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I HATE auto replies!angry_smile
lopaw 29 Reviews 582 reads

Often I have to email a provider to ask about her client preferences. Getting an auto reply that doesn't answer my question is useless to me and will inspire me to remove that lady from my TDL.

How do you guys feel about them? Do you subscribe to a lady's newsletter? Are auto-replies helpful or annoying?

89Springer728 reads

The auto reply is always a bit of a letdown, as I think it's going to be the live assistant or the provider herself responding. It at least lets me know that the form made it through. Sometimes they don't, and you don't know it.

As for newsletters, what do providers put in them?

from one lady to the next. I imagine touring dates, vacation times, new photo sneak-peaks, etc. At least, that's what I'd put in mine. Just exploring the idea as my new website will have that capability.

Thanks for answering! :)

Posted By: 89Springer
The auto reply is always a bit of a letdown, as I think it's going to be the live assistant or the provider herself responding. It at least lets me know that the form made it through. Sometimes they don't, and you don't know it.  
 As for newsletters, what do providers put in them?

If I have a mild interest, I will subscribe to a newsletter.  Doesn't mean I'll make an appointment though - but to be honest it probably does increase the probability that I would - and it certainly keeps you on my mind.

If I have actually seen you (and I had fun...), I will definitely subscribe.  Certainly keeps you on my mind and definitely increases the probability that I will make another appointment.

If I were in your business - I'd have a newsletter as part of my marketing plan.  One of the more interesting varieties of that is the "independent group" newsletter which seems to be organized by a screener as part of the service she offers.  The one I am thinking about is oriented towards publishing tour dates.  

Autoreplies (newsletter I assume....)  - As a practical thing - if you have lots of subscribers an auto reply is going to be a necessity and is certainly better than nothing.  However, if you want to "convert" from a mild interest to a potential "appointment" - and if the volume is low enough (clients you have seen, for example) - you might consider something more personal.  

If you are really thinking about doing a newsletter - I assume you are already doing  a "thank you for being a customer" email after a session.  An interesting idea would be to include an offer to subscribe along with that note

Take it one step more on the auto reply, if it is not followed up with personnel response I will find it very distasteful  

Posted By: mongo19621954
If I have a mild interest, I will subscribe to a newsletter.  Doesn't mean I'll make an appointment though - but to be honest it probably does increase the probability that I would - and it certainly keeps you on my mind.  
 If I have actually seen you (and I had fun...), I will definitely subscribe.  Certainly keeps you on my mind and definitely increases the probability that I will make another appointment.  
 If I were in your business - I'd have a newsletter as part of my marketing plan.  One of the more interesting varieties of that is the "independent group" newsletter which seems to be organized by a screener as part of the service she offers.  The one I am thinking about is oriented towards publishing tour dates.  
 Autoreplies (newsletter I assume....)  - As a practical thing - if you have lots of subscribers an auto reply is going to be a necessity and is certainly better than nothing.  However, if you want to "convert" from a mild interest to a potential "appointment" - and if the volume is low enough (clients you have seen, for example) - you might consider something more personal.  
 If you are really thinking about doing a newsletter - I assume you are already doing  a "thank you for being a customer" email after a session.  An interesting idea would be to include an offer to subscribe along with that note.  

I keep up with the goings-on of several gals that way.

Auto-reply only makes sense if the gal in question is going to be indisposed for more than a day or so, such that the person trying to contact her will know why he hasn't gotten a speedy response.  The auto-reply should state when the gal will be able to get back to you.

Sending an auto-reply to each and every email is a waste of time, however.

Namaste Sarah,

When it comes to auto-replies I personally find them irritating. When I've emailed ladies in the past to request a banner exchange or to communicate about a client or just ask a question and I get an auto-reply that they have set up for clients who email them I've been left feeling irritated. Thus, knowing how I feel about it I purposefully have not set up auto-replies when receiving emails for this very reason. Instead I prefer my first response to a potential client to be a personal email where I comment on something they have said in their reservation form to let them know I took the time to read it. It makes for a much warmer communication between us even if I send the email back six to eight hours later. Generally I respond to emails quickly but usually maximum within 6-8 hours. Auto-replies generated by your email system just seem like such an assembly line response but I know each lady has her own views on this.

As far as Newsletters-Love having this feature on my new website! Its a great way to keep past clients and potential future clients in the loop about cities I will be traveling to, when I get new photos and the play-parties I am attending if they want to join. I have a general mailing list and then a few options broken down by major USA cities. If a client wants to sign on I add him to my general list as well as the specific city or region list where he is located.

