TER General Board

I don't think sex is fair.
Pimpathy 3779 reads
1 / 158

... is sex fair ?

Yes?/No? :Should sex be fair ?

NotYourGirlfriend 2068 reads
2 / 158
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1844 reads
3 / 158

I cum 99% of the times from sex.. Women don't...even in civvie relationship.. Unless of course your's truly is on the mound.  LMAO :D

No...Sex should not be fair.. It should be fun..

As you keep oscillating between enigmatic and stupid, we need to smack your ass to bring you back to Planet Earth or wake you up from sleep...

Blowing Chunks 2120 reads
4 / 158

escort gets money
guy gets gratification. fair and square business transaction.  

with a girlfriend / so, she gets to be laid every now and then  
so does the guy.  it is about romance so I am doubting there's a requirement to be totally fair as long as the partner wants to please the other partner and does not mind it. It's not about being fair and getting exactly 50/50%  it's about wanting to be giving each other more and being completely happy about it. imo

inicky46 61 Reviews 2086 reads
7 / 158

And I'm sure you're right that this question has never been asked here before.  Do you know why? Until now, no one was stupid enough to ask it.
bigpimp below

Blowing Chunks 2068 reads
8 / 158

by his own admission, he was raised a bastard... seems he's just trolling now.

0603450onThe 2003 reads
9 / 158

Sure, as long as both parties involved are getting what they want and need out of it. Why not.  

'Should' it be fair? Totally different question IMO.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 1847 reads
10 / 158

on what you mean by "fair":

used as an adjective - "in accordance with the rules or standards" - then yes.  

used as an adverb - "without cheating or trying to achieve unjust advantage" - then possibly.

used as a noun - "a beautiful woman" - then hopefully so

0603450onThe 1729 reads
11 / 158
Pimpathy 1957 reads
12 / 158

From the get go, I don't believe the sexes are fair. Male is different from Female.

Curly, it would be unfair to the ladies if I were to let you "smack" my "ass".


You have fun here on Planet Earth, I 'm headed to Venus to get down with some intergalactic intercourse.

Pimpathy 2065 reads
14 / 158

I agree sex is not supposed to be fair. How could it

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1959 reads
15 / 158
Pimpathy 2125 reads
16 / 158

Fair, no. I'm not sure sex could ever be fair.

Pimpathy 1988 reads
17 / 158
Pimpathy 1850 reads
18 / 158

The fairer sex definition is interesting

0603450onThe 2009 reads
19 / 158

'stupid' question is only stupid to those who can't answer the question for what it 'is', not for what it 'isn't'.  


Pimpathy 2235 reads
20 / 158

and all this time, I thought you were lacking discipline.

GaGambler 2228 reads
21 / 158

but as usual, he just comes off looking clueless and stupid.

GaGambler 1863 reads
22 / 158
inicky46 61 Reviews 2030 reads
23 / 158

I didn't say asking an unasked question was dumb.  I said your question hadn't been asked because it's dumb.  Can your pea brain discern the difference?

GaGambler 2033 reads
25 / 158

I think this is proof just how wrong he was.

GaGambler 1965 reads
26 / 158
MasterZen 33 Reviews 2253 reads
27 / 158

some sex play isn't meant to be fair in one sense, but is fair in another (some BDSM comes to mind).  

If gender is the point, would you consider Girl on Girl sex unfair as well as Guy on Girl?

What about number of "players"? Is a threesome unfair for one or all? Solo... has to be fair at least, right?

So is your question about sex or something else

0603450onThe 2273 reads
28 / 158

only 'dumb' answers from 'dumb' people.

And for the record, I would never personally use the word 'dumb' as any part of my definitive vocabulary. But for all intensive purposes here, to address 'those' using the word as part of their daily word choice, I thought it was important to use the word in this instance. Simply so they can understand correctly the 'question' at hand using their own ridiculous terminology.  


0603450onThe 2258 reads
29 / 158

the ongoings of the ridiculousness spewed on this board...I'm all for it. Banish away. I have approached them on it, but nothing yet. Shucks. So I'm stuck playing here with you. However, the minute they do decide to create something of the kind, you can have your GD board and I'll take my lil self and (I'm sure a few others) capable of having a grown adult conversation on levels you can't even fathom, and mosey on outta here.  

Can't come quick enough in my opinion. Maybe I'll start something. ;)

Ya know, there would no name calling or trash talking or acting like you're in 3rd grade to be a part of that lil community. Just people who can handle a topic, no matter what topic, with opinion and a good argument, nothing more. You must act like an adult though at all times, that's the catch. So of course, you and a few others would NOT be allowed off the getgo and no trying to 'attempt' to change your handle. I'm just not sure you could 'handle' that. In fact, I know you couldn't.  Post as a child, always post as a child. You might have to hold Nick's hand on that one on the way down.  


