TER General Board

I do require a deposit if the guy seems flaky, regardless of travel or expenses.
VOO-doo 386 reads

As I said, if he refuses, I don't look at it as money lost. I always assume that he wasn't serious or reliable... or, that in some way he wouldn't be respectful of my time or business. Even if I'm mistaken, I'd rather be SURE that he'll show up and be cool, rather than HOPE he's OK, and, say, set aside 1 hour on Friday and HOPE that he shows up.  

My cheapest day is 1 hour. 1 hour means... I have to forego any other plans for the entire night w/the idea that I might be occupied. I might have to travel 1-3 hours each way (totally within reason, especially if I'm doing outcall to NYC). I have to budget parking, tolls, dinner (easily 100+ in NYC).  

If I want to become involved w/a project in the AM... I have to plan to disassociate myself creatively/timewise around 1-2PM to get ready to go. Which is already 4-6 hour less than I normally work per day.  

If I have to book a hotel... add +$300 (sometimes more)/1 hour for me to get there, check in, set everything up.  

I MIGHT have to budget time/$$ to get my hair/nails/feet done professionally.  

If I get home late, I might lose sleep and be behind energywise for work the next day.  

This isn't me, but other women might have to pay for pet sitters, baby-sitters, etc.  

As I said, if I know the client, or get a really strong sense that he'll be reliable, I won't charge a deposit. If I get a weird vibe... I'll charge one, and if he declines the date, I'll look at it as a headache lost!!!

Quick question for the board. I was arranging a 3 hour rendezvous with a provider next month. We haven't met before. She has stellar reviews although probably less than 10 total. She checked my references and we were good to schedule but she wants a 40% deposit. What would you do?

Now I have paid a deposit before to have a lady travel to me but I have never been asked to prepay for an outcall session. I decided to cancel only because it gave me a funny vibe. Too bad. She is a babe

How does she plan on collecting said deposit?

If it's via credit card, you can easily charge back the payment if she NCNS. If it's cash in an envelope I'd be leery, though it doesn't seem uncommon for well reviewed girls to require it.

That's reversible within 30 days. Just make sure she has good reviews and you should be safe.

ATLDAWG219 reads

Your Money-Your Call !  

I can though see why she would want approximately a third down-she doesn't know you either and if she blocks out the 3 hours-plus time on each end of the 3 hours to prep for your anticipated visit and time to in-prep after you depart....

she could easily tie up 4 to 5 hours with no revenue if you become a no show.

I decided to pass - just gave me a bad vibe. Not a big deal - just have never been asked for a deposit before. Ankfield

I can understand a deposit if you want some girl to travel to you but asking for a deposit of 40% for a date weeks in advance is ridiculous.

Amazon, square cash, visa gift cards... If you don't have enough reviews or history (references) a lady may  want to make sure you will not be a NCNS. I sent you a pm as well.

Posted By: titan4x4
Quick question for the board. I was arranging a 3 hour rendezvous with a provider next month. We haven't met before. She has stellar reviews although probably less than 10 total. She checked my references and we were good to schedule but she wants a 40% deposit. What would you do?  
 Now I have paid a deposit before to have a lady travel to me but I have never been asked to prepay for an outcall session. I decided to cancel only because it gave me a funny vibe. Too bad. She is a babe

deposits for extended dates, meaning 4-hr. dinner dates or longer. Also a legitimate request for a "fly me to you" type arrangement.

... and to make you no longer a stranger to her. Then I'd book a longer engagement some other time, hopefully now without the deposit. Unless, of course,  she charges a desposit on all long sessions regardless of whether she knows the client or not. Then there is nothing you can do to avoid it.

Though I don't understand why her request for a deposit gave you a funny vibe.  

Does she detail her booking policy on her site?

Like the person above said, a 3 hour date for her means about 4-6 hours in her schedule. Depending on her volume, you may be the only client she sees that day for such an engagement.  So a cancel on your part could have a larger financial impact than just her 3 hour rate (particularly if she offers discounts for long engagements- e.g. If her rate structure means she can make more with 3 one hour dates than a single 3 hour date).  

Although it is nice that you are booking a month in advance, there is also a stronger chance that your plans may change. In the interim between now and your appointment date, she could have turned down multiple appointments for the same day.  

It's no different than hotels that require you to pay a booking deposit, really.  

