TER General Board

I prefer to leave my Uzi at home. -e-
ClientEastwood 1 Reviews 1493 reads
1 / 51

Not trying to get into the politics of it just want to hear others opinions on this.  I like to carry a gun any time that I can it helps me to feel more secure.  However I know that there are going to be providers that are likely fine with it and those that are likely against it.  So I don't take it with me to dates but personally would rather.  I'd like to bring it up during email exchanges to see if they are fine with me bringing it but have a fear that it might intimidate or just rub a provider the wrong way and make her not want to get together so I just avoid the issue altogether.

Any input from providers on how they'd feel about it if a client brought it up?  Or any input from clients that carry as well and how they handle the situation?

Not trying to insert politics or turn it into a thread on whether someone loves or hates guns.

escalade1964 65 Reviews 611 reads
2 / 51

and it's the one that does not go into a holster

VOO-doo 467 reads
3 / 51

Yea, this is pretty much how I'd react:

Posted By: ClientEastwood
have a fear that it might intimidate or just rub a provider the wrong way and make her not want to get together
I wouldn't care how nice you sounded or how many great references you had. I'd be flat-out uncomfortable and scared to know that you wanted to carry a gun into our session. In addition to the fear factor, it also sets a strong tone of mistrust...I mean, you're basically telling me you're scared someone (me, or a pimp-type person) is going to, like, jump you. It would make me feel like you view me as a low-grade criminal. I wouldn't want to see anybody who viewed or treated me that way, and had such a negative approach to our encounter...gun or no gun.

How would you feel if I were doing an outcall to your place, and asked the same thing? It's an understandable safety precaution for us, too...possibly even more so, for a woman. But, I have a feeling you'd find another lady...prettttttty quick

IBDPhotography 385 reads
4 / 51

If you've done your research on a particular provider and reviews indicate that no issues are associated with her, why would you feel the need to carry? Just curious.

ClientEastwood 1 Reviews 490 reads
5 / 51

Oh I can think of a fine holster for it.  :)

Zak0326 33 Reviews 456 reads
6 / 51

What provider who isn't on drug is going to let a new client bring a gun to rob or pistol whip her or anything else that you can physically think of? These girls don't know us we don't know them for an hour anybody can be on their best behavior you really need to know somebody before guns are entered in the equation. You have just as good a shot as her stealing the gun while blowing you and claiming it was self-defense when something goes wrong.  Think Plaxico Burress.  


-- Modified on 11/27/2015 8:38:56 PM

OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 377 reads
7 / 51

Personally, I agree with Escalade: you only need "una pistola"... But that is just my dos centavos....


Intrigued* 411 reads
8 / 51

When you visit ladies, are you engaging in activity that could be considered a crime?  If so, how would the fact that you are carrying impact LE interaction with you?  If you were arrested for criminal activity (i.e., Solicitation) could possession of a firearm be used to possibly expand/increase charges?  

Think about it and mitigate the possible negative impacts on your life.

russbbj 89 Reviews 471 reads
9 / 51

Evidently you don't have a CCW (or whatever the concealed weapon permit acronym is in your State), either that or you are careless with it. Carry during the commission of a crime and you're sure to lose that right. Unfortunately, our sport is considered criminal.  

As much as I enjoy pussy, I'm not willing to lose my right of CCW. Also, you can't be sure of the lady's view point on guns, so until I know her well enough to have discussed this, I will not impose this on her.  

If I'm out of town, of course I don't have my gun with me. If I'm in town, my gun is secured in my vehicle outside. I take my right to bear arms seriously and I treat it like the responsibility that it is.

Once her and I have discussed it and if she asks me to bring it in at the next date, I'd oblige (unloaded). Until then, I'll leave it secured in my car (loaded).

ponyman49 15 Reviews 417 reads
10 / 51

Escalade, actually the one you bring does go into a holster, the providers.

SodaPop 384 reads
11 / 51

You go through the trouble of searching for an attractive provider; a lady with an impeccable reputation to provide your once in a lifetime experience and you pack a gun???  WHY??  Don't you think it is very likely the lady will feel threatened?  It's funny to me that a MAN would feel threatened by any well reviewed lady here to the point where he feels he needs a gun.  I really can't comprehend your thinking

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 397 reads
12 / 51

Carrying  a firearm during the commission of a crime can really be used against you depending on how big of a prick your DA is Plus you can expect the cops to take your weapon and you may have a really tough time getting it back. They "destroy" firearms frequently. Especially nice, expensive ones. Lastly, you can expect to lose that CCW permit  

That's if they don't get all Dirty Harry on you and shoot or Taze you first. Suddenly, that misdemeanor turns into much, much more.  
Oh AND, if your provider is a convicted felon (it doesn't take much these days) you just really fucked her over, because she is prohibited by law to be around firearms (even if she didn't know that you had it).

