TER General Board

I don't think I would put it in such flowery terms
GaGambler 567 reads

but yeah, "What he said" lol

I only read reviews to get an idea of what to expect from a woman I have never met. After I have been with her, I really couldn't care less what others have to say about her.  

I am sure some guys get a titillating type pleasure or actually use reviews as whack off material, but to me sex is a "participation sport" and I really don't get off reading the inflated memories of what other guys have experienced with a woman I've seen for myself.

rando_mn2138 reads

I realize that a lot of us don't have an ATF, because we enjoy the variety. But some do have an ATF (or even more than one). Do you guys like to read her reviews? Why or why not?

And some of you providers may have a favorite client or two. Do you like to read his reviews of other providers?

At least not after I've already seen them. It's not because i'd be jealous or anything, its more because i simply don't care what he does with other providers. I focus on making our sessions fun and get direct feedback from him. Reading his reviews wouldn't do anything for me.

From the time we first meet we create our own journey & memories together, regardless of how others may report she acted with them later.

GaGambler568 reads

but yeah, "What he said" lol

I only read reviews to get an idea of what to expect from a woman I have never met. After I have been with her, I really couldn't care less what others have to say about her.  

I am sure some guys get a titillating type pleasure or actually use reviews as whack off material, but to me sex is a "participation sport" and I really don't get off reading the inflated memories of what other guys have experienced with a woman I've seen for myself.

Posted By: rando_mn

And some of you providers may have a favorite client or two. Do you like to read his reviews of other providers?
I read reviews as a form of verifying. I want to know if a potential client wears condoms for FS, and if he engages in sex acts that do not appeal to me. For instance, I do not like pegging and after reading several reviews of a hobbyist requesting a "kink" rendezvous, I knew his "kink" was not on my menu. Without going into explicit details with him, I told him I'd read his reviews and his "kink" didn't interest me. I recommended a provider who enjoys his "kink" and it worked out well for all of us.

So, yes, I do read reviews to ensure I will have chemistry with my date. I realize each provider and rendezvous is different, but the insight I gain has been a tremendous help in my verification process.

...I would never read her reviews. It would be very tempting to do so, but there would just be too much stuff that she does that I would rather not know about.

Just call me Cleopatra, Queen of De-Nile ;)

My now-retired ATF had some fascinating reviews. It was as though she could tell what a guy was thinking, and go straight there. So I'd almost see a different provider described in many reviews. It was really interesting. She was really interesting.

I also like to notify her of the new review because a lot of gals I see don'e go on to TER that often.

I read them, but I find it's not as informative or exciting as reading about them before we meet. It's just something I do; not sure what I get out of it.

...all of which I have seen. I check the list often to see who has a new review.

that it can be a big turn on or emotional roller coaster...deep breath

my  regulars, but if I escalate to being an outside OTC boyfriend.  I never read another review, unless I'm reading it WITH her to have a few laughs at what some wannabe studs write about themselves compared to her perception of the same session.  

They sometimes give me ideas of things I might want to try that I never thought of before and she forgot to mention.  One case in point was using a FC simultaneously in front and back and going from anal to regular simply by withdrawing and plunging back into the other entry and then back!  It was wild!

BUT. I will say, sometimes I will read them to see what the client enjoyed with her that they may not have mentioned in mine if they schedule another date. Great way to wow the client, or switch it up.

However, this is once in a while. I'd go nuts if I compared myself to every other lady on the planet.

happy.merchant352 reads

I find them helpful in learning what to do and what not to do for a first meeting, but once we've met I'm often told she'll love me long time lol, so I become a regular, and then never need to look at a review again because we're in love ;)  

Nothing gets me desiring a return meeting with these really sexual women more than reading their reviews.
 I sit there and say to myself that I want some more of that!
In my fantasy, I insert myself into the part of the client and it gets me so excited.
A bit over a year ago, a well known reviewer did a double with one of my favorites and another lady that I hadn't seen yet. I arranged the to see them a week later. It was way better than my fantasy of the review.

I don't have a jealous bone in my body, I just want to have the fun!

Yes I do read my ATF's review from other clients, do I get jealous, absolutely not......this is YMMV after all, and plus every client/provider chemistry is different.  I'm happy with my chemistry with my ATF.

dwb629 reads

Not just ATF, but anyone I'm going to see again. I look over her reviews from the last time I saw her for information and titillation.

If I have some free time to kill, I'll check out new reviews of the providers that I've seen including my ATF.  I think it's mainly out of curiosity more than anything else. LOL  

I am a fan of all reviews whether it is my ATF or not.  I can't imagine a review moving me to grab the lotion and wack off, but some descriptions do arouse me.  I have reached out to a few ladies after reading their reviews for that reason alone.  I gander every now and again at some of the adventures of my ATF, just to see how others have enjoyed their time with her.  If anything it makes me less inhibited or shy to ask for certain things, after all nothing kills the mood more than the word NO.  

ROGM450 reads

I read her reviews before I ever saw her for the first time. I didn't know she would be my ATF before I saw her for the first time. Her reviews were all good so I wanted to see her for myself. I'm very glad I did. I still see her currently.  

With my ATF's, I know what to expect.  

My Favorites list of ladies I've seen and ladies I would love to see is for that reason. I enjoy getting a notice they have a new review up and reading if there performance's are still inspiring. Even if they get a not so good review then I'll check the reviewer to see if it might just be an anomaly.

There would be nothing of value for me to learn; we are comfortable enough with each other, at this point, to discuss any desire or topic without the influence of what others think or do.  I already know what she likes and doesn't like.  Finding that out on my own has been rewarding in its own way.

Just like I would not want her assuming things about me, or worse, judging me by the actions of others in the hobby, I don't need other guys' words affecting me and my fantasy/reality.  Not that they have to, of course.   But it is difficult to not let that happen, on both sides.

This has allowed both of us to have tons of fun by just being "ourselves".    Of course that includes role play from time to time to keep things exciting and limitless.

harder than me.But why not? But if she's ATF material, and I have had 3, two current, maybe I'll learn something I assumed to know.  

You can fall into a "rut" knowing you'll have a great time if everything is as good as it was the last time. My current ATF keeps me off balance enough to make me want to see her again the minute I poke my head in the window of her car and kiss her adieu. Fuck I love this hobby. And my ATFs ...

btw... #4 to be reviewed shortly. A phenomenal experience.

I have lost a few regulars in the past because he read a new review of mine. Sometimes men can't handle reading another mans experience with you. Which is why now I ask that they don't write a review. Just my experience...

Bigguns12494 reads

I have trouble with reading the reviews and its not always the same sometimes it becomes sexual other times it brothers me and she gets pissed at me. I know her well so i know whats going on and have no problem with it but when I read it for some reason it affects me. I think its sociological problem from my past. But I rather give her the time rate than the shrink she is alot more fun. And she is a little crazy so we are two peas in a pod.

NomdeAmour432 reads

The thing I like the most about other reviews of an ATF is when I stumble on one that shows someone else found the chemistry/connection that made a lady an ATF for me. The specific acronymy sex acts vary, but when the connection stands out, I like the review.

...wanna see what she's doing w other clients...my best sessions have been w an ATF after i read a review...

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