-- Modified on 3/30/2014 9:45:23 AM

Blowing Chunks 1978 reads
30 / 158

only to come back under a handle that implies pimp-sympathyzer.  

original yes,  a very dumb original question lol

Pimpathy 1949 reads
31 / 158

I thought homo vs hetero sex could go in the direction of being more fair. The more I think about that, the less i think it's true.

Posted By: MasterZen
some sex play isn't meant to be fair in one sense, but is fair in another (some BDSM comes to mind).  
 If gender is the point, would you consider Girl on Girl sex unfair as well as Guy on Girl?  
 What about number of "players"? Is a threesome unfair for one or all? Solo... has to be fair at least, right?  
 So is your question about sex or something else?  

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1821 reads
32 / 158
Pimpathy 1896 reads
33 / 158

I have not formed an explanation yet. I would start with the fact the male species, and female species are anatomically different, while being sexually compatible.

Pimpathy 1765 reads
34 / 158

I assumed all TSTTT post would get bounced back to GD, where they belong.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 1825 reads
35 / 158

It should be great, or at least very good...
...Unless it's free, then I'd probably settle for fair - still beats sitting on the couch watching TV (well, usually, depending what's on - great Seinfeld re-run, NCAA tourney, decisions, decisions...).

(sorry, silly question, silly reply).

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 2124 reads
36 / 158
MasterZen 33 Reviews 1854 reads
37 / 158

question you're really pondering is one about power and control. I'd say it's fair but inequitable.  

It's also certainly an aspect of sex; although not the point of sex as most see it, I believe.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1953 reads
38 / 158
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 2133 reads
39 / 158
inicky46 61 Reviews 2064 reads
40 / 158

So here's a suggestion/dare: do a search, find a few other boards, leave here and join up. Board rules prohibit me from naming them, but they're around and easy to find.  So who's stopping you?  Put up or shut up.
I'll make a bet, though.  Minnie won't take me up on my suggestion and do what she says she wants to do.  Why?  Because, deep down, she likes it here or needs to feed on the negative energy she helps spawn.  Why do you think she comes back, unchanged, from every melt-down.  Thus, this desire to find a more congenial place to post is just the latest in a long litany of lies.
But one can dream, can't one?
So if you go, Tardlor, you might have to hold Roddy's hand on that one on the way down.  But do bring him along.  Actually, don't.  He's starting to make a rare sensible post.  Besides, with you gone we need a good pinata here.

Blowing Chunks 2174 reads
41 / 158
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 2033 reads
42 / 158

"Of fairest creatures we desire increase,
That therefore beauty's rose may never die..." WS, Sonnet 1

The 16th, 17th Century meaning of that held a slightly racist overtone.

Just saying...

GaGambler 2113 reads
43 / 158

TSTTT means exactly that, Too Stupid To Talk To, any deeper meaning to that is purely a figment of your imagination.

and no, you are NOT stuck her with me, you are free to leave any time you want to, as you have done several times before. Don't worry, we all know you aren't going anywhere, and even if you do, like a moth to a flame, you will be back.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1747 reads
44 / 158

Enigmas have a universe of our own. It's actually quite smart... At least in one sense of that word.

Turnaround is fair play.

GaGambler 2163 reads
45 / 158

Nowhere did "I" say "there are no dumb questions"

My post actually "implied" (Fuck you Conan) the exact opposite.

I really don't understand how an obviously "mature" woman like yourself can spend so much time here and still not be able to understand simple English. sheesh,

Or I guess the other possibility is that you are being intentionally obtuse, that couldn't be it, now could it?

0603450onThe 1664 reads
46 / 158

as I am curious. I think perhaps it may not be the explanation you are looking for, but perhaps you may find the question you really want to ask.

GaGambler 1901 reads
47 / 158

The idiot OP is both stupid, and clueless. Once upon a time he was simply "enigmatic" but that ship sailed quite some time ago.

GaGambler 1850 reads
48 / 158

I think that word might be more fitting for the OP

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 2128 reads
49 / 158

Sex is play, but not really a game. So fairness doesn't apply. Unless you see it as running a game. Then it can't be fair.

0603450onThe 1931 reads
50 / 158

If there are 'other' sites, I have not found them, but then again, I haven't taken the time to search. Feel free to PM them to me whoever does know of 'good' ones. But don't be sending me off on some hoo haa of ridiculousness. Be serious about it if you're going to. But I will admit, sometimes it is too fun here to yes, poke at the pinatas, although our definition of 'who' that pinata is, is quite different for each of us.  


I guess my point is, sometimes (ok alot of the time) the pinata thing is just well, 'old', like some of same ol' posters here. I know I tire of it. I don't know, I think this place needs a lil modernizing or spicing up but in a positive light in my opinion, not that that'll happen but it is just a thought. It'll get shot down like everything else, but hey, everything is worth a fair shot in my eyes. If it works, great, if it doesn't, oh well.

