TER General Board

I know the answer
Ashleigh_Ryan See my TER Reviews 2527 reads
1 / 33

ust curious....

What are the scenarios and situations that play out in a hobbyist's mind when a lady with a stellar reputation who basically disappeared from the face of the hobbying community a while ago suddenly resurfaces?

I am this lady, and I'm daintily testing the waters with resuming an online presence.

I certainly have my own reasons for being UTR and deciding to re-embark my appearance on the web, but I’m quite interested in hearing your hypotheses that percolate in your mind regarding a lady who is in my situation.

Please keep it nice with any replies that are given. I am asking an honest, legitimate question that I genuinely hope will be answered with kindness, candor, diplomacy, and tact, and with responses that exude the same sincerity with which I posited my question.

It's now officially Wednesday as I'm submitting this post (not sure when it will be approved since my newness does not deign me to be a member of TER), so..... Happy Hump Day!! *grins*


Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 1055 reads
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...all other thoughts after that are X-rated (assuming your photos are hot - and hell, maybe even if they're not!).  :o)

The real question is... what are YOUR concerns?
What are your expectations, etc.?

Skinny_Minnie:-) 977 reads
3 / 33

I did just that- went away from the business after I finished college and explored other job interests.  Some girls get exclusive with a client or get into a relationship, have a child, etc. then come back.  

Most guys probably assume you met a sugardaddy, but then again I'm just assuming :)

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 757 reads
4 / 33

It's still Monday here which would make it Tuesday there. You lost a day somewhere. Better go find it!

casinostocks 7 Reviews 887 reads
5 / 33

as to why "hobbyists" (darn I resent that term!) leave this lifestyle whether short-term or for longer periods:

- Burn-out
- Alternative forms of short term relationships, i.e, SD/SB, within the same continuum
- in pursuit of civilian relationships
- Marriage / raising family  
- Providing care for loved ones in need
- Concentrating on more pressing matters such as alternate career path (for the younger participants)

Of course, you can not mirror a reason such as running out of funds as a reason, but quite the opposite and the other end of the financial spectrum such as having gained some financial independence through providing, or in pursuit of gaining financial independence whereby the seed capital stemming from providing. The other reason which you do not want to use, even if it were the case would be something like having been exposed and outed!  

Whatever the reasons may be just be genuine and forthcoming if asked and if you desire to offer any explanation at all. I have a simple rule which I ALWAYS apply to any kind of relationship which I tend to engage in and that is, if the other parties stories do not make sense and leave gaping holes beyond a 6 months stretch, I am just simply going to be walking away! This maxim has often saved me from potential headaches!

-- Modified on 12/9/2014 12:36:52 AM

ROGM 907 reads
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Although Providers I've seen in the past never reappeared, I would think that most guys have moved on to other Providers. You may get some previous clients to see you again and maybe even some new ones. It would depend on how long you've been out of the business. If it's been a year or two, you should be able to get back into the groove of things. If it's been a bit longer, you may have trouble getting clients. This business has a lot of new Providers entering this line of work almost on a daily basis. Not being critical of you in any way. Just answering your question from a Hobbyist's point of view.

Fridays117 27 Reviews 861 reads
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Better yet, jumping forward in time means she hasn't aged

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 936 reads
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Hobbyists are infatuated by providers. May be some are but most are not.

Last time I tried count the fish in the see, I lost count.

Personally, I am in P4P for sex and fun so, provider come they go.  
Posted By: Ashleigh_Ryan
Just curious....  
 What are the scenarios and situations that play out in a hobbyist's mind when a lady with a stellar reputation who basically disappeared from the face of the hobbying community a while ago suddenly resurfaces?  
 I am this lady, and I'm daintily testing the waters with resuming an online presence.  
 I certainly have my own reasons for being UTR and deciding to re-embark my appearance on the web, but I’m quite interested in hearing your hypotheses that percolate in your mind regarding a lady who is in my situation.  
 Please keep it nice with any replies that are given. I am asking an honest, legitimate question that I genuinely hope will be answered with kindness, candor, diplomacy, and tact, and with responses that exude the same sincerity with which I posited my question.  
 It's now officially Wednesday as I'm submitting this post (not sure when it will be approved since my newness does not deign me to be a member of TER), so..... Happy Hump Day!! *grins*  

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1015 reads
9 / 33

When a woman leaves this world, it always seems sudden to me because I only notice it when she's delisted from TER. Of course SHE probably had been planning it for months, but to me it SEEMS sudden.

