TER General Board

I really don't think I'm different IRL...
MasterZen 33 Reviews 2181 reads
1 / 65

or are you?

The thread below by NEG and some of the discussion within intrigued me. It seems we have some posters who maintain that in real life, they are exactly as they seem in their posts. Others maintain that they are actually much nicer in person than their posts might seem to indicate. I haven't noticed many who assert that they are a greater asshole or bitch in real life than their posts reflect... but I've certainly inferred it (with little or no justification other than my own opinion and perception, I might add). We've also certainly had inferences made that some are Manginas or BSC based upon the same questionable type of inferences.  

I just had to wonder whether we can actually infer ANYTHING about one another from our online personas. Is ANY inference supportable or justified?  

I found this article interesting in addressing some of the questions I had on this topic, and thought I'd share it    http://truecenterpublishing.com/psycyber/disinhibit.html
The NIH/Medline citation is posted in the link below.

It seem that online disinhibition is a real phenomenon. We all do it, even if we aren't aware or if we dissociate.  

Is your disinhibition "benign"? Is your disinhibition "toxic"?

Moreover can anyone infer this from your posts alone?

Would love to hear others' thoughts.

Now before anyone gets all bent out of shape, consider that this post is entirely relevant to TER, to the hobby and to how we interact as providers and clients. Personas, posting status, reviews... all of who we are online is relevant to our decisions to see one another, to enjoy ourselves in the purpose for which TER was created.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1393 reads
2 / 65

But it's only an aspect, and a small one at that.  I'm not about to reveal any more of myself here than I need to, but in my case I'm personally known to plenty of members here (most prominently, Gambler, mrfisher and a number of ladies) who are familiar with the "real" me.
That said, it's certainly an aspect of mine to not suffer fools gladly.  And at the moment there are several fools clogging up the board with infantile drivel who need to have it pointed out.  Not that they are capable of learning from it.
I'm sure we'll be hearing from at least one of them, lol!

CoffeeBreak 1387 reads
3 / 65

I believe whether my disinhibition is benign or toxic is not really for me to say.  If the people that read my posts have an opinion on it, the majority would determine how benign or toxic I am.

I view myself as goofy with a sense of humor that only I can understand most times.  Therefore, I would have to assume my humor comes off as toxic to most of the people here.  However, I do not see myself as toxic.  Go figure.

The only other thing I can say about my posts is that the subject matter here, stays here.  I do not joke or talk about the hobby with family, friends or coworkers.  I am sure that it would be social and professional suicide.  I also admit to being exponentially more candid and daring with things I say here than I would in the real world, even if talking to a complete stranger.

My conclusion is chat room = more cavalier attitude, and real life = more guarded attitude.

vegasgirllover 1286 reads
4 / 65

i always tell people in my real life that they DO NOT want to follow me on twitter if they offend easy, i am two totally different people when it comes to scocial media, i tweet lots of girly porn (im a girl) and say pretty much whatever the hell i want, on facebook wher i have family and coworkers i am super tame, im not very vocal to othere about mine and the hubbys activites in this hobby,as it is new for us, but we do have a few people that we have shared it with, so i do think that you can be different when it comes to your personas on differnt media outlets, i am a super nice person,but can be a super bitch when it calls for it, and im not afraid to show it. so i can benign AND toxic.

Posted By: MasterZen
or are you?  
 The thread below by NEG and some of the discussion within intrigued me. It seems we have some posters who maintain that in real life, they are exactly as they seem in their posts. Others maintain that they are actually much nicer in person than their posts might seem to indicate. I haven't noticed many who assert that they are a greater asshole or bitch in real life than their posts reflect... but I've certainly inferred it (with little or no justification other than my own opinion and perception, I might add). We've also certainly had inferences made that some are Manginas or BSC based upon the same questionable type of inferences.  
 I just had to wonder whether we can actually infer ANYTHING about one another from our online personas. Is ANY inference supportable or justified?  
 I found this article interesting in addressing some of the questions I had on this topic, and thought I'd share it    http://truecenterpublishing.com/psycyber/disinhibit.html  
 The NIH/Medline citation is posted in the link below.  
 It seem that online disinhibition is a real phenomenon. We all do it, even if we aren't aware or if we dissociate.  
 Is your disinhibition "benign"? Is your disinhibition "toxic"?  
 Moreover can anyone infer this from your posts alone?  
 Would love to hear others' thoughts.  
 Now before anyone gets all bent out of shape, consider that this post is entirely relevant to TER, to the hobby and to how we interact as providers and clients. Personas, posting status, reviews... all of who we are online is relevant to our decisions to see one another, to enjoy ourselves in the purpose for which TER was created.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 1165 reads
5 / 65

am tremendously disinhibited here. I don't talk at all about the hobby except for here or with others who are involved. Inhibition reigns in a different social context.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 1134 reads
6 / 65

I was trying to make - that disinhibition flows both ways, and conclusions made as to "toxic" and "benign" are equally unjustified based upon what we see in an online persona.