Also, I would caution against being "suspicious" or weirded out every time a lady has a business practice that is different from the lady or ladies you saw before. We all have different ways of running our businesses, and different boundaries.  There are many girls who require a deposit just to book an hour with them.

At least I've never encountered deposit requests for hour meetings, not counting faraway outcalls. I wouldn't take anyone up on it if I had.  

It's not that the business practice is different, by the way. Plenty of girls have unique policies. It's that this particular practice involves you paying upfront and crossing your fingers that you'll eventually get what you paid for. In an illegal industry prone to rip-offs.

I know about 6 girls off hand who do this. Maybe in your area there aren't many you've encountered, but as a provider myself I know more ladies in more markets and rates than you probably do.  

This particular practice, again, is no different than any other industry that requires you pay a deposit before receiving a service. If you are afraid you won't get what you paid for, then don't book- deposit or not. You don't know if you're going to get what you paid for when you leave the donation at the beginning of the date either... but that's what you do (at least when my clients see me, they do) ..... in an illegal industry probe to rip offs.....  

Your points don't resonate with me as concerns someone would have if they have done their due diligence to confirm they are seeing a legitimate provider.  

It's fine if you are not okay with it... again, don't book.

an expert in how this business should be run. Re. deposits, your website states "at my discretion" meaning you don't always require them.

A lot of this P4P world functions well on trust. If we have done our homework, we have a very good idea of what kind of session we are going to enjoy after we place the envelope where it belongs.  

Likewise, if the provider does her screening well, she knows she can trust the client to (1) show up and (2) [more importantly] she will be treated like the lady she is and not get mistreated.  

"no different than any other industry that requires you pay a deposit before receiving a service"

It's different for obvious reasons, which I wouldn't have thought needed to be explained. But you hit the nail on the head later in the same paragraph. (Hint: "illegal.")

"You don't know if you're going to get what you paid for when you leave the donation at the beginning of the date either"

You're right, I don't know. But the risk is not the same. I shouldn't have thought I had to explain this, either. Tell me whether you think it's easier to rip someone off if they're sitting in a room with you compared to them sending you money from afar, without knowing how to reach you in person. Not to mention how much extra screening is done on my part by showing up at your location and seeing you in the flesh.  

Speaking of screening: "if they have done their due diligence to confirm they are seeing a legitimate provider"

Part of due diligence is to take into account whether you think their deposit requests are legitimate. It's more than the rip-off aspect, as well. Based on a deposit request one may get the sense that he's not going to have a good time. Or he gets it in his head that he plain doesn't like the way she deals with him.  

"It's fine if you are not okay with it... again, don't book"

I haven't, and I don't think I ever will. Because I don't book over 90 minutes, I don't do outcalls, and I don't travel. Those are the only good reasons to put down a deposit, in my opinion. Otherwise, if a girl I want to see demands it, there are plenty of fish in the sea. Fortunately, no one has ever requested it of me.

Keep the money in your pocket and move on.

When the light are off can you really tell the difference between a high dollar lady and one the sees you on your terms???

Been burnt twice with ladies asking for , (demanding) deposits.

If it  works out for you, great.  But the first time it doesn't work out, you're out pf the cash and the time.  

Don't do it...............

-- Modified on 4/25/2017 6:05:33 PM

The booking policy is not on her site.  She mentioned the deposit because I has scheduled so far in advance. I decided to cancel our date.  I told her I would be happy to contact her a few days prior and see if she was available.  I have probably seen about 50 ladies and the only one who requested a deposit travelled to me. I have also reimbursed an atf who arranged an overnight stay at a beachfront hotel at her own expense. I am just leery of sending cash to someone I've never met before.

GaGambler388 reads

Personally, I don't blame you, I too would have passed. Your risk of her no showing after holding 40% of her fee for a month is higher than her risk of you not being there when she shows up a month from now.

I still don't understand why people make dates like this so far advance.  

I too am VERY leery about sending money to someone I've never met except over the internet. I really can't imagine myself under any circumstances sending a deposit in this business. Yes, there are times when a deposit is appropriate, but I would never book one of those kind of sessions where the lady would either have to block out an entire night for me sight unseen, or where she would have to lay out her own money in advance of our session. Those are both legit (the only ones IMO) reasons to ask for a deposit, but something I would never ask for in the first place, so I revert to my original statement " I can't imagine myself under any circumstances sending a deposit in this business"

Normally I would not book that far in advance but am attending a conference with a pretty fixed schedule. I have had experience with some popular ladies not having any openings 2 weeks ahead. I made a couple other arrangements for that week and no one else asked for a deposit.

