TER General Board

I did KK?
TaylorSteele 853 reads

How so lol?

The gentlemen I see regularly don't seem to have a problem with my attitude in fact they think I'm a doll lol. the only people who seem to have a problem with me on the planet are the people on the general discussion board of TER lol. Why? I have absolutely no idea lol

And you are 100% correct ...attitude is absolutely everything. ;)

Posted By: keystonekid
in her mouth.  Attitude has a lot to do with performance and I for one, value performance over appearance, at least by a little bit.  I much prefer to spend my hard earned $$$ on ladies who might have an 8 in appearance but a 9 or 10 (if that is possible) in performance.  As long as Jr. gets a rise, the rest can happen naturally.


I know some providers have SO/spouses. Those providers who know someone in this situation, do you feel most of the SO/spouses know what is going on? Is hobbying on the sly? How prevalent is this situation? Is it difficult to hide from a regular client?

Actually, guess just not bringing it up is the best course of action?

For those guys in the same situation. Do you discuss your situation when chatting with the provider? I have been having a very difficult and unsuccessful time not making any reference/innuendo implying I am attached. How do providers feel about attached clients? Does that make us schmucks

If married guys didn't fuck around, these girls wouldn't make a living.  And why do you care if she has an SO who knows or doesn't know?  None of your business.

No. I will not be sharing with him 'this' part of my life. I was doing this long before I met him (which is very recent) and it was a complete fluke we met at all. It's far too soon in the relationship to even think about sharing such a thing for me personally as we are just feeling each other out. I certainly hadn't planned on meeting anyone, nor was I looking and I don't know if 'that' time will ever present itself. If it ever does. Being this is all new to me personally, choosing to combine the two worlds now that I'm a part of it for the first time is an interesting dynamic indeed. And certainly a different viewpoint when you have feelings for another while still 'here'. Taking it day by day I think is all you really can do in new relationships, whether you're a part of this world or not. I only see one or two gents per month as it is, so for me, it' only matter of those one or two, not twenty or thirty lol.  

Don't talk about anything you're not comfortable with would be my suggestion...with anyone.  


Walking that line is tough...or so I hear  ;)

Posted By: _Taylor_
No. I will not be sharing with him 'this' part of my life. I was doing this long before I met him (which is very recent) and it was a complete fluke we met at all. It's far too soon in the relationship to even think about sharing such a thing for me personally as we are just feeling each other out. I certainly hadn't planned on meeting anyone, nor was I looking and I don't know if 'that' time will ever present itself. If it ever does. Being this is all new to me personally, choosing to combine the two worlds now that I'm a part of it for the first time is an interesting dynamic indeed. And certainly a different viewpoint when you have feelings for another while still 'here'. Taking it day by day I think is all you really can do in new relationships, whether you're a part of this world or not. I only see one or two gents per month as it is, so for me, it' only matter of those one or two, not twenty or thirty lol.  
 Don't talk about anything you're not comfortable with would be my suggestion...with anyone.  

No. LOL. Why? Are you jealous?  

T. ;)


Is there a valid reason you only 'appear' on the board when I post?  


If you'd check you'd find that's harly the case, though you wish. But you are an easy target.

They will be nice and talk to you but they don't give a shit if you are attached or not.  OKAY, I am stretching a bit, they may actually like that you are attached b/c it means two things:  (1) less likely to become a stalker;  and (2) you have something to lose.

There is nothing to 'hide' a lot of us are attached and the ladies know it.

Interesting way to put it Pangloss lol.  

But you are correct, I know I could care less if you're attached, not attached, however you define that for yourself. I have found my best connections are with married men. Not all but a higher percentage. They seem to 'understand' this a bit more and be a bit less dramatic in setting something up. Lemme repeat...A bit. And some more than others lol. And some, good gracious how they are even married is beyond me lol.  


in her mouth.  Attitude has a lot to do with performance and I for one, value performance over appearance, at least by a little bit.  I much prefer to spend my hard earned $$$ on ladies who might have an 8 in appearance but a 9 or 10 (if that is possible) in performance.  As long as Jr. gets a rise, the rest can happen naturally.