It boils down to 'majority reigns supreme' as with everything else in life...guess it just depends on who the majority is. Which I might add...is clearly not me haha. (But I take that as a compliment btw).  

PM away people...........I'll be waitin

0603450onThe 2071 reads
51 / 158

I just don't read your shit, that's all. Headlines only, honest. Perhaps that's why my replys make no sense to you....your words are like white space to me and don't exist. I swear to god. Perhaps thats why my replies puzzle you and few other posters here, cause I don't read the same ol' stuff you guys post day in and day out. I already know what you're going to say, yes, you're that predictable and unoriginal.  

When I respond it's to your headlines only 99.9% of the time, that's all that's really needed anyway. Let me repeat, I never read what you write. So sometimes it's on and sometimes it's off. It's fun to keep you guessing. Now if you wrote something interesting or something minus the crap, I'd pay attention. But you don't. Sorry.  

How bout this...come up with something not so predictable and something that speaks originality, and we can have a real conversation. Sounds good to me.  

Let me know so I'm sure to read it next time.  


GaGambler 1868 reads
52 / 158

but you still must have a problem when you can't even get the headline correct.

and everybody here knows you're lying when you claim not to read my or Inicky's posts. Truth be told, you seem to hang on every word.

0603450onThe 2129 reads
53 / 158

listen, I said 99.9% of the time, UNLESS you catch my attention with something worth reading (which as of late, hasn't been anything 'new'). I know you want to claim I read them, but I really don't. What would I really gain, ask yourself that question if you were me.  

It doesn't matter....anyhow just listen to this one request will ya..........

If you just stop and think about what this person is really asking, the OP...this is a very interesting topic. Just stop for a minute, put all your immediate attack bashing aside and look at what was posted, not the poster or the wording, just the question. I bet if you looked at it from my perspective, the real question at hand, you may just get something out of it instead of all these distractions at poking at people. I will read your posts and would like to hear your real answers to his question, IF you keep the other crap out of it.  

I'm being totally serious. I have nothing against any of 'you' just your repetitive slandering that has nothing to do with the 'question' ever at hand, only the 'posters' at hand. We can talk then, which I would love to do with you like I do with many others here.  

Read the question boys, and simply answer 'the question'.......tis interesting indeed if you 'allow' it to be. That's all. Then we can 'talk'.


WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1698 reads
54 / 158

...but the more I think about it... The more I tend to agree. Something terrible must be happening to me.

-- Modified on 3/30/2014 11:06:34 AM

GaGambler 2470 reads
55 / 158

The OP, meaning the poster is simply a troll, and the OP meaning the question is so ambiguously worded as to be a completely meaningless question.

Now if you would like to rephrase the question into something actually worth discussing I will be more than happy to take the question seriously. In it's present form, it's simply one of those ridiculous and ambiguous questions like "what's the meaning of life?" which for all practical purposes in not really a "question" at all.

I am being sincere, If you would like to start a new thread with a legitimate question posed to the board, I will take it seriously, This thread is a joke and not worth taking seriously, virtually anything you would post would be an improvement

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1884 reads
56 / 158
mrfisher 108 Reviews 1591 reads
58 / 158

I meant that I like sex AT a fair, specifically a renaissance fair.

Lots of wenches at those things.

And of course, when it comes to sex, I'm an equal opportunity pervert.

89Springer 1748 reads
59 / 158
GaGambler 1894 reads
60 / 158

and most likely the nicest thing you will ever say about him:)))

Truth be told, I can't even muster up that much "niceness" for him.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 2013 reads
61 / 158
Blowing Chunks 1832 reads
63 / 158

probably because he can't ever get a civvy girl to sleep with him. I'm sure he resorts to yanking his own shaft every evening. How else would it explain this dumb question.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1991 reads
64 / 158

...Maybe you need an enima (sic) to think straight.

Pimpathy 1953 reads
65 / 158

Although I wouldn't rule that out.  

Posted By: MasterZen
question you're really pondering is one about power and control. I'd say it's fair but inequitable.  
 It's also certainly an aspect of sex; although not the point of sex as most see it, I believe.

0603450onThe 2006 reads
66 / 158

Now that one I read....S L O W L Y.

;) LOL.

Blowing Chunks 1816 reads
67 / 158

We could certainly do away with the pimp-sympathizing posts as well as a bunch of other enigmatic & dumb posts though.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 2017 reads
68 / 158
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 2097 reads
69 / 158
Pimpathy 2026 reads
70 / 158

I've only shown respect for you, out of respect for seniority

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 2125 reads
71 / 158
Pimpathy 2145 reads
72 / 158

I were lactose intolerant.

Pimpathy 2193 reads
73 / 158

... is sex fair ?

You shouldn't read that far into the question.

GaGambler 2025 reads
74 / 158
Pimpathy 2028 reads
75 / 158

of course, I can't recall ever attending a renaissance fair.


