TER General Board

I eat tiny bits throughout the day... And no, protein "shots" don't count haha
HawkEyePierce 2623 reads
1 / 57

Up till now, I have only done mostly 1 hour and 90 minute dates, with one 2 hour date. I assume the dynamic/mood is so much more fun and different spending the entire night with the lady. Will the gents and ladies give me pointers? Any helpful hints to make me and the lady enjoy our time together? Gents what do you like most about them? Anything I should be wary of or concerned about? Ladies, what do you like/dislike about them? Thank you all in advance!

mrfisher 108 Reviews 921 reads
2 / 57

and any other entertainment costs like movies or plays, and transportation to and fro.

As for the hotel, that depends.  If your typical date is an incall, then the cost is still with her.  If you normally have her come to you, then it's your treat.

Here's another tip about meals:  Eat lightly.  Fish is my main go to, and don't even think about Tex-Mex.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 960 reads
3 / 57

Stick with someone you have met and connect with. An overnight with a new gal you don't connect with could be torture for both of you.

Don't expect continuous BCD action. You both will need some sleep.... and it is often poor sleep at that.

Plan some public time... enjoy having a hottie with you and receiving admiring glances. Avoid being bored out of your minds while spending hours on end in the hotel room.

Wakeup sex can be fantastic.

Overnights can be great, but I prefer to book extended evening/dinner dates, or even an all day (12 to 12) date because I'd rather spend the time doing things with the lady rather than sleeping. Occasionally, that all day date can become an unexpected overnighter as well. A separate evening date and morning date can be great too. There are options to overnighters that eliminate some of the negatives and are more cost-effective, IMO.

-- Modified on 2/13/2015 12:38:33 PM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1157 reads
4 / 57

If you see photos on my website, it is apparent that I don't skip meals. Lol.  

Seriously though, a common thing for guys when they're nervous or excited is to forget to eat - for 12 hours sometimes... No snacks, no meals, nothing.  

Many girls will try to tough it out and hope you remember to eat, but it's just better to keep her physically nourished and give her time and whatever she needs to eat - or take her. Because hungry people get grumpy. Their body starts losing energy, they try to push themselves to be nice and physically erotic, feel sexy & energized, enthusiastic, happy to see you, etc etc.  

A rental human is like a like a rental car, in one way... if you don't fuel it, but  you keep driving it, it will  eventually start having problems, flash a warning light & bell, then out of nowhere, it will shut down until you feed it. If you let it run all the way empty, you may have some repair maintenance to add to it, when all that was needed in the first place was fuel.


It's more common than you think, and the point is, the simple things will richly reward you in the end.

A.Pismo.Clam 870 reads
5 / 57
HawkEyePierce 1069 reads
6 / 57

What is the etiquette on meals Courtney? Does the guy usually pay for all that too? And what about the hotel? Is this usually done on outcall or incall basis? And btw, I dont think you are fat at all! Curvy is very sexy and your pics look awesome! Thansk for your response!

MasterZen 33 Reviews 869 reads
7 / 57

I've said that I need to eat... and they stare at me with big eyes and say "What, again???"

Would protein shakes and power bars work, I wonder?

RaymondDonovan 1003 reads
10 / 57
JackDunphy 1041 reads
11 / 57

Well that's not actually totally true. I have done them on a few occasions, but I didn't pay for them.  

I just don't get why a guy would pay a gal to sleep, watch TV, brush her teeth, read, sleep, check her phone, sleep, etc. LOL

As for you, hobby any way your little heart desires. Who even knew they had working gals in Crab Apple Cove? LOL

Whatever you do just make sure you don't pay the MSRP on the night. Rarely a need for that. There are other ways as well to make it MUCH more cost effective if you so choose.

Lots of ways to play this game. Enjoy

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 906 reads
12 / 57

Power bars and protein shakes make my stomach hurt. Bad. I can't do that meal supplement stuff. I am stuck crawling on all fours for hours - there are certain ingredients I'm allergic to.