How so lol?

The gentlemen I see regularly don't seem to have a problem with my attitude in fact they think I'm a doll lol. the only people who seem to have a problem with me on the planet are the people on the general discussion board of TER lol. Why? I have absolutely no idea lol

And you are 100% correct ...attitude is absolutely everything. ;)


Posted By: keystonekid
in her mouth.  Attitude has a lot to do with performance and I for one, value performance over appearance, at least by a little bit.  I much prefer to spend my hard earned $$$ on ladies who might have an 8 in appearance but a 9 or 10 (if that is possible) in performance.  As long as Jr. gets a rise, the rest can happen naturally.

She calls the Philly guy names for continuing to see the local ladies. funny thing is I love Philly and even though I only go now 1-2xs a year, I manage to meet some really cool guys there.

-- Modified on 4/8/2015 2:44:10 PM

that means alot coming from you.  

Don't think about me as your fucking #116 ;)

T xoxoxoxoxox

The general rule of thumb is that only 10% of guys write a review.

Does that make you "high volume" since it would seem you've seen nearly 200 dudes in a couple of years.

Sheesh...that's a lot of dick  LOL

Posted By: _Taylor_
that means alot coming from you.  
 Don't think about me as your fucking #116 ;)  
 T xoxoxoxoxox

but no, not even close. Nice try crankypants. A bit grumpy I see these days and quite the lurker...don't worry tax season is almost over. You could always pay a nice lady and get laid to bring a pretty smile back to that face ;)

T. xoxoxoxoxox (to you too)

(forgot to add...does that mean he's fucked close to 1300 women then (according to your percentages lol)???  
ya know gents don't write reviews for all the ladies they see either ;)

-- Modified on 4/8/2015 2:47:41 PM

You should ask USG that question...I don't know if he reviews everyone he sees.

If he has seen 1300+...God bless  LOL

If that's the case you'll just need a couple more years here to catch him  ;)

Posted By: _Taylor_
but no, not even close. Nice try crankypants. A bit grumpy I see these days and quite the lurker...don't worry tax season is almost over. You could always pay a nice lady and get laid to bring a pretty smile back to that face ;)  
 T. xoxoxoxoxox (to you too)  
 (forgot to add...does that mean he's fucked close to 1300 women then (according to your percentages lol)???  
 ya know gents don't write reviews for all the ladies they see either ;)

-- Modified on 4/8/2015 2:47:41 PM

and everyone else here, but only 'I' know the true # lol. And I'm good with that.  

As far as Mr. Grant, he's not a very big fan of mine lol, so no I'd rather not ask him. Can you? He'll get angry again lol and I really don't like making people angry or sad. That's not my thang lol  

As far as 'catching' him...no thank you. Why? Is he a good catch?


Feel free to talk to me not him. No worries on being #116. Rarely do I see ladies over 55. To each his own I guess.

Tricks bash hookers so why not the other way round? She knows what she is doing and as for me,  I can bash away because this tag has nothing to do with my work name. Maybe it's her way of getting rid of the ca ca underfoot.  

-- Modified on 4/8/2015 1:53:23 PM

'he' like many others have NO IDEA of the Johns 'I' see ;)

Not sure why they are so intent on thinking they are bashing my biz LOL. Couldn't be farther from the horse's patoot haha

Does give me a good giggle day in and day out to see them try though.  

They are quite the go-getters aren't they? If only they put this much effort into doing something positive for the world instead ;) Imagine.....................

-- Modified on 4/8/2015 3:18:01 PM

you're here under an alias, she's not.  So you're right that nothing you say is able to hurt your business. Minnie, OTOH..........Look, there are a lot of guys who don't use this site or read the board, and I get that.  But as for those who do, she's got a pretty odd way of drumming up business.

I don't 'drum' up business here. Get it????????????? Yet?????????????

Good lord, do I have to hit you over the head with a 2x4 before any of you board boys get it. God damn. I'm starting to worry. And I'm the 'dumb' one. (rolling eyes lol) But it sure has been fun playing with you on here making you look.......welll I'm sure you can fill in the blank Nickster.  