WB, the "fairer" sex refers to white pussy?

inicky46 61 Reviews 1967 reads
76 / 158

He is always around but had better things to do.  Anyway, you were adequate for the task so there's no need to say more.......at this time.

0603450onThe 2201 reads
77 / 158

question would've been certainly a topic to discuss in all seriousness. No, I'm not going to start a new thread. But since I read this post, very well put, thank you...so see, I am capable of reading and comprehending when 'I' want to.

Anyway, I'll tell you what, how about this instead. You find me a 'boring' forum where 'I' belong and I'll leave you people be to go about your ways. Swear to God. Not trying to change anybody, just trying to find out where I fit in somewhere 'posting' wise. During the midst of my downtime I like to know the ongoings and thought processes of this world now that I am here...helps me hone in my craft (nice huh). And obviously, it doesn't have to happen here on TER posting wise. I am/was simply unaware of any other forums that work like this in this world but on a more serious level. I am still rather 'new' here, remember?  

Find me another decent forum where I can chat with like-minded folk and I post elsewhere. Obviously, I like to write and I like to hear what people have to say. It's that simple. Just as long as it's an easy forum like this. Someone did put me on a different one last year he thought was suited more to my tastes and it was just weird and confusing so I bailed immediately and ended up back on here. Forgot the name of it.  

Find me a new forum....I stop posting on TER. Simple. So help me GAG...the games can be over then and you and I can go on our silly separate ways.

-- Modified on 3/30/2014 12:12:31 PM

GaGambler 2334 reads
78 / 158

Does that make you happy, and in defense of my use of the non word "enima" I had misread the word "enigma" so if I am going to misread something I might as well misspell it as well.

As for Pimpathy, at one point he would bounce back and forth between stupid and enigmatic, but he is firmly in the camp of being stupid now. If you would like me to say that you were right and I was wrong. so be it. You were right, and I was wrong, Happy now?

Pimpathy 1695 reads
79 / 158

were you expecting a dick pic?

Pimpathy 1933 reads
80 / 158
inicky46 61 Reviews 2673 reads
81 / 158

The Cunning Linguist points out that it's not "for all intensive purposes."  The correct phrase is "for all intents and purposes."
So funny when you get on your high horse and then fall on your ass.

For all intensive purposes
Nonsense, it means nothing. Its what people say when they really mean to say "for all intents and purposes".
1. For all intents and purposes = Correct  

2. To all intents and purposes = Correct  

3. For all intensive purposes = WRONG! You should have paid attention in English class!

Pimpathy 1902 reads
82 / 158

Do you believe my position is unfair?

GaGambler 1998 reads
83 / 158

Well except for my tongue and cheek suggestion for a "TER" TSTTT board.

First off, I can't link or even refer to a competing site here, even if I wanted to.

Secondly, I don't believe I've ever suggested that you leave. I have suggested (ok more than suggested) that you are BSC, but I've only made fun of you and your outbursts, and your stomping off in a huff only to return in a few days, but I don't ever remember me suggesting you leave in a serious way. Just like I have never told your BF that he should leave.

If you or your BF were to leave you would only be replaced by someone like you, just like if I were to leave, some other asshole would step right into my place. This is a site with tens of thousand of members logged onto it morning, noon, and night. None of us are irreplaceable, and on that note I HAVE said if you don't like it here don't let the door hit you on the ass, but that's a far cry from actually trying to get rid of you.

If you want a "nice" board, why don't you simply stay on the Newbie board, everyone is "nice" there, even me.

0603450onThe 2319 reads
84 / 158

But I will of course still leave my profile up with reviews, and ads blah blah blah...just not my 'verbiage' LOL. You guys are right, I don't belong here that way. I just honestly have no idea where to look.

-- Modified on 3/30/2014 12:25:20 PM

GaGambler 2101 reads
85 / 158
Claudius42310 13 Reviews 2105 reads
86 / 158

While the number is less than what would be representative of the general population, it is not zero. Renaissance fairs do have a certain selection effect that skews the statistics. Folks of any race might need an interest in European history.

0603450onThe 2197 reads
87 / 158

think there was anything else out there. The newbie board is completely different and not what i'm after, clearly. Have someone who isn't 'afraid' to email me LOL, email me some sites. That's all.  

Btw, saw BSC and skimmed this post from you. Didn't read it word for word, saw 'nice' and 'newbie' that was it. I'm sorry, I'm just not interested in being called anything other than my name at this rate. That's no different than verbal abuse at it's worst. I'm not interested in abuse or I would've stayed married LOL.  

Let me know. Ciao

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 1885 reads
88 / 158
GaGambler 2071 reads
90 / 158

Or I suppose Tardlor accomplishes the same thing, which would you prefer?

and your name is not "Taylor" any more than my name is "GaGambler"

I would also mention that is being called BSC by some asshole on the internet is the worst kind of verbal abuse you can think of, you have led a rather sheltered life.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 2168 reads
91 / 158

It's the most descriptive word I can think of. He's just a silly little maggot.  

