TER General Board

I just have never worn a ring
sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 2715 reads
1 / 28

Do u remove "the ring" before entering the provider's incall?
I love seeing the ring I must admit. It makes the sessions very erotic in my head lol. Not that I don't like people who aren't married. For the ones who do take it off... Why do u do it?

-- Modified on 7/7/2016 8:55:01 PM

emorf4077 65 Reviews 553 reads
5 / 28

No need to deceive myself and no need to deceive her now is there.

Skyfyre 582 reads
8 / 28

But there are also some providers out there who are highly judgmental. It may or maynot affect their performance and service but why take the chance? it's really none of you providers business.

There's a saying "don't judge someone until you have walked a mile in their shoe"...

Too bad not all of the providers have enlightened attitude like yours

IrresistiblyIvy See my TER Reviews 608 reads
9 / 28

Adrienne, I definitely agree with you and Sasha. Back when I sugared I preferred married as they wouldn't take up all of my time and require constant attention like a single person would. So a client has no need to hide being married to be with me. No sense in passing them up as if they don't do it with you, they'll find someone else anyway.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 458 reads
10 / 28

providers you have been with trying to figure out which pussy you lost your ring in.

deadeye65 8 Reviews 451 reads
11 / 28

I lost one when I was first married. She still doesn't believe my story. Never take it off now

souls_harbor 375 reads
12 / 28

I would wear it when I was having an affair -- it added that little something.   But I don't wear it now at all.  So I'd have to dig it out in order to wear it to a session.  Might though.  It could add a little spark.

Sstrm01 13 Reviews 660 reads
13 / 28

I do not wish to see my hands, your breasts, and my ring all at the same time. Secondly, the ring comes off because
it can hang up slightly on your body when caressing or giving massage. I have no illusions of hiding the fact that I am married. One does not have to be overly observant to notice the impressions left behind by my ring. I just prefer not to think about my wife while in a session

Dr. joe 32 Reviews 447 reads
14 / 28

I don't own a pair of cuff links and as a present when I turned 70, my son took me to a jewelry store and bought me my first (in about 40 years) wrist watch.  (I did carry a picket watch which I used to take pulses, respiratory rates etc.)  
Probably some deep psychological failure on my part.  
(My wife has kept her name which was never an issue but she does wear a ring. Her choice.)

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 328 reads
15 / 28

Does your partner know you hobby or are you like those sneaky married bastards ... lol

Posted By: lopaw

mrfisher 108 Reviews 460 reads
16 / 28

In my line of work they can be dangerous.

I used to wear a wrist watch, but never liked they way they feel.

One day I realized that between cell phones, computers, the clock in my car, etc., I never even look at my watch and put it in a drawer and have never looked at it since.

I think I have one pair of cuff links and a shirt with French cuffs.  Last time I wore that was at my son's wedding, as I recall

mrfisher 108 Reviews 386 reads
17 / 28

I love to do anything that will enhance the session.

One gal did ask me to rent and wear a policeman's uniform.  I drew the line at that

GeorgeSpelviniii 196 Reviews 539 reads
18 / 28

Posted By: Adrienne Baptiste
Married hobbyists are the best ever. Period. :-)

Fridays117 27 Reviews 415 reads
19 / 28

A. I don't want to lose it
B. Never had a provider turn me down because of it
C. Have actually been hit on more by civvie women in public since I got married and started wearing it than I ever did as a single guy

Justssying 446 reads
20 / 28

I take it off for her because the problem (addiction) I have is not her fault, and even though I have no control over myself when I am about to knock on that hotel door, I take it off out of respect to her, as ironic and assholish that might sound.
I feel bad every time I go on a date, and I don't want to bring her in there with me. She deserves better.

deadeye65 8 Reviews 464 reads
22 / 28

You might want to get some help with your problem. No sense living with the guilt.

Justssying 499 reads
23 / 28

You are probably speaking to the masses out here, and I think we all wish it were that easy
But thank you, I do appreciate it

Posted By: deadeye65
You might want to get some help with your problem. No sense living with the guilt.

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 310 reads
24 / 28
GaGambler 486 reads
25 / 28

You sound like an alcoholic who hates himself every time he takes a drink, but can't help himself.  

I love to drink, I don't feel the least bit guilty about it. I also love having sex with hookers, I don't feel the least bit guilty of that either.  

If you are doing this, but are racked with guilt over it, maybe you really do need some help?

mrposition 10 Reviews 320 reads
26 / 28

i had an amazingly open marriage (18yrs)-we both liked the same type of girl :)-i wear my ring everyday..EXCEPT...when im with someone new for the first time-i guess i wanna make sure she would wanted her too...have a few "friends" now where the ring stays on...

hljockey 2 Reviews 381 reads
27 / 28

The reason is obvious enough to me. I don't want to be thinking about the person wearing the other one while I'm doing it.

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