JohnyComeAlready 1299 reads
7 / 65

Are you "you", your board persona/s, or someone else altogether

MasterZen 33 Reviews 1116 reads
8 / 65

observation that we all are benign and toxic at different times, and in different situations. Cool share.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1345 reads
9 / 65

pretty much it's been WYSIWYG.

And I like that just fine.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1710 reads
10 / 65

On threads I feel warrant serious thought and responsre, such as this one, I don't feel that my persona is terribly toxic. On other posts, I simply see opportunities for creating humor, and use the topics as a springboard, and the persona in play there is not totally benign.

On the disinhibited/inhibited continuum, this forum differs from many, I think, because nearly everyone here has a reason to conceal identity. So, I feel, a lot of us consciously create a persona that functions, rather than allow organic evolution to form one that expresses. I am constantly trying to not let that persona reveal anything about me, and it is obviouse that others also avoid telling much about our pedestrian lives.

For me, the solipsistic aspect often takes over. I see this as a game and put faces on some of the players. When deeply into the game, I  usually don't consider that the others on this board exist offline as what they present themselves to be. OTOH, I get a fuller glimpse into those women on the board who I see or contemplate seeing, and feel THIER humanness quite strongly.

Dr Who revived 1413 reads
11 / 65

While some here prefer to use an alias (or brown envelope or two) to really say it like they mean it, others tend to just use their real fake handle.  I don't care what is attached to a handle and simply read a post for it's face value.  Hence many of the posters here have my respect in how and what they say here.

Others will never have my respect...as my tolerance for stupid is zero.  

How others may see MY posts is how they see it.  I've been self-employed nearly my entire life, and I generally speak my mind.  I can tell within a few minutes whether a prospect and I will move forward.  For someone who likes to hear "tough" evaluations we are a match.  For those who seek a "yes" man, we don't meet again.

I don't see myself all that different from my posts.  However some of those who have met me may see it differently.  You'd need to ask them...and there are quite a few.

One gal that I've known quite a few years has said to me several times "Why are you such an asshole on the boards"?  I then ask her to point out which topic she is referring to.  She can't as she's not a reader/poster on TER...but some of her "friends" have told her about CPA and his posts.  I have suggested that she read for herself and let me know if that isn't me.  So far she hasn't read this shit...nor is likely to anytime soon.  

Other gal pals of mine however have pointed out specific posts...to which we would then have a nice discussion on the topic (note to luvblahblah...it's always OTC).  If someone truly finds anything I say offensive it's easy enough to avoid me (or any poster they deem toxic).  Yet that doesn't seem to happen with any frequency.

Oddly enough many of the board banter that dudes (and dudettes) deem personal attacks and such turns into friendly PM/email/phone chat/IRL meets.

Go figure  ;)

Blowing Chunks 1255 reads
12 / 65

You're the most healthy guy on this board.  

CPA will live long and prosper...   :D

Blowing Chunks 1413 reads
13 / 65

make him such a great asian american hobbyist.  He was cool, she was cool. DA never starts shit with anyone cuz he's always cool. And that's just how he rolls! rof

xyz23 45 Reviews 985 reads
14 / 65

Though here my sense of humor, laughing and cutting up isn't evident. I do that when I'm comfortable with the people I'm around just relaxing and having fun. You have to be there in the flow of the conversation. That doesn't happen here for me.

I say something here if I feel it needs to be said and hasn't yet. If someone covered it I stay quiet. I am one that wants to know why, figure things out. If it's a mistake figure out how to prevent it from happening again. If I don't know something I will look until I do know If (big if) it interests me or I'm in a position where I should know.

Here I am more likely to point out where someone is wrong because here it's forever. It can be searched and read anytime and doing or saying the wrong thing can have dire consequences. Sitting around with friends when someone says something that is wrong, bad advice or what have you, I can judge how those around are taking it and see that there is no need to say anything. That conversation is not forever. (I know it could be as far as someone remembering it but again I can see how it's being received.) I do think it's important to share wisdom if I have it. I would talk to the person I considered wrong personally. I am old enough now that I don't care what people think and will say what needs to be said but if I can do it diplomatically and low key I will. That is my nature.

