TER General Board

I have an old soul. It will warm you up, OL. :-)
Billyboy1118 2017 reads
1 / 81

How do providers feel about older men (55-60)

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 613 reads
2 / 81
GaGambler 661 reads
3 / 81

80 is old. 55-60 aint fucking old.  

Now would you care to rephrase that dumb ass question of yours

LilyLondon See my TER Reviews 746 reads
4 / 81

are they nice? are they clean? are they respectful? if the answer is yes then i love them!

bigguy30 544 reads
5 / 81

This question does not apply to me.
It will one day and even then I won't care.
Some of these response comments are funny.

Posted By: Billyboy1118
How do providers feel about older men (55-60)

octavia.lexa See my TER Reviews 593 reads
6 / 81

my ex before the recent one was 71

something about really older gents really warms me up  
Posted By: Billyboy1118
How do providers feel about older men (55-60)

jelloman42 10 Reviews 467 reads
7 / 81

...if you consider pre-retirement age old you have a lot to learn...

GaGambler 526 reads
8 / 81

55-60 referred to age, not IQ.  

I just wanted to clear that up for you. We all know how easily you get confused.

bigguy30 471 reads
9 / 81

It's clear his question got to you but again that is your issue.
I just find your first response comment funny and this second comment here embarrassing.  

Posted By: GaGambler
55-60 referred to age, not IQ.  
 I just wanted to clear that up for you. We all know how easily you get confused.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 474 reads
10 / 81

How do providers feel about "boys". Age not gender.

12pointbuck75 18 Reviews 621 reads
11 / 81

At 70 yrs. I think I had the best sex this month I have ever had in my life.   These Atlanta provider's are going to kill me.   Lol.

Posted By: Billyboy1118
How do providers feel about older men (55-60)

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 388 reads
12 / 81

And I'll dance on your grave....lol. I may be 60 but I don't feel like my age. And most think I'm 50. Its a bitch asking for the senior prices at the local Pollo Loco.

some-guy 6 Reviews 380 reads
13 / 81

Oh, there I go again. Round and round she goes.

lopaw 29 Reviews 448 reads
14 / 81

How do they feel about us women hobbyists?
Or handicapped customers?
Or midgets?
Or Siamese twins?

There are so many different flavors of customers...... where do you stop

elainaamhurst See my TER Reviews 716 reads
17 / 81

I wouldn't put 55-60 in the 'old' category. I personally prefer to go up in age than down, but of course there always the exception to the rule on both sides. For me, if you treat me with respect, treat yourself with respect, and can hold a decent conversation, that is way more important than just age.  

The older a man gets, generally the more he appreciates women, the more he understands the way we work, the more he understands his own desires, and also the less inhibitions they have.  

And to me Ben Kingsley is one of the sexiest men ever!!!

some-guy 6 Reviews 417 reads
18 / 81
Gypsy2184 See my TER Reviews 476 reads
19 / 81

The most fun dates I've had have been older men...so sweet, polite usually more sensual vibe...

Posted By: Billyboy1118
How do providers feel about older men (55-60)

JackDunphy 422 reads
21 / 81
keystonekid 114 Reviews 396 reads
23 / 81

care of themselves that guys a generation or two ago. Age is just a number.

lopaw 29 Reviews 372 reads
24 / 81

Probably should have used "little people" instead.

Zak0326 33 Reviews 422 reads
25 / 81

I will take pride in knowing I am the exception to the rule. I don't want to piss anyone off but 55-60 is old as hell to my 5 year old niece. Who calls my dad grandpa an old man.

Posted By: elainaamhurst
I wouldn't put 55-60 in the 'old' category. I personally prefer to go up in age than down, but of course there always the exception to the rule on both sides. For me, if you treat me with respect, treat yourself with respect, and can hold a decent conversation, that is way more important than just age.  
 The older a man gets, generally the more he appreciates women, the more he understands the way we work, the more he understands his own desires, and also the less inhibitions they have.  
 And to me Ben Kingsley is one of the sexiest men ever!!!

jaydalee See my TER Reviews 488 reads
26 / 81

I wouldn't consider 55-60 old many of the gents I see are in that age range and can hang with the best of them:)
I have no issues with that age range:

jdn29 4 Reviews 368 reads
27 / 81

I work with undergraduates and graduate students and I've been jokingly called old many times (jokingly and seriously) even though I'm only in my early 30's. It's nice to know that I still have a lot of time before most providers and fellow hobbyists would even consider me old and when I am officially "old" there are plenty of providers that are more than willing to see me.  