So I picture something like her taking a road trip, stopping for lunch at some quaint, provincial farm town or fishing community, falling in love with the slow-paced, serene lifestyle (and maybe one of the local lads), and deciding to go no further and start a new life there. Obviously, this seldom works out as imagined, so after a while she returns to the enchanted life she knew in the city.

Either that or she got busted for something heavier than P4P and spent some time in prison. Depends on what kind of personality I picture her having.

xyz23 45 Reviews 751 reads
10 / 33

...then gone once you came back I'd briefly wonder what changed, immediately think I'll never know, and think : glad she's back.

BTW: the fact your post is here shows you are a member of TER. If you went completely away including deleting your account then TER's data base considers you a newbie. All newbies are moderated.  

Did you have your profile and reviews removed when you left? If not you could check with admin (use contact us) and get that connected to this handle. I'm aware you may already know but thought I'd mention it.

Skinny_Minnie:-) 703 reads
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mrfisher 108 Reviews 820 reads
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We are so Earth-centric on this planet.  Can't we think outside our own orb for once?

It may well be Wednesday on her planet.


But seriously, to the OP:

The mind boggles at the number of reasons, legitimate as well as unsavory, that a person leaves the hobby, be they provider or client.

So, I for one don't belabor the issue.

I have, in fact, seen several gals who disappeared without a trace for up to several years, then suddenly noticed they were back and we picked up where we left off.  Unless they offered some kind of explanation, I never asked about it, and don't care to.  Why mess up a good thing?

Epsilon_Eridani 833 reads
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... and in reality, you don't need to explain yourself to anyone.  

I don't know when you "disappeared", but I would hope that you had let your regulars know that you were going to be away for some time, so that those regulars don't bother you all the time.

I have ran across a few ladies who have taken time away from the business and their reasons vary, but I don't question them. I am happy that they are back in business.

Don't over think this and enjoy your time back in the business.

BTW... I'm reading this on Tuesday... I'm not sure how you got to be one day ahead.
Posted By: Ashleigh_Ryan
Just curious....  
 What are the scenarios and situations that play out in a hobbyist's mind when a lady with a stellar reputation who basically disappeared from the face of the hobbying community a while ago suddenly resurfaces?  
 I am this lady, and I'm daintily testing the waters with resuming an online presence.  
 I certainly have my own reasons for being UTR and deciding to re-embark my appearance on the web, but I’m quite interested in hearing your hypotheses that percolate in your mind regarding a lady who is in my situation.  
 Please keep it nice with any replies that are given. I am asking an honest, legitimate question that I genuinely hope will be answered with kindness, candor, diplomacy, and tact, and with responses that exude the same sincerity with which I posited my question.  
 It's now officially Wednesday as I'm submitting this post (not sure when it will be approved since my newness does not deign me to be a member of TER), so..... Happy Hump Day!! *grins*  

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1025 reads
14 / 33

...is that they answer the door with wistful, bittersweet, maybe forced smile and a nearly empty cocktail. They give me a peck on the cheek, call me "Sugar" or "Sweety" as they slink to the kitchen and freshen their drink, and in a sultry, soulful voice ask me what I'm drinking. I would like them to bring it to me swaying drunkingly like one of those down-on-her-luck vamps in the old Damon Runyan, Micky Spillaine, Dash Hammett novels. I keep thinking that would be an exciting fantasy to wallow in for a couple, three hours.

But usually they come back filled with vim and vigor, totally vegan and really chipper as they tell me about how great they feel having just had a yoga class. Instead of sensual and slutty in a dimly lit walk up, they flick on a track of halogens so we can watch ourselves in the mirror(s) as she playfully skitters us into the spacious bedroom where we rapidly peel off our clothes before she hands me a fluffy soft bath towell and turns the shower on for me. Something like that. Really fun, but not what I hoped for from a lady who gave the sunny side one last try before returning to her life of ruin. I feel a pang of disappointment, and then realize that by the night not turning out as I'd hoped, I AM living the morose and desperate life of one of those film noir guys in the old mystery novels.

So...you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.

joannamarch.net See my TER Reviews 782 reads
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I have left this hobby a couple times.  The problem I have now is getting reviews again.  I came back 8 months ago and seem to get every guy who hates doing reviews. They confide with me that the other providers blackmail them with their personal info into doing them.  I make decent money and would make more it I was more organized but I have had 4 deaths this year and suffer from depression at times.

lopaw 29 Reviews 783 reads
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I figure that she has her reasons, whatever they may be. Its none of my business, actually. I know that there are plenty of conspiracy theorists out that that would imagine the worst, but to me that's just silly. There are thousands of reasons why she might have left the hobby.

