TER General Board

I Don't Plan On Checking Out Or Leaving.
ROGM 856 reads

Going to your former ATF's Kid's Birthday Party would be Awkward no doubt. I've gone to a former ATF's Kid's Birthday at Chuckie Cheese. It did feel a bit uncomfortable for me

So I was thinking today about 2 of my previous ATFs - both left the business and it hit me - Where?  Why?  When?  etc.

Once you "dip your toe" into this life you are forever part of it.  The line from Hotel California is apt (You Can Checkout But You Can Never Leave).

Has it occurred to you that even if you only Hobby/Provide for a short period of time.  That connection WILL always follow you.  You are dependent upon the integrity of others (some of high integrity and some not) to keep your secret.

Now let's go back to my first sentence.  Suppose I ran into one of my previous ATFs at say um a kids birthday party.  Wouldn't that be awkward to have to stand there amidst annoying kids high on b-day cake and candy and pretend "oh no we never had sex with each other for an exchange of $$$".

More importantly each party has to hope that the other party does not "out" them.  Kinda like being a closeted gay man.  Wait it is exactly like being a closeted gay man.  

There that's it.  All Hobbyists and Providers are closeted gay men.  So we all know what it's like to be a "cruiser".  FYI - a cruiser is a closeted gay man cruising the streets/bars looking for sex from another man.  The twist is the cruiser pretends he is straight in everyday life.  The black community (or da brothas in da hood call this DL - down low).   Listen I don't have time to give you a lesson on that.  Anyway.

What I am trying to say is that the bond of keeping secrets is as only good as those who are tied into your bond.  Hmmm.

RT out (and not in that way!!!!

Your scenario isn't the way it works most of the time.  Most girls leave, with no trace, and are never seen again. You're talking about the exception that proves the rule.

Monday Night Football on the DVR.

Besides shouldn't you be out cruising?

Come on ya gotta give it to me on that one!!!!


ROGM857 reads

Going to your former ATF's Kid's Birthday Party would be Awkward no doubt. I've gone to a former ATF's Kid's Birthday at Chuckie Cheese. It did feel a bit uncomfortable for me

I've a perfect poker face. Now, if it were someone I had an affair with, it would be bothersome, but meeting someone from P4P world in civvie world is something I think I'd be able to handle.

NewEnglandGangsta954 reads

Lotta hoes leave da hobby and live normal lives otherwise we'd see way more old hoes, MILFs, and GILFs in da hobby. Dem hoes just gotta find a real job, a sugar daddy, inherit large sums of moneh, or a win da powerball lotto. Hard to leave da bidness if da hoe is wasting time wit a worfless liberal arts degree doe.

GaGambler1180 reads

Come out of the closet, the air is a lot better out here, and if you are ashamed about what you do, then simply quit doing it. I don't have the least bit of shame, and the only people I would ever think about denying it to would be those people wearing badges, and come to think of it, I have had a couple of cop buddies that I used to joke about the hobby with. They cared about as much about me fucking hookers as they cared about their other friends who smoked pot. Unless you are married and cheating, there really isn't much to hide.

NewEnglandGangsta858 reads

All dis time I never knew. It all makes sense now, brah

GaGambler975 reads

I have had four or five sort of close calls after over forty years doing this, most cops could give a fuck about hookers and the johns that frequent them, and a lot of cops aren't above dipping their wick into a little strange from time to time either. LE just isn't one of the major problems in my life.

due to the lack of providers.  I usually travel to a major city about 100 miles away to play.  Business travel has its perks; including perky pairs.

You'll have to listen again. That's the most important line in the song, and you ruined it! Lmao.

Anyway, gotta give you another angle.
We constantly change as life evolves. When we were formed in the womb, we were not complete yet. Living life completes us, and this is yet another season that forms us into who we are.

Some leave and try to forget it, even despise it. Others reminisce on the many things they've encountered.

I still look onto these days and see many areas of growth that I doubt I could have ever gotten elsewhere. Is it the sex that has grown me? Absolutely not. While I've learned some skills in the bedroom here, the biggest lessons I've learned involve lessons on how to love and accept myself for who I am.

How to communicate to others respectfully while respecting myself the same way.
How what others day about me don't mean that all of a sudden it's true.
I've learned that - well - I'm not too bad at this self employed stuff, even in a time where pussy ain't as easy to sell - at least for a high price.
I've learned that all shapes and sizes are wanted - If you are confident the thing you are selling.
Confidence can turn pretty into beautiful. Never felt so confident in my life, and I'm heavier than I have ever been. (Finally have the tits I've always wanted lol.)
I've learned that it's ok not to turn the other cheek, but if you are going to stand for something, make sure you really stand for it.
It's ok to make fun of yourself
It's ok to say no to money if it means you will be happier in the end.
Just because the girl next to me is making bank, doesn't mean I have to. And I don't - but I'm happy.
And most of all...
Be careful when writing sarcasm on a board of trolls. They can get feisty.