On a completely unrelated note-I am so excited to attend the Meet and Greet you will be hosting next week in Orlando. Can't believe I have not see you in about a year and half..I adore you and am looking forward to the party.

--Sitara Devi

It the lady is an atf, then newsletters, and blogs are great. Especially if they keep me informed as to the wheres and whens of her availability. It also keeps her in my mind, as compared to someone you never hear from in between sessions. Trust me, when it's time to choose a lady for a session, in my mind has a huge impact.  

Auto-responses are fine if the lady is away from the hobby. But of course, she could have put upcoming vacations in her newsletter. However, it's different if the lady uses auto-responses for all her emails. If I've written a nice introduction, and receive an auto response, I'm just not feeling that personal connective touch from her. For some reason, those sessions never come to fruition.

Often I have to email a provider to ask about her client preferences. Getting an auto reply that doesn't answer my question is useless to me and will inspire me to remove that lady from my TDL.

A.Pismo.Clam615 reads

Auto replies R way down my list.  Like th man sed abuv, at leest U kno yore messidge wuz receeved.  Wut countz iz how soon U get a reel replie.

Here'z a nuz flash fer ya....I ain't no man....but thanx fer playin' our gamez today!

A.Pismo.Clam666 reads

Thought that wuz clear.  Im well awear you're a Lezbeean.  Persunally, I luv lezbeens. Wee shayr a luv uv pussie an itz all good!

Whatever 'it' is. I'm thinking it did it's homework on the bus as a child.  

Such a shame.  

xx kisses

And to the above poster leaving a streak_____blatantly OBVIOUS and RIDICULOUSLY premeditated grammar and misspelling is nothing shy of simply being..........well, odd. Even on here. Just post like normal whoever you are. I don't get it lol. It seems like far too much work IMO. Carry on then or maybe head back to the ocean LOL

-- Modified on 2/11/2015 11:47:50 AM

Too impersonal to me.  If a lady is coming back to my area, the best way to get my attention would be a short personal email, "Hi XXX, just wanted to let you know I'll be back in town, Feb 20-23.  Would love to see you again!"  This is a high $ business of personal attention.  A group email is as impersonal as they get, and just doesn't convey the GFE fantasy, but rather, "you are one of so many guys that I can't take the time to send you an individual note."  To me (as a visceral reaction anyway) it's more of a indicator/reminder of volume than a nice invitation to spend time with her again - because I know lots of other guys she's been with are getting the note at the same.  Just isn't an effective marketing tool for me.  A regular TER ad on my local board or P411 ad is more effective for me personally, because that is going out for the world to see, and isn't grouping me with other past clients.  But I'd have to say that the the short - sometimes flirty - personal note really can pull me in and get me thinking of a lady, even at a time I wasn't considering having a date.  I'm just a sucker for personal attention

Like, "please be patient if you don't hear from me immediately.  I respond to all emails myself, without an assistant.  Usually I will do so within 24 hrs, but depending on my schedule it may take up to 48 hs. Love and kisses..."

I only use auto reply when I'm on vacation.  I see it used a lot to clarify required screening information because as all providers know...a ton of time is spent reiterating what we've already clearly said on our websites!  lol
I think it's just a part of the business, and the process of screening begins with how thoughtful the first contact is.  Auto reply as a means of circumventing this issue is annoying.  It simply tells those gentlemen that've taken the time to submit exactly what you've asked for, that you assumed they wouldn't and are trying to save time.  But, if it's helpful to ladies to utilize auto correct, at least set it to reply only once in a given time period.  Getting several auto replies for one conversation is even worse.

Newsletters are great for marketing, but only if guys actually sign up for them.
I don't offer newsletter in this business because gathering contact information in a place like MailPimp(pun intended;-) seems a little risky.  I've also heard whore stories (also intentional) of girls sending out a group email without hiding the addresses, ugh.

I like to keep correspondence clean and simple and personal...Xo's

-- Modified on 2/11/2015 7:49:15 AM

decided to add a newsletter feature to my site! I was always "eeeeehh" about it, but as it is I hate the necessary evil that is advertising. I always feel compelled to write something new, catchy and add cute pictures and generally obsess about a dumb ad that is literally just glanced at! So I have been sucking it up and posting ads after a long hiatus, but I really prefer to see those with whom I've already established a rapport. So I'll send personal notes out each week but our dates never match up and I feel like a bother so I stop emailing for a week then forget to email when I'm in their area again and we fall out of touch.  

