TER General Board

I don't do anal either but have gotten 10's (eom)regular_smile
Melanie Love See my TER Reviews 4270 reads


Ci Ci6985 reads

If a provider gives massages (or at least offers them in her sessions -- full-body), DFK's, BBBJ, Rims, and does just about everything else but anal, then why can't she get a 10 on her reviews? Who cares whether she's bi or not when you're having a one-on-one session anyway?  Just curious. Any takers?


And not all make perfect sense.  A "10" reflects an emotion, not just a mathematically precise measurement.  Massage, DFK, BBBJ, Rim would get a 10 from me, or at least a 9 and a very, very nice sensual write-up that would make her phone ring.

I guess if there are a long line of "crap" numbers after a longer list of reviews,  I won't read the actual reviews. I'm not put off by the numbers because I'm familar with the way the rating system works. But I need to know details (via reviews), so a number doesn't enter into my logic after that.  I enjoy the search.  I wish rimming was part of the rating system.  I also wish I was bi.  I also wish I had a candy bar right now.  I also wish...  I'm sorry.  I'll stop.

Wow- you might be one of a handful of guys who actualyl do read it all-

You got to use the whole thing to get the best results for you.

But I think a lot of guys get the urge do a quick numerical search/survey and call.

Since I hobby less than 6x a year, I take my time while I look for a lady who does too....

I couldn't agree with you more, Ciara. From the list of options for moving a 7 up to a 10 (Kisses With Tongue, Bare-Back Blow Job, Really Bi, Anal Sex, or More than One Guy), only three are possible in a one-on-one session.

That essentially says, in the case of a one-on-one session, that DKF, BBBJ and anal is a 10 and anything else is not. Somehow that doesn't fit the spirit of what we are trying to do with reviews.

Fortunately, TER apparently allows 10s to be given for great 9 sessions, so things have a way of working themselves out.

Attitude is a big part of how I evaluate an experience. If the provider is as horny and eager as I am, then its a huge plus. You can tell the real thing from the fake.

The most horny, slutty, kinky, and incredibly insatiable provider I've seen (so far) has to be Bebedoll of Chicago.  If I lived there, I'd go broke seeing her. And her BBBJs are out of this world.

It depends on the person. Some people who indulge in 1-10 rating systems really won't give a 10 unless it truly is, as described, "Once in a lifetime".

For me, the experience would have to not only be excellent (which I'd gladly give a 8 or 9 for), but have some element of special magic that would lead me to think that this might never be this good, ever, maybe not even with the provider in question. It's a "stars were all in place, the right mood, and omigod, was that ME??" kind of experience.

Looks-wise, a 10 would have to be among the most beautiful women I've seen, EVER. That naturally includes movie stars, models, etc.

10 is a very hard standard to live up to for anything.

It's only good when you look at the list of reviews.


As far as performance numbers go; To me it is not so much WHAT is on the menue but HOW it is served.  A lady can swallow, do anal and bring her 19 year old sister into the session but if she is un-enthused and only going through the motions then the session is still not a 10 (Her 19 year old sister would be graded seperately of course  LOL).

  I guess what I am saying is that as with so many things
                  "Attitude is everything"


frankie2003a4157 reads

technically incorrect ratings are allowed through.

On the other hand, I have seen people complain about their
ratings being lowered because of the criteria.

I guess it's a YMMV when it comes to review approvers!


-- Modified on 5/21/2004 8:33:28 AM

UCum_1st3850 reads

When we were dating, that you thought I was pretty anal sometimes?  Like the time I lost my car after the show?  Or am I not following...

Ci Ci4702 reads

Well, you're definitely worth it, my dear.

However, doesnt' your stats show you do two-girl shows? That automatically brings your score up. This is weird. Why am I talking about this? It really is not that big of a deal to me, but I am curious for statistical purposes, because I know there are ladies out there who do not do anal or are not bi, but have something written that they are so they get 10's. Makes you think, eh?


