TER General Board

I have seen some of the Chicago BSC trainwrecks before.
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 1021 reads

I rarely ever participate, but read them for entertainment, but this one definitely caught me eye because it is a whole new level of BSC! Some of those trainwrecks are funny, some are just silly or stupid, some are boring. This one is scary!

Public threats of Blackmail and extortion!
Chicago again. Is it something in the water there?

However this latest has transgressed from simply a BSC nutcase to much more serious charges that can be levied against her.

Hopefully if anyone has received a threat from her they will immediately contact the authorities.  

Posted By: perfectstorm
Public threats of Blackmail and extortion!  
 Chicago again. Is it something in the water there?

GaGambler1258 reads

or thinking of ways to "up their game" as this cunt has taken BSC to an entirely new level.

What I find equally amazing is that some dumb ball-less BSU candidate is going to find a way to twist himself into a pretzel and defend this BSC nut job.

!_!1034 reads

She the total package too! Completely bat shit crazy, drama queen, extortion, blackmail total package!

-- Modified on 10/26/2014 9:52:57 PM

Posted By: mrfisher

I think of the money as a tribute or offering to the goddesses who go through a lot in order to bring us their wonderful charms.

 With effusive, slavish sycophants like the above regularly putting her on such an exalted pedestal I'm not at all surprised.

!_!905 reads

I don't recall him sticking up for this BSC HO.

And perhaps we manginas sometimes stick up for gals who, if they were judged by more gender neutral rules, would be found wanting.

Obviously there are times that providers cross a line and fall off their pedestals, but that is the exception and not the rule, at least with the gals we see on here, so for now, I'll stick with my story.

I think it is a lot better than the other extreme that distrusts and disrespects provider exactly because they are providers.

She may have been a little crazy, (ok maybe more than a little), but never threatened blackmail and extortion.

GaGambler603 reads

I wonder if her and the Dungbeetle finally ever jumped? lmao

I rarely ever participate, but read them for entertainment, but this one definitely caught me eye because it is a whole new level of BSC! Some of those trainwrecks are funny, some are just silly or stupid, some are boring. This one is scary!

However wouldn't the INS take interest in this?

Provided it's not an act.

DamienScott1055 reads

I wonder how the normal gals of Chicago think of these acts we've seen (Don't forget fave Giselle)imploding lately? I'm guessing not too highly. Giselle. CeeCee. Nicoleta. Cosmic. MacLeaky. And now this one. Chicago has sunk to new depths. Too sad. But lots of fun.  

Posted By: perfectstorm
Public threats of Blackmail and extortion!  
 Chicago again. Is it something in the water there?

BSC like this, is what makes so many guys fear giving out info.

If there was ever a chance of me giving out real info, having read that I now will absolutely never under any circumstances.

GaGambler903 reads

but I would bet money that you have no idea, and for the record, neither would I. Unless she was gullible enough to believe that "GO FUCK YOURSELF" was my full legal name. lmao

But not because I gave her the info to get on her site.  I went to her TER page and checked out an Eros ad. She's hot as hell and a mutual friend of ours (SD) likes her immensely.

GaGambler765 reads

I am with you on this one, I can't imagine sending my info, simply to look at her pics.

Of course I just there are many women who think that password protecting their gallery somehow keeps them safe. All it accomplishes with me is to get them on my "must miss" list that much faster. "I will beg for pussy......."

"I will beg for pussy, I will pay for pussy, but I will NOT beg to pay for pussy" Think I learned that one from GG Man. It's a great quote.

Posted By: inicky46
I will not beg to pay for pussy.

!_!1225 reads

Crazy ho's like her are exactly why some of us use separate emails and hobby phones. I wonder how her "marketing" plans will turn out when she no longer has a profile.

VOO-doo755 reads

I've seen crazier sh** than that. It blows over. People have very short memories.  

There's one poster on the NY Board (here too, sometimes)...her posts are always off the hook. You'd think guys would RUN. And they do...just not the other way. Seems that some guys like 'em nuts, or at least excuse nuttiness in the realm of paid sexual encounters.

Also, if she's well-known, people tend to think, 'Well, she has a great reputation, so it must be OK...'

!_!852 reads

And I mean a very long one.  We will certainly remember this BSC broad.

VOO-doo722 reads

that the majority tend to forget, especially when great reviews/shills start to appear.

-- Modified on 10/27/2014 9:19:16 AM

Maybe it should have stayed up, so people could see how BSC she is. DBA could have just closed the thread to more comments, but I guess they decided to pull it.

JackDunphy948 reads

Closing it without any more comments I think is the right call as long as it is left up.

JackDunphy940 reads

Court, that doesnt make any sense. The community needs to know about BSC guys and girls.  

