TER General Board

I don't understand your post? Is there another subject? -e-
Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 2929 reads
1 / 37

I noticed that everyone wants to appreciate the other.  

Since the New Year is less then 4 months away I say we all turn over a new leaf and do not limit yourself to just what we feel comfortable with. Try something new.  

Hobbyists, if you do not normally go out with all your providers, then start doing it by the New Year.  And providers, If you normally are the type to say "I don't under cut my prices" then maybe you should talk to the Hobbyist that you are being a provider to and treat the hobbyist as if you actually care about the needs of the hobbyist.  

I read some of the reviews on the providers. And quite frankly it sounds as if the provider is acting as if she is there to just get the hobbyist off. Female providers, here's a tip to satisfying your hobbyist. Find out what he/she likes and do it. Then in about 24-96 hours follow up with your hobbyist and see if he/she is truly satisfied. If it sounds like you need improvements then ask what you may have done wrong. Don't take offense to what the hobbyist says. We all learn and grow according to the mistakes we make. Hobbyists, if you are unsatisfied then the best thing for you to do is find your provider on this site and leave her/him a private message about what you think and what she/he did wrong and what he/she could do better.  Who knows........We all maybe surprised!

cocktail-party 869 reads
3 / 37

I really hope you manage to avoid all the crazies and psychos out there and just have a good time for as long as you end up sticking around. Please update this post in 6 months - I'd like to see if you feel the same. Good luck!

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 779 reads
4 / 37

Actually I have been doing this for almost 20 years. And having faith in what you do is what gets you through it. You have to be intelligent enough to see the nut cases coming. If you don't see them coming till they have robbed you blind then you are a damn fool. I can smell a bullshitter a mile or more away. I'm not stupid by far

Dr Who revived 872 reads
5 / 37

I'll assume that your handle suggests your birth year...and that now you've finally found TER after languishing at truck stops, BP and CL most of your hooking career.

At least it's better late than never.

As for seeing "nutcases" coming along...works both ways.  The TER boards are quite helpful in spotting those nutcases  LOL
Posted By: Kitty76
Actually I have been doing this for almost 20 years. And having faith in what you do is what gets you through it. You have to be intelligent enough to see the nut cases coming. If you don't see them coming till they have robbed you blind then you are a damn fool. I can smell a bullshitter a mile or more away. I'm not stupid by far.  

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 783 reads
6 / 37

Actually I don't work truck stops & craigslist. I did use BP, ACWeekly & PW as well as a few escort agencies. I found that the Agencies were a rip off and I could easily use Atlantic City Weekly and Philadelphia Weekly.  And I have done pretty good. But I was informed by one of my clients that there are a few good clients on here(I see you are not one). Between This site, BP, AC Weekly &  Philadelphia weekly.........I've made some good $$$$$. So don't knock something you know nothing about.

MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 850 reads
8 / 37

Because these are MEN talking to each other about MAN things!  Thump, thump, thump!!! Roar!!!

We're sweet and everybody knows it.  ;)

bonordonor 769 reads
9 / 37
MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 627 reads
10 / 37

I should've included the quote from the OP, since that post contains several thoughts and it might be difficult for you to follow along...

"...I read some of the reviews on the providers. And quite frankly it sounds as if the provider is acting as if she is there to just get the hobbyist off. Female providers, here's a tip to satisfying your hobbyist. Find out what he/she likes and do it..."

Dr Who revived 644 reads
11 / 37

And how you can see from my "one post" that I am not one means that your psychic  LOL

As well I know more than you think.  As do many of the folks who post (and lurk) here.

Good luck with your stay here...looks like you're going to need it.

Maybe you should re-read your OP and consider trying to put that into practice.  I know you didn't send WickedBrut that PM...I know the types of gals he likes  ;)
Posted By: Kitty76
Actually I don't work truck stops & craigslist. I did use BP, ACWeekly & PW as well as a few escort agencies. I found that the Agencies were a rip off and I could easily use Atlantic City Weekly and Philadelphia Weekly.  And I have done pretty good. But I was informed by one of my clients that there are a few good clients on here(I see you are not one). Between This site, BP, AC Weekly &  Philadelphia weekly.........I've made some good $$$$$. So don't knock something you know nothing about.  

Dr Who revived 715 reads
12 / 37

Rarely has a review been written for the benefit of others.  You got it right that most reviewers are self-centered narcissists regarding the reviews.

However as one learns to understand what is of value in a review....most dudes can decipher if she's sane.  As well some will let "us" know if her pics are OK...and she hasn't had a BSC history (actually the BSC part is discussed in PM/email  LOL).

And unfortunately as narcissistic as some dudes are...there is no shortage of BSC gals to compliment them.

And some gals are so far from sweet...."everybody knows it"  ;)

Speaking in absolutes rarely is of value  LOL
Posted By: MissMarieM
Because these are MEN talking to each other about MAN things!  Thump, thump, thump!!! Roar!!!  
 We're sweet and everybody knows it.  ;)

GaGambler 710 reads
13 / 37

As for the rest, well do we even have to go there? Every hooker posting threADs thinks she is breaking new ground, when the truth is we've seen this a hundred times before. There really isn't much original thought left in a business that's been around this long, but every BSC hooker who comes on the board thinks that she is the first one clever enough to have it all figured out.

GaGambler 705 reads
14 / 37

usually for the benefit of the woman who is dictating every word of the review for HER benefit.

Well, I guess since in those cases the true author is the provider, and since it's for HER benefit, maybe you are right after all? lol

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 679 reads
16 / 37

Now that lunch is over, I'm more obsessed with whether the two uniform police in the next booth would hear it if I cut loose a noisy fart. So my posting is right now is sort of a diversionary tactic. If and when Thor's hammer strikes, I'll just quickly look up, give them an accusing glare, and wait for one of them to apologize.