Why are you all so 'worried' about me and my biz is what I'd LOVE to know. Do tell? Please....

Just let it go. It doesn't concern you on any level. Trust me.  


Posted By: inicky46
you're here under an alias, she's not.  So you're right that nothing you say is able to hurt your business. Minnie, OTOH..........Look, there are a lot of guys who don't use this site or read the board, and I get that.  But as for those who do, she's got a pretty odd way of drumming up business.
-- Modified on 4/8/2015 3:25:14 PM

when you claimed way back when that you don't see anyone from the boards.  For example, you have reviews from MasterZen, LovetoDaty, Spartan and FatElvis, all of whom post on the boards. And I've also been told by several guys how you exchanged PMs with them, quite anxious to see them.  And they had no reason to lie to me about it.
Anyway, I have no desire to argue with you about it.  You'll just make a fool of yourself as usual and I'll get bored.  I was talking to h+t, not you.  She may be a MHB but at least she's smart.
PS: I didn't say you drum up business here.  Quite the opposite.  Your reading skills are poor.


Posted By: inicky46
when you claimed way back when that you don't see anyone from the boards.  For example, you have reviews from MasterZen, LovetoDaty, Spartan and FatElvis, all of whom post on the boards. And I've also been told by several guys how you exchanged PMs with them, quite anxious to see them.  And they had no reason to lie to me about it.  
 Anyway, I have no desire to argue with you about it.  You'll just make a fool of yourself as usual and I'll get bored.  I was talking to h+t, not you.  She may be a MHB but at least she's smart.  
 PS: I didn't say you drum up business here.  Quite the opposite.  Your reading skills are poor.

Complete with all-caps yelling, reverting to your "stay the fuck away from me" line after stalking me and accusing me of "checking up" on you, after catching you in a bald-faced lie.  Are you aware you have reviews here and all I had to do was click on them?  Checking up?  Hardly.
You are out of your damn mind, Minnie.  Get a grip.

It sure didn't take much for this Tardlor meltdown did it? Pitiful.

I actually haven't been 'here' for about a year now. If you honestly think I was going to let you (and others) enjoy bashing my business again like you enjoyed a little too much last year....you're fucking crazy.

And let me tell you something else...it only goes to show one thing....that there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH ME no matter how much you tried to twist and turn everything around the way you did day in and day out and still continue to. You and your sick obsession. However, it speaks VOLUMES for the kind of jaded people on this site and what they will do to people for their own selfish reasons, whatever they are. You are at the head of the class I'm afraid in that division...you and your twisted lil buddies here (including women) ...you follow suit very nicely.  

It's so fucked up it's not even funny. And what speaks volumes is that even after the fact...Taylor as you knew/know her, STILL got business and rave reviews when I wasn't even LOOKING for business here. If that doesn't say something about who 'I' really am, then I don't know what does. It does however tell us who you are...explicitly to a T. And what 'really' goes on here.  

The obsession is over Nick So let it go, once and for all.

It means I did not click on the post above and have no interest in what you're trying to say.  Got it?

I am actually some place where people act like human beings to one another. As in nice, cordial, pump each other UP not down continually to make themselves feel better out of their own insecurities. It is a place where there are no reviews, no grading of women like we are prime beef, no backchannelling of lies and bullshit from one guy (and girl) to another.

It's a place you will NEVER find cause you and most here would NEVER fit in. Got it?

Posted By: inicky46
It means I did not click on the post above and have no interest in what you're trying to say.  Got it?

are you reading and posting on TER?

And denying you know Rod Tidwell after he white knighted for you is just plain mean! I'm sure he's softly sobbing in his pillow after reading what you wrote.

Some hookers just feel like telling it how it is for them and letting the chips or should I say tricks fall where they may.

Easy to find where anyone advertises.  There are so many tools to find anyone.

Even handles like yours leave a trail.

And if someone really has too much time on their hands...well, you get the picture.

As for assuming where TS gets her business...it's an open book.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Some hookers just feel like telling it how it is for them and letting the chips or should I say tricks fall where they may.

that they "understand " this a bit more  and can be less dramatic when scheduling, I totally agree with that statement.
 Less drama, more money, quicker at the sessions, No otc, no tryin to stay over for a grand, for an entire 24 hours, aagh, the single ones have too much time to kill for me!

