TER General Board

I have a great system
Sexy Carolina See my TER Reviews 204 reads

My friends arrive at a safe and open spot very close to my incall. They call me and then I give them my address. Only then do they get it.

The only stalkers I have ever had have been providers in cyberspace.

One day though...I was walking my dogs. I was wearing a lil black sundress. I saw this beamer come unto the property and make a slowwwwwwww u-turn. Park...then drive away.

That night I had an email from a friend. He said he was out doing the boy scout thing..checking out the area...(We had a date the next day) And I saw this beautiful woman in a black dress with her dogs....

I remembered seeing him. That was interesting. I love where I live, and I want to keep it that way. all of my friends are very respectful of me and my privacy and for that I am blessed.

emsjhs20091867 reads

next door neighbor and her room mate appear to be involved in the business as providers.  don't really care if some guy wants to buy sex, but am concerned about noise, traffic and parking problems in my townhouse complex.  any ideas how to handle? don't want to get LE involved or piss them off.

youluckysob298 reads

I'd go broke.  In all honesty, act like you don't know anything about it.  If you're a client, treat it like you would with any other provider.  I'm curious to hear how this is going a few months from now...

I think it depends on the role you play.
year or so ago, one of my clients told me I had another provider living ALMOST next door. I was surprised. I believe I met her before she moved. No introductions..but she offered me some plants and planters. Since then, another client has told me again, that another provider lives close to me.

I don't worry about other providers or hobbyiests living close to me. But next door....hmmmmm

Are you a provider?.

..if not, I would not worry too much.


-- Modified on 11/5/2009 12:16:14 PM

Have you had these problems or are expecting to have them?   Everything you stated is a red flag to L.E. and can draw unwanted attention to a provider.
I am assuming that unless you are single, and have relatively nothing to lose being caught with a provider you will not be trying to take advantage  of the situation.  Then again a close provider can usually accommodate last minute appts. and save on travel expenses and maybe willing to give a neighborly discount since work is literally minutes away.  That being said your best bet maybe to simply slide a note under the door stating your concerns and that you are a hobbyist in the complex with some minimal contact info(so you don't scare the girls to death) encouraging them to contact you with same so if problems do arise you can contact each other directly rather than involving LE over a taken parking place or increased noise. Dont assume,   I hope you are sure these ladies are providers, if not i would suggest saying NOTHING.  Providers or not if they are doing something that bothers you or from what it sound like may bother you always talk to you neighbor first and leave LE out of it.  Don't be that "i'm calling the police" guy.

...You are a hobbyest and you would actualy think about getting LE involved?  Nice to know that as a 'member' of this community you would throw one of us under the bus like that. Exactly how much traffic are they creating??  If they are low volume and the traffic is no different than say a couple college girls having their friend in and out, I say mind your own business.

I realize I am not a provider but as a general rule when i move into a new home i give any new neighbors my phone # and email to contact me should they have any problems with my parties, dog, Harley s, or God forbid my animal sacrifice.  My point is if you can call number (theirs preferably) and achieve the desired results there will be no reason to involve LE.  Odds are you are not me so you would not want to risk being seen coming in and out of their apartment so you if you simply exchange contact info with them in case of future problems I do not think you would be labeled a blackmailer.

If you're positively sure that they're providers, then if you can get friendly with them, and let them know that you're a hobbyist, you might want to strike up a conversation and hint around that moving your incall location around a bit to various hotels will seriously cut down on the chances of LE showing up. Just let them know how important discression is.

I never see more than a client a day.
There is tons of parking in and around my incall.

My area is very upscale. There are never johns coming and going. Is it because of my maturity?
Wouldn't you think I would want my own safe haven?
My safety and yours comes at a price.
\Using common sense helps.

I know not everyone has common sense but I do.

There is no way...any of my neighbors...and they have been my neighbors for 3 years..have a clue what goes on in my bedroom.

There is nothing better in my opinion than a sexy INTELLIGENT woman.
Brains...I was there when they handed them out.

I also have a degree in Criminal Justice. I think like a cop. But I'm Sexy Carolina.

Sexy Carolina has a very good point here. You can work out of your own home, but you have to be smart by the way you do it. The stalker factor is the thing I think I would worry about if I were a provider. I hope SC is smart about this too.

A woman with brains is VERY sexy!

My friends arrive at a safe and open spot very close to my incall. They call me and then I give them my address. Only then do they get it.

The only stalkers I have ever had have been providers in cyberspace.

One day though...I was walking my dogs. I was wearing a lil black sundress. I saw this beamer come unto the property and make a slowwwwwwww u-turn. Park...then drive away.