I think the newsletter is great because it's still somewhat personal, I'm writing it, but I won't wonder why I didn't get a response and no one will feel pressured by the note either. Just simple dispersing of the relevant info to relevant people and maybe a sexy picture here and there. It's also been eye-opening because I have sorted it by area so subscribers aren't getting emails for areas they aren't interested in...I never knew how much I was neglecting certain areas!  

So far, I'm pleased. Auto-replies are for time-off in my opinion and don't annoy me fully, but raise a little "meh" factor in my head.

As far auto replies, I can tolerate them. However, if the escort doesn't reply within 24 - 48 hours I usually move on.  

Posted By: SoftlySarah
How do you guys feel about them? Do you subscribe to a lady's newsletter? Are auto-replies helpful or annoying?

Its like we are "just a number" to them and I look at it just like a meaningless form letter i get in U.S. mail. But i think they work when the women is off for an extended period, or not seeing new people or on vacation or something. I have no issues or problems with a newsletter but it is probably a waste on me becuase I would be unlikely to read it. Just my 2 cents. Thanks Sarah!

Still waiting to hear from you about the typo on my site that you vaguely pointed out...but I guess you don't check PMs?

Do you know how to take direction well? lol If so, that's terrific. Unfortunately, some do not. And that's what the fabulous auto-reply system is for sometimes.  

Maybe you could talk to those gents who can't figure out what the lady wants without it being spelled out in front of him a few times and still not get it. Care to be my assistant and address those kinds of fellows? It gets entertaining after a while I must say. Then you can come back here skipping away and address Sarah's post with a lil experience under that belt Mr. Hawk lol.  

xx kisses

-- Modified on 2/11/2015 10:53:58 AM

I found out you dont know what "bcc" and "undisclosed recipients" means? lol. :) Now as far as auto replies go, they are devoid of any "realness" I desire and lack genuine care towards another so i am a bit surprised that you are in favor of them. You struck me as a person who liked to keep it "real" but i now see i was wrong about that. :( Now, more importantly, did you get that chance to see American Sniper? I dont think Bradley Cooper is an automatic reply guy either. Automatic rifle, yes, automatic reply, no. Thank you for your response.

perhaps you should read my post again. Yes, I keep it VERY real with men who 'get it'. If you don't, I'm not interested. Is that spelled out better???? I'm not into timewasters, period. Not sure  any woman really is here and there are a ton.  

And yes, of course I know of bcc etc...and if I told you how many emails I received 'accidentally' because someone forgot to turn them off and 'blanket' emailed those who shouldn't have been, well, you'd be amazed. Maybe not everyone is as astute as you. Quite honestly, it freaks me out personally.  

No to the Sniper flick, but I am going to see me some Shades. I have to see what all the 'hype' is now, hell why not LOL. I am expecting to be disappointed by a landslide but a movie is a movie is a movie and it's getting away from reality for a few hours which is always a fun escape sometimes. I'm not a big movie buff whatsoever or any tv. I can't sit still long enough lol.

Anyhoo....they didn't cast the 'right' Christian anyway, so it's for sheer s's & g's Mr. Hawk. Care to accompany me perhaps???  

xx kisses  

(JK btw)

I mean if you want men to go, shouldnt they have picked a good looking woman? I am sure she would get a "9 or 10" here as there doesnt seem to be many discriminating gents but I havent been here long enough to make a full determination. Maybe I should hold out for 51 Shades of Gray, coming to theatres in 2017?

Neither am I. I'm not crazy about all the casting. I think they had to find someone who was a 'plain jane' with an innocent and seductive look. Not so easy to find I suppose LOL. It's ok you had your hotties in the Sniper, that should hold you out for a bit anyhoo Hawk lol.  

Maybe go see it again and you'll see a few more hotties????

xx kisses

And I won't even charge for my minimum time either.

But I will expect you to buy me the popcorn/soda combo.

And make sure to nudge me if I start snoring.

