TER General Board

The One We Haven't Met YET!"
1woody 18 Reviews 6230 reads

Okay here is a question for The Gents. What Really keeps you in "The Hobby" ?    Would you be"Happy" finding a Wonderfully Special Provider and Settle In or does it have something to do with "The One We Haven't Met YET".Is the Drive for Variety equal to the Drive For Quality??   Inquiring Minds

for me its the search for the perfect masseuse.  A great spa level deep tissue massage and then the 'eyes roll back into the head' level bbbjtcim.

got it once and then Ginger dropped away to become a bit of a bbw web model.  Before I could schedule another...

"I'm out here searchin' for a mouth of gold"

'and I'm growin old"

I think if I found the lady who did this perfectly, I would stop looking.  But no-one has stepped up and stayed open for biz...

Despite my previous apologia for why I'm constantly pulled back into the hobby, I stay partly because I've found the one who makes me pull my upper lip over my forehead.

I'd be very afraid, given my romantic side, of forming too strong of an attachment.  (There was a long thread on getting too attached a week or two ago)
 What keeps me in the hobby, you ask?  Well, I'm a fat and ugly loser with no confidence which no one would notice in Southern California if I made any kind of big money but I don't so I haven't been on a regular date in--  Oh.  Sorry.  I didn't mean to go off like that...  Sorry.  Really.  There's nothing wrong.  Just go about reading a different little box.  Not mine.  Don't look at me.  I'm hideous.

Even though I have an ATF that I see every trip .... I still mix in a few new ladies ..... "variety" it's the spice of life so they say... I wouldn't say the drive for variety is equal to the drive for quality ... you may search for quality which leads to a variety.. I have always put quality above variety ... my .02

Let's say you find the kind of Quality that floats your boat. How long will you stay "Loyal" before you get the itch for some Variety?

we are talking providers here .... a person that I see maybe once a month in my case .. I think I am being very loyal by seeing her every trip ... she on the other hand is seeing maybe myself and 2 others during that same time span of my trip .... I will always have variety ... now if she just wanted to see me the entire time during my trip ... then I would be more than happy to see only her.  But that would probably put me in financial ruin ... what a way to go !!!!!

It gotta be VARIETY!!!   I have an ATF I see sveral times a month but every now and then I get the urge for someone new.

If I had an ATF I would strictly see her but then the problem of getting too attached would drive me crazy. I haven't found that ONE ATF but I think I've come pretty darn close.

What really keeps me in the hobby??? Hmmm...I've wondered this myself too...Maybe its cause I get to meet hot ladies and act out fantasies. Its sometime I've dreamed about since my early teen years. Maybe cause I love this hobby...I thought modifying
automobiles was fun...HA...this is fun and then ten times that and then some.

In my personal life, I strive to have a quality SO and remain with her as long as possible. However, the hobby is mostly used for the variety available. Certainly there is room for loyalty to an ATF or a regular, but in this business/hobby, that will most likely be short lived. To settle in with just one special lady that makes me happy would have to occur with a civilian GF outside of the hobby activity, at least for me that is.

In either case, I am still searching for that one I havent met that is a perfect match for me.
best regards, mr.man

I rarely see the same provider more than
once every two months.  I have my favorites,
but like to see a lot of different local girls, and
sample the travellers that appeal to me.

This metaphor is appropriate, because the spice should be used sparingly in relation to the main dish. To further the metaphorical comparison, some like it spicier than others.

RacquelOC3063 reads

...just teasing, but you SHOULD meet me anyway. : )

Absolutely the variety and more importantly the experience it brings.  I do have an ATF that I check in with every month or so but I really enjoy being with different women. Heck I got the most wonderful ATF a man could ever wish for, my wife, but have to say that doesn’t keep me from being just a little bit interested in the grass over there on the other side of the fence.   I know my life is finite.  I don’t really have a solid idea what all this means and what this is all supposed to add up to.  I do know I treasure a rich life – travel, food, people, work, art, books – just all sorts of very rich experiences.  This is one set of experiences that make my life richer with each encounter – even the sucky ones get into at least the “that was interesting” file.   Lately I’ve been amazed at all the reflection and surprises this brings (if you saw my best of / worst of post and do stay tuned for part 3).