Posted By: GaGambler
and most likely the nicest thing you will ever say about him:)))

Truth be told, I can't even muster up that much "niceness" for him.

Fridays117 27 Reviews 2250 reads
93 / 158

I used to play Dungeons & Dragons (back in the late 80's) in college with a genuine worshipper of Odin who just happened to be African American.  He went to Ren Faire's all the time with his GF and they both dressed up in some cool retro Rennaissance costumes.  He belonged to a group of Odin worshippers who were sick of the whole Judeo-Christian-Muslim People of the Book kind of stuff.  They resurrected ancient worship of the Norse gods as a rebellion against society and being placed in a "box" as a statistic.

VOO-doo 2099 reads
94 / 158

figuratively and literally. It's harder for a guy not to get off, than a girl...the girl can be completely passive, and the sex act can still be completed. Which I guess isn't fair to her...if he gets his, SHE should get hers :-D

But at least with our species, both parties at least have the ability to enjoy sex equally.  

Think of how it would feel to be a female cat, or a male praying mantis.....CHOMP!

inicky46 61 Reviews 2245 reads
95 / 158

She whines about the board and say's she'd leave for a good alternative.  Then she expects us to go find her a place she might like better, mainly, it seems, because she's too lazy or too busy to do it herself.  With all the time she spends here, at a place she professes not to like, you'd think there'd be ample time to do a simple search.
Fact is, she really doesn't want to go anywhere else.  She just won't admit it. Why? Who knows?  Who cares?

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 2004 reads
97 / 158
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 2199 reads
98 / 158

Chauvinistic as well. Historically it's never been considered crude till the last few decades. About the same time that "swarthy" made the list of derogatory expressions.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1517 reads
100 / 158

Please re-read that part of the thread.  Tardlor whined about how much she disliked this board and wanted to leave.  So I took her up on it.  But she's now weaseled out of it.
If you're going to stick around here and be more than a pinata, you really need to read and think more carefully.  
Here's her post.  Read it this time.

-- Modified on 3/30/2014 5:32:25 PM

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1840 reads
101 / 158

This is a nonsensical question because rhythm doesn't apply to money.

Fairness applies to contests, a fair game, a fair fight, a fair bargain. Somebody wins, or both can win, or whatever.
Unless you view sex as a contest, fairness doesn't apply.
That's why people sense it's an odd or "stupid" question.

Pimpathy 1992 reads
102 / 158

as to a Renaissance fair. Other than cleavage and turkey legs.

Fisher, and WB brought up race. I simply asked, "is sex fair ?". What say you

ClamsCasino 2165 reads
104 / 158
Pimpathy 2107 reads
105 / 158

I would think people from northern africa, would have migrated to the italian peninsula. "When" IDK

GaGambler 1369 reads
106 / 158

I just got done telling Tardlor the very same thing.

and are you getting the same lame PM's from Turdwell asking you to be nice to his lady love? I need a fucking barf bag just to read his drivel.

0603450onThe 1562 reads
107 / 158

My pro shots are really no different than my selfies just with my camera and tripod, that's all. And Frick and Frack aren't getting me to leave silly, I'm just looking for a different forum, that's all, if there is such a thing.  

Incessant verbal abuse is still ugly anyway you put it and uncalled for. But it's still unnecessary for anyone, anywhere, in any world to have to deal with it. So to each his own on that one. And I have to believe, that what comes around goes around ultimately with that notion. No biggie on me, I'm not the one doing it. So I don't really care in all honesty. The only actions we can control are our own. As long as one is good with them, that's all that really matters cause it really makes no difference to anybody else, especially here.

-- Modified on 3/30/2014 3:23:03 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1406 reads
108 / 158

He is just stupid enough to keep pestering you but not quite stupid enough to continue pestering me.  Still he's achieved a pretty awesome level of stupidity.
And his BSC girlfriend still hasn't responded to my pointing out her mis-use of common English in a post where she was bragging about her "terminology."

Pimpathy 2174 reads
109 / 158

You know I only talk to you, because your mom is hot.

VOO-doo 2095 reads
110 / 158

Yes, we can have multiple O's...but, so can guys. I've had many clients who've had multiple O's (as many as three) even within an hour-long session.  

That saying guys have, "There is no such thing as a bad BJ?"

Women don't have an equivalent saying. Bad sex is just....bad. Even oral (being bitten/chin-sandpapered/manhandled down there is roughly equivalent, painwise, to getting kicked in the balls). And it's nearly impossible to come with an unskilled partner...unless he is willing to be taught (being taught is a huge blow to a lot of guys' egos).