Posted By: StevieStyles_TaylorSteele
perhaps you should read my post again. Yes, I keep it VERY real with men who 'get it'. If you don't, I'm not interested. Is that spelled out better???? I'm not into timewasters, period. Not sure  any woman really is here and there are a ton.  
 And yes, of course I know of bcc etc...and if I told you how many emails I received 'accidentally' because someone forgot to turn them off and 'blanket' emailed those who shouldn't have been, well, you'd be amazed. Maybe not everyone is as astute as you. Quite honestly, it freaks me out personally.  
 No to the Sniper flick, but I am going to see me some Shades. I have to see what all the 'hype' is now, hell why not LOL. I am expecting to be disappointed by a landslide but a movie is a movie is a movie and it's getting away from reality for a few hours which is always a fun escape sometimes. I'm not a big movie buff whatsoever or any tv. I can't sit still long enough lol.  
 Anyhoo....they didn't cast the 'right' Christian anyway, so it's for sheer s's & g's Mr. Hawk. Care to accompany me perhaps???  
 xx kisses  
 (JK btw)

No thanks.  

Cheapskate ;)

xx kisses

Btw, did you know there was another Dr. in the house??? ;)

-- Modified on 2/11/2015 12:48:29 PM

You comment that you'd go and see that movie by yourself.  I offered to go with you, and NOT charge my minimum time.  All I'm looking for is some popcorn/soda as an enticement.

Was it the snoring part that you'd find an issue?

Oh..and I'd have to do the early one as I like the cheapest rates for the same product.  Don't you?

There is only one...Dr Who that is.  Perhaps it was the "Highlander"?

I don't like cheapskates. I offer to pay for things all the time for those 'I' choose to ;)

You'll wake up soon enough, or not, cause you're spoiled here lol.  

Snoring is cute cause then I can just make fun of you lol.  

And yes, there is another 'Dr.' here, sorry to burst your bubble again sir.  

xx kisses

For the record, I would've gladly met for lunch, but you were expecting me to pay for that too....I mean come on. 'Who' does that ;)

That we agree on.

As for expecting you to pay for lunch...you could have picked something up on the way over.  Chicago style hot dogs are good, fries and a soda.  You can afford that...can't you?

Would you video me snoring and post it on you tube?  I'll bet that someone would view it  LOL

Posted By: StevieStyles_TaylorSteele
I don't like cheapskates. I offer to pay for things all the time for those 'I' choose to ;)  
 You'll wake up soon enough, or not, cause you're spoiled here lol.  
 Snoring is cute cause then I can just make fun of you lol.  
 And yes, there is another 'Dr.' here, sorry to burst your bubble again sir.  
 xx kisses  
 For the record, I would've gladly met for lunch, but you were expecting me to pay for that too....I mean come on. 'Who' does that ;)

Hopeless, completely hopeless.  

I give up wit u lol.

xx kisses

Guys who book a double ;)

xx kisses  
S/T.... (Just4Johny) may be my next handle

PS don't be bummed if my auto reply is on that day when you reach out lol...you know how that goes ;)

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
If so can I book a double?...
-- Modified on 2/11/2015 10:12:27 PM

He asked me to tell you he sends his regards.

Clara wanted to see that 50 Shades movie as well...but I preferred to practice on her first.

Such a dirty little girl  ;)

Posted By: A.Pismo.Clam
He sed so, dint he?

go away lol.  

xx kisses

you completely gave yourself away my friend ;)

As I suspected. I didn't think you went too too far LOL. Come on.  

xx kisses

aren't alias' supposed to be the COMPLETE opposite of who we really are? Case in point. ;)

Just post like normal. I like you better then.

presumptuous and quite synonomous (is that a word) with that time you asked me to come out to your office from downtown Chicago which was like an hour away or something...as in a FREE house call. But you learned all too well, I don't make house calls FOC, not like some of'em other "gals" do here lol. I thought we established I like to do things a bit differently here even though you'll tell me 'it's all wrong' lol....or is it ;)  

Anyhow, you're the good Dr. here...you should most certainly be offering those services. I'll let you know the next time I come to Chicago and we can try it again......My Way of course ;)

xx kisses

-- Modified on 2/11/2015 1:03:38 PM

I don't...let alone schlep to downtown for any real reason.  

Sure seems that most gals have no problem visiting me, you may even know of some of them.

Now if you want me to go downtown, I expect car service, popcorn and soda for the ride, and maybe some company both ways.

I'm an easy dude to get along with.