Hiding someone's BSC behavior doesn't do anyone any good, especially when that BSC shit is so far over the line like this wacky broad.

Similar things.

Remember, the blind leading the blind. Crazy people follow each other. Best to hold the standards than to cause confusion.

The vast majority of women that I know simply want to do their jobs...with no drama.

That thread needed to come down due to LE reading these boards...as well as the outright threat to harm an individual.  Her prior rants related to a BDSM quantity...the OP that was taken down was NOT a game...but an extortion attempt.

Leaving it up would serve a useful purpose in allowing guys to see that there are some seriously destructive people in this game.  It's one thing to be a BSC nutcase babbling as if they are drunk, as is often the case.  

However with this maniac it wasn't a drunken stupor that spurred her threats.  She is dangerous and as such I would have liked to make sure that any and all in Chicago (and elsewhere if she left) had a chance to read her threat.

As well, gals need to be aware of her as the reviewers on her page may be forced to rat out girls for no other reason than she is a nutcase.


Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Similar things.  
 Remember, the blind leading the blind. Crazy people follow each other. Best to hold the standards than to cause confusion.

JackDunphy927 reads

That is like saying we shouldn't do Amber alerts because it can lead to more child abduction.

Any society, be it IRL or p4p, needs a way to protect itself and outing really crazy people is one way to do so.

"Standards" are meaningless if it means putting people in jeopardy.

Amber ALERTS vs Decapitation THREATS:

Amber alerts are to assist in finding kidnapped children. They are NOT threats. They - again - are to SAVE kidnapped children.

An online threat - including decapitating, and extortion left up for everyone to read, not helping encourage saving anyone. The TER posters spoke against it. But TER Admin did not. The only way it can be used as an example would to be for the board admins to make a separate post AGAINST the original post, stating they do not allow that behavior, and listing the consequences for the behavior, and reward for reporting it. (Just like rewarding people who find the kidnapper)

Silence and lack of enforcement will encourage further wrongdoing, whereas Amber Alerts are known to be dedicated to enforce and stop the kidnapping.

-- Modified on 10/27/2014 12:02:47 PM

JackDunphy1035 reads

Crazy people will do crazy shit. The whole "we cant do X because someone may copy cat it" is bullshit.  

Should TV and movies not do programs on rape, murder, kidnapping because some jackass MIGHT copy cat it? Fk no.

I hear your point, We just disagree. People need to see who the BSC's are in this biz. If TER wants/needs to edit out certain parts as to protect innocent people, fine by me, but I think really crazed posts by BSC should stay up.

You can have the last word on this Court. lol.

However it can not be very descriptive... For Example a person can not name names, nor describe a specific act.

GaGambler923 reads

How else are we to know who to steer clear of if all the evidence is removed?

Non BSC providers like you have no reason to stay off the boards, no one thinks you are going to go BSC, but it does serve to remind the guys that giving out their personal info is like playing Russian Roulette, you never know which chamber is going to be loaded with a nut job like her

Leave the thread up as a public service announcement to steer clear.

CubaGoodingJRsMama919 reads

But the crazy ass put up a new rap song, WTF this one takes the cake!

DamienScott1056 reads

I spend probably half the year in Chicago. Haven't seen anyone new. And won't for a long time.  

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
It's actually getting disturbing and not fun. Is anyone moderating?

Mind_over_Matter773 reads

I don't know what Bill did this time to make Hillary come out from UTR to threaten him like that!

bonordonor922 reads

It's quite effective in both cases. The guy is probably shitting bricks right now. She has moved on and doesn't even remember his name, if he leaves her alone. I think it is a learned "street" mentality. Very effective, but very dangerous. The lesson is you don't want to dis a hooker.

-- Modified on 10/26/2014 8:48:30 PM

However threatening a person with an R&B performance seems like a faux pas.  

Was the naughty hobbyist a female junior in HS?

DamienScott1047 reads

There is no "guy" champ. She was just trashing guys in general. Good luck with that.  

Posted By: bonordonor
It's quite effective in both cases. The guy is probably shitting bricks right now. She has moved on and doesn't even remember his name, if he leaves her alone. I think it is a learned "street" mentality. Very effective, but very dangerous. The lesson is you don't want to dis a hooker.

-- Modified on 10/26/2014 8:48:30 PM

There seems to be a lot a panic about this lady.  She's obviously fucking with your heads.  I don't think she's including TER in her future business plans and is giving us all a big fuck you finger in the face send off.   Crazy perhaps, certainly pissed off. Like a female version of NEG, but on steroids.  I don't think there is much substance to her threat of blackmailing people.  You didn't actually give her your real name did you?  If you did, well thats just Darwinism in action, but thats a topic for another day.

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