Guys can come a few times even with an unskilled partner. It is very unlikely that I'd even come ONE time with an unskilled partner (unless I enlisted the help of a vibrator. And, believe it or not, I've had a few clients with whom I could not come even WITH the help of a vibrator).

VOO-doo 1863 reads
111 / 158
Pimpathy 1936 reads
112 / 158

Although, is it your goal to end up with a trophy?

Blowing Chunks 1855 reads
113 / 158

I was referring to someone else who might consider posting less enigmatic dumb shit

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 2016 reads
114 / 158

Posted By: Pimpathy
... is sex fair ?  
 Yes?/No? :Should sex be fair ?

GaGambler 2076 reads
116 / 158

Taylor rarely if ever posts anything enigmatic, dumb is a different story, but Turdwell begged me not to be "mean" to his love, he's scared she might leave us. Like that will EVER happen.

Well I guess it will happen someday, but it's not likely that it will happen anytime soon.

Blowing Chunks 2027 reads
117 / 158

I'd have to be madly in love (and reciprocated) in order for me to do that though.  A girl with a title of "girl friend", I probably won't devote 100% of myself.  

I guess this is also a way for a savvy cunning girl to take everything a guy owns through alimony but fortunately I don't own much at all (under my own name, that is. lol )

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1876 reads
118 / 158

Okay, not 100%, but that's sort of splitting hairs. When people say 50-50, it usually means, "I'll give back what I get," and in any encounter of a sexual nature, IMO, it's a matter of giving all (and, yeah, if you're in love 'all' means something different than it does with an escort), and hopefully receiving her all in return.

But I think we basically agree.

Kayden_love.lv See my TER Reviews 2003 reads
119 / 158

People would think and act completely different......  
Sex makes the world go around. people do crazy things for sex and money. That's why they go hand and hand ;)  
For the record I love sex and I love money. Therefore the answer to your question is "YES sex is completely fair". I'm speaking for men and woman when I say this: how could the feeling of a really intense orgasm Not be fair? But at the same time passion, lust and excitement play a major role for me....teasing and pleasing is so fun .... cumming is just the cherry on top

Pimpathy 1818 reads
120 / 158
ClamsCasino 1788 reads
121 / 158

Women only fake orgasm, and men, at least TER men, come many times an hour.  True.

GaGambler 1856 reads
122 / 158

I guess we can add liar to your list of character flaws, along with stupid and clueless.

I would suggest in the future when you have this overpowering urge to tell a lie, think first if there is the slightest possibility of anyone believing said lie. No one with even half a brain would believe that I would initiate a private conversation with you. I have repeated told you anything you have to say to me, you can say in public so everyone can laugh at you. I would hate to be accused of being selfish by saving all the laughs for myself.

Now if you are really worried about Taylor getting away from you, why don't you just book a fucking appointment. As I told you via PM She is a hooker, this is what she does for a living. She would love to see you, you don't have to court her, just bring money and you can have all the granny sex you can handle

OSP 26 Reviews 1716 reads
123 / 158

I'm sure glad you pathetic prostitution sympathizers had sumpin to bitch about today hehe

Sex has bcum a weapon for sum, if not a tool altogether. If the world would cease n its attempts to "get a leg up over another", it would b a much nicer place. Back to both hands on the wheel buwahahaha

Blowing Chunks 1859 reads
124 / 158

Suffice to say, I wouldn't be in a relationship if I'm finding myself even remotely calculating what I'm getting from her and what I'm giving. Being together and being happily would be the main goal.  

I guess a girl being with a guy and making him happy can be considered a form of giving something back too but due to the huge ambiguity and the relative & non-quantitative nature of what those entail, the same couple could be in a perfectly fair relationship if both parties love each other but on the other extreme the same couple could claim to be very unfair if they just can't get along. Hence, a very dumb question. lol  

That's like asking if getting the amount of sunlight we do from the sun is fair

Dr Who revived 913 reads
125 / 158

Also you might want to re-take that junior college class on how to lie well...you've failed miserably thus far.  I presume you tell your fellow employees that you're a star on a fuck board...and they laugh at you as well.

Blowing Chunks 957 reads
126 / 158

I don't recall EVER flaming anyone on the newbie board because I haven't. Much like abiding by the man code of not discussing what is discussed in RO board, I have strictly adhered to the rule that all newbies get a free pass on that board no matter how silly a question.  