If most of you guys were not married, I would have no business lol. I have built up a great rapport with many of my clients. All of them are in a sexless marriage. No touching, no rubbing, not even looking at their husband's privates (one of them starting shaving down stairs and I asked what will your wife think when she sees you suddenly starting grooming that area and he responded, she doesn't even look at it) yet these men still want and need loving and affection so that visit us. :) I am more than happy to assist (wink) so if you are married and seeking attention, for a hour or two, then I came help you. Your status is unimportant to me as we are not starting a dating relationship. I won't ask you to leave your wife/so/however but I will be here for you when you need me to. :)  

As far as info, I just need to know that you will not rob/hurt/arrest me. Then we are all good to go.

Sad but probably true.  I once posted that if I ever have the opportunity to enter into long-term relationship, I would want it to be with a lady from the hobby.   Many reasons:  not hung-up about sex; probably understand how important the physical aspect is to a guy; the ability to be honest and say "this is who I am, this is what I have done," and not be judged for it.   Of course, everybody thought that where I was going with that was having a relationship in which I was permitted to play but that is not necessarily where I was going.

It amazes me how such a basic thing in a relationship is allowed to fall by the wayside.   I know in my case I can't complain of being in a sexless marriage, not yet, my issue is that I am always the pursuer.   I feel secure that I am loved and adored but I don't feel sexually desired - once in a while, I am thrown a bone with a nice comment but it is not enough, and I should say that I am not exactly insecure.   A guy I may be, but I also need to feel wanted, I like to see some interest.  Oh well.....

Your experience rings true for a lot of people. Somewhere between work, kids, laundry, dinner, clening up and life in general we seem to give up on a basic act that in the end meets not only a physical need but a mental one as well. I for one love sex and having with new parnters is a real turn on for me. To feel basic lust (so to speak) is very exciting for me! Whether we get it from out parnters (if you have one) or from someone else it is a need that most people need to have met.  

Posted By: Pangloss
Sad but probably true.  I once posted that if I ever have the opportunity to enter into long-term relationship, I would want it to be with a lady from the hobby.   Many reasons:  not hung-up about sex; probably understand how important the physical aspect is to a guy; the ability to be honest and say "this is who I am, this is what I have done," and not be judged for it.   Of course, everybody thought that where I was going with that was having a relationship in which I was permitted to play but that is not necessarily where I was going.  
 It amazes me how such a basic thing in a relationship is allowed to fall by the wayside.   I know in my case I can't complain of being in a sexless marriage, not yet, my issue is that I am always the pursuer.   I feel secure that I am loved and adored but I don't feel sexually desired - once in a while, I am thrown a bone with a nice comment but it is not enough, and I should say that I am not exactly insecure.   A guy I may be, but I also need to feel wanted, I like to see some interest.  Oh well.....

IMO, there's no reason to discuss or divulge anything at all about your life. I told one lady I was a waffle iron repairman and spent the entire relationship acting like how I thought such a guy would act. I tell some that I'm married, others that I'm engaged, some that I'm nursing a broken heart, and even when I skirt close to the "truth" and tell them I'm single I don't elaborate about what that means. During screening they get whatever information they need, the rest is my own fantasy to makeup for the most intriguing and intense session. I doubt if they disclose much about themselves.

Actually, it makes it easier to be emotionally honest during the session.

The trick is to convey what you want without actually lying. Getting to know someone during a session has to do with discovering their energy and dynamics and "personality" not jawing about personal history.

And as far as the other way around? Just keep different aspects of life separate. They are separate after all.

GaGambler876 reads

I suppose it's pretty harmless as far a lies go, but if you don't consider it a lie, I can only wonder just how "untrue" a statement needs to be before you consider it a lie?