Thanks for the lessons, because when I leave this for good, I won't be looking back at a black hole in my life. I will always remember that I was formed even by this season, and have some great memories to go with me.

Do I want to do this forever? Nah. But for a season? No regrets here.

Dear Ms. Ova:
Would you say that during your time as a courtesan that you have gotten and education,on economics,marketing and accounting that you wouldn't have got working in the mainstream economy? Also would you say that you are more cognizant of your health,hygiene,cosmetics and fashion than you have ever been in your life because now you livelihood is contingent upon it as well as, your future endeavors in mainstream life? Finally, how do you think that your experiences as a courtesan has shaped you as a woman and in what respects would you say that you are different than a normal civilian woman your age with all of the things that you have to contend with?

Bull hockey!
We could all die any time but we can't leave the hobby?
I left the hobby for a few years and probably would have stayed out if certain conditions in my marriage had been better.  Even now I wonder, after all these years if I should just hang it up.  I've been in the game since the late 80's with only a few " breaks in service" and hobbying (a term I had never heard till 2 years ago) is as much a part of my life as any other part.  I quit smoking cold turkey 16 years ago after smoking since I was 12.  I cut down on my alcohol intake to a coupla beers now and again.  Down from nightly booze fests in my 20's where I was at the bar 5 nights a week.  Quitting p4p would be easier than those things.  

Yes, I've learned a lot about the human condition from my activities.  I've learned that being a good John is almost as tough as being a good boyfriend or husband, the difference is that if I don't want to see the gal again I don't have to.  I've learned to take joy from people and try to give it back, even if it falls on deaf ears.  I've learned to be confident enough to not take shit from anyone and to spot a rip off a mile away.  Mostly because when I started I wasn't confident and I did get ripped off a few times as a young man.  Live and learn.  I'm not sorry I've hobbied.  But I don't let it define me either

GaGambler1317 reads

Being a good John isn't a tenth as hard as being a good husband or boyfriend, which is just one of the reasons I do this. All you have to do to be a "good John" is to wash your ass, pay your hooker, and go away without being pushed out the door when your time is up. What's so hard about that?

I'll admit it.  Being a John is fucking simple compared to real life.  Another reason to be a client...

I was trying to get all philosophical and crap.  Sorry folks.

Now back to our regularly scheduled show...

-- Modified on 9/30/2014 2:03:02 PM

I have probably gone through more metamorphoses than most on this board and that's not how it works IME.

When a person leaves one life behind and adopts a new one, whatever residue they carry changes in significance. If you run into someone from your previous life, they don't see you in the same way. They know you are not the person you were, and they might comment that you've changed, but that's it. Everyone changes.

Who I am with a woman I visited this past week is only what she experienced of me in and around the session. And what I experienced of her is as much and no more. If we were to meet at some future date, and say both she and I had discontinued this aspect of our lives, we might acknowledge that once we had a different kind of encounter, but in the moment we would be two different people.

RT, you probably have run into someone who you knew when you both were kids. That person is no longer a kid. You don't react to her or him as that kid you knew. You are two strangers, for all intents and purposes, and that you have changed is no mystery at all. And if you meet the same person again ten years from there is a high likelihood that at least one of you will no longer be the same person as today.

And, in a full transformation, you can just deny that you ever were the person they knew in your past life and ignore them.

After six or seven different identities (in this sense) you can walk into a neighborhood from a past life and observe those who stayed and they will not even be able to recognize you.

We don't mean as much to each other as our vanity leads us to imagine.

-- Modified on 9/30/2014 5:02:30 AM

Have you never been at a party with an old girlfriend who's now married with kids from someone else?  To me that's a lot more difficult than meeting a retired P4P favorite: every one of your common friends know you two civvies used to hook up, and nobody is thinking about it because they just don't care.  Only YOU take the stress into that meeting.

And if someone you met in P4P decides to out your relationship then follow the subject line above.  What do they have to gain by the outing except for others to think "BSC on the loose" and pity you for possibly having a relationship with someone who would do that.  If you've dated a civvie who was bipolar then you've been down this road with different subject matters, and can take it in stride.

Providers are people too, there's no reason you can't talk to them at a party as you would anyone else.  If she were still working then I think you'd have to accept from that point forward that the P4P window is closed unless SHE broaches the subject.  With the right people it could be damn hot to secretly meet for a dalliance.  I haven't done that yet...

As for the closeted gay man theory, I'm just not grasping the connection.  Every honest guy is trying to nail someone whether it takes spending time in a relationship, or spending money to buy time.  No one is surprised by your motives, we all share it - and in some cases follow the same solution.

who happen to have an adult body and a puny mind and no sense proper etiquette. There is place and time for everything in this life and it starts respect for each others privacy, rights of each other to life of their choice and expectation people know these things and act appropriately.

cashorcredit1237 reads

The only thing I would care about is a significant other finding out.... other than that I could care less.

98% of men pay for pussy you can't get around it. The only people I don't want knowing about my pussy addiction is LE and my on and off live in SO. Anyone else I could care less

-- Modified on 9/30/2014 5:24:38 AM

GaGambler1046 reads

Do you really think even LE gives a fuck who you fuck?