Plus, I hate the taste of all that stuff. I do love veggies and lean meat. I also love trail mix. I bring my own snack packs now. I've learned. Lol.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 944 reads
13 / 57

Girl: "Feed me!"
Excited boy: "Oh my god, a talking plant!"


scb19 10 Reviews 1036 reads
14 / 57

Posted By: HawkEyePierce
Up till now, I have only done mostly 1 hour and 90 minute dates, with one 2 hour date. I assume the dynamic/mood is so much more fun and different spending the entire night with the lady. Will the gents and ladies give me pointers? Any helpful hints to make me and the lady enjoy our time together? Gents what do you like most about them? Anything I should be wary of or concerned about? Ladies, what do you like/dislike about them? Thank you all in advance!
Well, if you get the right lady you better rest up.  My ATF usually arrives around 7-8pm and by midnight I'm locked in the bathroom, lying on the floor whimpering..No Mas, No Mas.


MasterZen 33 Reviews 809 reads
15 / 57

sounds like we share an appetite!  ;)

scb19 10 Reviews 985 reads
16 / 57

Posted By: JackDunphy
Well that's not actually totally true. I have done them on a few occasions, but I didn't pay for them.  
 I just don't get why a guy would pay a gal to sleep, watch TV, brush her teeth, read, sleep, check her phone, sleep, etc. LOL  
 As for you, hobby any way your little heart desires. Who even knew they had working gals in Crab Apple Cove? LOL  
 Whatever you do just make sure you don't pay the MSRP on the night. Rarely a need for that. There are other ways as well to make it MUCH more cost effective if you so choose.  
 Lots of ways to play this game. Enjoy.  
Well, first off, you're not paying her to sleep, watch tv and any of that other nonsense.  You are paying her to spend TIME with you.  The overnight rate is certainly NOT 12 x her hourly rate or probably not twice her "extended date" rate.  I know with my ATF, I am more than satisfied sexually and I get to spend some quality time with someone I consider a friend (sort of).  And its nice to have someone in the bed next to me once in a while.

mconnection 58 Reviews 911 reads
17 / 57

Totally agree with you! Much better to be awake and enjoying your ladies company! Would have to also agree nothing like falling to sleep together only to wake up to next to her, especially if she likes to snuggle up close.

Posted By: MasterZen
Stick with someone you have met and connect with. An overnight with a new gal you don't connect with could be torture for both of you.  
 Don't expect continuous BCD action. You both will need some sleep.... and it is often poor sleep at that.  
 Plan some public time... enjoy having a hottie with you and receiving admiring glances. Avoid being bored out of your minds while spending hours on end in the hotel room.  
 Wakeup sex can be fantastic.  
 Overnights can be great, but I prefer to book extended evening/dinner dates, or even an all day (12 to 12) date because I'd rather spend the time doing things with the lady rather than sleeping. Occasionally, that all day date can become an unexpected overnighter as well. A separate evening date and morning date can be great too. There are options to overnighters that eliminate some of the negatives and are more cost-effective, IMO.

-- Modified on 2/13/2015 12:38:33 PM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 993 reads
18 / 57

On another note, what's even worse is a weekend where you only get to have sex once. I told My last weekend guy that if he wanted a weekend, he couldn't deprive me in the 'sack' either. And he didn't. I think I waddled for two days after that lol!

JackDunphy 1013 reads
19 / 57

Does the clock stop when she dozes off? LOL. I don't think so but maybe with your ATF it does? Guys can work out many deals so it wouldn't shock me.

No need for her to sleep on my dime. Much better deal is to pay her for a 3-4 hour gig the night before and have her come back the next morning for the morning shag for another 2 hours if you so desire.  

That way both parties get the sleep they need and minimum of two, and maybe 3-4 pops at a MUCH reduced cost. Try it before you knock it bro! Its fkin beautiful man

HawkEyePierce 877 reads
21 / 57

What do you mean dont pay the MSRP? Are you saying the rate listed is not her true rate? Or are you saying something different? Thanks for your response.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 955 reads
22 / 57

He'll kick a few tires to see it it'll drives right and he may be too cool for school but he's a knuckledragger that doesn't get it. I've done a few overnighters and it isn't even close to what JD has laid out, reading?? Really?? Watch TV??Dude you must be one boring date. Yeah I know they flock to you for an overnighter because they're probably homeless and you're the only one who will put a roof over them, and you probably low balled them too, huh? So gang, just ignore this ancient man.
Plus no one cares how Jack plays...

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 923 reads
23 / 57

You know, if the overnight rate is say 2.5 grand, offer half that, it starts off things on the right foot :)   Seriously, some of the guys, like Jack, negotiate the rates they pay and then there some other guys like me who will not do it.   Like Jack said, everyone can hobby their own way.    