And it truly was a once in a lifetime experience. Although anal wasn't included, it was experienced on previous and subsequent visits. However the session (24 hrs. of bliss) was extraordinary, everything about it was just perfect, and not just in the bedroom. To me thats a 10.
I've seem many reviews where 10's were given with practically no description of what went on. I'd rather see a lady with numerous 8's & 9's and know what to expect.
A lot depends on the reviewer as well. Some guys will give out 8's & 9's like water, but from reading their review you can't figure out why. Others refuse to give a 10 under any circumstance but their 8's seem to be better than others 10's. Its just a numbers game that will go on and on, the review and the reviewers reputation are the most important aspects. IMHO.

There have been previous threads that have been about-Can you experience more than one 'once in a lifetime experience'. I know you can, and hopefully my second written 10 will be tommorrow night. I say written because one lady I previously reviewed as a 9 has been coming through with nothing but 10's in subsequent visits.

-- Modified on 5/21/2004 3:16:00 PM

I agree with piv! I, too have only had one "10" (Thanks, Jenni!!) but I have had more than my fair share of "8's & 9's." I think I have been fortunate due to several simple procedures.

First, I research by going through the reviews both here on TER and other boards. When I read the reviews, I get a sense of both the reviewed provider as well as the reviewer. Scores? You really don't need any stinkin' scores!! A good juicy details &  descriptions (ones that come to mind quickly,...like ones from Mr. SelfDestruct, Pauliewalnuts and way too many other guys to name here), tell you much more about the encounter than any mere simple numerical quantification. Besides those numbers are so subjective anyhow regardless of the alleged "objective guidelines."

Second, I get a further sense of the people from thier involvement & posts on the discussion boards. Those posts say a lot about thier personal traits & charecteristics. Finally, I "PM" certain individuals who opinions I trust & respect. Thier candor and insights are truely valuable to me. Thanks, my friends.

People, if you do your homework, then TER is about the best tool around here. But please keep in mind, we are here to have fun & enjoy ourselves, not quantify our lives with numerical values. As the late Edward Abbey said, "I believe in nothing that I cannot touch, kiss, embrace. The rest is only hearsay."

How about the guys who give out more than one of these?  

Furthermore, how do you know when it happens that it's once in a lifetime?  What if you considered one your "once in a lifetime" experience, and then you have one surpassing it?  What do you do?  Lower your previous one, or ask the staff if you can use an "11"?

I am reminded of a Norse saying here: "Never judge beer till drunk, day till done, or lover till dead."


Lick Bush in 20044772 reads

As the rules say, "In order to keep our performance ratings consistent, we set up the following system: An escort provider may only eligible to earn up to a 7, unless she also performs the following during a session: Kisses With Tongue, Bare-Back Blow Job, Really Bi, Anal Sex, or More than One Guy. The addition of each offering will raise the score she is eligible for by one point."

I read this as saying that you can give a 7 regardless...then, if the provider does ANY combination of three of the five items listed, you are allowed to score up to a 10.  Think about it... if the provider HAD to do anal, as well as the others, the score would be a 12.  This isn't "Spinal Tap", and these don't go to 11.

As such, I think a provider could earn a 10 without offering anal or being bi.  Maybe I am wrong, but that is how I read it.
If I am wrong, hopefully GND or Staff correct me.

her score automatically rises (although Little Sampson may).
 TER doesn't automatically raise a score and I certainly don't.  I don't need to get Anal to give a ten...at least in my book.  (Although, I can't imagine giving high scores or a great review if there's no DFK.)
 New issue:  I think some fellas will give a high score based on how much money they've spent. I don't have hard facts on this obviously, just a gut feeling by reading between the lines of some reviews... and I don't even think it's a conscious choice on the gentleman's part but I get the feeling that they're saying, "I've just put down $$$$$ and my boner only needed $$ so I'm gonna collect the difference by swelling up my chest a wee bit."  Then again, if we all wrote reviews a week after the event...some of the enthusiasm would dwindle...so a little huffing and puffing is to be welcomed, I guess.

frankie2003a5484 reads

what's left - DFK, BBBJ, and More than One Guy.  It would seem
to me that More than One Guy (and also Really Bi) implies more
than two people (for 1 man and 1 woman encounters).

This would further imply that in order to get the third extra
point you would have to do anal.

Also, although those activities make them eligible for the
points, they are not required to be given.

I should have been a lawyer,

Lick Bush in 20043628 reads

More than one guy doesn't necessarily mean double penetration.  It can still just be oral and vaginal...or one guy can freakin' watch.  But there is more than one guy involved...it doesn't say how he needs to be involved.

frankie2003a3614 reads

Take a two person encounter - one man, one woman.

