TER General Board

I have kids... I pay all the time! Bwahahahahaha!!!! EOM
BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 2964 reads
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varieties.  I, in my past, have divided my acquaintences into various groups.... but the top tier of friendship is defined by this sniff test...

you are driving home late one night and get stopped by the cops... and for whatever reason, you've done something that causes them to haul your ass off to jail... who do you call to come bail you out?  the top tier friend.

do I have friends like that who are providers - answer: NO.  But I have exactly three friends who live in my area who I would call - one is my lawyer (who I have enjoyed many an evening with just shootin the breeze...), one is my ex-wife - who I have called in a jam.... and we are despite the jokes about her... friends. and the final one is a co-worker... but he doesn't have any money... so I am much more likely to call one of the others....

Then there are friends that I value their advice... and would turn to them for comfort and emotional support... and I've several strippers who fall into this category... and a couple of providers who also fall into this category....

then.... there are folks I like to be around and they like to be around me.... lots fall into that category....

so.... in my mind.... do I have friends who are providers... yup!  How good a friend can they be?  pretty darn good...

What did I do last Friday night.... I called one of my adult entertainer friends just to say "hi"....  she was in the car impound lot... and needed a ride... as her car was towed...  even though I had plans... I cancelled them and helped her get to night traffic court, back to the impound lot and retrieve her car... no sex... just hangin with her to get her car....  as any friend would... would she do the same for me?  maybe... maybe not.... but friends don't ask.

-- Modified on 9/19/2007 9:52:06 AM

ShakingtheSheets 189 Reviews 770 reads
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You say you just called up a provider to say hi and she happened to need a ride. You obliged and there was no sex on this evening; you were just doing a good deed.

Well, let me ask you. How much money have you paid this provider over the years to arrive at the point where you can simply help retrieve her car from an impound lot? I will guess that you have paid a fair penny to this lady.  

And this is just my point...If the basis of your relationship from the start was sex for cash, then I argue it will always be that. That is what defines the two of you. Can one get beyond that? I contend that as long as you pay the lady for her time you are not friends. Even if you no longer pay, but once did, I dont know how you ever separate the past from the present. Once cash for sex, always cash for sex.

SLOTraveler 23 Reviews 862 reads
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"Once cash for sex, always cash for sex."

How do you figure that?  If your relationship moves beyond provider/client to friends/friends with benefits or more, and you are no longer paying her, it's no longer "cash for sex" even if it was at one time.   Unless you're assuming that the initial donation has turned into a "one time fee" for total access to the provider, I don't see how you can make this statement.  Relationships change over time no matter what the circumstances under which they start.

ShakingtheSheets 189 Reviews 1013 reads
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My contention is that once you engage a provider in a cash for sex basis, this is the very core of your relationship together. It is who the two of you are. The fact you may no longer pay her for sex does not change the fact that you paid her thousands of dollars to arrive at your current situation.

Yes, I'll admit relationships can change (i.e. friends with a woman first, to ultimately being her lover, and finally her husband). However, these relationships are not built on the foundation of pure cash for sex. Once you establish a relationship on this front, I dont see how you sit there as a one time client, look the provider in the eye and view yourself as anything more to her than a dollar sign. Even if you are not paying today, you have certainly paid her very well in the past. It is why you are supposedly getting free attention.

-- Modified on 9/19/2007 12:12:59 PM

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 536 reads
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and did not specify what type... porn actress, stripper, or a Cabaret singer... there are just soooo many types of adult entertainers.

Second, I did not pay to have her car retrieved - SHE DID!   I simply gave a ride and sat and made bad jokes....

Third, we've done other things together... not just this where NO money changed hands... and as for sex.... well, we've never had sex.  as I say, she is an adult entertainer.  

How we met was a bit different from the normal run of the mill ... but it is not the first time that I have met an adult entertainer... not knowing what they did for a living out of the frame of their work.... actually I met her in the frame of MY WORK!  perhaps she was expecting a freebie from me! bwahahahaha!