So many beatiful and interesting women and only one VonRyan.


CumToThinkofIt3418 reads

I HAve met a "wonderfully special provider" that for all intents and purposes fills my needs. However; Just like a conventional relationship sometimes bumps in the road are encountered. At these times without missing a beat I can hook-up with another lovely lady, experience and enjoy the spice of variety as well as reflect on the good thing I have with the ATF.


Although I would enjoy the steady company of one woman, and there have been a few women I have seen multiple times, my adventures in this lifestyle are to experience as many women as is reasonably possible.  I'm fast approaching 40 years old, and to this day have never had what most people would call a regular or normal "sex life".  I have never had a girlfriend, nor any kind of a "fuck buddy".  I have had "free sex" only once in my life, & it was just a fluke. (I crossed paths with a nymphomaniac at a science fiction convention 15 years ago.)  I have had zero success in attempting to date, and gave up on it years ago.  My first ASP experience was a few years before I officially gave up my dating conquest, and was very sporatic until about 8 years ago, when I realized reciprocated "love" was not in the cards for me, and decided that paid companionship was the only way I would ever have sex again.

I'm sure most guys who don't have any trouble getting laid for free (so to speak) on a regular basis (my definition of a normal sex life) enjoy playing the field, and want the variety.  Participating in this lifestyle allows me to experience what those other guys get to experience normally.  None of the women I've seen would ever give me a "freebie", nor would give me the time of day if I encountered them in some everyday life activity.

Seeing multiple women this way also lets me do something I wouldn't do in everyday life.  Ironically, even though I've never had a romantic relationship with a woman, I've always considered myself a one-woman kind of guy, and have never had the desire to play the field in the cruel dating world.  I was always under the impression that was a quality women were looking for in men, but my experiences have proven to me that's not the case.  Unfortunately, being that way has also contributed mightily to the many problems I have with women in everyday life.

The reality is, I wouldn't be in this lifestyle now if I had ever had a girlfriend or access to regular sex.  That would make it obvious that I answered "yes" to the current poll; if I ever found my true love, I'd be outta here.  That is assuming, of course, the love was reciprocated.  If it wasn't, then I'll be back looking to see who is coming to town next.

-- Modified on 5/12/2004 6:46:46 PM

Wow -don't I feel shitty now....

I ought to be happy with my SO, who is very hot and sexy.  Sorry if I got some of the sex you were sposed to get, buddy!

Now that's the kind of fuzzy post that makes women want to  bake pies, have babies and knit comforters.

It might take you years and years to find that perfect or near perfect match. Don't give up champ!  Adorable.

I think I can safely say we'd all like to hear more about that nympho at the sci fi convention. Why am I imagining some B movie chick in a latex catsuit?

For me its more a pimply heavy-set chick in a sweaty klingon uniform!

I used to go to those things!

I'd be glad to do it, but it might be a little lengthy in duration.  If there actually is a significant demand for me to tell this tale, I will do so.


I'm in the hobby for variety.  If I had Tyra Banks and she would do everything the porn stars do and she would do it at a perfect 10 level whenever I bidded her every time I asked her, I wouldn't want to be with only her for the rest of my life or even just for the next year.

if I found her again and she wanted a monagomous relationship, I'd resign my hobbying stripes in a hearbeat.

Well I know the one I could settle in with but she is being a PITA right now because "She got too close".  

Well I guess I am looking for the mind blowing lady I can be friends with too.

But then my wife sets a high standard...........she has to be better than her. And few I have met yet are.

Wife is great in bed, its out of bed she falls way short.

-- Modified on 5/13/2004 11:50:32 AM

-- Modified on 5/13/2004 11:53:11 AM

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