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I have never...
chipjeep 3 Reviews 206 reads

I've never seen a lady without reading every word on her site. Yea, I look at the pics too. Bad grammar is a huge turn-off but not necessarily a deal breaker. It's all about the whole package.

A lady's website? How much do you base your decision to see someone on what she has written? How many of you actually read our sites? Does bad grammar turn you off? Or do you just go straight to the photos and rates?

The ones looking for a cheap bang, go right to the rates then jack off to the pics.

I read the whole thing and read some reviews and bypass the guys bragging and pay attention to what the girl is like...LOL.....I try not to make snap decisions and do my research. You know in this hobby everybody is not going to click with each other and you can save yourself and the provider some grief by doing your research.... You are not always going to keep it from happening but you can cut it to a minimum....

I agree so far in my admittedly limited experience. I love when a guy mentions something I have blogged about, or follows my meeting instructions accurately. They get total brownie points with me!

I personally hate reading anything... Doesn't mean I am not interested in you!

How do you even know if you are one of the best clients of the ladies you see? You know most ladies will not tell you if you are merely an OK client and not one of they favorites. Part of a providers job is to make you feel like your the man. You know that right?

I just said that some people won't read every detail on the website simply just because they don't like reading or does not find it informative enough.

I think it is a combination of a lot of things.

Website design layout, accessibility, and generally, if the pics and her descriptions interest me, I would want to go on and read more about the lady. If I were to book her, of course I will read everything on her websites + reviews on TER.

I can't say that this is true for all people, but you would be surprised how influential website design can be.. My friend is into web development and there are studies done on it, he told me.

Your post "not really" was a direct reply to London's post, "the guys who take time to read are the best clients." So basically you are disagreeing with her point that the best clients are the ones that read. Furthermore you say you hate reading anything. So that is kind of like you were saying you are a "best client" and you don't read. Of course in this later post and your other posts, you are changing your story.

I guess I did not "fully" read London's comment. Like I said, I hate reading! 760 in SAT reading does not translate into real life capabilities.

Posted By: perfectstorm
Your post "not really" was a direct reply to London's post, "the guys who take time to read are the best clients." So basically you are disagreeing with her point that the best clients are the ones that read. Furthermore you say you hate reading anything. So that is kind of like you were saying you are a "best client" and you don't read. Of course in this later post and your other posts, you are changing your story.

The rate for jacking off to your pics, is within alot of guys budget....lol

I skip the whole "I am a classy women who would like to spend time with..."

But once in a while, if the lady is extraordinary, I would read the whole thing.

Yea with any business, typo and grammar mistakes are bad. But not a huge deal.

HobbyCity207 reads

Spelling, grammar are factors as is an investment in a quality website. I don't like those free, generic websites.

Posted By: prepkid
I skip the whole "I am a classy women who would like to spend time with..."

But once in a while, if the lady is extraordinary, I would read the whole thing.

Yea with any business, typo and grammar mistakes are bad. But not a huge deal.

I have to admit that really bad grammar or spelling does tend to turn me off. I normally read just about everything on the website of any provider that I am considering for a date. What she has written about herself and how she expresses herself is very important to me. Of course, I am also looking at her pictures and checking the rates. I also try to read any posts she may have on TER. These are important too, as they allow me to learn more about how she thinks and get a better feel for whether we will be compatible. Since I am looking for more than just a "wham, bam, thank you ma'am," compatibility or chemistry is very important to me.

an advanced degree and do not know the difference between "your" and "you're," that's gonna hit hard lol. I think the basic thing to remember is back up the image you choose to portray...ya'll certainly don't see the word "classy" anywhere on my website bwahahaha! What is really amusing are the women who actually pay a web designer to freaking make up the text for them, and their posts on discussion boards are below a fifth grade level lol.

-- Modified on 5/16/2012 3:44:00 PM

LOL! Too funny. But in my experience when someone says they are classy, they tend to.... not be so classy...it's almost like you shouldn't say that about yourself. At least that is how I feel when I look at sites that say so. Maybe I'm wrong.

.....just lying about even going to a college class or just being college educated with the worst spelling and symbols everywhere.  lol

I've seen an ad where these 2 ladies working together said they were "k0llege educated". I was almost offended.

-- Modified on 5/17/2012 12:52:25 AM

That is one of my pet peeves. While I like intellegent ladies, and it is nice to see ladies with a college education, it is not a deal killer. What is, is when someone claims something they clearly are not. I rather see gal with a GED and street smarts who knows exactly who she is, than a gal who claims she has a masters degree and can't write for shit!

lol i agree.  my rule of thumb is, anyone who uses the word "classy" to describe themselves, isn't!