Yet, Mr.Turdwell here conveniently adds me to the list of guys who flamed him on the newbie board when no such event ever happened.  He also accused me of being in some "TER Elite team" conspiring to dig up his personal info when I don't even consider myself being in some TER elite team not to mention having zero interest in the guys info or any of the things he posts.  If I was in this "elite team", I hear they give a free private jet ride to the incall. I never get any of that. lol  

Does Roddy lie? Yes he does. He accuses innocent people in order to win himself sympathy. Maybe RodSympathy will get along well with Pimpathy

Fridays117 27 Reviews 1468 reads
127 / 158

No sex is not fair.  Why can a woman cum multiple times without break while a guy has to recharge?  Why do women haveto bear children while men just hang out and smoke a cigar?  (All generalities with biological reasons) nothing is fair.  Fair is a made up concept.  Sex is not fair because life is not fair.  There is no referee.  No one to tell you you are doing well or doing poor except your friends and/or family, who may or may not have a objective/subjective take on life.  This is a dumb question.  Some men are born and grow up handsome, good looking and successful, never have a problem getting laid while his twin brother can't get laid to save his life.  Is that fair? Most women can get laid simply by saying "yes" to any jerk that comes along, most guys get shot down just for asking and rarely get asked.  Is that fair?  Between culture, propriety, physicality, psychology and simple opportunity, there is NO FAIR in anything.  Ugh.  Next topic.  Enough already.

Fridays117 27 Reviews 1605 reads
128 / 158
inicky46 61 Reviews 1205 reads
129 / 158

and he didn't initiate it.  Then he confirmed it.  Do you not understand the difference between initiating a PM and simply responding to one? Do you really think anyone will believe you over him? You are even lower than I imagined.  I've accused you of being a liar for weeks because of the way you distort things.  Now you've helped make it clearer than ever.  You will say anything, no matter how unbelievable to advance an argument.
But the problem is, you are too stupid to do it with any credibility.  Thus, you are a bald-faced liar. I was willing to see if you could get your act together and become a responsible poster here.  With your current pathetic lies that's now over for me.
You and your serially-lying, aged love Tardlor can officially go fuck yourselves.  You've run out of chances.

-- Modified on 3/30/2014 9:50:44 PM

GaGambler 1024 reads
130 / 158

Do you two really think you can just tell lies anytime you want without being called on it.

and Why in the world would I ever want to have a private conversation with you? It's much more entertaining to call you out for the fool you are in public than in private where you can deny it ever happened. On more than one occasion I have told you NOT to PM me in the future, and to leave me the fuck alone, do you really want me to share those PM's with the rest of the board?

If you really want to lay your cards on the table, if you can find a PM from me that was not a direct response to a PM from you, you have my full permission to post it here, and I will give you a public apology, but you can't do that because I have NEVER initiated contact with you. I have zero problems calling you out in public, I have nothing to hide, can you honestly say the same?

inicky46 61 Reviews 1514 reads
131 / 158

Which raises the question: are you actually retarded, or just profoundly dense?  I guess that's a classic "distinction without a difference."

Pimpathy 1585 reads
133 / 158

turd-blossom is certainly one of Rod's nicknames.

Posted By: inicky46
Which raises the question: are you actually retarded, or just profoundly dense?  I guess that's a classic "distinction without a difference."

inicky46 61 Reviews 1261 reads
134 / 158

DA is right.  You falsely accused him, just as you falsely accused me of calling you a rapist. And now it's completely clear what a liar your are, saying GaG PM'd you as if he'd reached out when he was only responding to you.
Accept it, Tarwell, you have no shred of credibility here.  And don't hide behind ageist taunts.  I feel great, inside and out.  But you must live knowing you are a lying tool with no game and less credibility.  No one here any longer believes anything you say. Happy now ?
You need to go away.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1029 reads
135 / 158

Hint: the real "cool kids" are running away from you with their hair on fire.
It's official, Roddy Tardwell is the biggest tool ever to pollute this board.  Well, at least since 2010.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1612 reads
138 / 158
Blowing Chunks 1694 reads
139 / 158
Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 1786 reads
142 / 158

Especially with a wrapper.
An O is an O, but honestly, the woman is feeling MUCH more building up to that than I am during sex with a wrapper.
And yes, there IS such a thing as a bad BJ for me.
Can definitely lose my erection if she is doing a poor job (and can be painful too).

VOO-doo 1629 reads
143 / 158

It can be very hard for me to cum just from being fucked. Many women need external stimulation of the clitoris. So I am not necessarily feeling it any more than the guy losing his erection in a wrapper. If I am not warmed up, lubed up, or aroused...even sometimes if I am...it can hurt. Or it can feel like absolutely nothing. Being fucked does not always feel good....not by a long shot.

No matter how bad a BJ is...I would venture to say that it doesn't feel like getting kicked in the nuts. Pretty common with an unskilled partner for it to get THAT unpleasant for the woman (can be said for both oral and vaginal sex).

-- Modified on 3/31/2014 3:25:38 AM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1784 reads
144 / 158
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1538 reads
145 / 158

50/50 anything will always lead to someone coming short, or someone not giving what they can.

Just enjoy it, and enjoy each other. It doesn't have to be that complicated.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1550 reads
147 / 158

"Sex has bcum a weapon for sum, if not a tool altogether. If the world would cease n its attempts to "get a leg up over another", it would b a much nicer place."