I am relatively new here, only been here about 7-8 months, but I already know one thing, this is not a big community, particularly when it comes to the ladies.    Not telling you not to negotiate, it obviously works for some people, but do give it some thought before you get on that choo choo train

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 833 reads
24 / 57

You've told us guys who like overnights are stupid. And that you have this game down pat. We get it we get it. Why do you care so much how I spend my 'jack?' Come on. Let it go. I don't give a crap how you spend yours.

JackDunphy 862 reads
25 / 57

For that kinda nut, many, many women will be agreeable to a lower offer. You can make the girls week with an overnighter so you think she is really going to walk if you offered her $2500 on a $3000 tab? Not likely.

Some here feel a need to pay more that what they have to. That's fine. I always say hobby any which way you want.

Just know that what is written on in the limelight of these boards and what goes on bcd can be quite different.  

Most girls understand this that's why you only see handful out of the hundreds of girls here complain about it

MrTwister 3 Reviews 869 reads
26 / 57

I have no dog in this hunt and what he posted was in response to someone soliciting advice. He also said he didn't care how other people spend their money and said people hobby differently than him. While his message might be repetitive, that doesn't mean someone who is new might not find his advice helpful.  

Also, when you're spending not hundreds or even a thousand, but several thousand dollars...he has a point worth considering. Once you get past a certain number, I don't think the 'rack rate' applies quite the same way. Certainly there are women willing to negotiate if the number is $3,000 or $5,000...or whatever crazy number it might be. Kind of a different ballgame...in many respects

HawkEyePierce 1097 reads
27 / 57

But I really liked your idea about breaking the date up into two parts, one at night and then see her the next morning. That actually makes a lot of sense. I notice there is quite a difference in price between an over night rate a lady will offer and a 4 hours and a 2 hour date added up. I think that is the option I will pursue for now. I see there is some downside to overnights I wasnt expecting. Thanks for your ideas and all your responses.

MrTwister 3 Reviews 946 reads
28 / 57

Playing blocker for Dunphy on this thread...but I don't think he meant it literally. TV..reading...etc...it's called hyperbole. His point is...are you sure you want to spend time with her doing mundane things AND paying for that? Maybe the answer is "sure, why not". But it worth thinking about. That 'overnight' is not going to be 6 x a two hour date in terms of it's energy or activity level. Is that drop off going to bum you out? When you start doing the math and it's an electric bill and a car payment while she's texting tomorrow's appointment? Maybe he won't care. Or maybe he never thought of that...

MrTwister 3 Reviews 986 reads
29 / 57


Hoist the thread's trophy JackDunphy.

Posted By: HawkEyePierce
But I really liked your idea about breaking the date up into two parts, one at night and then see her the next morning. That actually makes a lot of sense. I notice there is quite a difference in price between an over night rate a lady will offer and a 4 hours and a 2 hour date added up. I think that is the option I will pursue for now. I see there is some downside to overnights I wasnt expecting. Thanks for your ideas and all your responses.

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 975 reads
30 / 57

And I don't disagree with several of his points. But my God, it's at least weekly this crusade of his. And even you the newbie has to admit you've heard it all before. It's nauseating.  

Oh. And after the first 50 times of telling us he doesn't care how we spend our money, it confirmed for me that's what this is lo about. Wallet envy.  

I'd ask GaG on the over under on when Jack drags this out yet again but I know he's busy. I'd lay it at 5 days.

-- Modified on 2/13/2015 12:28:31 PM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 983 reads
31 / 57

Things that have surprised me over time with overnights...
They like to chit chat while you're putting on make up, when you're taking a shower, when you're eating, text when you're running out to buy coffee, they like to be petted while you're walking together, complimented, listened to, ask questions, teach, answer questions, show you things, randomly poke your butt

It's rather cute. While all don't like that, there are groups of people who do. They - just - want to have fun with someone besides the person(s) looking them in the face every day, all day.

Kind of like the "my buddy" thing. Wherever I go, he wants to go!

Sounds dumb, but I understand it as a girl. I love giving gifts to people, or if I see something I think will make them more comfortable, I'll get It for them in my life. I want them to be happy while they're with me.