-- Modified on 11/27/2015 9:37:42 PM

-- Modified on 11/27/2015 9:49:34 PM

AnastasiaKane See my TER Reviews 408 reads
13 / 51

Playing devil's advocate here since you brought up the point of "safety". Exactly what it is you would feel safe from? If a provider is well reviewed and you are meeting in a safe neighborhood, then what is there to be afraid of? I'm not trying to be flippant, just legitimately curious.

Unfortunately sexwork is one of the most dangerous jobs and as of 2012, the US had the highest rate of sexworker murders in the world. I suppose you would have to put yourself in the shoes of the provider and try to see how it would feel to have a man (probably much larger than yourself) with a loaded handgun coming into your space. Personally, if a client brought it up to me I'd pass on seeing him because I won't compromise my safety.  

Another thing to keep in mind is the laws in each state vary. In Michigan, you may not operate a vehicle and have a firearm inside the vehicle unless your BAC is less than 0.02. So no alcohol at the appointment because probably 0.02 is less than one drink.

Tylor See my TER Reviews 343 reads
14 / 51

I don't care how much screening I've done or how much we have chatted beforehand, I'm not going to allow someone I don't know to bring something that could very easily kill me. At least bare handed I might have a fighting chance haha. Beyond that depending on the location there could be concerns of an overly nervous guy pulling a gun on a neighbor that came to borrow a cup of sugar or something.
It's kind of a catch 22, bringing it in the beginning isn't a good idea but chances are by the time it is appropriate you will already be feeling pretty safe with her.

I have clients who carry all the time, they left the gun behind in the beginning. As we got to know eachither over several appointments and  topics came up that let them know I was ok with it they asked. I have one client who brings it just because it's always on him, another that carries when we go out, others that carry but feel no need to bring it

Silkstalkings 327 Reviews 416 reads
15 / 51

Posted By: ClientEastwood
Not trying to get into the politics of it just want to hear others opinions on this.  I like to carry a gun any time that I can it helps me to feel more secure.  However I know that there are going to be providers that are likely fine with it and those that are likely against it.  So I don't take it with me to dates but personally would rather.  I'd like to bring it up during email exchanges to see if they are fine with me bringing it but have a fear that it might intimidate or just rub a provider the wrong way and make her not want to get together so I just avoid the issue altogether.  
 Any input from providers on how they'd feel about it if a client brought it up?  Or any input from clients that carry as well and how they handle the situation?  
 Not trying to insert politics or turn it into a thread on whether someone loves or hates guns.

1705218 10 Reviews 426 reads
17 / 51

before a session. She loved it. She had never fired a gun in her life. But I don't think I would ever show up  CC to a provider.

ToniLove See my TER Reviews 392 reads
18 / 51
ProfessorVan 366 reads
19 / 51


sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 412 reads
20 / 51

Just make sure you tell the provider you're gonna carry a concealed weapon with you upon arrival. And then tell us how many providers were willing to see you after disclosing that info.  

Posted By: ClientEastwood
Not trying to get into the politics of it just want to hear others opinions on this.  I like to carry a gun any time that I can it helps me to feel more secure.  However I know that there are going to be providers that are likely fine with it and those that are likely against it.  So I don't take it with me to dates but personally would rather.  I'd like to bring it up during email exchanges to see if they are fine with me bringing it but have a fear that it might intimidate or just rub a provider the wrong way and make her not want to get together so I just avoid the issue altogether.  
 Any input from providers on how they'd feel about it if a client brought it up?  Or any input from clients that carry as well and how they handle the situation?  
 Not trying to insert politics or turn it into a thread on whether someone loves or hates guns.
-- Modified on 11/27/2015 10:28:55 PM

azby0918 86 Reviews 376 reads
21 / 51

We were causally talking after the session and I asked are you not afraid to go places? She said "Raj, I can judge people from the way they approach me in email, I thoroughly research them, ask their white-lists / references read their reviews before i go to them. Even after that you might have noticed i keep my purse very close to me. Not because I have condom and a bottle of lotion I have, but for this" and she opened it and showed her Smith and Wesson.

rainrainrain 29 Reviews 335 reads
22 / 51
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 390 reads
23 / 51
sexpirate 25 Reviews 357 reads
24 / 51

Here are my thoughts on this subject. And I won't be keeping "politics out of it".  

First, I'm pretty much a second amendment absolutist. I am also a vet and a combat vet. I do not carry, because I think your much more likely to be in a situation where you need a gun if you have a gun (whatever happened with George Zimmer and Trayvon Martin, I think we can all agree that had Zimmer not been carrying, he never would have approached Martin and just would have stayed in his car).  

