TER General Board

I Do Notice That........................
Thundercloud 413 reads

a lot of the providers who advertise short stays are from other countries and who may be in the country illegally. Seems like the providers who are long stay or permanent are American citizens. If that is the case they are being sponsored by a handler and, I guess, told what to do having no say about the matter. I would figure that traveling every two or three days, from city to city, would not only be expensive but would waste time and be tiring. Traveling these days is no picnic even under the best of circumstances. I would also imagine that someone, who is only a short time in a location, would be made to see as many clients as possible in a short period of time. I would also think that these are the providers that are basically controlled by an illegal organization and not the many independent providers who are free to make their own decisions. It's just my take and may not be accurate as I am certainly not an expert on this subject.

So many of the providers state in there advertisements that they are "only here for a short time" or "only here for one night", etc. Why is that? Do they move from city to city that much and, if so, why? Is it to keep one step ahead of LE? Or, is it a ploy to get customers to hurry in so that they don't lose out? Kind of the "last day of the sale" gimmick? Possibly some of the providers can shed some light on this.

-- Modified on 6/26/2015 2:00:09 PM

I've decided that I'd like to try staying in more cities for shorter periods of time.  Some cities aren't busy enough to justify staying in too long.  You can see everyone who wants to meet with you in a couple of days.

Honestly, I think it really depends. There are many providers who have a huge following in their city because they have lived there and provided their services in that city and surrounding cities reliably for many years. In other cases I do see your point, just like "migrant farm workers" of California there seems to be a huge transient population of sex workers that sets up shop for a few days or months somewhere and then disappears into the oblivion or moves to another region. There are so many factors that lead to this including climate, economics of a city, rules and regulations dealing with prostitution laws and simply that certain cities like NYC offer bigger bucks for the same service.

I'm curious to see what others have to say..
Sitara Devi

Here are a few. I go to Atlanta to visit family around Christmas time. I book clients in the spare time I have and now I have regulars who want to see me when I visit. It pays for the trip and more. I go to Santa Fe at the end of every June to visit a friend and attend the opening night of the Santa Fe Opera. Again... pay for the trip and meet new people who visit Las Vegas (my home). Summers are hot in Vegas. Tourists don't play here in July and August as much. It's slow. It gives us a chance to get out of the heat and get a change of scenery. Personally, I love to travel, see new places. I have friends all over the U.S.... ladies I like to play with. We visit each other, have fun and make money. Many new friend-clients visit Vegas and I meet them again when they come here. I'm sure there are a thousand more reasons. Those are just some of mine.

Now, I can't speak on what anyone else does, but... at this point in my career, if you see me traveling, it's probably not specifically for this, it's just to pay for the flight and some drinks (I know, I know. Wasted opportunities).

For example, my friends birthday is coming up. She's never been on a plane and she's always wanted to go to New Orleans, so that's what we're doing! I can get there a day early, have a little fun while I wait for her, buy a little something from Trashy Diva, and avoid that little voice in the back of my head that comes from being raised by someone who went through the Great Depression. You know, the one that says "$42 for parking??? Back in my day you could by a HOUSE for that!! What the hell are you doing wasting money on something FUN??". I didn't say it was right, I'm just explaining, lol!

Or I'm visiting family and have a few hours free while they do something with the little kids and let's be serious. Everyone needs some stress relief in those situations, lol!

I'm sure there are other reasons that other ladies do it, but I'm pretty sure it mostly boils down to either testing the waters without making a huge initial investment, or flat out only having a day to play. From my experience, it's better to go for a multi-day trip if you want the tour to be lucrative, so I can't imagine it's anything other than being limited by something else, rather than a business decision in most situations.

Bob.Sugar616 reads

Was it macdaddy's grandma?  

She had a handle here known as macsGranny1879

That would have made her really really old when she raised you.  Unless you're older than your TER profile is stating?