GaGambler283 reads

We are all tempted to do some really dumb things from time to time, I take it you were simply seeking validation that you made the right decision, and from me at least, you have it. lol

Unfortunately there will always be enough dumbfucks who blindly do anything a hooker demands for some women to believe this is a good business practice, thank you for not encouraging bad behavior by moving on to a more reasonable woman. I know this is pie in the sky thinking, but if enough of us would put our collective foot down where it comes to unreasonable requests/demands that "some" hookers make, maybe they would quit even attempting to get their prospective clients to jump through any unreasonable hoops.

That's a perfectly valid concern and the better way to go about it if you don't want to send the deposit. That way, she has the time free to schedule others and instead of having the time set aside for you and incurring a loss if you cancel at the last minute.

It's great that you've done these things, just understand that deposit policies are in place because a lot of clients are notascourteous as you are.

What I am stressing in my original comment is *just because* it's not common with the girls that YOU have seen doesn't mean it's something that is a huge red flag or a sign of a provider being shady. Your 50 girls are still a small set of escorts in the industry, and their booking policies are proportionally representative over that.

So if you want to toss that in the OP's face...I'll toss it back to you.

As for hookers "demanding" these moronic deposits...it's just a farce.  Fortunately for those hookers that "demand" them...there are still plenty of spineless guys willing to part with their hard earned money to some internet stranger.  Why in the world these guys do it...whatever!

And since you want to claim that YOU (or some other hooker) incurs a "loss"...how do you figure that?  Last I checked a loss is incurred ONLY when money is involved.  I guess you're defining your "precious time" as a loss  LOL   I guess you failed your basic accounting course at the community college.  Why not try it again...then you'll understand the basics.

C'mon sweetie...cut the bullshit.

If you can get some spineless guy to send you money up front...maybe you should also try the email barrage using the Nigerian Prince scam to generate some more revenue.

Posted By: priyarainelle
That's a perfectly valid concern and the better way to go about it if you don't want to send the deposit. That way, she has the time free to schedule others and instead of having the time set aside for you and incurring a loss if you cancel at the last minute.  
 It's great that you've done these things, just understand that deposit policies are in place because a lot of clients are notascourteous as you are.  
 What I am stressing in my original comment is *just because* it's not common with the girls that YOU have seen doesn't mean it's something that is a huge red flag or a sign of a provider being shady. Your 50 girls are still a small set of escorts in the industry, and their booking policies are proportionally representative over that.

Luckily I have a Biochemistry degree and graduated summa cum laude from a top 20 university. I didn't have to worry about failing a community college course... since I never went! I was fortunate enough to excel in all of my upper level math courses- biostatistics, calculus I and II.  I'm not bragging, just an FYI since you brought it up!

I'm sorry that you know nothing about operating a business to understand that anytime you have to turn down other business offers for your area of expertise, you are incurring a loss. Admin work is also labor. Time spent working on a project is also labor (in this case, the project being preparation for a date). Most people who are gainfully employed understand that basic premise.  

Whether or not the deposit is collected or not is between the two people making the agreement. Just like with anything else- if you decide not to pay the deposit and the appointed time and date comes where you are looking to spend time with the lady of your choice and she no longer has it, you deal with the consequences of your (in)actions.  

I have no problem attracting clients who know and understand the value of my time (and theirs) and my expertise, and who gladly pay my deposit when they book 4 hours or more with me- as detailed on my site.

I didn't toss anything in OP's face. In fact, I lauded him for doing the right thing by cancelling the date and waiting until a closer time to schedule with her. The only thing I pointed out to him was that it was myopic to believe that the ladies he has seen represent what should be considered normal or standard for the industry.  

So you and your sensitive, irrational nonsense can carry on ;-)

9 months ago. Re. deposits, your website states "at my discretion" meaning you don't always require them.

JakeFromStateFarm256 reads

Paging OTM. Aha.  AHA.  AHA.  Trying to catch my breath here.  WoOOOOOO! You go girl!

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Paging OTM. Aha.  AHA.  AHA.  Trying to catch my breath here.  WoOOOOOO! You go girl!
LOL. File this one away. In this and other groups we've had the Stanford "IT major." The girl from Columbia, the MBA from Tulane, the 24 year old who just got promoted to high level executive position while working on a PhD and on and on...........