Second, while I support the rights of people to CC, for the most part it's the people that exercise those rights which concern me.  

Third, the above being said, ladies, it's not the guys that ask for your permission to bring a gun to your meeting that should concern you. It's the ones that don't and do anyway. And by the time you know, it's too late. But no one who intends you harm is going to say "Lexi, would you mind if I have my gun on me? I don't like to leave it in the car."

Fourth, guys, just leave the fucking thing in the car. What a huge turn off to take one out infront of the lady, particularly one you don't know. And quite frankly, even with the above said, if some provider were to lay one out on the dresser in front of me, I'd find that a turn off as well.

jelloman42 10 Reviews 317 reads
25 / 51

...pretty much 24/7...I would never carry it into a session...but I usually have a legal (3.5") folding knife in my pocket everywhere I go...

Dr. joe 32 Reviews 360 reads
26 / 51

and not upset the lady, make sure it is a large shot gun, not concealed, fully loaded.  
That would certainly relax me if I were a provider.

AvaRaleigh See my TER Reviews 383 reads
27 / 51

I would too, especially if you don't mention it before we meet (and then I'd politely ask you to leave it at home). I would need to see you at least once before feeling comfortable with you bringing it. My suggestion would be to not bring nor mention it until you've had at least one meeting with a lady. Please remember that safety is paramount to us, and even with the best screening we are still risking our physical safety by seeing you. A gun does not help calm those anxieties. Leave it at home please.

expertiamator 307 reads
28 / 51
2236707 3 Reviews 374 reads
30 / 51

Not to mention all the other comments about signaling mistrust and adversity to the provider.

FatVern 356 reads
31 / 51

Posted By: dani987x
Not to mention all the other comments about signaling mistrust and adversity to the provider.
Mistrust? Being screened sends a huge signal if mistrust to me. I know screening may be a necessity, but I can't feel that the provider dosen't trust me.

I doubt if providers ever fully trust a client at all, to do so would seem naive. I don't know if any party should fully trust the other.

I can certainly look past any trust issues long enough to enjoy my time.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 423 reads
32 / 51

Yup. It's not like the movies. IRL when a cop yells, GUN! The other cops start shooting.  

Posted By: dani987x
Not to mention all the other comments about signaling mistrust and adversity to the provider.

hotplants 380 reads
33 / 51

dictates that you don't just show-up to a session with a gun. And, I can only imagine that not too many ladies are going to be comfortable with that convo before having met you, in person, at least once (and even then...?).  

But, once you've met a lady in person, and/or have gained enough familiarity with her to ask her how she feels about you bringing a loaded weapon ('cause why bring an unloaded weapon?), what's the point in actually bringing it? What do you need to feel more secure about?
Posted By: ClientEastwood
Not trying to get into the politics of it just want to hear others opinions on this.  I like to carry a gun any time that I can it helps me to feel more secure.  However I know that there are going to be providers that are likely fine with it and those that are likely against it.  So I don't take it with me to dates but personally would rather.  I'd like to bring it up during email exchanges to see if they are fine with me bringing it but have a fear that it might intimidate or just rub a provider the wrong way and make her not want to get together so I just avoid the issue altogether.  
 Any input from providers on how they'd feel about it if a client brought it up?  Or any input from clients that carry as well and how they handle the situation?  
 Not trying to insert politics or turn it into a thread on whether someone loves or hates guns.

ViolettaGFE See my TER Reviews 334 reads
34 / 51

I'm already a little nervous meeting a new client, but if I felt or saw a gun on him, OMG. I would freak out.

Call me crazy, but guns scare me. I don't like to be close to one in any normal situation. One slip of the trigger and BOOM! A life is gone.

If a new guy brought a gun, I would want him to leave. If he stayed, I wouldn't be able to focus well enough to give the best session possible. I would be distracted and worried the whole time.

If it was someone I knew well, I might be okay with it, but it would distract me very much.

If it's important to you, I like the idea of emailing a lady prior, asking if she would be okay with it.
Personally, I would decline the session, but surely some ladies wouldn't mind.

Just my thoughts!

lopaw 29 Reviews 313 reads
36 / 51
Corythehuman 12 Reviews 323 reads
37 / 51

It's called a concealed weapon license for a reason, it is to be concealed. No one should know you have it. In this hobby, kind of hard to do, lol. I forgot I had it with me once on a spur of the moment deal. I was able to get it off and wrapped up in my pants before the provider saw it. But I knew full well it doesn't belong on a date and I would normally never of brought it. You can't even say it is for safety, there is no way you can keep control of it during a date. It will be away from your body and unsafe. If things are that shady that you need a gun you are doing it wrong. Besides you basically put a loose gun in a room with someone you didn't trust, you just made the situation worse not safer for you. Leave the weapon at home, see well reviewed providers you can trust not to kill you and relax.