That night I had an email from a friend. He said he was out doing the boy scout thing..checking out the area...(We had a date the next day) And I saw this beautiful woman in a black dress with her dogs....

I remembered seeing him. That was interesting. I love where I live, and I want to keep it that way. all of my friends are very respectful of me and my privacy and for that I am blessed.

Probably best to leave it alone.  

So, you're concerned about noise, traffic, and parking problems...  No worries about anyone getting caught...  just minor disturbances to you?

How much traffic or parking problems could there be??  Unless they're are taking on crowds of people  you have one less parking space at your complex occasionally..

Are you hearing too much loud moaning?  If sound carries and bothers you that much you can slide a note under their door about noise.  I'm sure they'll get the hint and tone it down...

Their feelings will be hurt and if they figure out it's you who wrote it- they probably won't like you much after that.   Just sayin....

An alternative would be to take the time to befriend them and ease in your concerns after that.  :)  If you notice and think they are providers, your advice could be beneficial to them...

-- Modified on 11/5/2009 1:08:50 PM

MikeysPal263 reads

Now I'll have to put you over my knee and spank you.  Then, if you want, we can change spots!

Now I'm all excited and turned on.  Spankings are hot...  especially bent over your knee...    Damn short attention span!

of spankings, and other forms of 'punishment' with said lady, I must give a very enthusiastic 2 thumbs up!!!

I'm bracing myself again, Destiny! ;)

What noise?  What traffic?  What parking problems?  Come on.  You're talking about one client who comes and then goes.  
It's not like these ladies are throwing orgy parties are they?  
These concerns that you state don't make any sense.  Mind your own business and go on with your life.  
Also if I were you, I wouldn't have anything to do with them.  Don't try to be friends or a client.  Just go on with your life and pretend that you know nothing about the business or about their business.
Leave it alone.  I don't see how it's harming you in any way.

I visited with a provider at her very nice condo recently.  I came quietly, had a great time and left just as quietly.  Like others have said, sounds a bit ironic that a hobbiest would be worried so.

This is a bunch of hooey - worrying about noise, traffic, etc.  

Geez, these ladies have to live next to someone and chances are the volume of clients is going to be a lot lower than this poster is imagining.  He ought to move on, mind his own business, and go worry about something more important.

there is TWO ladies providing out of ONE apartment.  One lady would more than likely not be as much of an issue  but because there are two means there is twice as much volume, twice as much traffic, twice as many male visitors at all kinds of different hours.  That would bring ALOT of attention. And depending on the layout of the place, it may be completely obvious to any and all who live there.  

If the OP has any kind of a life and he notices that something is going on there, then so are others...including the management.  Which means it is only a matter of time before LE is involved.  

OP, I would suggest either:  1. stay clear and stay out of it, or 2. slip an anonymous note under the door telling them you suspect they are providers and list the reasons to backing up your suspicions and suggest they book a hotel for their future dates or that they clean up their act.  A huge part of this biz is discretion and they are not being discreet.  IF it saves their asses, they will be forever grateful.  IF you are wrong, oh well, you will be a little embarrassed but so what...they won't know who you are.

just my .02,

I think if I lived next door to anyone who had lots of loud company day in and day out and the traffic got on my nerves. I would write them a note. This is just like any other case of rude neighbors.

The man does have to sleep here, have his own family and friends over. Who wants to be bothered with all the noise and constant flow of strangers all around their house all the time?

I would slip a note under their door and not accuse them of anything. If they are providers, trust me they will tone down the noise and company because they don't want the property management, other neighbors, or LE involved.

As for playing with them....you can already see they are NOT into discretion.

purrrrrr153 reads

If you notice it so do your other neighbors and they WILL call LE
Help the girls out and slip an annonymous note saying:
Ladies Im pretty sure I know whats going on there and I would hate to see you get into trouble because all it takes is 1 person to complain and LE will investigate....if they arent already!

....slipped a note under my door and said they knew what I was doing etc...  I'd be pretty scared I think. WTF, who is watching me? Sounds to me like this guy spends a little too much time peeking between his curtains at the neighbors.  Seriously...how much traffic could there be?  I live across from some ODU housing and there's folks coming and going all hours of the night. Up to no good? Hooking? Dealing? Try just having lots of tennents and tennets have lots of friends and family. Good grief, back away from the window!!!!!!!!!

purrrrrr156 reads

2 girls, probably hot and lots of mature well dressed men in and out all day. If each girl sees 5 guys in a day thats 10 cars not usually in the parking lot and 10 guys passing by that youve never seen. You know how indescreet guys can be, they are probably walking up to the building on a cell phone talking about, "what apartment number is it!"
I know every one in my building and their cars and Im barely ever home and Im not a window peeper.