All that hard work and they still ended up here! :)

It's like those young guys who swear they are handsome and have "six pack abs." Why are they here?

GaGambler218 reads

Not to mention it's much easier to spot a Colombiana than it is some hooker who claims to have graduated summa cum laude.

I guess while we are being fair, doesn't it seem ironic that there are an inordinate number of old guys here who were captains of the football team, Student body President and got all the pussy they could possibly handle for free when they were young who now look down on any guy under thirty who enjoys (and can afford) fucking hookers too.

I never got "all the pussy I could handle" in my 20's and 30's before I got married but I got my fair share. Why would they want to bother with "condom sex" when they are still young enough to get real sex in the civilian world?

Lotsa Cumin My Mouth. Hahahahahahaha

I love hookers.  

Best of luck to you.  You're going to need it.

Posted By: priyarainelle
Luckily I have a Biochemistry degree and graduated summa cum laude from a top 20 university. I didn't have to worry about failing a community college course... since I never went! I was fortunate enough to excel in all of my upper level math courses- biostatistics, calculus I and II.  I'm not bragging, just an FYI since you brought it up!  
 I'm sorry that you know nothing about operating a business to understand that anytime you have to turn down other business offers for your area of expertise, you are incurring a loss. Admin work is also labor. Time spent working on a project is also labor (in this case, the project being preparation for a date). Most people who are gainfully employed understand that basic premise.  
 Whether or not the deposit is collected or not is between the two people making the agreement. Just like with anything else- if you decide not to pay the deposit and the appointed time and date comes where you are looking to spend time with the lady of your choice and she no longer has it, you deal with the consequences of your (in)actions.  
 I have no problem attracting clients who know and understand the value of my time (and theirs) and my expertise, and who gladly pay my deposit when they book 4 hours or more with me- as detailed on my site.  
 I didn't toss anything in OP's face. In fact, I lauded him for doing the right thing by cancelling the date and waiting until a closer time to schedule with her. The only thing I pointed out to him was that it was myopic to believe that the ladies he has seen represent what should be considered normal or standard for the industry.  
 So you and your sensitive, irrational nonsense can carry on ;-)

GaGambler306 reads

No one who graduated summa cum laude with a degree in biochemistry would consider basic calculus an "upper level" math course.

I was a stoner way back in my teens and still aced calculus while in high school and I don't have any kind of degree at all, except perhaps a degree in detecting bullshit when someone tries to feed it to me.

Basic calculus is no more "higher math" than high school algebra. Stick to sucking dick, I am certain you are better at that than you are spinning tall tales.

What most people consider a "basic calculus class" is usually just pre calc.  I'm not familiar with the requirements of a biochemistry degree but it's completely possible her highest level math requirement was a basic calculus class.  As an engineering major I had to take Calc I, II, and III and then linear algebra and differential equations.  I'd say basic calculus is mid to high level math for most degrees and low level for those with an emphasis on mathematics.

GaGambler313 reads

It's just that anyone who graduated summa cum laude in a field like biochemistry would never refer to Calc 1 as "upper level" math, and THAT is why I called BULLSHIT.

Liars usually get caught by the little things they say. It's like claiming you went to MIT yet you still pronounce "Worchester" Massachusetts  phonetically with three separate syllables  instead of the proper pronunciation that sounds more like "Woosta" Anyone who went to MIT would have to know that, a liar who had never set foot in Mass would not.

JakeFromStateFarm253 reads

I'll bet most people who go to MIT are smart enough not to set foot there.  Plus it's an hour away from Cambridge.  Most people just pass it on the Mass Pike.  Also, I doubt anyone has mis-pronounced it "Worchester" since it's spelled Worcester.  The mis-pronunciation most people use is "Wor-SESter."
Better find another analogy, wise guy. LMAO!

GaGambler231 reads

I was married to a Portagee from Taunton however, and it was a kick watching the reaction to her accent down in Mississippi where we lived for a year or so.

and let me ask you, do you think our summa cum laude hooker ever took a class in math anymore "upper level"  than high school algebra?

JakeFromStateFarm275 reads

I never took anything tougher than High School algebra.  Even basic calculus would be too much for me.  But if you will look up this branch you'll see I wasn't buying her bullshit either.
PS: Nice deflection re MIT.  That was never your claim, which was to know where Worcester was and to know how it was mis-pronounced.  So -250 on that.