I think here because of the anonymity many who voice their opinions may do it more forcefully than they would IRL. This is also a place where you can voice your pet peeves easily and often. Some here get tired of it. I know I do but it isn't of any consequence so I just move along. There are some I ignore by not reading their posts. No need for a button. Though I can identify with the desire to use it.  

The me you "see" here is me just not all of me.

Arovet 62 Reviews 1024 reads
16 / 65

I post when I see something particularly interesting or particularly stupid/offensive, to my way of thinking anyway.  I rarely start threads, as I don't often have anything on my mind vis a vis this arena that hasn't been done to death.  The content of my posts is me, 100%...why should it be otherwise?  Only three ladies that post with any regularity have met me, and I only know one hobbyist IRL...who's a very cool guy btw....so what's the point of being someone I'm not?  I think this place is a riot, occasionally a source of good info, and there are a couple of train wrecks that I thoroughly enjoy despising.  I'm at a place in my life when peeking in several times a day is possible so I post a bit more than usual these days.  It won't always be thus but I'm gonna enjoy it for now!

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1370 reads
17 / 65

But I truly believe some peeps here are just an extension of their "IRL in person" personality.

As far as toxic with me it really depends on the situation but you have to define what toxic means to you.. For me I feel like it's more of being bitchy or not.

The degree of being bitchy or an asshole in posting I believe to be easier when posting anon on a forum rather than in person IRL.



-- Modified on 7/13/2014 4:52:56 PM

Dr Who revived 1547 reads
18 / 65

I can't explain anonymousfun or BV...there's no shortage of venting there.

And how about RodT?  You'd expect he'd be the healthiest guy alive.

Live long and prosper....Engage.
Posted By: Drunken Asian
You're the most healthy guy on this board.    
 CPA will live long and prosper...   :D

2labman 26 Reviews 1254 reads
19 / 65

I'm a mangina on the boards and in IRL tend to get attached if I'm not careful.

Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 1044 reads
20 / 65

Ask anyone who's met me I'm exactly the same... Maybe a little bit more reserved sexually cuz I don't want to scare off the guys I date-some sexual things are meant only for hobbying .... LOL but I'm Feisty, Funny & Fabulous!!!  Lol 😜😜😜😜😜😜

RespectfullyYours 9 Reviews 1270 reads
21 / 65

to know anyone by their anonymous postings on a TER fuck board. Maybe others have the gift, but I am not nearly that insightful or perceptive. I can certainly opine on the content of their postings, but I have absolutely no idea if that encapsulates the individuals true persona and character.

Blowing Chunks 1457 reads
22 / 65

I never had sexual relations with anyone aside from my right hand and fleshlight.  

Also, I'm the same nice mature sober gentlemen that I am here and IRL. Maybe a little bit more goofy..

89Springer 1453 reads
23 / 65

I'm the same way with people in person as I am with them online. My language may be cleaner with some people more than others, but that's about it.

Maybe I'm just too lazy to develop an online persona.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1620 reads
25 / 65

If someone cuts you off or does something dumb you'll honk your horn, yell and shake your first, which you'd never do if you were face to face.  But so what?

Blowing Chunks 1380 reads
26 / 65

very 5th post or so, I noticed he just resurfaces randomly out of nowhere only to call someone a "mother fucker" or "FUCK HEAD" or "shit head".  In fact, in his world everyone must look like a fuckhead or a shit head. lmfa

Blowing Chunks 1262 reads
27 / 65

they get macho, argumentative, and have a bad attitude.  

Explains why mr.pinata acts all tough online, brags about how physically strong he is and about his glorious days yet continues to troll arguing with just about every guy.  I wouldn't be surprised if he actually weighed 400 pounds now instead of benching 400 lol

FatElvis 23 Reviews 1322 reads
29 / 65

I think I'm a whole lot more open online than I am offline. There are people TER that know more about me than my best friends and family. And i can talk to my TER friends about ANYTHING without judgment. It's a very liberating feeling!

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1588 reads
30 / 65

Even given that many of us are skillful actors, it seems baffling when trying to imagine one's persona stemming from anywhere other than our "real*" selves. So, yes, the personas reflect part but not all of our "personalities**."

* by real I mean how we would appear to one another IRL, not any philosophical statement on the nature of the True Self.

** I assume that IRL with also present ourselves with various personas. They may not differ much, but I know I react differently even to people I meet at a coffeehouse than those I meet in a bar. I want each to regard me in a different light. I suspect that's not unusual.
Posted By: inicky46
But it's only an aspect, and a small one at that.  I'm not about to reveal any more of myself here than I need to, but in my case I'm personally known to plenty of members here (most prominently, Gambler, mrfisher and a number of ladies) who are familiar with the "real" me.  
 That said, it's certainly an aspect of mine to not suffer fools gladly.  And at the moment there are several fools clogging up the board with infantile drivel who need to have it pointed out.  Not that they are capable of learning from it.  
 I'm sure we'll be hearing from at least one of them, lol!

