TER General Board

I know what it is..
impposter 49 Reviews 1427 reads
1 / 12

Every so often, a Profile IDs a Provider as "Native American".  On TER, I think that NA is supposed to mean "Indigenous Peoples", as in American Indians (Sioux, Cree, Mohegan, Wampanoag, etc).  

Of course, Mark Twain noted: "It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress." - Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar

Oftentimes, I might know (from personal experience) or can feel pretty sure that the Provider is really a 2nd or 3rd generation Italian-American with a Boston accent or Brazilian-American with a Brooklyn accent or some other XXX-American who is not a recent immigrant with a noticeable accent.  

Guys who create the first review, hence Profile, should be aware of what TER means by NA.  (And I'm not sure, myself.  I just know what it means to me.)  Just because she doesn't have a foreign accent doesn't mean that she's a Native American!

I don't think there's anything to be done, really. And it's not a big deal, IMO. I think the major people harmed are guys looking for someone who really is an Indigenous Peoples person.  So they'll get 50 hits instead of 5 authentic hits.  

Your thoughts if any?  


-- Modified on 12/23/2014 8:25:03 PM

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 465 reads
2 / 12

You are either drunk, or you need a drink..  

Which is it?

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 480 reads
3 / 12

There are really only four peoples that I've had very much to do with (Ojibwa, Lakota, Cherokee, and after I moved to California, I met some Navajo people, but I really can't say that I know anything at all about the Navajo culture). But one provider's heritage might be (totally or partially), say Ute, and that is as different a culture from another provider's Iroquois ancestry as an Italian is to a Finn. So, the term is as general as Euro-American. Since there is no way that the TER pulldown is going to include all 2,000 plus nations of indigenous people on the continent, and since the term "Native American" included both North and South America in scope, I think Native American or Mixed is as close as we can come on the checklist.

And, in broader use, the word "indigenous" has taken on an extra-geographic meaning, as in someone might be indigenous to the film industry as contrasted to an outsider studying theater or film and trying to break in. So I wonder if referring to a provider as indigenous might imply, "in the life like her mother before her."

My $.02 worth.

89Springer 375 reads
4 / 12

from a caucasian provider with a large butt and a spray tan calling herself "Brazilian"?  

In my search for a real, dark-haired Italian provider, I ran across hundreds of providers whose real names are probably Finkelstein or Smith.  

It's marketing.

Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 458 reads
5 / 12

And the truth is very few Americans are Native Americans and Very Few Americans have Native American Ancestry.

For whatever reason we have romanticized the allure of being "Part Indian".  Why?  Because OUR great forefathers killed damn near all of them with guns, violence and disease.  The few that were left were forcibly placed "West" where the land was hard and the living was harder.  (Google - Trail of Tears)

By the time of Benjamin Franklin almost all Native Americans had been removed from the East Coast of the US.  AND most immigrants to America came AFTER the time of ol Ben and his companions.  And most immigration in America took place on the East Coast.  Thus, most Americans do not have Native American ancestry.  

I find this particular aspect of American life funnier than shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* I once had an old white lady tell me she was a minority too.  Her great great grandmother was (insert whatever Indian name here).  

*  Even in the RT family I have relatives claiming Indian blood.  Damn really?  Our ancestry is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Black and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Southern that I burp fried chicken and kool aid:)

RT (Ridgetucky Tremendous).

P.S.  Do hot Providers date ugly guys?  My theory is they do because ugly guys are safe and Providers have low self esteem.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 416 reads
6 / 12

Quite cynical. BTW, some Italians are natural blondes. But uh-huh, and a lot of people talk about their Amerindian heritage, even though they are culturally Anglo. A source of pride for them, but nothing they want to return to or embrace. Que Veda.

People who know where they come from genetically ought to be honest about it. If they deny a known ancestry it smacks of a kind of racism. Some just go by what they can pass for. Like the 40-year-old ladies who truly can pass for early 30's, so who cares as long they can carry it off?

So...mais en fin. What's the diff?

-- Modified on 12/23/2014 10:18:22 PM

mtdewking2015 440 reads
7 / 12

there allies some people that tries very rude like putting er on the end of a name or comparing  to types of animals or children.  

Posted By: impposter
Every so often, a Profile IDs a Provider as "Native American".  On TER, I think that NA is supposed to mean "Indigenous Peoples", as in American Indians (Sioux, Cree, Mohegan, Wampanoag, etc).    
 Of course, Mark Twain noted: "It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress." - Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar  
 Oftentimes, I might know (from personal experience) or can feel pretty sure that the Provider is really a 2nd or 3rd generation Italian-American with a Boston accent or Brazilian-American with a Brooklyn accent or some other XXX-American who is not a recent immigrant with a noticeable accent.  
 Guys who create the first review, hence Profile, should be aware of what TER means by NA.  (And I'm not sure, myself.  I just know what it means to me.)  Just because she doesn't have a foreign accent doesn't mean that she's a Native American!  
 I don't think there's anything to be done, really. And it's not a big deal, IMO. I think the major people harmed are guys looking for someone who really is an Indigenous Peoples person.  So they'll get 50 hits instead of 5 authentic hits.  
 Your thoughts if any?  

-- Modified on 12/23/2014 8:25:03 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 497 reads
8 / 12

I just checked my review of Monet Fox and that's how she's identified in her profile.  She definitely had the look, although I'm not sure what I would have thought her background was had I not known that's the way she identified herself.  I think she was a pure-blooded member of the Fox tribe and lived on reservation land near the New England Casinos.  She was also absolutely gorgeous.
As to the question of Native American vs. Indigenous Peoples I could care less.  Just as I don't care about the so-called distinction between Asian and Oriental.  I call Gambler an Oriental all the time and he gives no one shit.  But, hell, he doesn't mind if I call him "Mr. Wu." LMAO!

89Springer 535 reads
9 / 12

Just an observation.

BTW, a good friend of mine is 100% Sicilian. Has blond hair, blue eyes and freckles, and doesn't sound anything like Vito Corleone. ;)

89Springer 333 reads
11 / 12
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 400 reads
12 / 12

That word was used to diminish the horror of the annihilation of many people. Wiping out histories, languages, mythologies, and social structures, very few of which can even be reconstructed for archival reference. A "tribe" to most Anglos, connotes one group of a larger cultural, separate only geographically, and hence disposable if deemed necessary. So many nations were destroyed while a few were allowed to survive on reserved land with the attitude that the the entire continent was inhabited by a single people.

So most times the way the word is used is erroneous. It is sensible to say that there are several Lakota tribes in Nebraska and South Dakota. But saying, "the Lakota are only one tribe of many," this is not a sensible assertion.
Posted By: inicky46
I just checked my review of Monet Fox and that's how she's identified in her profile.  She definitely had the look, although I'm not sure what I would have thought her background was had I not known that's the way she identified herself.  I think she was a pure-blooded member of the Fox tribe and lived on reservation land near the New England Casinos.  She was also absolutely gorgeous.  
 As to the question of Native American vs. Indigenous Peoples I could care less.  Just as I don't care about the so-called distinction between Asian and Oriental.  I call Gambler an Oriental all the time and he gives no one shit.  But, hell, he doesn't mind if I call him "Mr. Wu." LMAO!

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