GaGambler152 reads

and my analogy was spot on, so +1,000 for GaG

Speaking of deflection, lets get back to the point I at least HOPE we agree on. the summa cum laude hooker is full of both shit and cum

My point was it's relative to the degree you are in...but I do agree that it's a bit odd for someone with a biochemistry degree to think of a Calc 1 class as upper level mathematics clas when it's likely they've shared some chemistry classes with chemistry and biomedical engineering majors.

Senator.Blutarsky278 reads

There is no right or wrong way to play between two consenting adults. You'll find a wide range of offerings and policies. It's up to you and your risk profile on whether you choose to play or move on to someone else who you're more comfortable with.  

Take this young lady for example... I just might be tempted to send her a deposit if she asked for one. Fortunately for me, she gives a pass to Harley riders.

Without reservation have come to the conclusion that the best response is, "Kiss my Ass."   Others may disagree, especially providers asking for deposits.  Lol

With that said, my counter-offer would be, if I still wanted to see her like you do, is that you will send the deposit provided she will agree in writing that if SHE cancels on YOU, she will pay you double the deposit you gave her.  That is exceedingly fair.  

Kgirl incalls. That's the only place where have a "client number 9" each day.

VOO-doo213 reads

on a YMMV basis.  

For clients I know and trust, it's rare that I'd ever ask for any money upfront... unless, he wanted me to book 2 first-class airplane tickets to Paris and a $1600/night hotel suite for a week straight. Or something like that.  

For clients I haven't met, I'll ask if the travel is considerable, or if I have to spend more than $200 to see him. Or, if there's a considerable probability I'd be turning away other profitable work if I commit to him. Or, maybe, if I sense flakiness... he hasn't read my site, he asks a lot of questions that seem obtuse.  

If he accepts, I'll book him. If he denies, I won't look it as a loss. I'll just assume that he wasn't serious in the first place. I'm sure I've lost out on quite a few legitimate clients that way, but it allows me to keep my peace of mind... and  when I do accept an appointment, I have ZERO anxiety that the guy has intention to show up, and treat my business/time respectfully.

You normally only require a deposit if you have to fly or if you have to spend over $200 in travel expenses. This guy was visiting HER town. It was a month in advance. Unless the OP has a history of NCNS he should not be giving her deposits.

BTW: Square cash does leave a trail even though you can send cash in a fake name. Terrible idea.

VOO-doo387 reads

As I said, if he refuses, I don't look at it as money lost. I always assume that he wasn't serious or reliable... or, that in some way he wouldn't be respectful of my time or business. Even if I'm mistaken, I'd rather be SURE that he'll show up and be cool, rather than HOPE he's OK, and, say, set aside 1 hour on Friday and HOPE that he shows up.  

My cheapest day is 1 hour. 1 hour means... I have to forego any other plans for the entire night w/the idea that I might be occupied. I might have to travel 1-3 hours each way (totally within reason, especially if I'm doing outcall to NYC). I have to budget parking, tolls, dinner (easily 100+ in NYC).  

If I want to become involved w/a project in the AM... I have to plan to disassociate myself creatively/timewise around 1-2PM to get ready to go. Which is already 4-6 hour less than I normally work per day.  

If I have to book a hotel... add +$300 (sometimes more)/1 hour for me to get there, check in, set everything up.  

I MIGHT have to budget time/$$ to get my hair/nails/feet done professionally.  

If I get home late, I might lose sleep and be behind energywise for work the next day.  

This isn't me, but other women might have to pay for pet sitters, baby-sitters, etc.  

As I said, if I know the client, or get a really strong sense that he'll be reliable, I won't charge a deposit. If I get a weird vibe... I'll charge one, and if he declines the date, I'll look at it as a headache lost!!!

I think you said you've seen 50 providers. That's plenty of providers to develop your spidey senses. I have never given a deposit and never will.

Posted By: titan4x4
Quick question for the board. I was arranging a 3 hour rendezvous with a provider next month. We haven't met before. She has stellar reviews although probably less than 10 total. She checked my references and we were good to schedule but she wants a 40% deposit. What would you do?  
 Now I have paid a deposit before to have a lady travel to me but I have never been asked to prepay for an outcall session. I decided to cancel only because it gave me a funny vibe. Too bad. She is a babe

JakeFromStateFarm185 reads

On her tits.  But sometimes on her ass.