-- Modified on 4/8/2015 9:31:39 AM

Well, the idea occurred to me when my own waffle iron went on the fritz and I discovered the insulated wire had gotten frayed somehow so I fiddled and tinkered around, cut and stripped the wires and reconnected it to the plug. I thought, there aren't any shops I knew of that repaired waffle irons and maybe if I opened one I could get whatever business there might be. Of course, there wouldn't be much business, and most times I would just suggest they buy a new one. Say for $80 plus $150 for shipping and handling. Handling would include going out and finding an $80 waffle iron. So...in a sense I became a waffle iron repairman for a brief time. What is a waffle iron repairman other than a guy repairing a waffle iron?

Regarding providers and their SO, it isn't your concern. She is the one hiding what they do or not. It is between them. I known what my wife does at the brothel and am fine with it. Other women may be hiding it. That is between them and not your concern. Just like your relationship with your SO is not hers. You didn't make an promises to her SO, and she made none to yours.  

Now to answer your questions. I know, but at first I didn't. I feel most know as it is much harder to hide a career than a hobby. Please note some are hiding it, and even if they aren't they may not be wanting their clients knowing about their personal life. Respect that. As to how common it is, it isn't rare or even uncommon , but it isn't likely the norm. Open relationships take work. Many men just can't handle it, he'll many providers wouldn't want such a relationship.

Do I talk to pros about my marriage, yes if the topic comes up. I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of. Plus in doubles it is hard not to talk about my wife as she is joining us. Most providers assume many of their clients have an SO. Some prefer they do as they feel they are less likely go all stalker on them. Talk about your SO or not the choice is yours, you are paying her to provide companionship talk about what you will. Providers don't care that you have an SO.

a client contacts me and in his FIRST email, or as soon as we meet eachother, he has a disclaimer:  I see escorts because there's not enough action at home.  I choose to see women this way rather than having an affair and going though divorce which would disrupt the wellbeing of my children."

I always tell them that I am literally the last one to judge, but I think they say it for their own conscience, not mine.  :--)

Interesting. So, your wife joins you sometimes.  I will have to start another topic

My wife and I enjoy an open relationship with some rules. She is bi and enjoys pussy as well as dick. Between me and her job she gets lots of dick, but not so much pussy. So she joins me from time to time and on occasion sees a provider on her own.

I'm married, and I dont discuss my marriage. I feel like that's my personal business and I would never ask any personal questions either. I have worn my wedding ring in the session and no one's ever asked.  

I don't really care if a provider has a spouse or SO and I don't care to really hear about it either. This fantastic hobby does get addicting, but I try to make sure the lines aren't getting crossed.

expertiamator643 reads

Do they have a pimp? Who really answers their emails? How much information remains ( all of it in case you weren't aware ) about our sessions and email communications? How safe is my electronic communication given everything is IP saved and when a pro flips will she give up everyone in her book ( ABSOLUTELY. ) It gets worse if you want it to. For example a provider has her account hijacked by another provider who contacts and solicits me ( you ) let alone has total detailed notes of your activities, preferences and potentially personal data that could be problematic. Fortunately there are laws that protect us from blackmail and extortion but having had a taste it is unpleasant even in victory.

We all have personal lives and I do discuss mine to a point. I don't care if a hobbyist is married or not or, wants to discuss his personal life with me.  That is totally up to him and I don't judge people for that either way. We are all here for an escape from reality so if they don't want to think about their personal life during out time together we don't. It is just that simple for me!


I woke up this AM thinking I would delete this post. But here has been some great takes on this issue.

I am not an actor, I can not keep portraying a fake life. I am basically a truthful and honest person. I was just getting tired and stressed out when asked about how my month or weekend has gone, to keep the answer truthful, yet filtered and found myself saying "WE" did this, etc. When these slipped out i became even more stressed out and we all know stress and sex usually do not result in happy endings.

Yes, I have heard that some providers like more mature gentlemen because they are in a more stable relationships, with family and will most likely not be that stalker.

On the flip, when a provider is saying "a friend" and I ....... And I am almost certain it is a SO/spouse, I was wondering if I should say, hey, if it's a SO/Spouse, I am cool with that. Or if I should just ignore it and keep asking what she and "her friend" did over the holidays, summer, weekend... etc.