There. It's whistled out the release valve. Not as loud as I'd feared. Besides, what's the code on public farting?

So down to business. Since New Year's is still four months away, I say we fashion a resolve that everybody can live with. I know! Let's think along the lines of the clients giving the providers occasional monetary tokens of appreciation, and the providers, just as occasionally, giving the clients carnal favors as gestures of appreciation. Sort of an unending exchange of compliments to brighten our drab lives and see us through hard times. Sound good? Anyone?

Sooo...YouWanna 676 reads
17 / 37

This is your response to anything a woman posts, no matter what it is. Truck stops and back page and blah blah blah angry man rants.  

Even the newbies think it's old!

hbyist+truth=;( 651 reads
18 / 37

You do all of the things you suggested and report back to us and let us know you got on. You sound like you could be a great test case for this  format.  

I have no intention of reducing my fees or adding anything more to my menu. With all the different sexual tastes out there it could be a real nightmare trying to cater to all tricks. I am more than happy with my niche and if one slips in that is not my speed, well, I will wish him well with his next hooker. I have my boundaries and happy with them just as they are.  

How about if we just did what we say we are going to do given the right circumstances and be polite, respectful and courteous.

Skyfyre 757 reads
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Well everyone is entitled to their opinions, beliefs, boundaries... and I respect that. That said here's mine: if I have to choose between the two, assuming everything else is reasonably similar I KNOW which provider is more likely to be a real "sweetheart"  to call

Dr Who revived 811 reads
20 / 37

But since you are the proverbial party pooper I'm sure that you'll show her all of my posting history.  Shouldn't be hard to do either  ;)    But all she had to work with was the ONE post here...and it was benign.

That's OK...I love you too  LOL

Are you speaking for all the noobs as well?

BTW...the OP has acknowledged she is a BP hooker (not to mention it's on her TER page)...and I am quite sure she used CL before it's demise.  So you think truck stops are that far off?

Lastly...the "angry man" retorts are comical coming from some of you gals.  That's all you ever think...and those of us "angry men" laugh at that myopic POV.  I'm actually quite a happy camper...always have been.  Guess you are just looking to create a Rod Tidwell board where everyone shits rainbows and unicorns.  Keep up the good fight.

Maybe go and check out your posts...they're all the same.  Nothing but negativity towards the board members.  Are you angry?  Business is slow?  Another 5/5 review?  YOU have the power to change that....give it a whirl and enjoy life.
Posted By: Sooo...YouWanna
This is your response to anything a woman posts, no matter what it is. Truck stops and back page and blah blah blah angry man rants.  
 Even the newbies think it's old!

Dr Who revived 707 reads
21 / 37

I think most of them have a tampon string hanging out from them.

Posted By: GaGambler
usually for the benefit of the woman who is dictating every word of the review for HER benefit.  

Well, I guess since in those cases the true author is the provider, and since it's for HER benefit, maybe you are right after all? lol

Dr Who revived 671 reads
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MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 583 reads
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Dr Who revived 773 reads
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But for that $ 35 you'll find out really quick  ;)

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 517 reads
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MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 503 reads
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Unless you mean like Al Green style- TEST-ah-FIIIIIIIIIEY!!!  They do that in my bedroom on the regular. :P

Dr Who revived 696 reads
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But then again I never said I wasn't  LOL

However I have been an expert for quite some time in certain areas...valuations and family law seem to come to mind.
Posted By: MissMarieM
Unless you mean like Al Green style- TEST-ah-FIIIIIIIIIEY!!!  They do that in my bedroom on the regular. :P

Sooo...YouWanna 630 reads
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At least I reply to actual posts, instead of just vomiting some pathetic script every chance I get.  

Here's a woman who said "do more for clients" and you still responded like trailer trash. "Us gals" are only in your mind.

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 619 reads
29 / 37

YESI've done this for almost my entire adult life

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 614 reads
30 / 37

You are crazy!! I know who my client are.

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 714 reads
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For all of those who just want to sit there and create drama over where a provider posts his/her ad.  
 I don't know why you think this site is so holly cause the only difference between this site and BP, Ac Weekly, Philadelphia Weekly & Other sites like these 3 and this site..........Is that this site is monitored and the others are not. So there's no difference between the providers here and the providers on the other sites that I mentioned. Do you actually think that all the providers on this site actually check out the background of the Hobbyists. If you do then you need professional help.  
Cause not all providers do a background check. If they did then it was not a very good check.  a great check is much more complicated. Just cause a provider uses BP, AC Weekly & Philadelphia Weekly does not make her a hooker. Walking the streets does.

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 594 reads
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Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 693 reads
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You are judging a Provider by the others the your small thing has been inside of.
 And If it wasn't for men who thought with what swung between his legs(Instead of the head on his shoulders, then so called hooker like us would not exist.  

  Hobbyists, if all hobbyists would just simply be honest with the provider then just maybe we'd know how to post. Meaning we post in hopes to finding out what grabs your attention. We are not mind readers. When we post we do not know what the hobbyists want. So we have to guess on what to say when we post.

bonordonor 577 reads
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Posted By: MissMarieM
I should've included the quote from the OP, since that post contains several thoughts and it might be difficult for you to follow along..

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 862 reads
36 / 37

That was said because of what was said on this site. Meaning it has appeared that we(Providers) are doing something wrong.

FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 565 reads
37 / 37

The original op was about ladies being able to take and ask for constructive criticism gracefully.
Not all women are ladies, and not all are capable of doing so gracefully.

And yes, this site is being "watched" as the others that people keep posting and "naming names" of up on public posts.
Just sayin'.
If they didn't watch those, they surely are now.

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