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 1778 reads
148 / 158

this is all subjective stuff, to some degree, isn't it?
I base my notion of a woman's feeling more with a wrapper purely on my own experience with women, and their reactions to me.
Trust me on this one - now whether it is all enjoyment or something else, that I can't say.
Honestly, sex with a wrapper only gives me about 40% of the feeling of sex without one.
Thus, it can take me a long time to get to the O.
I really get more pure pleasure from other tactile input such as feeling the softness of a woman's breast with my hands, than I get from my penis during intercourse during much of the act before the O.

I'd agree with your statement "no bad..." if you applied it to vaginal sex without a wrapper.
And that makes sense too when you think about it, the warm softness of a vagina is the perfect home for a cock - they were designed for each other - and the right pressure is generally applied in the right areas.
HJs and BJs can be great - but bad technique can indeed have me in pain and pushing the lady away.
This has happened to me.  I'll grant you, it's not quite as bad as being kicked in the balls, but it's bad.
The tip of my penis is extremely sensitive, so the ladies technique is critical for me.  Too much attention to the tip is quite painful.

But hey, if the larger point is that it is MORE predictable and mechanical to get a guy to O, I'll certainly agree with this.  But I do think it's not quite as 100% purely mechanical as some might think...

inicky46 61 Reviews 1020 reads
149 / 158

I do recall you referring to someone as a "sociopath" though.  That was a good one, as it combined name-calling with faux psychology.

FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 1348 reads
150 / 158

Depends on who's sex we're talking about.

Not all sex is equal because not all participants are equal.

One round of sex with person A & B, may not the same as person C & D,
or A & C
or A & D
or B & C
or B & D

Without tryin to be redundant, I am sure you get my point.

Is sex with my clients fair?
I believe so.
I don't ass rape them, they don't ass rape me.

Now enter in the SO who do not enjoy it, I am sure for the other SO, it isn't fair.

But you want a definitive answer upon a subject/topic that is subjective?

That's about like wanting an honest answer from a deceptive person....
(line poorly quoted from thread past week...)

Your question in itself shows a lack of intelligence & logic.

Maybe you should keep the pimping to the streets, bruh

UncleBill54 6 Reviews 1664 reads
151 / 158
VOO-doo 1432 reads
152 / 158

Not sure where I said it was mechanical for the guy to pop, but from my experience with men and their reactions to me, yes, it is 1000 times (or more) easier for them to enjoy themselves and cum during sex, as opposed to me. Condoms or lack thereof are irrelevant to that assessment.  

The other point being: a lot of people think that getting fucked always just feels good for a woman....that is NOT true. I cannot even come from pure fucking and no other help ( which is fairly common for women...the clitoris is on the outside). And it can either hurt really badly, or leave me 100% indifferent. I would venture to say (wouldnt want to presume) that is NOT the same experience that most men have.

Not sure what point of mine you are even arguing with. I guess it is not nice to hear that we can be completely indifferent and even turned off during an encounter...some men  have seen just seem to think that ANY object...dildo, finger, dick, broom handle (kidding) jammed into me repeatedly will feel good...but it just doesn't work that way.

On a side note, condoms suck for us, too...cause a lot of chafing.

-- Modified on 3/31/2014 7:43:37 AM

Pimpathy 1699 reads
153 / 158

I'm not going to ask a question that can be answered easily, or answered at all.

Where's the fun in that?
Posted By: FoxyNC
Depends on who's sex we're talking about.  
 Not all sex is equal because not all participants are equal.  
 One round of sex with person A & B, may not the same as person C & D,  
 or A & C  
 or A & D  
 or B & C  
 or B & D  
 Without tryin to be redundant, I am sure you get my point.  
 Is sex with my clients fair?  
 I believe so.  
 I don't ass rape them, they don't ass rape me.  
 Now enter in the SO who do not enjoy it, I am sure for the other SO, it isn't fair.  
 But you want a definitive answer upon a subject/topic that is subjective?  
 That's about like wanting an honest answer from a deceptive person....  
 (line poorly quoted from thread past week...)  
 Your question in itself shows a lack of intelligence & logic.  
 Maybe you should keep the pimping to the streets, bruh.  

inicky46 61 Reviews 993 reads
154 / 158
GaGambler 1555 reads
155 / 158

After all what would be the fun in actually making sense?

The only thing surprising is just how many people play along with your nonsensical bullshit. Most of what you say sounds like if came out of a fortune cookie.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1754 reads
156 / 158
Blowing Chunks 1360 reads
157 / 158

LMAO  I knew his source of barnum nonsense sounded familiar. He must like chinese takeout.

FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 1436 reads
158 / 158

Your posts are neither meaningful, entertaining, or helpful contributions.  
As labeled by TER guidelines.
You Sir, have no point.
You are a waste of air, and I want my ticket money back.

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