TER General Board

I did try googling for it-- but you know how many hits you get for redhead?
hiddenguy 9139 reads
1 / 54

I can tell there is a very strong california contingent on this board with all the talk about seeing your counselor.
we folks in the heartland and the south just tough it out without all this counselor crap.

frankie2003a 3660 reads
2 / 54

And what of the folks in the south who can't tough it out?
Be it marriage problems, drug or alocohol addiction.

Based on your bassackwards point of view people will live
their lives trapped in some twilight zone of not knowing
how to fix their lives.

Nothing wrong with asking for help.  It can never hurt and
can usually help.

dude out

mr.ed 14 Reviews 3436 reads
3 / 54

That's why you insane wackjobs keep voting like insane wackjobs.  You need help!

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 4701 reads
4 / 54

I believe this thread falls into the following category that is listed on the Dicussion Boards homepage:

"Please don't post anything that is simply being mean, uses foul language, or that gives out sensitive information about someone. These posts will be deleted."

Baliff...whack his pee-pee!

mr.ed 14 Reviews 3662 reads
5 / 54

-- Modified on 1/4/2005 5:50:10 PM

Avsfan04 10 Reviews 4459 reads
6 / 54

I'm from the heartland myself.  Seeing a counselor shows you're man enough to admit you need help.

LVP 2 Reviews 3482 reads
8 / 54

Call me silly but I never expected to see that kind of post on this board. Bible study did I miss the sarcasm.

Lex Luethor 3489 reads
9 / 54

If so, I might try it.

LA woman 3706 reads
10 / 54

we wouldnt have an idiot for a President.

-- Modified on 1/4/2005 8:51:44 PM

GLisHJ 3008 reads
11 / 54
WhatTheHeck 4807 reads
12 / 54
Jockeypants 22 Reviews 3379 reads
13 / 54

I'm hoping for a follow-up meeting.

She's a very very skilled therapist.  And there was a Bible in the drawer next to the bed which I studied after she left, searching for the right words to describe the experience.

Jockeypants 22 Reviews 4161 reads
14 / 54

for missing your golf date or ski weekend.

-- Modified on 1/4/2005 8:01:55 PM

zinaval 7 Reviews 3802 reads
16 / 54

I thought I bookmarked it, but it's gone!!


zinaval 7 Reviews 3002 reads
17 / 54

Nevertheless, just be informed that your life is the only thing that you will ever have.  If it were a dream, would it put you to sleep?  If you saw it on the television, would you want to change the channel?  

If after you died, you were dead for a million years, only to come back to life and relive it, would you want to die again?  

BTW, if you don't like all this talk of counseling, there are a lot of city boards in the south you can go to.  Find them too uninteresting?


-- Modified on 1/4/2005 9:34:20 PM

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 4547 reads
19 / 54

Now where can I get *my* degree and a license to practice thereapy?
Or should I just get ordained and become a spiritual councelor?
Your story is truely an inspiration!

Jockeypants 22 Reviews 3297 reads
20 / 54

very relgious gifts...  Put your Soul in Sola & under the Sol & Luna you shall be sanctified.  Amen.

I wrote the whole story in the review marked REDHEAD

-- Modified on 1/4/2005 9:08:08 PM

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 2745 reads
22 / 54
Anneke See my TER Reviews 4930 reads
23 / 54

What I'm wondering is how this thread ever got started in the first place. Moderator...were you bored?

I love TER. Never a dull moment.

loverofwomen 3 Reviews 3974 reads
24 / 54

I once believed as you do; that people with problems should just pull themselves together and get a life; that seeing a counselor was a waste of time and money and that being depressed was just another term for whining.  During my life, I've endured everything from bankruptcy to being shot, and after each crisis I'd pick myself up, dust myself off, and move on.

Then my wife died.

If I had not had the good fortune to be treated by both a psychiatrist and a psychologist, I'm confident I'd be dead now.  Until you're hit with true, clinical depression, you can have no idea of the empty blackness that surrounds you day and night, and the utter inability you feel to even lift a finger to help yourself.

Today, I'm among the living.  I'm off medication, and see my psychologist about three times a year.  I'm functioning at a level as high or higher than I was when my wife was alive, and while I'd never have believed it possible, I'm actually happy.

And I live on the east coast.

-- Modified on 1/4/2005 9:20:09 PM

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 4155 reads
26 / 54

Oh my oh my!
I'd thought it would be an early night tonight, now I'm not sleepy at all... Whatever shall I do now?

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 2888 reads
28 / 54

WHEN will they ever come out with that teleportation thing?!?

Jockeypants 22 Reviews 3945 reads
29 / 54
stilltryin25 16 Reviews 3335 reads
32 / 54

There is a lot to be said for living in frigid weather or having counseling available. But life is broad, so to each his, or her, own.

stilltryin25 16 Reviews 3097 reads
33 / 54

was freely stated. Relish that, even when it irritates you.

zinaval 7 Reviews 3349 reads
34 / 54

It does rate as a good point in this thread, though.  If you never need a counselor, why would you need a sex therapist/provider?