Regardless of your reasons.....welcome back!

cocktail-party 791 reads
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Here's what comes to mind for me: There are plenty of legit reasons to disappear, and I always hope that she left on good terms and not in distress. Upon return, if she was the disorganized/flighty/flaky type, then I assume that she NEEDS the money (no judgment here). If she's the focused, shit-together type, then I assume that she WANTS the money (and has fun earning it!).  

I'm sure guys will ask where you've been/what you've been up to - are you trying to decide what to tell them?

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 758 reads
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keystonekid 114 Reviews 676 reads
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interested in seeing you, meaning I have either seen you in the past or have had you on my to do list, then I would probably inquire about a general reason(s) as to why you have been away.  Depending on the response, then I would try to set up a time and place to meet.

Hope your return to this world is everything you are hoping for.

DateJessicaK See my TER Reviews 895 reads
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I took a year off and now I feel like I'm rebuilding my business from the ground up.  But, even though it's a slow growth, I've met some wonderful new men that makes me glad I came back.  Don't worry, it will be off and running like before, it just may take some time and extra marketing.

89Springer 631 reads
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Could be that whatever direction you took after disappearing didn't work out. Maybe it worked out, but you need more money. Maybe you just missed being a provider. Maybe you just needed to take a break, and now you're back.

I haven't been around long enough to see a lot of of this, but I have seen it, and don't try to over think it.

GaGambler 802 reads
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but like you, I don't overthink it.

If it's someone that I know, I either already know the answer as she has told me, and if not, I don't really think it's any of my business.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 950 reads
25 / 33

I would LOVE to see her back here and I know a lot of others feel the same way.

 To answer your question, ladies reemerge to a lot of reasons ranging from missing the action to getting out of a relationship that they left the biz to concentrate on, to trying a different career path that didn't pan out and everything in between. If you left on good terms with many hating to see you go then I can't imagine you coming back having any negative reactions...except for maybe some catty, nasty  female or two-trust me I know all about that! ;-) And you can just do your thing here and flip your hair at them and be successful as all get out!

C'mon in...

Steph xoxo

Schtuperman 908 reads
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Ashleigh_Ryan See my TER Reviews 869 reads
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hanks for your kind words of support, Skinny_Minnie:-). They are very much appreciated!

Happy Holidays! Be well, stay safe, and may 2015 be the best one ever for you!  :-)


Ashleigh_Ryan See my TER Reviews 682 reads
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Rendered to WickedBrut in my most evocatively sultry, sexy, soulful voice:

Then why don't you come up and see me sometime?!..... although you won't find me at the Chelsea drugstore, for there's no sympathy for the devil!  *teasing grins for Rolling Stones*

With a wink and a smile,


Ashleigh_Ryan See my TER Reviews 739 reads
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Thanks to everyone for your patience regarding my first dabbling into time travel!  LOL

Seriously, Mr. Fisher, I sincerely appreciate the fact that you do not believe in prying into a lady's private life.

However, the circumstances which brought my return to the "hobby," (although I don't particularly care for that word), are all definitely good. And for those who knew me before, well..... they know that I am an open book, so I'll certainly share my reasons, whether they want to hear them or not!  

In fact, maybe I'll just write a blog entry about it and quash the conspiracy theorists! *grins*

With feet firmly grounded on terra firma.....


Ashleigh_Ryan See my TER Reviews 763 reads
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Thank you so much, lopaw!

I sincerely appreciate your warm welcome back.  

With all my best to you....


Ashleigh_Ryan See my TER Reviews 814 reads
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Thank you, ROGM! I welcome and respect your candid insight.

With all my best....


Ashleigh_Ryan See my TER Reviews 732 reads
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Thanks so much for your reply, xyz23.

When I left the hobby, I had all of my information and reviews deleted from the TER database.

I am not currently a member of TER.

While I'm technically allowed to post, my messages are screened, and must be approved by a TER moderator before they even appear on the message boards.

Also,  I am unable to receive PM's via TER due to my non-member status.... which I'm hoping to change very soon!

Thanks again, xyz23, for taking the time to reply, and for your kind words of advice and support.

With all my best....


Ashleigh_Ryan See my TER Reviews 805 reads
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Dear Schtuperman,

Thanks so much for your PM; however, as a non-member of TER, I am unable to access it.

I just didn't want you to think I was ignoring you!  *grins*

With all my best....


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