Given that there are only two people in the room, Really Bi
and With Another Man do not apply.

Now, how do you get a 10.  You have to engage ALL of the other
three activities to be eligible for a 10.


Lick Bush in 20044011 reads

As it says in the submit review rules:

"This does not mean she earns extra points for performing the service; just that she is now eligible for a higher score. Her maximum eligible score is based on what is offered, not what is taken. You may or may not be interested in the “extra” services she has, but the fact she offers them makes her eligible for the higher score."

frankie2003a4258 reads

Please state, how would a provider be eligible for a ten when
she's a woman, and is the only one in the room with a client
who is a man.

I know the answer, your posts lead me to believe you don't.


Lick Bush in 20043702 reads

I do know the answer.  If you are narrowing it down to just two hetero only people in the room, then yes, all of the other three services have to be "offered" to make her eligible to be awarded a 10...but the 10 can still be awarded without the two people engaging in all three activities.

Are we in sync yet, or am I off, counsel? :P

-- Modified on 5/21/2004 8:15:13 PM

frankie2003a3145 reads

Thanks for the reply.  I actually did not get the "offered"
part until your last post.  But your other posts (and probably
mine too) were very confusing.  I wanted to clear out the
extra credit items that could be earned with threesomes and
just get to the vast majority of encouters which are one on one
between a man and a woman.

Now, getting back to Ci Ci's original question...

She doesn't DO anal.  So she's not going to offer it.  So I
think - and correct me if I'm wrong - she wouldn't be eligible
to get a 10, given strict interpretation of the rules.

peace out,

Lick Bush in 20044208 reads

Technically, a woman who meets a guy one on one and who does not offer anal is not eligible for a score of 10.  That is how I read it.  Again, if that is incorrect, GND or Staff can correct me.

Of course, I think we all know of instances where this is not adhered to in the reviews and seems to slip through, as Melanie pointed out.  Additionally, have you seen a FBSM gal get more than a 7?  Same scenario.  It's too bad, because it hurts the providers who try to adhere to the rules, but it doesn't happen all that often, IMO. I think that TER does a pretty good job handling everything that needs to be handled for the most part.  And if they miss something...we can always write them.

Peace back at ya, Frankie.  Signing off of this topic!

What makes you think that numbers are so important. There are many reasons that I would give 10's tho not that often.  Sex to me is only 50% of the experience. I'm not out just for the fuck.  For my time, however much it may be, I try to make it a life experience. and if the woman I am with makes and shares my experience than she get extra points.


-- Modified on 5/21/2004 7:43:13 PM

Ci Ci2910 reads

it's obviously important for those men who book an appointment because of those numbers. So, I think it's fair to assume that it's harder for providers in this business because of it. Men can pick and choose. Remember, when I'm with someone, I put in my 100 percent and I really enjoy it. I think most will agree that if they spend time with me, they don't feel rushed or that it's just a business agreement between two people. However, it is a business and based on that, to some, numbers are important. But thank you for bringing to light the important part of the interaction -- comfortable conversation between two people, carressing, caring about someone else's feelings and what he likes, and satisfaction.


Ci Ci4947 reads

It really doesn't bother me that much that I may only have one 10 or a lot of 8's or 9's, but I think it's crazy that some ladies whom I know personally do not perform some of those things and still get a 10. They have told me, "I don't understand this." Is it fair? Not really, but life isn't fair. I was curious to see how you gentleman and ladies felt about this.


Hey Ciara;
This is one reason why I have resisted doing reviews.
1. I don't feel it's proper to "kiss and tell" on a friend.
2. I wouldn't be able to properly describe our time within the guidelines of the review policy and the #'s.
The overall experience might not justify a 10 or even a 7 or 8 on the system, but it was a "25" to me.

You are right, Ciara, it is a flawed system, but it serves its purpose. As with reviews, look at it with a jaundiced eye. The numbers don't mean much.
I would put the ladies I have been with up against anyone in the business, and they don't always have "great" review #'s.

Just my opinion...



your still a 10 in my book and I havn't even met you yet


I have to figuire out how to get my pirate ship to Arizona...
Does the Missisippi run that way...lol

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