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 734 reads
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"Relationships change over time no matter what the circumstances under which they start."

As you grow up, your relationship with your parents change.... and if you have good parents, your parents become your friends....  or at least mine were.  

-- Modified on 9/19/2007 12:27:36 PM

ShakingtheSheets 189 Reviews 2057 reads
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Bizzaro, if you have never paid this particular adult entertainer to have sex with you, then this is not relevent to my argument. Your friendship with this lady is NOT based on cash for sex and therefore you prob. can and have a good friendship with her.

I am not talking about being friends with a person, then finding out they work as a provider or entertainer. Your relationship is NOT based on cash for sex. I am strictly speaking of trying to cultivate a meaningful friendship out of a relationship built from the start as cash for sex. I contend its not possible.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 973 reads
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You don't call your best friend to bail you out of jail; he'll be in the next cell already.

willpower414 2 Reviews 776 reads
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"A friend will help you move; A good friend will help you move a body"

"You never really know who your friends are until you really need them, but you always know who your enemies are"

r_bear11 23 Reviews 471 reads
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channelguy 32 Reviews 353 reads
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As I've mentioned in other posts, I'm new to this hobbying (such a nice "easy term" isn't it?!).    I met a lady early on in my PFP (paying for pussy) ventures that I really liked.  And she says that she really liked me!  Well who the hell wouldn't like me...I'm a great guy?  She said "wow you're wife is luck to have married such a blah, blah, blah guy.  And you are so blah, blah, wonderful, cute, successful (insert other ego building adjective here) man.  We should have dinner sometime and we can talk more.

OK! I say.  And after about the 4th visit with her I call her one later afternoon and say "Hi, it's "me" - what are you doing?"  

Nothing right now, she says

Oh! I say.  How about dinner?

That would be nice! She says.  And how much time do you want together?

I say, None tonight but I'll be happy to buy you a great dinner.

Long pause.

Uh....I just don't do that.

Do what, I say (I'm puzzled)

Go out on dates where I'm not paid (she says - slightly annoyed)

Pause (from me)

But I thought you said.......and then it hit me..YOU ARE STUPID!!!

So I meekly said....sorry, can't do that right now.

Awkward pause on both parts, then goodybyes.

Saw her one other time....the magic was gone.

Lesson learned by Mr. Channelguy?  YOU idiot..this isn't an emotional friend building exercise you're doing (although you'd like it to be) it's a business.

My point is:  Yes, there MIGHT be a provider I'd go to help with a flat tire but I wouldn't go to get her out of jail.

And I'd call my tax lawyer (note: he's an asshole) before any provider I know right now.

I have modified an old addage:  Never screw your friends but you can screw certain people you'd like to be your friends!

mrfisher 108 Reviews 615 reads
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dawgdish 25 Reviews 460 reads
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I agree with SLOT, the nature of relationships can and does change all the time. Now, I can see how it may bother some people that they once paid for sex and it would be in the back of your mind, but if the relationship has moved past that, why look a gift horse in the mouth? A friend is a friend.

Landem 665 reads
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no one SHOULD be looking for love (or even true friendship) in all the wrong places, i.e. within the confines of this P4P world. It is absolutely not something which anyone can or should have ANY expectation will happen. But ...

Sometimes strange and mysterious things do happen, things which cannot be explained or understood, even by those to whom they have happened.

(CG, keep any eye out for a PM from me one day ...)

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 674 reads
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providers that have comforted me in times of emotional stress.  Whether money exchanged hands or not, they acknowledged my emotional need.  (Actually in one instance, it was a very long phone conversation where much soul bearing on both sides of the line occurred.  The subject was VERY personal on both our parts.  Had we been in person, the nature of the encounter would not have been different...  and I count that as something a friend would do... and NO money was exchanged).  

My point is, there is not one yardstick measure of friendship as friendships come in a variety pack... not the large jumbo homogenous king size...  