On another take, my foray into hobbying was to see what might sexually "work" for me. Shrinks are no fun.... LOL. Now that I have seen several providers, some multiple time (to increase comfort level), I feel, that this may not have been the route to take. But, I DO love the intimacy of the visit. I DO love the view of a beautiful woman fondling, sucking, rubbing me, even if I don't pop. I know some providers REALLY get into sex, and then that adds more stress on me, because I can't perform...

Oh, well, maybe I'll figure it out one day

thinking about this way too much IMO. Why not just enjoy it for what 'it' is and nothing more. You are obviously here seeking something and if that something is working, then just go with it. Now if it's not, then I would question it and maybe there's a different underlying meaning there you should dive into.  

I know for me now being in these shoes, it's a different perspective, element if you will. I hadn't let anyone near me with a 10' pole to fill that part of me as the woman I am ....but it feels good...so I'm going with it lol. However, I'm not about to change my life around for him anytime soon and don't feel I should have to. Last time I did that for a guy look where I ended up lol. ;)

Anyhow, I am one like most here, who whether in a relationship or not enjoys variety and meeting new people. I love it in fact. I don't think it's natural for me to be with just 'one' guy. I enjoy physical intimacy with many different kinds of guys. I will say though, that because that 'other' part of me is being somewhat fulfilled now, I have no doubt my encounters will be even that much more intense with whomever I do meet with. But I guess I've just become that much more selective on who I choose to let in lol (in more ways than one lol).  

Enjoy and don't try to figure it out. You'll exhaust yourself lol. Do what your heart tells you to do and not the mind so much and you will be better for it. We all 'think' too much sometimes and I think it's always better to 'feel'.  


-- Modified on 4/8/2015 4:39:38 AM

have the best of 'both' worlds at the same time.  

Good luck to you SC.  


Posted By: SCBodyRub
 I know some providers have SO/spouses. Those providers who know someone in this situation, do you feel most of the SO/spouses know what is going on? Is hobbying on the sly? How prevalent is this situation? Is it difficult to hide from a regular client?  
 Actually, guess just not bringing it up is the best course of action?  
 For those guys in the same situation. Do you discuss your situation when chatting with the provider? I have been having a very difficult and unsuccessful time not making any reference/innuendo implying I am attached. How do providers feel about attached clients? Does that make us schmucks?  

They are always in a rush on breaks from work ect.

The single guys can tend to want otc and by end the week your falling short.
I prefer honestly married guys that dont want to get to know me. Dont pry.
Come in and out in a reasonable amount of time and consume less mental energy.

I prefer married guys with an agenda personally.
They are easier. I had few weeks ago a single bachelor here. He requested thqt extra hour i guess i owed him from 2012.
     But gave me three hun for hour.
Nice guy but we were together four hours that night.
For three hun.
I can get caught up in tryin to hard and bein a good host but i end up exhausted and fall behind when every appt goes this way.

I tend to sometimes just want those business guys that l be in and out fast and then i can actually make some serious dough.
Instead scrapin along becoming all these old single guys buddies and wearin myself out mentally.

The married guys i personally prefer for doing business with . itss for me .means i will make more ..........they come and just want the appt. They dont wanna stay and talk after about random things.

I think the otc socializing with every john that comes to see me wears me out more than the actual appts.
I love people but to certain extant having an hour dialogue with every appt after every session. By the end the week I am craving silence more than life itself!

I know last week and I did ten appts in six days.
      Every one managed to get in and out in reasonable times. Which is really ideally how i like business to run.
Its not fun having to remind them fifteen times they gotta go now. That sucks the life outta me those kindsa appts.

-- Modified on 4/8/2015 4:31:50 PM

Sorry, I am not one to walk in with a woody wanting release. I need time to chat to unwind... By the same token, I AM time conscious and NEVER want to overstay my welcome and have no issue chatting on my time/dime. Then again, that part of my brain that wants to know the time, so I don't intrude, also interferes with me being able to "enjoy" the session. So it is a two way street.

My local ATF, texted me to discuss my postings.. She also said, I am in my head too much. I totally agree. I have never had someone tell me my time is over, more than once.

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