It's like what Wooderson says in Dazed and Confused: I get older, they stay the same age.

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 422 reads
29 / 81

i don't think patrick stewart would mind having sex with ben kingsley either!

Fromundamyeyes 447 reads
30 / 81

..... had one obvious disconnect with a younger provider.  
She was 21. It wasn't her fault, I could just tell that the age difference didn't work for either of us. The rest of the ladies I see  
regularly are from 27 to 55. They all seem to enjoy themselves, and I definitely do

Adrienne Baptiste See my TER Reviews 402 reads
31 / 81

How do providers feel about "boys". Age not gender.

ValerieVipXoxo See my TER Reviews 459 reads
32 / 81

I love older men! they sure know how to appreciate a young sexy lady like my self.  

I hope to see some older men tomorrow in Studio City!

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 476 reads
33 / 81
Larissa_Sweets See my TER Reviews 406 reads
34 / 81

Been like that since I could remember. Never enjoyed the company of a younger man, only because the ones I have encountered have been clueless. I grew up too quickly so I was never in the same mind frame as they were. Money or not I've always lean towards my older gentleman, always.

MILFCARESSA See my TER Reviews 422 reads
35 / 81

Nothing better than a self-actualized man who knows what he wants and knows how to spoil a lady!  I love sophisticated sensuality that is tried and proved.  No young man can compete!

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 378 reads
36 / 81

Posted By: Billyboy1118
How do providers feel about older men (55-60)
-- Modified on 1/29/2016 6:59:11 AM

Sexy Carolina See my TER Reviews 355 reads
37 / 81
bigguy30 355 reads
40 / 81

We all know this is about the money ladies.

Posted By: elainaamhurst
I wouldn't put 55-60 in the 'old' category. I personally prefer to go up in age than down, but of course there always the exception to the rule on both sides. For me, if you treat me with respect, treat yourself with respect, and can hold a decent conversation, that is way more important than just age.  
 The older a man gets, generally the more he appreciates women, the more he understands the way we work, the more he understands his own desires, and also the less inhibitions they have.  
 And to me Ben Kingsley is one of the sexiest men ever!!!
-- Modified on 1/29/2016 7:51:46 AM

doncord 42 Reviews 463 reads
41 / 81

I'm 80 and going strong (or at least I think so,LOL)  Still seeing ladies on regular basis.  Hope I never quit.

scb19 10 Reviews 372 reads
42 / 81

cause us older guys treat them better.  

Posted By: Billyboy1118
How do providers feel about older men (55-60)

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 371 reads
43 / 81
GaGambler 395 reads
44 / 81
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 365 reads
45 / 81

Gotta love the guys who post with an alias because it equals instant BALLS LOL

Dallas_texan 388 reads
46 / 81

that I've read this thread!! I'm 48, in great shape and thought I was getting old. Being new here and in the hobby, I had reservations about the age difference. Now I definitely want that 20 year old!! Thank u ladies! I personally believe y'all's comments were genuine

elainaamhurst See my TER Reviews 400 reads
47 / 81

Or to have an opinion about the types of clients we prefer to see?

Kitty_Rains See my TER Reviews 426 reads
48 / 81

That's not old.. 50 is the new 30  
(could be all the preservatives in American food lol)

madman274 34 Reviews 364 reads
49 / 81

Sex workers like old men with money who spend it on them. They don't like old men who don't have money to spend on them.

elainaamhurst See my TER Reviews 406 reads
50 / 81

My thoughts exactly Drew!! xoxo

Gotta love the guys who post with an alias because it equals instant BALLS LOL

shammer29 9 Reviews 381 reads
51 / 81
bigguy30 335 reads
52 / 81

Most older men should at least be comfortable and have some money.
This is the real attraction for providers.  
Just stop acting like it's not true. Lol

Posted By: elainaamhurst
Or to have an opinion about the types of clients we prefer to see?
-- Modified on 1/29/2016 12:11:49 PM

bigguy30 361 reads
53 / 81

It seems like you enjoy another person on here that uses a alias and post comments all the time.
You never complain at those times.
I guess my comment hit a nerve with you Drew?