Now an SO, that's quite a different matter.

cashorcredit990 reads

I don't think they would turn and look the other way if they were to catch a guy slipping.

Did you happen to hear about the incident... I think it was in Panama they were up there with some beautiful Colombians chicas and apparently shorted one of the gals, then it became public knowledge.

took place in Columbia and involved Secret Service agents.  You know, the same crew that let a lunatic with a knife into the Green Room of the White House recently.
But your point also illustrates another fact: not only do most LE not give a fuck who you fuck, they're often whoremogers themselves.

cashorcredit1286 reads

lol it was Columbia.  

Yeah those fuckers were fucking when they were supposed to be protecting then have the nerve to short the broad haha.

And I still don't understand how that guy was able to jump over the fence, I'm still following up on that news story.

GaGambler845 reads

I've actually stayed at the hotel where it happened, it was at the "Hotel Carib" in Cartagena Colombia. I've been there a couple of times with hookers of course and some of what is in the news story is complete bullshit.

First off, something you might have missed, prostitution is legal in Colombia, no laws were broken, only SS policy. Secondly the story claims that all prostitutes have to be out at 7 AM, that is complete bullshit, I kept the same chica with me there once for three days. Thirdly the chica tried to rip them off, not the other way around. She reportedly charged $800 for the night, I've seen her pics and she would be lucky to get a penny over $200 in Cartagena. Most of this story just does not add up.

I can guess what most likely REALLY happened that night. The stupid SS agent probably ran his mouth about what a big shot he was, and she most likely tried to take advantage by jacking her rate up, when he refused she went BSC, made a scene and we all know how the story ended. This one fucktard ruined it for all of his SS buddies. Now  no one on these details can get laid, all thanks to one retard who couldn't keep from running his "boca grande" lol

cashorcredit1065 reads

that fucks it up for everyone.  

Thanks for clarifying the story, the version I got was that he short changed her. Dumb fuck I guess he did not get the memo to keep a low profile in 3rd world countries.  

$800 for a night lol she had to be high or drunk to think she would get that...

GaGambler1112 reads

She tried to cash in on her quince minutos of fame, but even the dumbest gringos know better than to pay $800 US for a night with a rather average looking hooker, not even for $800 mil COP, most of the chicas down there with her kind of looks will command about "quinientos mil pesos Colombianos" tops.

Keep in mind there are some absolutely gorgeous women down there, she might be a TER 8 or even a 9 by our weak standards, but she is barely a 7 down there. I am a rather harsh grader so I would most likely give her a six on the GaGa scale, still doable, but that's about as high as my praise of her would go,

As long as there is no compensation before ejaculation, they will usually smile and say congratulations.

GaGambler1256 reads

Was it really so bad that you had to post it three times to triple the misery of the reader/s?

BTW not only was it pathetic, it was also absolutely wrong.

As long as there is no compensation before ejaculation, they will usually smile and say congratulations.

But their cheerleaders aren't bad

She doesn't follow sports, and doesn't know the football team..

But don't you worry. I am edumacating her :D

Jeezus, of course I know she was referring to the band.  I actually saw them when they were Linda Ronstadt's back-up band before they were named The Eagles.

You knew all this shit even before I got to this country..LOL..

You are allowed to kick me in the fuckin' nuts.. I know you know the band, and I know she knows the football team.. But both of you should know I'm just fuckin' with y'all. :D

-- Modified on 9/30/2014 2:42:20 PM

My whole purpose for next 27 days is to act dumb at every joke everyone cracks and make them wonder if I've gone JCA route.. :D

Since when do I not follow sports, silly? I'm an NFL lunatic.  

It's baseball that I can't stand. :D

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
She doesn't follow sports, and doesn't know the football team..  
 But don't you worry. I am edumacating her :D

You need my personal attention to teach you some baseball...

A certain ex-hooker who is now retired always used to say, "I will su*k my hubby's d(ck instead of watching that damn baseball".. Loved the way she used to say it..LMAO..

GaGambler1523 reads

If I am a Braves fan, I am a worse fan than Nicky is the world's worst Jew.

Where it comes to sports, I am only loyal to my wallet, and if I think that the Nats can win, I become a very loyal fan for at least three hours or so.

Not gonna lie, I like them glittery shoes!

Posted By: inicky46
But their cheerleaders aren't bad.  

LOL me tooooo!

Put the Creedence tape back in

Not that I give a shit about them one iota, but Steve Martin has a pretty funny story about Glenn Frey getting real annoyed at him for referring to the band as "The" Eagles. It's "Eagles," ok? Just "Eagles."

Posted By: cocktail-party
Not that I give a shit about them one iota, but Steve Martin has a pretty funny story about Glenn Frey getting real annoyed at him for referring to the band as "The" Eagles. It's "Eagles," ok? Just "Eagles."

Best driving tunes ever.
Rolling down the road try'n to loosen my load...
Saw them on tour last year

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