TER General Board

I leave the seat up...
Thought Seeker 8442 reads
1 / 42

What are some of the most common peeves in this hobby?! For me, it is when the door opens, am I in for a surprise.... has happened!  Also,  the statements of other hobbiests - I came 29,000 times, in the first 2 min and then we... come on, if that happened in an overnight, maybe, but in a 1 h session....???  Possible but likely?

So what are the pet peeves...?

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 4212 reads
2 / 42

...I don't have any peeves. I LOVE this hobby!!!!

Ladies, I'm Lex, Lex Luethor...limp as a noodle and easily pleased...

secret_kiss 5318 reads
3 / 42

I like to slurp and suck my pasta down.......... ;)

40-Watt 16 Reviews 3321 reads
4 / 42

Email replies that ignore innocuous questions (i.e., what city are you in)

Twenty or more pounds that miraculously appear between photography and date

Reviewers who get pride involved with their writing

That creepy hotel in WLA where the agencies book their girls

Smoke smell on the clothes or anywhere else

High-volume girls who DFK --- ewe!

High-volume girls who anal DFK (OK, I just barfed in my mouth a little)

The no-show with late notice

The no-show with no notice

Pussy smells like dick  
(barf now dripping from ceiling)

HerrZunge 74 Reviews 2746 reads
5 / 42

No-shows, of course, is my biggest pet peeve.

Another pet peeve is when reviewers are insensitive about describing an escort's appearance. The classic case would be where the escort is described as "baby fat" on her TER profile, has several clear pictures of herself on her website, and the reviewer takes half of a paragraph to bash her appearance.

Guz 25 Reviews 3243 reads
6 / 42

My biggest pet peeve is people not spelling right. How hard is it to type and spell these words out?? Not that hard, I just did it!! I urge ALL Hobbyists to take the time to spell their words right and make their thoughts comprehendible.

Stripper lover 3278 reads
7 / 42

How ironic!   The word is "comprehensible" not "comprehendble"

The E Ticket 4907 reads
8 / 42
MaskedAvenger 31 Reviews 4082 reads
9 / 42

i agree.  their is nothing more worse than pour spelling or bad gramar

Kornlover 22 Reviews 2777 reads
10 / 42

The alphabet proposed by George Bernard Shaw?   He suggested that "fish" should be spelled "ghoti":

The gh in enough
the o in women
the ti in action.

LARRYWALL 5356 reads
11 / 42

#1 Pet Peeve, is a girl now showing up that looks like she should. Why in the world do I want to pay for a women, that is fat and or unattractive?   Not only do I not have to pay for this type of women, I don't even want to have sex with this type of women for free.
#2 Pet Peeve, a providor that trys to finish the session in 20 minutes.  I like at least 20 minutes of oral before intercourse.  I think this is reasonable.

E$CORT 3765 reads
12 / 42

Pompus know-it-all jerks

and---Thoses  that  complain about spelling  and  grammer. No queen  of  it  myself  but "Last  time I  checked, Spelling  and  grammer  were  not  on  the  IQ Test". I  uses  spell check myself  but  it  really  does  not catch  everything.

Aphra 3544 reads
13 / 42

But if she looks like Peeve No 1, shouldn't you be glad of Peeve No 2???

ropegun 15 Reviews 4205 reads
15 / 42

Netti, where do you get this stuff? It's like you spend hours each day researching the periphery of your profession. Oh, sorry.... I forgot to whom I was speaking.

pedal2the_metal 1 Reviews 3411 reads
16 / 42

skyoooze me, it is standard English, so the irony here is that.....