We all know most of these providers would not see older guys without making money. Lol
Just asked them out for a regular non hobby date and see what they say to you or others.
So most guys prefer younger providers on here too.
I am not one of them but look at other hobbyists comments and it will back up my point.

Gotta love the guys who post with an alias because it equals instant BALLS LOL

elainaamhurst See my TER Reviews 401 reads
54 / 81

then why would we care about age at all. There are plenty of young guys with money to spend, without all of the financial commitments that the older gents have. Conversely, there are plenty of older guys who have not planned so well. The original question here was about enjoyment. You can believe whatever you like darlin, but IRL, all of my previous extended committed relationships were with significantly older men, and none of them were any more financially successful than myself. Which is to say, we were both comfortable, but I certainly wasn't dependent on them.  

So, yes, I do enjoy having sex with older men, regardless of financial incentive. I do not speak for other providers, or their tastes. You can believe whatever you like, and I'm sure you will continue to believe whatever story you have to tell yourself to feel powerful, smart and important.  

It is quite obvious that you don't post to engage in an actual conversation, but instead to make yourself look noteworthy and others pitiable.  And keep hiding behind your alias....it doesn't make you a 'big guy' at all.

mnjohnny247 19 Reviews 364 reads
55 / 81

As a single man on the other side of 60 who has exclusively dated women 30+ years younger than myself, both civies and in this life, I appreciate your perspective.  It does not take much reading on the Boards to recognize that we "mature" men also get a lot of OTC time for lunch/dinner/events because women actually ENJOY our company, even Jack D......   LOL

Also, kudos to you for your smart, pithy response to the village clown, little man.  
Posted By: elainaamhurst
then why would we care about age at all. There are plenty of young guys with money to spend, without all of the financial commitments that the older gents have. Conversely, there are plenty of older guys who have not planned so well. The original question here was about enjoyment. You can believe whatever you like darlin, but IRL, all of my previous extended committed relationships were with significantly older men, and none of them were any more financially successful than myself. Which is to say, we were both comfortable, but I certainly wasn't dependent on them.    
 So, yes, I do enjoy having sex with older men, regardless of financial incentive. I do not speak for other providers, or their tastes. You can believe whatever you like, and I'm sure you will continue to believe whatever story you have to tell yourself to feel powerful, smart and important.  
 It is quite obvious that you don't post to engage in an actual conversation, but instead to make yourself look noteworthy and others pitiable.  And keep hiding behind your alias....it doesn't make you a 'big guy' at all.

donbecker54 19 Reviews 331 reads
56 / 81

I had an assistant who worked out with free weights every other night at my shop, and ran five miles every night. He had a heart attack on the job, and died. It really ate me up.

"Whenever I get the urge to exercise, I lie down until it passes."--Winston  Churchill

mrfisher 108 Reviews 307 reads
60 / 81

The reason of course is that the Latin root "sex" refers to the number six.

But you all knew that.

As for me, I'm just a dirty old man, and loving it.

Here's a song about me

ad4saf8 10 Reviews 301 reads
61 / 81

I have no concern WHATSOEVER what your 5 year old niece thinks of me.

Why in the Hell would you invoke a 5 year old niece ON A HOBBY BOARD!!!???!!!

Bloody Hell!

ad4saf8 10 Reviews 285 reads
62 / 81

Posted By: madman274
Sex workers like old men with money who spend it on them. They don't like old men who don't have money to spend on them.
True, but fair. You say that like it might be a bad thing.

berkleighofdfw See my TER Reviews 315 reads
63 / 81

Salt & Pepper, Dad-Bod & AARP are my current turn-on's lol TRUE STORY!

bigguy30 283 reads
66 / 81

Just reading your response comment does not move me at all.
The truth is old guys are money targets inside and outside this hobby.
Since you can't handle the truth that is your problem and not mine.
It's all about money in this hobby game and outside too.
We all know the truth and stop with the bullshit!

