TER General Board

I guess it's just as well. I'm already too perverted as it is. eom
mrfisher 108 Reviews 154 reads


I wonder if this candy commercial would make it on TV in the US?

I could be wrong, but I don't think that there would be much demand for mushroom flavored lollipops in the US. :-)

(That taste tester is very pretty.)

cuppajoe247 reads

Must be extra hot for an asian.

Posted By: impposter
I could be wrong, but I don't think that there would be much demand for mushroom flavored lollipops in the US. :-)  
 (That taste tester is very pretty.)

JakeFromStateFarm250 reads

After all, for a long time they had vending machines selling the used panties of school girls.  Really.

I give them props for being open about being perverts.

Jacks_Acolyte175 reads

you'd just state the obvious and do the same. Do it dude!

Oooh "praise"

Posted By: Jacks_Acolyte
you'd just state the obvious and do the same. Do it dude!

I'd post the gif of the Japanese lady shooting strawberry (I assume) yogurt out of her ass into the mouth of another Japanese lady , IF I didn't think TER would have a fit. They already shot down one of my reply posts because it did meet TER's "AD" requirements. I don't think I did anything different, but I may be a little over medicated. 😎

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