I also, if on a civvy date, don't like to fuck n go. They don't have me sleep over, they will never get another date with me. Ever. I don't fuck that way for free. It's kind of impersonal. But somepeople like impersonal. Of course, put a dollar on it, and it's a different dynamic when you're getting paid... But if you're the payor, I can see why - if the funds are readily available - some would do it.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1080 reads
32 / 57

Posted By: JackDunphy
Does the clock stop when she dozes off? LOL. I don't think so but maybe with your ATF it does? Guys can work out many deals so it wouldn't shock me.  
 No need for her to sleep on my dime. Much better deal is to pay her for a 3-4 hour gig the night before and have her come back the next morning for the morning shag for another 2 hours if you so desire.  
 That way both parties get the sleep they need and minimum of two, and maybe 3-4 pops at a MUCH reduced cost. Try it before you knock it bro! Its fkin beautiful man!  

MrTwister 3 Reviews 1003 reads
34 / 57

I TOTALLY get it...and nothing would surprise me as far as what guys want and are willing to pay for.. But Dunphy is just offering HIS own advice...because it was solicited. And lo and behold...the guy gravitates to his thoughts. Isn't that what these forums are for???? It worked! The system worked!! Yeaa!!

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Things that have surprised me over time with overnights...  
 They like to chit chat while you're putting on make up, when you're taking a shower, when you're eating, text when you're running out to buy coffee, they like to be petted while you're walking together, complimented, listened to, ask questions, teach, answer questions, show you things, randomly poke your butt  
 It's rather cute. While all don't like that, there are groups of people who do. They - just - want to have fun with someone besides the person(s) looking them in the face every day, all day.  
 Kind of like the "my buddy" thing. Wherever I go, he wants to go!  
 Sounds dumb, but I understand it as a girl. I love giving gifts to people, or if I see something I think will make them more comfortable, I'll get It for them in my life. I want them to be happy while they're with me.  
 I also, if on a civvy date, don't like to fuck n go. They don't have me sleep over, they will never get another date with me. Ever. I don't fuck that way for free. It's kind of impersonal. But somepeople like impersonal. Of course, put a dollar on it, and it's a different dynamic when you're getting paid... But if you're the payor, I can see why - if the funds are readily available - some would do it.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 960 reads
35 / 57

Is that to plan this so called overnight or half night/ half morning thing you'll have to fined someone you're comfortable with, right? Someone that you maybe have seen before and will probably see her again but who'll probably won't see you again after you pull this off.So put yourself in the young lady's place, you have fun with her at night, then after all that she'll want to drag her ass back to you in the morning to continue with this party. Then she'll start to add the numbers and come up with her conclusion, that Hawkeye is one cheap fuck, almost like JD. Now you may get a "I'm not feeling well text" in the morning or "Hey I just got in from an long appointment after I saw you, and I ain't feeling you now"
Me personally, I don't think you're ready for an overnight or night/morning thing..way too green and not polished enough. Stick to 2 hours or 4 ....
So weed hopper, go off into the sunset and I hope that you have really learned somethng here.
Shit I got to get well soon, this cold is knocking the shit out of me....where's my meds?

MrTwister 3 Reviews 1040 reads
36 / 57

Oh man...so many people are literalists. I won't debate the semantics of the phrase I used.

Look what the OP said...."I never thought of that"...so...every once in a while Jack's mantra is valuable to someone.  

If someone posts a thread that merits the negotiation angle, I would say your bet is solid. Just his particular point of view

HawkEyePierce 781 reads
38 / 57

Oh thats right I dont! I asked for responses and got them. I didnt agree with all of them and some were very enlightening. I don't like JackDunphy's advice on bargaining but I did with breaking the date up into two. Is that allowed here hypergollygee??? And the last time I checked, i didnt ask you if you thought I was ready for anything, now did I Mr. Know Nothing? I'll determine when I am ready, thank you very much. Now, please go find your meds. All of them.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 864 reads
39 / 57

I'm giving it to you anyway. To create a post to ask is "Newbie" but it's cool, hence the green part. You'll know an overnighter with it hits you, and if you're ready.....you don't ask

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 649 reads
41 / 57
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1026 reads
43 / 57
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 743 reads
45 / 57

I hear those duck dynasty guys are loaded. Chaching!!! Lol

hey mikey 8 Reviews 831 reads
46 / 57

Don't forget that this should be FUN!!!