How often do you come across someone whose website sounds completely different from how they sound in emails or here on TER? I saw on some site I was on recently- a site for providers' websites- a service that offers to write your website text for you. I wondered if that was such a good idea for that reason...

That is exactly why I like to read the posts as well as what is on the website. It allows me to see if how she expresses herself on the website is consistent with the posts she has written. Of course I expect the posts to be a little less formal, but you can still get a very good feel for someone by what they say and how they say it.

So if she doesn't post here you're unlikely to see her?

Or worse- have you ever met someone in person and were convinced that she wasn't the person you were communicating with before at all?

And ladies- have you met a man in prson and been convinced it was someone different too? (creepy!)

And it all pays a part in my choices.

I've never seen a lady without reading every word on her site. Yea, I look at the pics too. Bad grammar is a huge turn-off but not necessarily a deal breaker. It's all about the whole package.

If I have an interest in seeing someone I will look at her entire website to get a sense of who she (or her stage persona) really is. At this stage in my hobby career I am looking for Companions and not the Wham Bam Thank You Mam experience that I was content with in the past. I am looking for someone with a little more substance than just a pretty face (although that is important) and therfore I will read her site. I will also look at her board posts to get a better sense of her.

The entire web site more than once before I make contact. I follow up with reviews and look for the key information that makes me excited about meeting. Chemistry and companionship are important to me. I also pay attention to board activity. Naturally, photo's are important, however I don't need to release myself like a teen. I would rather save that for the special lady who gave me the erection. LOL

Posted By: Niceguy75
If I have an interest in seeing someone I will look at her entire website to get a sense of who she (or her stage persona) really is. At this stage in my hobby career I am looking for Companions and not the Wham Bam Thank You Mam experience that I was content with in the past. I am looking for someone with a little more substance than just a pretty face (although that is important) and therfore I will read her site. I will also look at her board posts to get a better sense of her.

If I plan on seeing the lady. Sometimes I read several times, before booking an appointment, and then again before the actual appointment, depending on the website and the content. Of course I am interested in her looks, her rates and her reviews also. If I look at the pictures and it is not someone I am likely to see, I probably don't go any further. If the pics draw me in and her rates are out of my budget range, I probably don't go any further. If the pics, and rates are good, I will look at reviews. If all that is good, I will read the entire website.

While the above is the general order that I will look at things, there are a lot of variations. Sometimes I discover a lady by her words first. Posts on the boards, wording in an ad etc. Or sometimes I discover a review first, in searching reviews, then I look at the other items in a different order. But generally I will look at those things (pictures, rates, reviews, text) and at some point I stop if I am not interested anymore, or continue on through everything if I am thinking of booking.

Now there are also some ladies that I have no interest at all in having an appointment with (Not my type as far as looks or service, or out of my budget range, or has some type of screening requirements I am not comfortable with), but whom I thoroughly enjoy reading their posts on the boards, and perhaps their blogs etc.

Some providers write three part novels, embellish a lot and one can pretty much figure out where it is going after reading a sentence or two, then I move on personally. When someone has too many words like goddess, unbelievable, etc. they are unbelievable indeed!

I am going to spend an hour reading a website. I don’t do that on any website I visit.

is making it shorter in text. Guys in general have a short attention span, but in the midst of T & A, it is next to nothing lol. I am planning on cutting it down to 5 pages ha ha.

There is absolutely no way anyone can write about themselves with embellishing a lot and without it turning into BS bordering on ridiculous.

There is a limit embellishment and when it turns into some 3rd rate movie type, legitimacy is questionable. No there aren’t any aliens living in asteroids plotting against the Earth.

serpius142 reads

Hello Sarah,

A provider's website does represent you on the internet. What you say or don't say does show a lot about you.

Bad misspellings, bad grammar are a direct reflection of the provider and I do know a few guys that will NOT see a provider who doesn't have a good handle of the written English language.

I have been brought up by my parents who strongly emphasized educatoin and since my father was a school teacher, I was blessed to have someone encourage me to utilize my mind for the greater good.

Those qualities are what I look for in a provider and the website, her ads here in TER and elsewhere are a direct representation of her on the internet.

How she is perceived is a direct result of her work that she put into those websites and ads.

Like this link shown here.

Can we scream ghetto!?!?

Or pick one of the highly rated TER ladies and check out their websites.

The different is how the provider takes the time to THINK and wants to show herself to the internet.