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 320 reads
38 / 51

And see how that ends up. But on less serious note, guy brings his gun. You serving drinks???

mrfisher 108 Reviews 387 reads
39 / 51

Guys:  Would you see a gal knowing she's packing?

There's one gal I see who sent me a photo of her and a friend taken at a firing range posing with their pieces.

Kind of sexy, actually.  Sort of like a gal who drives a semi

sexpirate 25 Reviews 327 reads
40 / 51

Well if you ever came to my town, I'd make darn sure I did NOTHING to jeapordize having that session.  

Posted By: ViolettaGFE
I'm already a little nervous meeting a new client, but if I felt or saw a gun on him, OMG. I would freak out.  
 Call me crazy, but guns scare me. I don't like to be close to one in any normal situation. One slip of the trigger and BOOM! A life is gone.  
 If a new guy brought a gun, I would want him to leave. If he stayed, I wouldn't be able to focus well enough to give the best session possible. I would be distracted and worried the whole time.  
 If it was someone I knew well, I might be okay with it, but it would distract me very much.  
 If it's important to you, I like the idea of emailing a lady prior, asking if she would be okay with it.  
 Personally, I would decline the session, but surely some ladies wouldn't mind.  
 Just my thoughts!  

FatVern 330 reads
41 / 51
LoboGris 3 Reviews 383 reads
42 / 51

with a provider that felt compelled to show me which drawer in the nightstand held her pistol. Maybe she felt that if there was a b&e and I was on that side of the bed I could get to it sooner than she could, quien sabe ?

ClientEastwood 1 Reviews 310 reads
43 / 51

For me it wouldn't be a matter of feeling safe from the provider.  Granted anything could happen I don't really think anything would especially if they are a well reviewed person.  My point of safety was more so when I leave the location say on the way to and from the incall to home or wherever.  And it's more so I just wouldn't want to leave it unattended in the car but then again I guess it could always be locked up inside a safe box in my car.

I thought most would probably be against it (I don't blame the providers) but more so figured I'd ask in the event I was actually wrong and some providers have had dates where it was brought up and it wasn't an issue.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 300 reads
44 / 51

I know a provider who was in the Israeli Defense Force. Very hot.

Alan_Nimm 306 reads
45 / 51
russbbj 89 Reviews 252 reads
46 / 51

I've never had to take it out of the holster (except to fire it at the range or clean it), and I hope that remains the case until I die.  

But, if I ever do need to, I'll be prepared.

I've also never had a claim on my car insurance, but you can damn well believe that I have car insurance, again I hope I never have to use it, but if I do I'll be prepared.

russbbj 89 Reviews 304 reads
47 / 51

Is if she and I have seen each other and somehow the conversation goes around to guns and she asks me to see it at our next appointment. Some ladies are gun officianados/enthusiasts and would be interested, not many but some.

Unloaded guns have been known to kill, at least the "I thought the gun was unloaded" gun has been known to kill. And, considering that there is no reason for the gun to be loaded to bring in to show her, the responsible thing to do is to clear the gun prior, and I would expect her to do the same immediately after I hand it to her, if she's an enthusiast enough to want to see it.

Once I return to my car, it gets loaded back up and all is well.

GaGambler 315 reads
48 / 51

and it doesn't bother me a bit. If it makes her feel safer, why should it bother me? It's not like she is going to shoot me for no good reason anymore than I am going to go nuts someday and start shooting people after carrying a weapon for over forty years without ever having hurt or even scared an innocent person.

Now, would I come to an appointment strapped? Absolutely not, I keep it locked up in the car, if I feel that I can't walk from my car to her front door without a weapon, then the place is much too dicey for me to ever get naked and vulnerable in the first place.

2236707 3 Reviews 347 reads
49 / 51

I don't blame them if that lamp over there is really a doberman with a shade on his head, just don't tell me unless I try to switch him on. The relative risks to the men and to the ladies do not seem equivalent.

hotplants 306 reads
50 / 51

I was commenting on bringing a gun to a session to feel more secure (per the OP). If someone feels like they need to carry a gun to a session with a provider, to feel more secure, there seems little point in not having it loaded. Unless they plan on throwing it at someone....lol...

But still, if you already know a lady well enough to ask her if it's OK to bring a gun, I can't fathom why you actually need to bring one (for security). And, as GAG already said, if you don't feel safe enough to walk to/from your car without a gun, why would you want to be there in the first place

lopaw 29 Reviews 293 reads
51 / 51
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