Posted By: elainaamhurst
then why would we care about age at all. There are plenty of young guys with money to spend, without all of the financial commitments that the older gents have. Conversely, there are plenty of older guys who have not planned so well. The original question here was about enjoyment. You can believe whatever you like darlin, but IRL, all of my previous extended committed relationships were with significantly older men, and none of them were any more financially successful than myself. Which is to say, we were both comfortable, but I certainly wasn't dependent on them.    
 So, yes, I do enjoy having sex with older men, regardless of financial incentive. I do not speak for other providers, or their tastes. You can believe whatever you like, and I'm sure you will continue to believe whatever story you have to tell yourself to feel powerful, smart and important.  
 It is quite obvious that you don't post to engage in an actual conversation, but instead to make yourself look noteworthy and others pitiable.  And keep hiding behind your alias....it doesn't make you a 'big guy' at all.
-- Modified on 1/29/2016 9:10:19 PM

bigguy30 329 reads
67 / 81

I wonder do you really think any of those woman you dated, would even look at you.
If no money was involved somewhere smart guy?
Just stop the stupidity and it's always about the money!

Posted By: mnjohnny247
As a single man on the other side of 60 who has exclusively dated women 30+ years younger than myself, both civies and in this life, I appreciate your perspective.  It does not take much reading on the Boards to recognize that we "mature" men also get a lot of OTC time for lunch/dinner/events because women actually ENJOY our company, even Jack D......   LOL  
 Also, kudos to you for your smart, pithy response to the village clown, little man.    
Posted By: elainaamhurst
then why would we care about age at all. There are plenty of young guys with money to spend, without all of the financial commitments that the older gents have. Conversely, there are plenty of older guys who have not planned so well. The original question here was about enjoyment. You can believe whatever you like darlin, but IRL, all of my previous extended committed relationships were with significantly older men, and none of them were any more financially successful than myself. Which is to say, we were both comfortable, but I certainly wasn't dependent on them.    
  So, yes, I do enjoy having sex with older men, regardless of financial incentive. I do not speak for other providers, or their tastes. You can believe whatever you like, and I'm sure you will continue to believe whatever story you have to tell yourself to feel powerful, smart and important.    
  It is quite obvious that you don't post to engage in an actual conversation, but instead to make yourself look noteworthy and others pitiable.  And keep hiding behind your alias....it doesn't make you a 'big guy' at all.
-- Modified on 1/29/2016 9:30:49 PM

Afro-desiac 329 reads
68 / 81

I will ALWAYS prefer an older gent over an arrogant, ignorant young clown like you.  I would be happy to see johnny and even go to dinner with him.  You, OTOH, will never even get to my door.

some-guy 6 Reviews 283 reads
69 / 81

Fifteen years can creep up on ya fast.

bigguy30 304 reads
70 / 81

Well of course someone like you prefer older guys.
The younger guys are not fooled by providers like you either.
You and other providers come on here saying it's about pay for play all the time.
I am cool with that but stop acting like you really care about these older guys.
It's all about the money and you know it too.

Also don't worry I never been interested in seeing providers like you.
Just a waste of time and money.
I am sure you and Jack will have a great time together.  
He is more your type. Lol
Posted By: Afro-desiac
I will ALWAYS prefer an older gent over an arrogant, ignorant young clown like you.  I would be happy to see johnny and even go to dinner with him.  You, OTOH, will never even get to my door.
-- Modified on 1/30/2016 7:42:27 AM

vantheman666 10 Reviews 322 reads
71 / 81

Nice blog, Sarah.  That was a wonderful story.

jaydalee See my TER Reviews 282 reads
72 / 81

-- Modified on 1/30/2016 10:03:19 AM

1705218 10 Reviews 303 reads
73 / 81


Posted By: elainaamhurst
Or to have an opinion about the types of clients we prefer to see?