Can I go back and forth with a friendship?  I think so - or at least I would hope...

Heck, I've had serious bust ups with some friends.... and a year or two later, seen them... and the friendship renews - maybe in some instances better than before... so why should this be any different?

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 446 reads
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but sometimes they do happen.... just as I do not look for friends in the lawyers I use, or the dentist or doctors I frequent... but it does happen.... and often when you are really not expecting....

GOLFMAN 35 Reviews 952 reads
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You ARE the same Hardy that spends his money to have sex with women whose appearance you rate on average a 5.5, right--lol- that still is the funniest thing to me that you pay to have sex with women, 61 reviews and counting, and your average appearance rating score is 5.5- AND YOU PICKED THEM!...but I digress:)  

Hardy, my friend. This is the most ridiculous line of argument. It does not logically follow.

I gave money to a local school board candidate 15 years ago. As a result of that very generous donation, we met. Had I never paid the money, I would not have spent 2 hours in an intensive session outlining my views and hearing hers. She lost and has never entered the political arena again. Today, she is a very dear friend. The Hardy rule says that my very real frienship is somehow tainted because it was initially based on me giving her money some 15 years ago-- ridiculous.

About 12 years ago, I heard about a woman who was in need from my pastor at church. I met with her and gave her a sizeable amount of money which  she appreciated and was helpful to her at a time she had given up hope. Today, this woman is a good friend of mine and of my family. She was able to get herself out of her predicament largely because of my generosity. Over the years, I have come to admire her tremendously- the respect I have for her ability to change her life for the good has benefited my spirit in ways you will clearly never comprehend. And the feeling is very mutual. Her kids, her husband have all become a valuable addition to my life and me to theirs. The Hardy rule says because our relationship started with me giving her money it is somehow tainted-- again ridiculous.

In my earlier post I mentioned a provider I've known for 9 years. We had a pay 4 play arrangement for the first 2 years. Been friends with her ever since and have not paid her another dime- not because I'm not willing or able but because she doesn't want it. She makes a small fortune from guys like you and likes having me in her life. What can I say. We talk on the phone like friends- we go to dinner like friends- we've been to Vegas like friends(she paid her own way and even arranged for a suite at Bellagio). We hang out like friends- she introduces me when we're out as her best friend- she seeks my advice on business, politics and wine like friends and I seek her advice on women, gambling, cooking(she's a gourmet) like friends. The Hardy rule says that this woman is not really my friend nor am I hers. I know of no other descriptor to give this relationship other than what it is-- we're very good friends.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it could be an elephant... But more often than not, it's a duck.

It's clear you have ruled out having a friendship with people to whom your initial contact was predicated on a financial transaction-- too bad for you because you may very well be missing out on knowing some great folks in a way that transcends the almighty dollar.  

-- Modified on 9/19/2007 11:25:14 PM

GOLFMAN 35 Reviews 1002 reads
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LOOKING for LOVE or a serious relationship from a provider is a mistake made far too often by men that should know better.

But, it sounds like many of us made a few friends along the way in this hobby. And for me, that is the icing on the cake. I guess Hardy doesn't eat much dessert...lol.

SLOTraveler 23 Reviews 1036 reads
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Indeed.   I personally hobby for the smile it puts on my face, the skip it puts in my step, and the anticipation of the company of a beautiful lady who I know is going to give me the time of my life, if only for a couple of hours, and who I know I can talk with for a while before and after about life and everything that goes with it.  I would not want to hobby in the rigid, uncompromising, harsh, dark place that Hardy seems to inhabit...where's the fun in it?  Where's the joy?  And if there's no fun and no joy, why bother?

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 622 reads
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but I have found some friends... and it always catches me off guard...

Like you, I have given money to those less fortunate - not for any reason other that I truly believe that if you can help a friend - you should.  Just as I have been helped by some - and I might add - some are providers on this board... that have helped me.

Loved your message...

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