Posted By: SoftlySarah
A lady's website? How much do you base your decision to see someone on what she has written? How many of you actually read our sites? Does bad grammar turn you off? Or do you just go straight to the photos and rates?

i always consider a provider's website a direct reflection of her..some ladies have bright and attractive websites.that will peak your interest in her and make you want to know more about her..some are drab and boring with just the basics included..that leads me to believe she is also drab and boring as well..hence i move on even though she may be the hottest thing going..beauty is in the eye of the beholder..the beholder in this case also has the money..

At my age, I want a bit of companionship along with sexual gratification.  I prefer a woman, with whom I can convers and have things in common with, than my ideal body wire which I have nothing in common.  The web site gives you a hint of this. Especially worth reading are the FAQ pages.  Also the gift pages can tell a lot about the woman.  For example, if she asks for an Amazon gift card, she is a reader.

That's a thought- I wondered if gift pages weren't too presumptuous. So you find value in them- that's good to know. Does anyone else feel this way, too? I imagine it is all in the presentation.

then look at your rates....game on!!

Posted By: SoftlySarah
A lady's website? How much do you base your decision to see someone on what she has written? How many of you actually read our sites? Does bad grammar turn you off? Or do you just go straight to the photos and rates?

That's interesting. That is also what I am getting from my local board somewhat. I wonder if age has anything to do with how much someone reads. (Prepkid was the first to say he doesn't read.)

As someone in my 40s, I think I tend to have more in common with men who have clearly read my site and make mention of something I've said.

Do you tend to favor young ladies?

That may not have anything at all to do with it. I am just trying to gauge how much/what kind of text to put on my site.

than what she wrote about herself but I do read the entire website before seeing someone.
That being said, alot of ladies with the top ratings have good detailed websites.

Yes, bad grammar turns me off, but not completely. (How bad and how often it happens increases the turn off.)  I do go for the photos and rates. After reading some I check photos and rates, if I'm still interested I go back and read more.

Do you like them? Find them boring? What kinds of blogs do you like? I notice some ladies have very well-written erotic blogs. Turn-on or turn-off? (To me they are a turn-on, but I am not a client.)

I have trouble here because I am trying to be low-profile, so I don't want to give too much of myself away. So my blogs tend to be about things I am interested in more than the hobby. And I feel a little indiscreet blogging about my dating experiences.

What do you prefer? Or nothing at all? What is too much information?

even looks at it. I prefer to blog about things that are not about sex for once, because my entire life does not revolve around it. Every now and then some jackwad stalker will provoke me to mock him, but other than that I don't spend much time blogging. TER is my blog lol.

Bad spelling & gramar comes out very quickly...  I'm no great author but one who chooses words to represent them in web sites AND in ads...  should proof read them.  Google anything you're not sure of.  

Tiptulane183 reads

I have to tell you even if a provider's hot, sexy, and my type, if her grammar, spelling and punctuation are bad, I'll likely pass.

I suspect many providers think it's all about the photos but I know many men like myself who form their overall opinion on the look and feel of the website.

To me, it's a good indication to how importantly she treats the intangible, little things -- and those mean a lot to me.

My 3 cents worth.

vegasgent188 reads

There has to be an attraction and it grows from there.  I would say that you are building a site for your business take the time to use correct grammar.  Also if you are going to have a calendar or blog it is more of a negative if it is months and months out of date.  Better off not to have it then to have one that is not kept up.  For me the entire site and the discussion board comments have a big impact.  Last two providers  I saw were initially because I read comments on these boards that I appreciated so I researched them.  

Posted By: SoftlySarah
A lady's website? How much do you base your decision to see someone on what she has written? How many of you actually read our sites? Does bad grammar turn you off? Or do you just go straight to the photos and rates?

I think websites and how they are written are a great indication of personality and style. The text and content are as important as reviews as they reveal a lot about the provider.

Well written sites show that a provider cares about what is written and what it conveys to her potential clientele.

I start with pictures and rates, because that's 30 seconds worth of effort and I can immediately decide whether to proceed. If she looks good and is in my price range, then I read her site. Grammar and spelling are important. Her website and its text are her presentation of her business, and if it's sloppy, what does that say about how she'll treat me?

I'm looking for a companion and for someone who will make me feel good. Note that "feel good" encompasses much more than just an orgasm. I'm looking for some personality to show through that tells me she'll be sweet to me. I hate any "classy / upscale / elite" verbiage, but it's not a deal breaker. I like blogs, but I'm not looking for erotic story time in them. I'm reading to see what she is like. After I've booked, I also read through to make sure I follow any special rules she might have for when we meet.

Posted By: SoftlySarah
A lady's website? How much do you base your decision to see someone on what she has written? How many of you actually read our sites? Does bad grammar turn you off? Or do you just go straight to the photos and rates?

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