-- Modified on 2/13/2015 10:38:21 AM

hey mikey 8 Reviews 831 reads
47 / 57

Over the years I did many overnighters, but only when on the road.  My suggestions:  
 1) Do it with someone you have met before.  
 2) Do it out of town so you can enjoy dinner and time out on the town -- that is what makes it fun!  
 3) Pick a very nice hotel, and preferably a suite if you can afford it.  
Years ago a British lady I had previously met for a 4 hour dinner date suggested to me that instead of an overnight that we consider it as 2 dates.  We arranged for a long dinner/dessert AND then 2 more hours in the morning.  (She LOVES to sleep and she HATES to be woken in the AM, while I do not need much sleep.)  I arranged for a 2-room suite at a great old hotel.  She came up to the room, we played a bit before dinner, we then enjoyed a relaxing dinner which included heavy flirting and under-table fun. We hung out a bit in London, and had a wonderful 2/3 hours back in the room.  I kissed her goodnight and returned to my bedroom.  She showered and slept while I read and did some work before going to bed. The original plan was for me to wake her up in the morning... but she surprised me instead.  The 2 hours in the morning turned into a room service breakfast in the room and then a wonderful lunch in Mayfair.  
 Over the years I have done variations on this a few more times, with her and other willing ladies.  Frankly, she and I later met for a normal overnight also... and it was not as fun for either of us because neither of us slept nearly as well.  (This was when I learned how much she REALLY loves and NEEDS sleep!  I also learned that she is also a LOT more fun when she get at least 6 hours!!!  LOL)  
 Enjoy the fun!

-- Modified on 2/13/2015 10:39:08 AM

djddla 884 reads
48 / 57

All of a sudden she's Dr this and Judge that at 1 am

CrackDuphyBlowingChunks46 890 reads
49 / 57

What if she has a big rack, is her rack rate ok then? And which came first, big racks or rack rates and are you 100% it isn't pee? Do you like to pee on big racks or squirt on them?

Can you sue if you pay rack rates with a deposit and you show up and the rack is just medium?

CrackDuphyBlowingChunks46 724 reads
50 / 57
abacus17 43 Reviews 1067 reads
51 / 57

I love overnights (indeed, actually multi-day trips) with my ATF. Have done several times and more in the works. What I love about it is we can spend so much time together doing all sorts of things and connect on a very personal level. Of course, it's great fun to have lots of time for unhurried intimacy. You have the luxury to be playful and try different things. It's also fun to dress up and go out to a nice dinner, or go shopping together with her on your arm, or go to a museum, or a play, or to cuddle on the sofa and watch TV, or to sit in a bar and whisper together. And yes, get plenty of sleep - you'll both be better off. Also, don't totally smother her; give her a chance to have a little 'alone" time -- she's trying to please you, and can use a breather I suspect. Treat her with the respect she deserves, like the lady she is. I also agree with those who say, be sure it's a lady you know really well and are very comfortable with, being yourself.  Of all the wonderful women I've had the privilege of seeing, my favorite is the only one I'd even consider spending an overnight with. And when I do, it's always incredibly special.

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 598 reads
52 / 57

I don't know JD to be a lightweight? Quite the opposite actually.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 914 reads
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Rasta Man 43 Reviews 1079 reads
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I have done three, one with one provider, and two nights with another. I had spend 7 hours with the first one (our first time together) and then we did a two night overnight. This was almost 4 years ago and the memories linger. The other woman I did my first overnight with after only one previous one hour visit. It went very well. We did another overnight 4 months later and had another wonderful time.  

The key for me has been to have an immediate positive connection on a personal level, then the physical. There have been others that I would take on an overnight but have not been able to make it happen.

There is nothing like waking up with a beautiful woman sleeping next to you when you awake.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 785 reads
55 / 57

What you are proposing doing is completely reasonable IMO.  If any lady is crazy enough to construe this (6 hours of paid time over two days) as "cheap" (and I dare say most wouldn't) that reveals more about them then you.

Do whatever the hell you feel like and have fun!

hey mikey 8 Reviews 745 reads
56 / 57

Actually, sometimes it can be wonderful to watch a beautiful woman sleep...especially after great sex!

Sportsguy123 11 Reviews 779 reads
57 / 57

Sounds like a well planned , great time.

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