You mean that in this economy there are still ladies who get 5 appointments per day? Wow, I'm packing up and moving to your neighborhood! It would be a windfall to even get 5 in one week here in Florida!

Slip them a discrete note, explaining about the noise. That's it, leave them the hell alone. If you can't deal with it, find another hobby.

GFELoverxox134 reads

simple as this. If you didn't know about this biz you wouldn't be the wiser, so just get over it unless IN FACT it IS a problem. Sounds like you are guessing at what might happen coulde happen and may happen.
Stop spying on them. Get a life.

Are you seriously concerned with the noise and traffic or are you just nosey?
Mind your own business!
If there is a problem, write them a note.
If it continues, THEN go to the complex manager, explaining there is a noise issue. NOT that you think the two hot chicks who moved in next door might be providers and you wanted to make him aware of it.
Don't be dumb and introduce yourself as the hobbyist next door and DON'T call LE.
Are you crazy?!
You sound like a hypocritical prude!
Some day you might get caught with your pants down around your ankles.
Just something for you to think about.

Contact the property mgr as you would do with any other neighbor.  They will send a discrete note to the tenant that a disturbance complaint was lodged.  That's their job. Unless they are recalcitrant idiots, that should handle it.

DO NOT try to be slick and suggest that you "know what's going on."  At the very least you wil come off as threatening.  The only way someone would interpret that message is that you intend to use that info against them to achieve some goal.  Otherwise why mention it? And what if you are wrong? You then have to deal with the boyfriend for hassling his girl. Oh...you may have to deal with him if you are right, too.

Live and let live. Ease up on the hypocrisy.  It's bad Karma.

Most apartment leases and condo bylaws have restrictions on operating a business from the residence.
Maybe she is a licensed massage therapist.

If you decide to discuss this with your neighbor I would focus on the "business" operating her place rather than what might or might not be going on inside.

Get a place that cost 25 Times you provider what you spend on providers in a year. I spent 1/20 of what I spend on housing on providers and I think that to high since I live Michigan and may lose my job any day do to fact people that need jobs are every where So I need to be save every penny for a raining day.  But a guy has to have some fun some time.I also like incall but not out of some one house I would other way of checking if she most likely real provider like TER.

-- Modified on 11/5/2009 6:54:11 PM

or you could find yourself dealing with Guido (no offense to Italians) or a pissed off BF.

It sounds more like your fantasy than reality.

I was shown an apartment that the landlord said would probably be available soon. It was messy; mattresses on the floor; ratty sofa in the living room (waiting room?). Another unit became available so I ended up taking the already empty unit.

I'd come home and some unknown car was almost always parked in my parking space. I'd complain to the landlord and he finally told me that the other apartment was being operated by two girls as their, uh, place of business and that he was trying to get them to leave or evicted.  

I was never bothered by the "business", the foot traffic and there was no noise. It was the darn parking! I'd get home dead tired and couldn't park my car! By ME, that was their big mistake. (There was on-street parking close by.)

Once I knew what was going on, I took more notice of the business: quite a bit, sometimes there was  a waiting line.  The girls, I gotta tell ya, weren't all that much to look at in their civvies. Back then, I had zero interest in seeing them any other way. I just wanted my parking space!

octovert138 reads

If they are taking up your parking, which you rented, then you owe them no special favors, consideration, or reverence. Leave a note on the car in your space that their plate number is on record. Park your car so they can't get out. Twist one of their mirrors, scratch their paint, especially if it is an upscale, just do it Vermont-style: syrup-ticiously!.

shudaknownbetter151 reads

Providers who work where parking is an issue should figure out a plan & tell the client where to park.
Over several years, I've been to one lady's incall where she was able to view me from the call location & directed me around the block & had me park in a lot & walk over.
Another had me park in a specific space (4B) that she rents for her LMT business, behind the apt building.
Yet another has a legit home business & I park in the designated space.
Yet another light touch lady had me street park legally around the corner, rather than in another tenant's space.  
This is a problem intelligent ladies wishing NOT to draw attention to what they are doing, should have anticipated & solved beforehand.

I hope that octovert was kidding when he suggested targeting / damaging the offending cars. Maybe it was THE GIRLS who told them to "park anywhere" (even though there were the usual signs in the lots). I didn't keep track, but they were probably all different cars / people anyway, not that I would have noticed repeats.

I prefer shudaknownbetter's comment. "Providers who work where parking is an issue should figure out a plan & tell the client where to park." And the key thing to remember: NOT IN MY SPACE!

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