1705218 10 Reviews 297 reads
74 / 81

Fish, Do you think I can sue them for using my photo without my permission? :)

Posted By: mrfisher
The reason of course is that the Latin root "sex" refers to the number six.  
 But you all knew that.  
 As for me, I'm just a dirty old man, and loving it.  
 Here's a song about me:  

bigguy30 274 reads
75 / 81

Posted By: cooper80
Posted By: elainaamhurst
Or to have an opinion about the types of clients we prefer to see?

Afro-desiac 293 reads
76 / 81

I guess putting "puff" after my alias is supposed to be a put-down but it's just weak.  Like your mind. And if you've been reading my posts I've said many times I'm OK with OTC meals when a gentleman asks.  One who's not a fool like you.  And where did I say it's not all about the money? I didn't. But it doesn't mean I can't have some OTC fun, too.
Oh, and do you know why you'll never get to my door?  Cuz this black ho has an NBA policy precisely to keep away classless fools like you.  All the girls know who you are because you've given it away many times.  What a dope.

bigguy30 308 reads
77 / 81

Also I never had a problem in my personal or hobby life dating or fucking any woman regardless of race.
The thing is you sound not only stupid but lost.
I never mention my race and now you are assuming things about me.
It's clearly a desperate stereotypical assumption on your part too!
The more you post everything is making sense now.

Posted By: Afro-desiac
I guess putting "puff" after my alias is supposed to be a put-down but it's just weak.  Like your mind. And if you've been reading my posts I've said many times I'm OK with OTC meals when a gentleman asks.  One who's not a fool like you.  And where did I say it's not all about the money? I didn't. But it doesn't mean I can't have some OTC fun, too.  
 Oh, and do you know why you'll never get to my door?  Cuz this black ho has an NBA policy precisely to keep away classless fools like you.  All the girls know who you are because you've given it away many times.  What a dope.
-- Modified on 1/30/2016 1:49:14 PM

Afro-desiac 331 reads
78 / 81

And you are talking (or drooling) out of both sides of your mouth on the issue of race.  You say I am "assuming things about me," but also say "I never had a problem in my personal or hobby life dating any woman regardless of race," which pretty much confirms what I said.  Are you really so dim-witted you don't realize this?
Not to mention the fact that you have, in fact, said you are an AA in posts here on the P&R Board.
So don't lie in such an obvious way.  You just look more foolish, if that's even possible.  You make me embarrassed to be AA myself.

bigguy30 303 reads
79 / 81

I know run to Jack to help you out.
Also I clearly got into your head and love it.
The more you respond  it's showing your desperation.
I just can't stop laughing at someone like you.

It's clear you have issues and need some help.
I say it all the time to the fools on here.
When you assume it makes you look like a ass.

I love messing with people heads on here.
You don't have a clue what I look like, where I live or how much money I have either.
Thanks for the laughs and business must be slow for you this Saturday? Lol

Posted By: Afro-desiac
And you are talking (or drooling) out of both sides of your mouth on the issue of race.  You say I am "assuming things about me," but also say "I never had a problem in my personal or hobby life dating any woman regardless of race," which pretty much confirms what I said.  Are you really so dim-witted you don't realize this?  
 Not to mention the fact that you have, in fact, said you are an AA in posts here on the P&R Board.  
 So don't lie in such an obvious way.  You just look more foolish, if that's even possible.  You make me embarrassed to be AA myself.
-- Modified on 1/30/2016 3:36:07 PM

Afro-desiac 326 reads
80 / 81

And a HUGE lead in the race for the SPOTY.
Why does everyone call you FatGirl?

-- Modified on 1/30/2016 8:08:30 PM

bigguy30 292 reads
81 / 81

I could care less about you or others making fools of yourselves on here.
The insecurities you are showing in your comments is wild.
Also name calling from you or others.
When we never met is embrassing.

It really must be a slow night for you.
This is what happens when you are a follower and limit your client pool.
Thanks for the laughs and again get some help.
Posted By: Afro-desiac
And a HUGE lead in the race for the SPOTY.  
 Why does everyone call you FatGirl?

-- Modified on 1/30/2016 8:08:30 PM
-- Modified on 1/30/2016 11:45:55 PM

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