LuvTheBoardBoys 828 reads
31 / 65

'Posting' is just another medium of self expression, what I would call an artistic form almost, that's how I view it. While it may evoke emotion or reaction as most writing is intended anyhow,  it still is just words on a screen. Nothing more.  

Finally a well thought out post. Nice Z.  About time. Good to see everyone acting like human beings for a change lol.
Posted By: MasterZen
or are you?  
 The thread below by NEG and some of the discussion within intrigued me. It seems we have some posters who maintain that in real life, they are exactly as they seem in their posts. Others maintain that they are actually much nicer in person than their posts might seem to indicate. I haven't noticed many who assert that they are a greater asshole or bitch in real life than their posts reflect... but I've certainly inferred it (with little or no justification other than my own opinion and perception, I might add). We've also certainly had inferences made that some are Manginas or BSC based upon the same questionable type of inferences.  
 I just had to wonder whether we can actually infer ANYTHING about one another from our online personas. Is ANY inference supportable or justified?  
 I found this article interesting in addressing some of the questions I had on this topic, and thought I'd share it    http://truecenterpublishing.com/psycyber/disinhibit.html  
 The NIH/Medline citation is posted in the link below.  
 It seem that online disinhibition is a real phenomenon. We all do it, even if we aren't aware or if we dissociate.  
 Is your disinhibition "benign"? Is your disinhibition "toxic"?  
 Moreover can anyone infer this from your posts alone?  
 Would love to hear others' thoughts.  
 Now before anyone gets all bent out of shape, consider that this post is entirely relevant to TER, to the hobby and to how we interact as providers and clients. Personas, posting status, reviews... all of who we are online is relevant to our decisions to see one another, to enjoy ourselves in the purpose for which TER was created.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1453 reads
32 / 65

some people walk right into a shit storm then get butt hurt when they get blasted. Plus it seems like we have some that don't get it and think guys who treat the ladies just fine BCD might use some words here on TER that wouldn't fly so much IRL. So they assume the worst about them.

Everything's relative, ya know?



-- Modified on 7/13/2014 7:41:49 PM

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1358 reads
33 / 65
inicky46 61 Reviews 1143 reads
34 / 65

TER's Most Clueless Member, perhaps? Oh, well, if the shoe fits.....

Blowing Chunks 1530 reads
35 / 65
LuvTheBoardBoys 1381 reads
36 / 65

Is this punked lol? Ummm, the only infantile drivel or fool 'I' see daily is quoted below. Learn from the King himself? Noooooo. I think not.  

I would love for you to explain to me how posting like a three year old (ok 5yo) is going to teach anyone anything lol. You must be in denial of your teaching methods Nick. Can I help?
Posted By: inicky46
suffer fools? several fools clogging up the board with infantile drivel who need to have it pointed out.  Not that they are capable of learning from it.

LuvTheBoardBoys 1498 reads
37 / 65

teaching methods you are selling us here...I'm curious to know what a post like this (which you are so infamous for) is actually 'teaching' someone?

Please, do tell? I'm very curious...is there a special TER code I'm missing or something?

I do have one question for ya Nick... did you ever actually 'raise' a child yourself?

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1454 reads
38 / 65
MasterZen 33 Reviews 887 reads
40 / 65


MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1250 reads
41 / 65
JohnyComeAlready 1360 reads
42 / 65

When I was labeled a rapist/rapist sympathizer?

Posted By: MatureGFE
some people walk right into a shit storm then get butt hurt when they get blasted. Plus it seems like we have some that don't get it and think guys who treat the ladies just fine BCD might use some words here on TER that wouldn't fly so much IRL. So they assume the worst about them.

Everything's relative, ya know?



-- Modified on 7/13/2014 7:41:49 PM

FatElvis 23 Reviews 1065 reads
43 / 65
MasterZen 33 Reviews 1310 reads
44 / 65

I read the paper and thought "In real life, we all are to some extent, somewhat less than we post". It seems that is true, or most of us believe it to be so. Our personas are an exaggeration of a part of ourselves, and not representative of ourselves as a whole.  

What I do not see, is how we can presume that any of us are asshole or mangina from what we post, given that our posts are not a complete and true representation of ourselves... If one must be a mangina, the other must be an asshole, by the same logic. Obviously, some of us are not in reality as we might seem as posters. Plenty of evidence has been provided to the contrary. If that logic works for assholes, it must also work for manginas, bitches, and etc...  The mirror has two faces.