I never used to ask for them until I got burned a bunch of times. Perfect example is last wk. I went to Nola, considered taking deposits for prebooking, decided against it. Had an awful personal experience with the trip and wanted to go home early but stayed to keep my committment to a client. He knew damn well that I stayed just for him and then cancelled 3 hrs before a morning appt. In the future I may have to consider deposits when touring.. not set on it but considering it.  

I never used to require deposits when booking an incall for someone until I got stuck with hotels several times. Now if a new client needs me to get a place then I ask for a small deposit (almost enough to cover the hotel), especially if they do not have strong references. If I'm already going to have an incall that day then I don't.  

I also ask for them when traveling more than an hour out of my way. Had to start doing that after driving 3 hrs to get stood up once.  

Also have to ask for a deposit for long dates unless it is an established client of mine then I don't. For me personally I take many hours to get ready and look my best, I buy new lingerie every few wks so a client never sees me in the same thing twice, make sure my nails are done, etc. Plus I usually have to factor in 30-45 min average drive each way because I live outside of the city a bit. Sometimes I even have to get a pet sitter. It all adds up. Time is money.  

Point being, I never wanted or expected to have to ask for deposits but after you invest so much time and $ into screening people and getting ready, blah, blah it really hurts when someone cancels or no shows. Especially if you have turned down other appts. If I have a 90 min booked and someone calls for a 3 hr I keep my committment to that 90 min appt because I still try to have some integrity in a shady biz. Imagine how bad that sucks for me when that person then doesn't follow thru!

Deposits are pretty commin practice for ladies who have been around long enough to have been burned a hundred different ways. I suggest booking with a lady who has a super solid reputation for not being flakey so that you will actually feel comfortable with giving it. For some ladies I know it's actually incentive for them to keep the appt instead of going out partying with their friends on a whim lol. ;)

Posted By: titan4x4

Quick question for the board. I was arranging a 3 hour rendezvous with a provider next month. We haven't met before. She has stellar reviews although probably less than 10 total. She checked my references and we were good to schedule but she wants a 40% deposit. What would you do?  
 Now I have paid a deposit before to have a lady travel to me but I have never been asked to prepay for an outcall session. I decided to cancel only because it gave me a funny vibe. Too bad. She is a babe

to see if she knows how to keep her appts.  

I wouldn't send a deposit that far in advance. Maybe a week at the most in case anything changes on his part or mine, which never happens with me.

I understand exactly why the honest ladies ask for deposits. I agree with their reasoning. It is not something I do unless you are new and requires a huge block of my time, possible big loss of money if you screw me over, or if I am unsure about a city while touring.

Even regulars sometimes cancel and leave us high and dry with expenses.

There is but a few times I would consider sending a gal a deposit and it always has to do with traveling far for me and extended time (the handful I am ever a client). I make sure the best I can that I can trust her not to screw me over by backchanneling. I have found that being in my position, I wasn't required to send a deposit but I did offer to. I have a lot to lose if I screw over a provider ie my business rep and she has a lot to lose if I get screwed over because she wouldn't like the shit storm I would cause if I paid and got nothing. So it's a very different situation coming from my hobbying.

Posted By: titan4x4

Quick question for the board. I was arranging a 3 hour rendezvous with a provider next month. We haven't met before. She has stellar reviews although probably less than 10 total. She checked my references and we were good to schedule but she wants a 40% deposit. What would you do?  
 Now I have paid a deposit before to have a lady travel to me but I have never been asked to prepay for an outcall session. I decided to cancel only because it gave me a funny vibe. Too bad. She is a babe

Dick_Enormis189 reads

Why would you schedule a 3 hour date with a provider you haven't met yet?  She might have stellar reviews, but that doesn't mean you two will hit it off.  If you don't, then it's going to be a very long 3 hour session.  Even if you ended the date early, you may not get some of your money back.  

I always schedule at least a 2 hour appointment. 3 hours if the lady intrigues me. I have never run into your scenario.

The three whole providers I have ever seen, I schedule 3 to 4 hrs... even the first time.

Of course I am pretty sure I do more research and get to know her better than most guys would ever think to do. So unless she is crabby that day, it is pretty unlikely that I wouldn't have a great time.

It also helps if you want a touring gal to come to your city. Booking a chunk of time is motivation to come see you.

Posted By: titan4x4
I always schedule at least a 2 hour appointment. 3 hours if the lady intrigues me. I have never run into your scenario.

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