TER General Board

I get there's an inevitable give and take in this dynamic
hotplants 462 reads

But, for as long as I have been thinking about this dynamic......I continue to come to the conclusion that a loss of privacy, or even a risk of blackmail, pissed-off wife, expensive divorce, whatever that may be is a lesser bad outcome than death.  

This discussion will not change the perspective of clients who refuse to provide screening info, or providers who refuse to see those potential clients, or the providers willing to back-off on screening requests to up the chances of booking clients.  

But it does seem, to me at any rate, that a good venue for shining a light on these kinds of issues is right here. So, not sure why news about this freak-show of a guy would be shoved under a rug

exit9501 reads

Posted By: dakine18
This is some scary ass shit.  
 Can't believe some of the shit that you ladies have to deal with.  
I wondered if she was a provider.. They said he was being considered in other murders in the area.. and some question screening methods.. I would..

hotplants689 reads

Which still has me scratching my head a little as to why. This guy was not operating just in WV. Do we not want reality creeping into fantasy?  

Many protest being screened, or providing 'real' info, lamenting an intrusion into their privacy....and many providers are willing to be lax on screening to get biz. OTOH, there's these kinds of violent nutjobs wandering around loose.  

Glad she shot that fucker.  


Posted By: dakine18
This is some scary ass shit.  
 Can't believe some of the shit that you ladies have to deal with.  

I'll be honest, as I have said this before....if the roles were reversed for me in p4p, there is NO way I would meet a dude without having his REAL info. No chance.

Now I am not so naive to think that that would give me 100% protection, 100% of the time, but I do believe it would help my chances.

On the flip side, there is NO way I would ever give out my peronal info, being a John, but I have ZERO problem with a girl asking.  

I see some threads, and just recently on one of the regional boards where a guy was lambasting a girl for her daring to ask him for his real I.D. Don't like it? Simple. See another girl.

The difference is, many gals, as you state plants, make decisions that are influenced by the money. It's understandable that they do.  

I am just fortunate that my personal financial situation allows me to not have to place myself in that situation.

+1 re: "Glad she shot that fucker."

hotplants463 reads

But, for as long as I have been thinking about this dynamic......I continue to come to the conclusion that a loss of privacy, or even a risk of blackmail, pissed-off wife, expensive divorce, whatever that may be is a lesser bad outcome than death.  

This discussion will not change the perspective of clients who refuse to provide screening info, or providers who refuse to see those potential clients, or the providers willing to back-off on screening requests to up the chances of booking clients.  

But it does seem, to me at any rate, that a good venue for shining a light on these kinds of issues is right here. So, not sure why news about this freak-show of a guy would be shoved under a rug

But when guys go through the risk assessment in their own mind, they think about their risk first and foremost, as that is just human nature, and they assume the girl does the same, which makes sense.

Some guys have tremendous risk, and some like GaG have much less, to the point where he says he is virtually black mail proof.

Everyone needs to establish for themselves what is their own, personal acceptable risk level. And each side should respect each other's "line in the sand", realizing the two may not be a good match for p4p and just move on without any hard feelings or actions to hurt each other's reputation

hotplants432 reads

And yet......yes, in their own minds, (many) guys think that their wife catching them, or the possibility of being blackmailed, is more important than providers trying to up the odds on maintaining their personal physical safety; their actual lives.  

No idea what would fix this. But, the equation is definitely unbalanced

Guys who aren't dangerous aren't considering the guys who are dangerous in their risk assessment.

I don't mind giving my real name, the only problem is there isn't anything to verify my name with.

There is no fix plants.

All we have is risk mitigation, not risk elimination, and p4p is not unique in this fact. Men (mostly) risk their lives working on bridges or as cops or fireman or in the military.  

They can't avoid injury or death at times. All they can do, and all the sex workers can do, is reduce the risk as best they can. Women in this realm get busted, even some of the highest rated and most experienced ones.

So, of course, many men don't value completely the risk the girls face in p4p just as some girls in the biz don't keep their full guard up by screening fully each and every client, thus putting themselves at greater risk

...linked article contained the names of the provider and the guy she shot. Don't much care about his name personally but the article named her and named his relatives which does matter. When something like this is pulled it's usually because of full names being disclosed.

...other women previously.  He was only under suspicion because of the similar M.O.  You were also wrong when you said she used her own gun to kill him - she used his own gun.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you were wrong.  Others might say you were lying because that's YOUR usual M.O.

...named the provider, the guy she shot and the guys family member. Could have been another board.

Whose to say he wouldn't pass screening with flying colors?

No screening service is going to be able to inform a provider if a guy is mentally ill.

hotplants380 reads

no 'effin' shit Sherlock. Screening is not foolproof. Doesn't mean there's no value in screening.

Especially if you are the people profiting from the service. lol

However if this guy was able to pass screening, you saw him to and he killed you... There would be no value to screening in this hypothetical, now would there?

as she'd be dead, but for her loved ones. And for all the ladies who might have seen him had he not provided his real information and gotten away with changing his alias.

escorts do require MORE then just adult sites Oks and white lists from adult sites.

THAT is one more prove and a reason - why gentleman has to be able to trust to professional adult companion of high end  with own information.

Love to you  and I am VERY devastded   that we have in our community  such as those killer was  

Gentlemen please with your readiness to pass screening-  please send a strong message to all those murky people who may read that - that they would NOT succeed by booking with min screening having ONLY adult sites ok and white lists.
 I wish  victim would recover soon and   by participating in  real life screening - by NOT have fear to US, women - by readiness to share real life information - you gentlemen  would send message to killers and abusers that YOU DO CARE about women here.

If you - as community - would be ready as one - pass screening and trust - those killers and abuser would not have place here.

Use your common sense of course whom trust whom not- here and agencies and girls who are trully not independent and may be pimp talks for her.. or those as the one "upscale" escort who killed her client on his yacht-  
It is already up to you how you would navigate in this murky word whom trust whom not .
I still will continue to  screen wit linked and your professional site an real name and deposit  plus to common sense - then OK s and white lists from adult sites  

Stay safe all ..

-- Modified on 7/27/2015 11:20:00 AM

Linked in and  cross screening  with adult sites as this one .I DO NOT DISCOUNT  TER and other sites totally yet i do know that here are and killiers and pimps and drug dealers and people who use alises to hide may be such intents- there NO need to use alises if you are not mean not bad and dishonest person with respect for women  
By the way - thank you for  
 Many here would say - "Hooker" those and are potential killers ands abusers.

Plus I do screen with  deposits.- where I can see his name.

YES Linked in with 150 + connections and adult sites and cross references via  google and  verifying employment  

What is funny though - lately I have had few dates and some were overnight - men passed screening on linked in- I never asked TER - and two of them told me TER handle after all - if I knew him from TER p[osts - I never would meet him. he was smart enough to  keep it to himself  and just passed screening with linked in
 Actually very professional men .

I of course do appreciate adult sites ok and white lists - but alone - that means zero - criminal can be good here for a bit  earn trust , then strike .. he may even use alises  too ..

So any way  
 professional  man ONLY  
to meet safe professional and  clean men who are not hiding behind alises as criminals would  do  
 and stay safe  

-- Modified on 7/27/2015 1:11:43 PM

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