Peace, brothers and sisters. We are all in the same place, to one degree or another

MasterZen 33 Reviews 1194 reads
45 / 65
JohnyComeAlready 888 reads
46 / 65

One of my faces was apparently offended by what the other face said.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 1102 reads
47 / 65

she holds back. LOL.

PS: I thought the BF's got the best you had to give

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1214 reads
48 / 65

I love dinner dates and I'll be wanting some adult fun for sure!

Steph ;-)

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 1054 reads
50 / 65

thread. Thanks for the refreshing departure from the norm here. :)

This quote caught my eye: "In fact, people might even convince themselves that those behaviors "aren't me at all." In psychology this is called "dissociation.""

I've seen that more than a few times here. Lol!!

This is a good time to break out the Johari Window. Knowing about this prevents me from asserting that I am or am not in person like my online persona.

Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 1214 reads
51 / 65

Haha... I'm a control freak so best never to date me!!! But I'm very picky on whom I date soooooooo you may not make the cut!!! Muah muah!!!

Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 1319 reads
52 / 65

Like a virgin, touch for the very first time!!! 😜😜😜😜😜😜!!!

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1351 reads
53 / 65
USGrantlover 219 Reviews 1201 reads
54 / 65

How would he know? I mean he DOES get all the posts he doesn't like trashed. If they're not there, he never saw them right?

Posted By: MatureGFE
some people walk right into a shit storm then get butt hurt when they get blasted. Plus it seems like we have some that don't get it and think guys who treat the ladies just fine BCD might use some words here on TER that wouldn't fly so much IRL. So they assume the worst about them.

Everything's relative, ya know?



-- Modified on 7/13/2014 7:41:49 PM

MasterZen 33 Reviews 1224 reads
55 / 65

that goes kinda like:

There is what you know that you know. This is an infinitesimally small amount of knowledge.
There is what you know you don't know. This is just a bit more than what you know.
There is what you don't known that you don't know. This is an inifinitely large amount of knowledge.

One way I interpreted that was that in understanding the first, there is competence. In understanding the second, there is expertise. In understanding the third, there is wisdom

FatElvis 23 Reviews 1257 reads
56 / 65
JohnyComeAlready 1479 reads
57 / 65

Are you saying Panthera was entitled to his opinion on the thread he commented on, but I wasn't entiteled to my opinon on the thread, where Tobi accused me of being rapist sympathizer

Blowing Chunks 1188 reads
58 / 65
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 106 reads
59 / 65

And I've told you several times I've never shared anything personal about you with anyone, so enough with that BS please!

Your post is completely off base and I had no idea that Nicky would say anything about it.

Any responses you get from him or anyone else is your own doing. I did my best to help you. If what I said in my OP made you think about something like WHY you think I was talking about you, then maybe you need to spend some time pondering WHY.


MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1199 reads
60 / 65

which is a plural word but I guess it hit a nerve.


Steph xoxo

PhillyAbbey See my TER Reviews 1650 reads
61 / 65

I am jealous now!!  

Posted By: MasterZen
on a slow Saturday evening in BMore. My treat.

JohnyComeAlready 1467 reads
62 / 65

What is stupid about my inquisition?

bigvern says, women shouldn't be surprised when sex work, goes wrong.

Panthera12 says, women shouldn't be surprised when sex work, goes wrong.

This has nothing to do with either event, but the expression of "opinion" during a discussion.


bigvern is called a rapist/rapist/sympathizer (the author can search all of her previous posts)

Panthera 12 is called a man of his opinion. I think P even agreed with my POV in that thread.

*disclaimer I could care less if hookers like P12 better than BV.

What is stupid about my inquisition?

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 1422 reads
63 / 65

Can you PLEASE get him to stop pm'ing me about lunch? Very annoying.  

Posted By: MatureGFE
which is a plural word but I guess it hit a nerve.


Steph xoxo

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 1400 reads
64 / 65

I like that saying! Thanks for posting it. I have always noticed that the more I learned the more I realized how very little I actually know. Nothing like an education to make you realize how dumb you are. Lol!!!  

Posted By: MasterZen
that goes kinda like:  
 There is what you know that you know. This is an infinitesimally small amount of knowledge.  
 There is what you know you don't know. This is just a bit more than what you know.  
 There is what you don't known that you don't know. This is an inifinitely large amount of knowledge.  
 One way I interpreted that was that in understanding the first, there is competence. In understanding the second, there is expertise. In understanding the third, there is wisdom.  

MasterZen 33 Reviews 1059 reads
65 / 65
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