Ask about my first hour consultation being free.  And I don't send out newsletters either  LOL

Posted By: StevieStyles_TaylorSteele
presumptuous and quite synonomous (is that a word) with that time you asked me to come out to your office from downtown Chicago which was like an hour away or something...as in a FREE house call. But you learned all too well, I don't make house calls FOC, not like some of'em other "gals" do here lol. I thought we established I like to do things a bit differently here even though you'll tell me 'it's all wrong' lol....or is it ;)  
 Anyhow, you're the good Dr. here...you should most certainly be offering those services. I'll let you know the next time I come to Chicago and we can try it again......My Way of course ;)  
 xx kisses

-- Modified on 2/11/2015 1:03:38 PM

Same as I don't care about blogs, Twitter or any of that nonsense.

Those gals that I want to know personally, I make an effort to get to know them.  To simply get a generic dissertation on a blog (newsletter) is simply garbage that most put nonsense into.

Auto-replies are fine.  Unlike others here if the gal is getting lots of inquiries, and her history has been with incomplete information...best to just screen out the "tire kickers" from serious inquiries.

Posted By: SoftlySarah
How do you guys feel about them? Do you subscribe to a lady's newsletter? Are auto-replies helpful or annoying?

GaGambler518 reads

I think the guys that are interested in newsletters are the guys that spend a LOT more time whacking off in anticipation of seeing a hooker, than they do actually meeting with the ladies here.

I have no need for "jerk off material" and I have less than no interest in newsletters.

as for auto replies, I can understand the need for them, but they do give off a very business like vibe that I don't really care for. I would most likely feel differently if I were in the habit of booking appointments days or weeks in advance, but as almost always book short notice, auto replies go into my junk folder and are forgotten about almost immediately.

"newsletter" here in this world lol???? I apologize, I just never heard of such a thing to 'promote' this gig nor have I ever seen one. I hope noone uses the 'reply all' feature, good gracious.  

As far as auto-replies, yes, they are common and practical for ladies who get the consistent emails from gentlemen who don't provide their info first and foremost. Plain and simple. I certainly use the feature from time to time when you have told a few in a row the same thing and they have refused to read the 'fine print'. And not once, not twice, but three times to provide their info and can't seem to comprehend that simple fact. Then yes, for me, it goes on. But I don't think you can blame us for that one.  

Guys, if you don't want the replies, give the lady what she wants first off to screen you, then she'll turn it off lol. Seems pretty simple to me. I'm not sure what I'm missing here.  

xx kisses

The auto-reply would respond  LOL

Then the gal would send the email response.

I don't know why some have that feature...but they do.

Might be that you even do that?

Posted By: StevieStyles_TaylorSteele
"newsletter" here in this world lol???? I apologize, I just never heard of such a thing to 'promote' this gig nor have I ever seen one. I hope noone uses the 'reply all' feature, good gracious.  
 As far as auto-replies, yes, they are common and practical for ladies who get the consistent emails from gentlemen who don't provide their info first and foremost. Plain and simple. I certainly use the feature from time to time when you have told a few in a row the same thing and they have refused to read the 'fine print'. And not once, not twice, but three times to provide their info and can't seem to comprehend that simple fact. Then yes, for me, it goes on. But I don't think you can blame us for that one.  
 Guys, if you don't want the replies, give the lady what she wants first off to screen you, then she'll turn it off lol. Seems pretty simple to me. I'm not sure what I'm missing here.  
 xx kisses

"gal" anyhow.  

But yes, I 'suppose' that could've been me. BUTTTTT...I did just change my email. You know I'm famous for that one. So I guess you'd have to email me to find out if it's on or not haha.  


xx kisses

-- Modified on 2/11/2015 12:44:13 PM

they can help or hinder.

At the very least, an auto-reply lets me know that my email went through. If you keep your auto-reply updated so it tells me if you are on vacation, traveling, or when I can expect to hear back from you - then it can definitely be helpful.  

On the other hand, if we have already met and email on occasion, an auto-reply can become very annoying. Better to have a separate email without auto-reply for ongoing communications with people you already know IMO.  Having to open an auto-reply and a genuine response for every email sent is annoying and very impersonal.  

As for newsletters... yes, why not. So long as I can opt in or opt out easily.

by sending me links to their latest blog post or monthly newsletter.  This is a nice touch that helps keep them "on my mind" and hopefully one of the first providers I will contact when I have the itch to be scratched.

Regarding auto-replies--the biggest advantage is you know the email was delivered and not off somewhere in cyber land.  You also know when to expect a reply.  This is the email equivalent to a voicemail greeting.

Are fine for the first message you send her then really annoying after that. I'd say that the auto-reply is more of a hassle than a help.

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