Posted By: OhCharlie
Now, I can't speak on what anyone else does, but... at this point in my career, if you see me traveling, it's probably not specifically for this, it's just to pay for the flight and some drinks (I know, I know. Wasted opportunities).  
 For example, my friends birthday is coming up. She's never been on a plane and she's always wanted to go to New Orleans, so that's what we're doing! I can get there a day early, have a little fun while I wait for her, buy a little something from Trashy Diva, and avoid that little voice in the back of my head that comes from being raised by someone who went through the Great Depression. You know, the one that says "$42 for parking??? Back in my day you could by a HOUSE for that!! What the hell are you doing wasting money on something FUN??". I didn't say it was right, I'm just explaining, lol!  
 Or I'm visiting family and have a few hours free while they do something with the little kids and let's be serious. Everyone needs some stress relief in those situations, lol!  
 I'm sure there are other reasons that other ladies do it, but I'm pretty sure it mostly boils down to either testing the waters without making a huge initial investment, or flat out only having a day to play. From my experience, it's better to go for a multi-day trip if you want the tour to be lucrative, so I can't imagine it's anything other than being limited by something else, rather than a business decision in most situations.

Thank goodness, or some of the crotchety old farts on here would really get under my skin! ;-p

RichardBong348 reads

Are you always a fool like this? And where are all your usual 'tween' emoticons? If you're acting your age, about 15 I'd guess, how in the hell did you ever get on here?

-- Modified on 6/27/2015 4:58:23 PM

Certainly wasn't me. That costs extra... Pettiness over literally nothing...

Now you know you're doing something when fools only respond to your emoticon use. Calling me ole Hector 15 compared to 90% of these men folk on THIS board including you whomever you are I'm sure of it. Man, quit playin. Lol. Once again, take away the alias and talk or STFU. It won't matter if you use your real handle mature one or would it? Yes, holding my pinky finger up like Austin Powers at this very moment!!

It must matter to YOU. Lol. Smdh. Now let's talk about acting like one is 15 with that warrior child! Yes, I'm smarter than you and more than likely younger than you. Im not that young but still. Who the fuck cares but stupid old fuckers like YOU. The only way you would not think that her comment was funny is if you're an old fart who can't get over it!! This is Obvious by the way.  

Keep it coming!!!! ;) :) ;)  

I am many things, a fool will never be one. Can you say the same Alias Old Fart Warrior? STOP allowing your feelings to get hurt, which obviously is the case. Geeeez! Lol.

RichardBong490 reads

For someone you deem so unworthy? And what's up with the multi replies? Not smart enough to use the edit feature? You're such an easy simpleton.

Continue to say they are new to the business or the city and they really aren't.

There is one lady who posts a number of ads on TER in various cities and uses that term. After about a month, I consider that term very questionable regardless of how many reviews she has.

Many providers who drive will hit 3 cities that are 2-4 hours away, say like Jackson Miss. Memphis TN, and Little Rock AR. If their big money or the most days is in Arkansas, they will just make a one night stop in the other two cities to break that 8 hour drive they would have had just to Arkansas, so they want to make sure that the hotel is at least not out of pocket. They literally might only see one guy for an hour, and that's a rap on the pass through cities. When they get to the final destination, they might stay for 3-5 days, and repeat the pass through cities for one night on the way home.  

Posted By: Thundercloud
So many of the providers state in there advertisements that they are "only here for a short time" or "only here for one night", etc. Why is that? Do they move from city to city that much and, if so, why? Is it to keep one step ahead of LE? Or, is it a ploy to get customers to hurry in so that they don't lose out? Kind of the "last day of the sale" gimmick? Possibly some of the providers can shed some light on this.  

-- Modified on 6/26/2015 2:00:09 PM

Verification hassle. Besides, local talent is superb where I live so, no need.

a lot of the providers who advertise short stays are from other countries and who may be in the country illegally. Seems like the providers who are long stay or permanent are American citizens. If that is the case they are being sponsored by a handler and, I guess, told what to do having no say about the matter. I would figure that traveling every two or three days, from city to city, would not only be expensive but would waste time and be tiring. Traveling these days is no picnic even under the best of circumstances. I would also imagine that someone, who is only a short time in a location, would be made to see as many clients as possible in a short period of time. I would also think that these are the providers that are basically controlled by an illegal organization and not the many independent providers who are free to make their own decisions. It's just my take and may not be accurate as I am certainly not an expert on this subject.