-- Modified on 1/4/2005 10:23:27 PM

zinaval 7 Reviews 4165 reads
35 / 54

Twin cities is the part I couldn't remember.  I kept thinking Minneapolis...


TheMealTicket 2836 reads
36 / 54
TheMealTicket 5112 reads
37 / 54

Yes, this is the famous Seattle troll under the Aurora Bridge. and yes that is a VW bug!  :)

-- Modified on 1/4/2005 10:27:15 PM

cheesewiz 1 Reviews 3874 reads
38 / 54

I had a long list of insults but thanks to my sensitivity training, I'll pass :-)...

PS. Do you teach your kids to swim by throwing them into a swimming pool?

femaleartist See my TER Reviews 2911 reads
39 / 54

Negative Generalities are many times showing either a lack of information, prejudice, or down right ignorance (refusal to learn)
As a southerner born and raised I have also seen a counselor and it has nothing to do with geographic location just being able to recognize in one's self a need for some outside help and perspective. That our some members of our society feel that one should be stigmatized for admitting to themself (and others) that they are not infalible is in my oppinion a greater weekness in those whome look negatively apon one whom has asked for help.

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 3876 reads
40 / 54

Funny thing, I used to visit a counselor right near that troll.  I love to visit it!

-- Modified on 1/5/2005 2:55:57 AM

-- Modified on 1/5/2005 2:56:18 AM

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 3298 reads
41 / 54
bobb3950 8 Reviews 4590 reads
43 / 54

Oh, Anneke;

I would love to provide you with some other form of late night entertainment... WINK.

See ya, sweetie.

Just my opinion...

TheMealTicket 3824 reads
45 / 54

Thanks Sola.

I think it is time to cruise down to Fremont and launch the rocket and look at Lenin again.  :)

After all, it IS the Center of the Universe!

I hope you have a great year!


bobb3950 8 Reviews 3742 reads
46 / 54

Great post, LOW.

LOW and I have comunicated with each other about this.

I too, am in a situation.
My wife of 28 years has Alzheimers.
It's a family thing, her Grandmother died from , her mother has it and now her, she is 51.

While things are ok now, the future is not so bright.
I seem to have 10-20 years of waiting and worrying about each little "lapse".
And I have serious concerns about our children develpoing this terrible disease.

I have not seen any counselors, yet, because I find my solace in some of the beautiful ladies of this community.
They are my confidants, my counselors, my friends.
They offer compassion, caring, friendship, understanding and allow me to vent, and rant.
They also give me an arm to lean on and a shoulder to cry on when necessary.
And for that I am, and will forever be, eternally grateful.
These few ladies know who they are and for one in particular, know that I treasure your friendship above all else.

Just my opinion...

GLisHJ 4262 reads
47 / 54
frankie2003a 3144 reads
48 / 54

This especially holds true when the original poster doesn't
respond to every response that is posted (as is so often
done on the Political board).

BTW, that's a great picture.

luv`nlife 5 Reviews 3001 reads
49 / 54

Female this comment isn't directed at you and it's late in this game but you gave me the opportunity to post as a follow-up.  I completely agree with what you said about negative generalities but it applies in all directions too.  Funny how the comebacks found a way to take a swipe at southerners, midwesterners and republicans.  Anyone want to add a few more stereotypes to the thread?

VonRyan 15 Reviews 3230 reads
50 / 54

if one needs "therapy" outside of TER's "shock"...lol

then whatever keeps their boat afloat and to make it stabile when seas are rough.

Just as long as one who seeks counsel understands...

Counselors can be a good thing just as long as the counselor don't need counseling...


So...be sure to ask where they got their watch from and if they still believe in Santa?


-- Modified on 1/5/2005 9:15:01 AM

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2669 reads
51 / 54

not based in fact.  There are plenty of counselors and therapists who work in the "heartland" and the South...just check the yellow pages there...so the statement is not only bogus, it is so obviously false that it serves no other purpose than to instigate.  If the poster truly feels that there is a noticable difference in the general social outlooks of the regions in question, it could have been phrased without the slam on So Cal.  Even a certain inappropriately named individual on the political board (I know you are aware who I am referring to) who regularly used to post inflammatory threads had them based in "some" fact.  This thread was intentionally stated just to instigate, and therefore is unnecessary, and what I consider "mean".  

Your patience goes farther than mine, 25, and obviously GND agrees with you, as the thread was left up, and I have to admit some of the responses were worth it, but the reason I generally stay on the National board now and shun the political board anymore is to avoid the constant acrimony that is present there.  It eventually saps my strength to the point where I cannot absorb the valid points that are made.

I relish freedom...but too much of anything isn't a good thing.  Even freedom.

TheMealTicket 5574 reads
53 / 54
MfSD 39 Reviews 3899 reads
54 / 54

"can tell there is a very strong california contingent on this board with all the talk about seeing your counselor.
we folks in the heartland and the south just tough it out without all this counselor crap."

Frankly, I don't think you could recognize shit from shinola, much less the composition of, or a contigent on this board. MfSD>>>>

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