Capable of being comprehended or understood
- comprehensible

See also: accessible, apprehensible, approachable, clear, explicable, fathomable, graspable, intelligible, perceivable, understandable

Mr Salty 3257 reads
17 / 42

You have just invited him to expand on his original post, now we're in for it.

pedal2the_metal 1 Reviews 4041 reads
18 / 42

whiners in general, whiner chiselers and chisler whiners, followed by snivelers with sob stories, then bored blobs, then temper tantrum throwers, histrionic psychodramatists, alternative reality dwellers, those that leave their things lying around all over the room, enema bags hanging from the bar over the bathtub, plates of chicken liver half eaten on the end table, other clients passed out and snoring under the bed, candles that have melted into the tabletop, radios tuned to crap radio stations, glass eye falling out during the session, ludicrous reviews written from mental hospitals, kung fu master boyfriends who are former special forces snipers, finding out she moonlights as a drug courier and the FBI has the place staked out, video cameras hidden in hollowed out grapefruits, ambiguous stains on the bedding, pats of butter stuck in her hair, an open can of crisco with an electric toothbrush stuck in it....

hueyfan 40 Reviews 3837 reads
19 / 42

1)  No shows.
2)  Hustling for tips.  The fee should be all inclusive, no matter what it is.  Tips should be at your discretion.

LARRYWALL 5161 reads
20 / 42

Have I offended you some how?  I'm sure providors have many more pet peeves, and rightfully so.

without_a_face 2805 reads
21 / 42

3. implants, botox, anything fake.
2. 10 years older than review info
1. arrests, black books

wmblake 12 Reviews 5284 reads
22 / 42
coochmeister 59 Reviews 2392 reads
23 / 42
Jockeypants 22 Reviews 3528 reads
24 / 42

a 1953 comemrative stamp whose grade and condition are not mint when they said it was gonna be...

I'm sorry.
Which hobby were you talking about?

SirPrize 3795 reads
26 / 42
aboutface 3437 reads
27 / 42

Bad spelling and bad grammar are two of my biggest pet peeves.  Bad spelling not only applies to common words that are mispelled, but also words like you that are instead spelled "u" and words that are just mistyped and could be corrected if the sender would proof read their message.

if u cant take the time to type it out and spell em write y shud i take the time to spend time wiht you?

brokeagain 195 Reviews 3153 reads
28 / 42
rebelmax 1 Reviews 3182 reads
29 / 42

Guys that whine and moan about the girl's looks, yet they still spend the time with them.  They were not holding a gun to your head, so why not just leave?

E$CORT 5494 reads
30 / 42

I can still  say  the  alphabet  wile  licking a  clit. Bet  you  cannot  do  it as  good  as I  can.

Edujemicate  yourself  in  the  school  of  Hard Cocks

Jockeypants 22 Reviews 2263 reads
31 / 42

I'm not sure 40 Watt would agree, given his list, but grrrrrr!

KelleyVegas See my TER Reviews 3198 reads
32 / 42

Spelling and grammar errors do sometimes turn me off, but it is not because it makes a person look unintelligent.  For me, I know that I usually re-read an e-mail or post before I send it off.  So, if someone makes obvious and frequent errors, it gives me the impression that they are unthoughtful or not really that interested.  It's similar to someone writing in all caps or sending an e-mail with a total of 6 words in it.

I'm always impressed when a person uses punctuation, complete sentences, paragraphs, and/or offers needed information without being asked.

YMMV, but there are things you can do to improve it if your ego doesn't get in the way!  {grins}

Mr Salty 2779 reads
33 / 42

Just my feeble attempt at humor. Carry on

Elmer G Fudd 3998 reads
34 / 42
40-Watt 16 Reviews 4046 reads
35 / 42

Actually, the word was used correctly.

But it sure looked like he was proud is was spelled correctly!

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 2863 reads
36 / 42

...so you know, with certainty, that I didn't pee on it.


r_bear11 23 Reviews 4085 reads
37 / 42
Aphra 2882 reads
38 / 42

This sounds suspiciously like my final year at university.

Were you hiding under the sofa?

Bizzaro Superdude 4058 reads
39 / 42

Bizzaro like kelly;21!@ she nice...lik her cause she lok for edjukated duds lik me.   but sometimew when I tipe the words do not kom our right.   caus i in a hurryto git back with my replay...  so i sorry nto to be gut wid da typewriting park of my kumputer....   it a dell....  Kelly if i ever in your nek fo thw woods... i would love to meet u.

Stripper lover 3504 reads
41 / 42

and you were right and I was wrong.   Although I must say that I never have heard this form of "comprehend" used before.   As I always say to my kids, "you learn something new every day."

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