I have often wondered when a girl puts up a "visiting" schedule, how they keep up with city after city after city.  Three days at the most in a single city.  Twelve cities in a month.  Perception of too much for me.  When I have indulged the girl seems tired and unfocused.

GaGambler687 reads

You are hardly an expert on the subject.

Do you have any fucking idea how many independent ladies tour?

You really need to STFU about things you have ZERO idea about what you are talking about.  

I realize that you are a "guest" in this country, but your guesses about how this shit works in this country is not only wrong, it's rather insulting much of the time.  

and just out of idle curiosity, on what basis did you come up with the conclusion that "traveling these days is no picnic even under the best of circumstances"??? Did you just pull that shit out of your ass, or is it based on some set of facts that you would like to share with the class? For the record you can travel between most major US cities for the about the price of a single one hour session. Would you please buy a clue, or would you like me to rent one for you?

Wow. What a helpful person you are. Has TER turned into a North Korean publication where one is jailed or executed for their thoughts? Providers must love you. Arrogant, inconsiderate, and know it all. Now, what makes you the expert all of a sudden? First thing, I'm not a guest in this country. My ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War. I'm a retired Lt. Commander and did tours in Vietnam. I was also hired as a consultant and spent two years in Iraq.  I don't need vulgarities to express myself. Anyone who uses vulgarities, especially in public or on a forum, is simply a zero class individual. If you can't be civil then then, please, just refrain from responding to what I post. I don't want to hear it, OK?

Posted By: GaGambler
You are hardly an expert on the subject.  
 Do you have any fucking idea how many independent ladies tour?  
 You really need to STFU about things you have ZERO idea about what you are talking about.  
 I realize that you are a "guest" in this country, but your guesses about how this shit works in this country is not only wrong, it's rather insulting much of the time.  
 and just out of idle curiosity, on what basis did you come up with the conclusion that "traveling these days is no picnic even under the best of circumstances"??? Did you just pull that shit out of your ass, or is it based on some set of facts that you would like to share with the class? For the record you can travel between most major US cities for the about the price of a single one hour session. Would you please buy a clue, or would you like me to rent one for you?

GaGambler383 reads

and you have been making some very stupid assumptions here for months, qualifying a statement by "I don't claim to be an expert" doesn't make a stupid statement less stupid. Especially a statement as insulting as the one/s you've made.

so let me ask again, do you have any idea just how many independent ladies tour?

and of course any "organization" that deals in prostitution in this country is by definition an "illegal one" that doesn't mean they are shipping girls against their will, it just means that they are breaking the law, and for the record, so are YOU!!!

and I suppose you don't plan on answering my other question about traveling today being no picnic. Just what is so hard about traveling "today"? Lots of people jump on planes a couple of times a week for work. Are they being trafficked too?

RichardBong225 reads

You thought you'd toss it out anyways? Perfect. As far as your military service, I learned long ago those that talk the most often really have the least to talk about.

So why don't you spend your posting quota (lol) saying that exact same thing to the mofos who really need to hear that on this board. I got some names for you if you're blind. Stop being a hypocrite and a dumbass Rich. Stop stealing my words too fucker!!! You know of what I speak. Smdh!!! Lol.

I don't know whether you are directing this reply to me or to someone else. The reason that I included my military career is that this Gambler guy insinuated that I was not a foreigner. All I was doing was responding in kind with facts. I was not trying to prove anything. Is being a Naval Officer something to be ashamed of these days?  

Posted By: RichardBong
You thought you'd toss it out anyways? Perfect. As far as your military service, I learned long ago those that talk the most often really have the least to talk about.

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