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I have an idea, any suggestions. Long Post
Dancingbear125 11 Reviews 4668 reads

Okay, my .02

There is a need for a corporate tax, but not for the reason you are thinking. It has nothing to do with the governments ability to raise revenue, but a whole lot to do with the governments ability to direct the economy. We do not have a central based political economic system in this country. In short, if the government sees a need for increased economic growth in a particular sector for any reason it is impossible to force the private sector to get involved. However, using the Internal Revenue Code, does have that effect by granting tax breaks for companies and individuals that support econonmic policies. My problem with George Bush's incentive programs, the 300.00 early refund, and last years $400 early child care credit, is  that they are a waste of time and government resources to build up the economy. As an analogy it is like throwing a million gallons of water at an incoming tidal wave. A good effort and a lot of work, but in the ebd it is utterly pointless. The major factor in out economy is transportation, whether of goods or people. When the costs of transport increase the economy suffers. Prices go up, companies and people start buying less, people begin getting laid off. Well we all know the drill. Unfortunately OPEC holds the keys to a this very vital part of economy. And they can raise oil prices for strictly political reasons. If you don't think OPEC is going to raise oil prices because Bush has scared the crap out of them. I think you are wrong. They will raise the prices, which will cause our economy to slow, Bush will be blamed for it, and most likely lose the election. Historically we wil not re=elect a president who has had the economy drop year after year. It is a show of no faith, so to speak. We need jobs. We need to cut dependence on foriegn oil. How does the government do that? Without bankrupting the government in the process.

Here is an idea. Hydro-Electric Cars. The government offers a 100% tax credit to all auto manufacturers for R&D on hydro-electric cars. They offer a 100% tax credit to all gasoline suppliers, and manufacturers to begin R&D and purchasing of new equipment to prepare for the switch over. Since Hydrogen is produced cheaply by the electrolisis of water and is the most clean burning of fuels (it gives of water vapor) the enviromentalists will back it. Because of the tax credit, so will the auto manufacturers and the american oil companies. Now to add frosting to the cake, you allow the average american to deduct, in full from his taxes, spread out over 5 years the cost of a new hydo-electric car including interest. Oh my God, this will bankrupt the nation, or will it? I f you figure this at a cost of roughly $6000.00 per year for each person that buys a new car of this type, you are looking at a cost in revenue of $1200 on average. Now how many people would buy a car under those conditions. How many manufacturing jobs would this create, not to mention all the ancilliary businesses that would need people in the service industry. What effect would this have on the political power of the oil producing nations? The tax credits to the manufactures would simply mean a net 0 change to their profit line, and with the politacal implications for them it would be priceless. Green peace, the UAW, Standard Oils and the big three with all their lobbiests all on the same side? Is it possible?  

it's based on a true story of what happened in L.A. in the 1950's. It was a conspiracy of oil companies, tire mfrs. and auto makers to get rid of electric public transportation (which was restored at considerable cost 40 years later).

See also "The Water Engine" with William H. Macy as a man who invents...a car engine that runs on water and what happens to it and him.

Car makers already have a hyddrogen-powered car but have no interest in developing it seriously because of their incestuous relationship with oil companies who want to suck the last drop of oil out of the ground for the next 100 years -- if the Earth survives that long.

Lady Atria3860 reads

It's a great cartoon.
Jessica Rabbit wasn't bad, she's "just drawn that way".
As to transportation, how about the cartoon taxi?

I just can't get serious today - the weather is TOO NICE!
My transportation today will be a walk in the park, a picnic at the beach, and a snooze in the sand-dunes feeling the breeze on my skin.

you can produce enough hydrogen to generate 10 kilowatts of power by consuming only 11 kilowatts of power in the electrolysis of the hydrogen.
But it is clean burning, I'll give you that.

emeraldvodka3038 reads

by demanding that politicians do what is right for the public, instead of lining their pockets:):)  How dare you hold US politicians to such a high standard and demand such courage from them.  US politicians have every right to be just as corrupt as any 3rd world country sell-out.
  Well of course the technology exists to help rid us of oil, and create millions of jobs in the process, and benefit our national security and Middle East stability.  But the oil companies own most of Congress which is why change is so slow in coming.  You think members of Congress don't know that various technologies exist to help rid us of Middle East oil for good??
They know it, but guess who pays the big re-election bills:):)

The cheapest and cleanest way to produce hydrogen is with nuclear power, but of course the environmentalists are against nuclear power.  Also it'll take decades before the infrastructure is in place to support hydrogen cars.  Have you seen any hydrogen pumps at your local convenience store?

Why do people always want the government to lead the economy?  It's mainly the reason the economy gets screwed up in the first place.  The government spent years trying create a standard for high-definition tvs, and they screwed that up because the world was turning digital and they were still thinking analog.

Here's a simple suggestion that works for me: Instead of thinking of ways our government can make this a better world, think of your next visit to a provider as your way of making this a better world.

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