies on how she handles that safety and it becomes a  laughing stock. Yep. These are the kind of folks were dealing with here. Not pretty if you ask me.

Posted By: cocktail-party
Should a caucasian+____ mix consider himself in the minority category? I'm a Vin Diesel-type mutt in the sense that people have a hard time pinpointing my ethnicity, yet I'm definitely not white (for the record, I look nothing like Vin Diesel).  
 In civvie life, I have a blast with the "guess my ethnicity" game, but in this realm I've passed on a few "caucasian only" women, only to connect with them later down the line when they said "I wasn't referring to you," or "you're white enough." One girl was really just trying to avoid immigrants from certain regions due to previous bad experiences.

Sooo...YouWanna1168 reads

And yet we escorts are nearly burned at the stake and dragged through the mud whenever this comes up on our end. Why do you think none of the ladies here have addressed the OP? Interesting, how often this happens on this board , where the men whine about stupid hookers, but change their own morals and ethics for the whim of an argument. As long as it's the opposite of what the girl says...

In my experience (only in mine), most girls don't care as much if the guy is mixed. They're more worried about someone coming directly from a vastly different culture.

Middle eastern, Pakistani or Indian guys right off the boat along with their views on women. If they have been here long enough to realize that shit does not fly with women of this country, then I might see them.

I do not care if a guy is mixed or six shades of purple. What I do care about is his attitude towards women and if that attitude is pervasive in his culture to be a danger to me.  

Now for all those guys who don't like this viewpoint,  do you see hookers with no reviews? If not why not...all hookers that have no reviews are not a ripoff.  

What you are doing is narrowing down your chances of a bad time...just like the hooker who refuses to see guy from X country or culture that she may have had a bad experience with.  

Whether it is right or wrong, it comes right down to, in some cases, safety. Who the fuck wants to be with someone who is clearly ill at ease for the sake of political correctness

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